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� � <br /> a9— ias3�.2 <br /> � If Lender requirec� mortga�e insurancc as a condition of muki�g thc laan secured by this Security lnstrument, <br /> Botrower sfiAfl Pay i�e praniutas rcynired to maintain the insurance in et�ect unti)such timc as the requirement Por thc <br /> insurRncetermin�tes in�ecuttla�ee with BQnawer's and Lender's written agreement or�pplicable law. <br /> 8. l�tttlon, LeriQtr ar its agent may mskr resson�ble entcies upon and insExctians of!he PropettX. Lender <br /> shsll give Borrower notice at tht time o�'ar priar to an inspection sptcifj�ing reasonable cause for the inspecteon. <br /> 4. Coademnatloa. The proceeds�1 any award or claim for damages,direct ar connection with <br /> any condemnation or other taking ot'anp pan �f the Propeny. or for canveyance in lieu af condemnation, are hereby <br /> : assigned and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> In the eve�t of a tata! taking of the P�operty, the procetds shall be applied to the sums secured by thls Security <br /> ; Inst�ument. whethet or not then dne,with any eacess paid ta Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property. <br /> unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agrce in writing.the sums secured by this Security lnatrument shall be reduced by <br /> ; the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction:(a)the total amount of the sums secured immediately <br /> befare the taking,divided by(b)the fair market value of the Pro}�crty immediately before the taking.Any batance shall be <br /> � paid to Horrower. � <br /> If the Froperty is abandoned by Botrower,or if.atter notice by L,ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to <br /> ` make an award or settle a elaim for damages,aorrower fails to respand ta Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is <br /> � given,Lender is suthorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its optio�,either to restoration or repair of the Property or <br /> � to the sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> ; Unless Lender and Horrower otherwise agree in writing,any application af proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> i postpone the due datc of the monthly payments refened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of'such payments. <br /> ; j 10. Borrower Not Released; Forbearmce By Lender Not a Walve�. Extension of the time for payment or <br /> � modiflcation of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in <br /> � interest of Borrower shall not operate to relense the liability of the ariginal Borrower or Bvrrower's successors in interest. <br /> � Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any successor in inter�st or refuse to extend time for <br /> � payment or otherwise modit'y amortization of the sums securcd by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made <br /> i by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.Any forbearance by l.ender in eaercising an�r a�ight or remedy <br /> i shall not be a waiver of or precludr the exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> � 11. Succeswn and Aasi�s Hound;Jolnt and Sevenl Liabillty;Co-signers. The���•enants and agreements of � ' <br /> this Security Instnunent shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Bonower,subject to the pro�isions : � <br /> i of paragraph 17.Bonower's covenants and agraments shall be joint and several.Any Borrower who casigns this Security '' <br /> � Instrument but does not eaecute the Note:(a)is casigning this Stcurity Ir►strument only to mortgage,grant and convey � � , <br />; that Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay � _;�_ <br /> � the sums secural by this Security Instrument;and(cl agrecs that Lender and any other Borrower may aaree to extend, �--a <br /> � modify�forbear or make any arcommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the l�ote without =�- <br /> � that Borrawer's consent. t-= <br /> � 12. Loaa C7ttrges. If'the loan securod by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan �. <br /> � charges. and that law is finally interpreted so that the interesi or ather loan charges collected or to be collected in • - <br /> ; connection with the loan exceed the permitted limits. then: (a) any such loan charge sha!! be reduced by the amount <br /> necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Barrower which exceeded <br /> permittod limits will be refunded to Bonower. Lender may choase to make this refund by reducing the principal owed -- <br /> � under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be treated as a � <br /> , partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> � 13. Legjst�tloe Affecting Lender's Rig6ts. If enactment or expiration of app➢icable laws has the effect of <br /> rendering any provision of the Note or this Security Instrument urtenforceable according to its terms, its option. <br /> ' may requirt immediate pay-ment in full of ai1 sums secured by this Security Insirument and may invoke any remedies <br /> ' permitted by paragraph 19.lf Lxnder exercises this option,Lender shall take the sieps specified in the second paragraph of '� <br /> • ; . paragraph 17. <br /> � 14. NMices. Any notice to Rorrower provided for in this 5ecurity Instrument shalt(be given by delivering it or by ,�+iiin: <br /> � mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the <br /> Property Address or any other address Borrower d�ignates by notice ta Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by � �'�' <br /> � first class maii to Lendtr's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower.Any notice � ' <br /> , provided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Bonower or I.ender when given as provided . <br /> in this paragraph. - <br /> 15. Gorereiag Iaw;SeYenbtlity. This Security Instrument shall be govemecf by federal law and the law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the e�ent that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the <br /> : Note conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shaDf not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> • w�i�h can be given effec:t without the conflicting provision. To this cnd the provisions of this Security Instrument and the <br /> : Note are declarod to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrower'a Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> , 17. Transfer of the Property or a Beneflctal Ir�terest te Borrower. If all or any pan of the Property or any <br /> , interest in it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transfened and Bonower is not a nataral � <br /> person)without Lender's prior written consent,I.ender its option,require immediate payment in full of all sums <br /> secured by this Security Instr�ment. However,this option shall not be eaercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by <br /> federal law as of the date af this Security Instrument. <br /> If Lender exercixs this eption.Lender shall give Borrower notice of aeceleration.The notice shaU provide a period ' T <br /> oE not less than 30 days from the date the notice is deliverect or mailed wit hin which Borrawer must pay all�ums secured by � <br /> this Security Instrument.IP Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period,Lender ma�y invoke any � <br />; remedies permitted by tisis Secutity Instrument without funher netice or demand on Borrower. � <br /> 18. 8orrower's Right to Reiestate. (f Borrow•er mtets cenain conditions,$orrow�r�hall have the nght to have ' • <br /> enforcement of this Secunty Instrument discontinued at any time p�ior to the earber of:(a)5 days(or�uch other Exnod as <br /> applicable law may spcciPy far rein5tatement)before saie of the Property pursunnt to any pnwer of�ale c�ntained in t1ii5 <br /> L Seeurity instrument;or (b)entry of a judgment entorcing th�s Security Instrument.Thc��e cond�t��nc are that Horrower. <br /> (a) pays Lender aU surns which then would be due under this Secunty Instrument :�nd �he Note had no accelerat�on <br /> occurred: /b)cures any default of any c►ther covenants or sgreernentc; (c) Pays al) expentieti incurred in enforcin�; this r. <br /> Serurity lr�strument.�u�luding, hut n��1 limtted to, reac�nable attorney�'fees, and(d) takcw�urh acti�n t�ti Len�er may � <br /> rea.n�:thly rcyt�tre tn:E�cu�e Ih��! the hrn of this S!•�.ur�ty lnstrument, t_ender'� nght4 ut !tir E'ct:wety and I�cerraiver's - <br /> ohhgat►nn te� p�y the �otn� 5ecured by th�ti Sc^carity Intitrument �ha11 cc�ntinue unchun�;ed I'pun �e�n.t:�temert hy �'� <br /> Ne�rrower,th��Secunty ImtrumrrN and the��bliganonc secured herehy�hall remain fully rHccu.r e�if n��a�reler.�u��ii had rY � <br /> rKCUtrnf El�,wc►��ngFit���rem��ate�hall nni apply in thc ca�e�f ac:cicr.i�n�n under�:�r.�hr.�{+�i. l t��r 17 <br /> � <br />