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<br /> 17,'!'re�s+Per of th�Pro�ty or a B�nQ4Tc�u1 Y�a�io���'°LSPp.lf;ill ur any p:ut of the Properry or any interest in it
<br /> ' � is sold or transfemed(or if a bPneficial inzerest in Borrower is sold or transfernxi and Borrot��er is rtot a natural persQn!without ._.
<br /> Lertder's prior written cansent. Lender rnay. at its aption. n�quire immediate payment in full of all sums s�urcd !sy this
<br /> • ,' ' SECUrity Inswment. However,this option sha11 rtat be exercisc;d by Lender if exercisQ'ss Qrohibited by federal!aw u�of tfnc date �
<br /> of this SECUrity Instrumem• �
<br /> �• � • ` If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borro«er norice of�xceleration.The noticc sha]I provide a Reriod of not �
<br /> ' ; less than 30 days from [he da4e the�niice is delivere�or mailed�vithin which Borro�cer must pay all sums scxured by this
<br /> • � Sacuriry Insdument. If Borro�ver fuils to pay th°se surtu prior to tite expiratian of this perio�f,l.endet may invoke any remedies �
<br /> ' ,;Y permitted by this SSCUriry Instrument without further nouce or demartd on 8orroa�er. �
<br /> 1�. Borro�rer's Itight to Qteinstute. If Borrower meets certain canditions, Barrot�•er shall hy�-ve the right to have
<br /> _ _�A enforcement of this �ecurity Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days (or such oth�r period us
<br />. .��;,_�• a�Iicabfe taw may spec.-ify fus rc:iastatement> b�fore sate of tt�2 Praperty pursieant to 3ny�Pow•�r of sate contained in this � �.
<br /> � Security insuutnent:or(b)entry of a jud�r:eat enforcing this S�curiry lnstrument.Those rnr.dirions ane that Borrozver.(a)pays
<br /> � Lender ail sums�vhich then would be due under this Security Itutcument and th�Note as if no aooeieration hzd accurred:(b)
<br /> • es�res any default of any other mvenants or agreement�; (c)pays all expenses irzsurm�d in enforcing this SECUrit}� Instcument.
<br /> �: ,�{. � intluding,but �tot limited to. reasonable attomeys' fees:and(d)tak�.s such action as Len�er�y reasoaably c�equre to assure
<br /> �; thaz ths lien of this Security[nswraent. Lender's rights in the Praperty and Bomower s obli�u on to pay the sums secuted by
<br /> � . � this Secuciry Instrusnent shall mntinue unchanged- Ugon reinstatem�nt by Borrocver, this Sec�.�rity insuument and th.
<br /> . ;� abligatior�se�Ured here�sy shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration hzd accurred. However,this right to reinstate shali
<br /> ' � • �� nat apply in tha case of acceleration under paragr'aph i7.
<br /> 19. Saie of No1e; Cttsinge of Laan Sen�tcer_ Ttte Note or a partia] interest in the Note (togeth.r aith this Security
<br /> � � � � (nstruraent)may be sotd one or more ti¢ies�vithout prior norice to Borro�ver.A�ale may result in u change in!h:eridty(la�own
<br /> � as the"Loan Semcer")that collects monthiy payrttents due urtder tliE 1Vots and this 3ecurity Instiument•Th-ce also m�Y be oue
<br /> _ ,, or mflrz chaages of the Loan Sen�icer unrelazed to a sale of the Note. If there is a chxnge of ths Losn S�rvicer,Boxrawer wi71 br
<br /> , �iven written notioe of ttie change in aocord2RCe wlth paiagraPh 14 abave and applicabfe law.'l1t�n4rice wiil state the aame a�x}.
<br /> ' uddr�s of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which paymenu should bY m3de.T�`iy notice will also contain any athQr
<br /> � - � information requir�l by applirable law.
