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<br /> - •- '-" • f�iuN•l1NiFaR�i CQYE`!n":T:4 Bonnw•.r and Lentler Pe�hhrrc�ven�nt and Agfee As follows: �,�,•,�_��:,.:'�T-_ y_--
<br /> ;,,..,;.�►�.., ,. �
<br /> ly�`�t�.��.,�,` 19. Aaxler�tloa= Remalla.Iwader �bdl�I�e aotice to Borrower prior to scceleratlon lollowina 8orrawer•s �-`��`=`- :_ `
<br /> �,��,., . � breac6 ot wy rnveawt or a�ent In tRb Security In�truineat(bat aot prla'to�ccelentlon uqder p�nfQaphs 13 aad 17
<br /> YMIl��UC�bIC I�M proYldli d1I1l�111iQ1.The noNce�hdl �peclfy: (�1 tbe detoult;(bl the �ctlon�equircd to cure the ��----_
<br /> •��� det•u1r(c1 o d��e�ooc le,r chaa 3o d�rs hom t6e d�te tbe notiee b(d�en to Barrower.by whicb t6e defi�lt mu�t be curedi ,_
<br /> ' ;�':: �ad(dl tb�t fdlum to curo tbe dehult oa or betore the d�te�p�ciAed in the nodce m�y result In�cceler�tlon of the�ums �;,;;_:= _�
<br /> . • �ecured by tbb Sxcu�ity la:trument and sde ot tbe Property�7'he noNce dull tu�her inform BoROwe�of the�i�t to ���.,__.
<br /> reinat�te aRer accelersdon�nd Ihe�igMt to b�ina a coun acNon to�uert the non-e:latence of�def�ult or�ey other ��;, __
<br /> • , � dek�ue ot BorroRer to ace�lerAdon�nd cale.lt the def�ult is aot cured on or before the dat�speciHed In the noNce,l.ender R_,Y+��_�.__:_-_ _
<br /> �t its opNon may requiro tmmediate p�yment in full of dl�um��ecured by thi�Security lastrument�rithout fu�ther '._. �_T���.��r
<br /> �� � dem�nd u�d nuiy Invoke the{wwer oisale�nd any otber remedies permlKed by�pplic�ble low.I.�nder�hpll be endtled to ,�,,.��<<=a �
<br /> .,;i:; �'��'''' '��u. _.
<br />' , collect dl e:pep�es iaearrcd ia punulag t6e remedia prodded in this pua@raPb 19. fncludin�; buP not Iimited to, �d���
<br /> rqion�ble�qarneyo'tees rnd cats of title erldence. �="°"°��=-- --
<br /> ,,�winJ..7.._.wri.
<br /> .. ��tqe poseer of�le i�invoked,Tnwtee�hall record�noHce of detault in eACh county tn whieh any p��t ot the �`
<br /> .�.'•��_
<br /> property is�ted and shall mail copies of�uch notice ia the m9urer presc�ibed by applicable Ipw ta Banowo�wnd to the .: ��.����
<br /> � . ` othe�persony presed6ed by appNcable law.After tbe ti�e�nyuired by�pplicab�e law,Tructee shell give pubUc noticu of -�;. ;. . :,
<br /> . , s�1e to t�e perso�s�ad ie t0e manner preec�ibed b�r wqplic�We Is�R.7'rustee.+itlwut demand on Borrower.shall sell the ` n (
<br /> p roperty at paWie suctioa to t�e highest bidder at 1he ti�e aed place wd ueder the terms des(gnated in the notice of sale in
<br /> ' � one or more p�rcels aad ia Any orderTrustee d�termiaes�Trustee may postpone s�le otpll or any pArcel of the Propeny by
<br /> " public wiaowceme�t�t the time ad Pl�ce of�aY Vreviously scbedWed sde.Leader or its de�ignee mpy purchpse the , ,..;�.:;,�.,�,,,
<br /> � ° ` .. ,�, .:
<br /> � Property At aay salc. �" "�''
<br /> � �•.�:-.�
<br /> �.<<s4, . Upcm receipt ot payment ot the price bid.Trnatee �hwll delirer to the parchaser Truetee's deed conreying the . � �-����
<br /> ;.!•'�.-:ti'�'.� �roperty.'ffhe recitals in t9�e Trustee's dc�ed chaN be prima facie evidence of�he Yruth ot the statemcnts a�ade therei�.
<br /> � ;,����,;•.. • . ,
<br /> . : , • 'Prustee shall ppply the procee�s ot tbe sAle in the toll�ow�n�order:(A)to all expenses af the sale.including.baR not lioited ? �;�,�k;W
<br /> ' to.Trustee's fees sis perm9tted by app1icub�e Iww And rea9on9ble at,tbmeys'Pees:Ib1 to all sum�seeured by tl�is 5ecurity 1:.-sr
<br /> ; . r' �„��
<br /> . ,.r:r..-
<br /> • � �� �;; In�qvment;An d tc1 any excess to the person or penons legally enti71 ed to it. , _.
<br /> ' ��"�" �� 20. Ixnder in Poase�sion. Upon �+cceleration under paragrnph 1A or�bandunment oP�he Propeny. Lender(�n �
<br /> ' pe r s o n.by ag e n t o r b y j u d i c i a l l y s�p p o i n t e d r e ceiver) shall be entiNed to enter upon,tuke possessian of und munagr the } �� y��
<br /> ' Property and to collect the rents of the Property incl uding those past due.Any rents collected by l.ender or the receiver � _�_ ,
<br /> ',�,� shall be applied first to payment of the cos�s of management oP the Praperty und collection of rent,,including,but not ; �:_�°._,, .
<br /> ' ���; limited to,rec�iver's fees,premiurns on receiver's bonds und reasonabk attorneyx'fees,and Ihen to the sums sctu�ed by { .�
<br /> "'��'r'.:' thisSecuritylnstrument. �.���,�.
<br /> ..�,,,.
<br /> ' 21.Reconveyance.Llpan payment of all sums secured by this Security ln�trument,Lender shall request Trustee to
<br /> _-_—=
<br />