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<br /> � al�.u:�sr�-=--. . . --- --
<br /> " • 1N THE D1STRICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA ;=� .-=.F:v;��;,�__�
<br /> • .. ., �. � ��:�,
<br /> ��� ,� CiTY OF GRAND ISLANU, NEBRASKA ) • .:
<br /> . .:'�'; A Municipal Corporation �,Q�f 4 4� � -°-.'-�+t -
<br /> - � ) 9�"-- .;�z�;�
<br /> � � Plaintjff ) �- ��
<br /> . � vs. ) ; . �
<br /> ` , � ) NOTIGE OF LIS PENIaEL�I_S I .
<br /> � JACK L. FRANSSEN and LEE B. )
<br /> FRAIYSSEN, Sus6aad aad Wlfc,aad ) �.
<br /> ) .
<br /> A Celiforaia Corporntio� )
<br /> )
<br /> Defendants ) '
<br /> TO V�'MOM IT MAY CONCERN: ,��r'� ,��
<br /> . ,;. .
<br /> � You are hereby notified that on th�Twenty Seventh(27)day of December iN��O,The
<br /> ,;�.�:
<br /> :. �,•�
<br /> ;'``� City of Grand Island, Nebraska, plaintiit; filed his petition and action in the Distric:t Caurt
<br /> :;�.t;.
<br /> of Hall Counry, Nebraska, against Jack L Franssen and Lee B. Franssen, defendants,the
<br /> � �.
<br /> object and prayer �f which are to fareclase a certain mortgage of Twenry Thousand Nine
<br /> ' ���:� Hunc���d Forty Fourand 5�/]00 Dollars($20,944.50) an the following described ret�l rst��t�, �
<br /> j
<br /> ,,� ,
<br /> t� wit: '
<br /> .a certt�in�art of the 5outheast Quarter(SE �,�) "
<br /> of Section ��� (1), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten
<br /> . (10) West of the 6th 3'.iV1., HAII County, Nebraska, more
<br /> particularly described as follows: Commencing nt a point on the
<br /> East line of tfie Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4)of said Section One
<br /> � (1), which point is 412.5 feet North of the Southeast Cc�rner of
<br /> the Sautheast Qut�rter (SE 114)of said Section One(1), runr�ing
<br /> thence Narth along nnd upon the East line of the Southeast
<br /> `� Quarter (SE 1/4) of sAid Section One (l), 82.5 feet; running
<br /> �� � ;�,'.,' � thence West and p��r�llel to the South line of the Southeast , ,.' ;
<br /> " ' � �' .. Quarter (SE 1/4) of s:�id Section One (1); 264.0 feet; running .
<br /> �,�j;:�, �. , ' ther�ce Sauth and p�raUel t� the East line c+f the Southeast , ,
<br /> �� ,
<br /> ., , Quarter (SE 1/�3) of s�id Section One (1) �2.> fcet; running
<br /> � � . thence Eost .jnd part�llel to the Sauth line c�f the Southeast ;" .
<br /> � ; Quurter (SE 1/4) af said Sectinn One (1), 264.0 fcet; to the .
<br /> point of be�;inning. �-1�11 �aunty, Nebraska
<br /> y � �,
<br /> ; . .
<br /> .i '
<br /> . ,...�f i
<br /> ,
<br /> l
<br /> . ' � _ _-
<br />