<br /> � '. Z0, flamrdons�ub5taa�. Borrower stiall nnt cause or permit the presen�e. use. disposal. storage, or retease of any
<br /> - -"" fb�u�dous Substances on or in the Properry. BorroK•er sh?11 not do. nor allo�v as�}on�else to do. anything affacting th�
<br /> .. •� ;; Prog�rty thst is in violarion of any Bnviromnental 1-aw• 71�E p�in3 tw'o senten�es shzll not 2,�ly to the preseace. use.or
<br /> ,. . �
<br />,��-,,.. _:' starage on th�Pmgercy+ of small quantides of Ha7ardous Substa�r.'e.s�1►=t are gec=ral�Y recognized to be appropriate to nomsa!
<br /> =��'''� residential us�s and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> , .� � Borroarer shaU prompUy give Lender writren notic:of any investigation,c'a:m,demand.lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> ` - ga�emmental or regulatory�ncy or private party invoiving the Prop�fy and a.�y Hf�ardous Substance or Environme�ttal Law
<br /> ='�`�� af which Borrou�er has acEUat Imowledge. If Borrocver leams.or is aal3rEd by aay g�v�rnmental or regulatmY authority.that
<br /> - '•�'` .e r any removal or other remediation of any HuTardous Substance afffe�ctiny,lhe ProPertl'�s necessanJ.Bormwer shall promptly take
<br /> •.' ,�:• all necessary remadial actions!n acooniair.e with Environm�tal law.
<br /> 3:;L:.•'
<br /> o••' °-� As used in this paiugraph 20. "Hazardous Subst�sxs" are those substances�efined as mxis or hazardoas sutsstancas y
<br />- �:'����' Envirottmental Law and th_ follo�ving substances: gasvlfn:, kemsene. uther flammabte ar toxec peiroleutn products. toxic
<br /> =":�_';:F�;
<br />_- pe�ticides aad hefiicides.volasile solvents,materials com,.�fning asbestos or formaldehyde.and mdioactive m�ria3s.As used in
<br />� '�t�=w:i:r; this aragraph 20. "Environ..�zntal Law" means fedetal laws a� izws of the}urisdiction v+rhere the Property rs located that
<br /> --.___-- relate to health.safery or environmental protection.
<br /> --=""°�-1�� NON-U:IIFORM COV�NANTS.Bflrrower and Lender fu�th�r cr.venant vtd agree as follows:
<br /> :=;.�.f;�--' ,
<br /> _ _�,� 21.Acceleration; Re�ur.�ies.Lenxier shaU give aaitce to Bu�awc.�prios to acc�leration failovi3ng Borrmwer's brPac�
<br /> , ._�� 67'any ooverrant oe ag,tretssr.�t in t63s Security Instr�men! (but not prtor tu�oeleration undrr para��h 17 unless
<br /> -`v� �� • - applIcable law pmvides at(t�sise).'I'he notice shull spec3fy: (a)Ehe defacil� fr,►.t�e uctlon requtred to cur�t(te defaait;
<br /> ;�:;..,.... (c)a date,rtot less than 30 days trom the date the noitce is given to BorrmF+c�r.tsy w h l c h the defauit must be aired:and
<br />°`�"�--� (d) thut fa[In�to care thQ deSault on or before ttce date specifie�i!n the na:�sv muy result in acceteration of the svms
<br />�`r���='£�1-��i se�ured by this Security Iostrumeat un�sale of the Property.ThP noitce shall ihrttier taform Borrower of the rtght to
<br /> �-- ------- reinstate after acceleration and the r3n6t to bring a conrt acUon to assert thz Qon-existencr o4 a defaWt or any other
<br /> -- = defense of Borrower to aareieratton and sale. IP the aiefauit fs no!cured on ar betore the date specified in the notic2,
<br /> Lender, at tts option, m�y requtre immediate payment in full of all sums secnred by this Security lnstruinent without
<br /> further demand and may tnvoke the poaer oi sale und any other remedles permItted by applicable law.Lender shall be
<br /> entitled to�llect t�ll expenses tacurred in puisuin,g the remedics�r�vided in this paragraph 21,tncluding,but no!limited
<br /> to,reasanubl�attomeys'fees and casts of tiEte evIdenae.
<br /> •���� If the power of sale is invo�ceQ, Tnist�: sG.�11 r000r'd a no3icc of defnvlt io each coanty in which any par3 af 11m�
<br /> ==_-
<br />