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,s . ; . <br /> . .��r.:: :s. •`=5:.� _d <br /> t ` �� _ '_ __.__._ ___ '. .. .. _...a�'_.. . . T .1 �. <br /> ';� ''1 - . ' . �,' . ` ,,G� . �.`'Gr� . . , . `. � ..�.�.�ta..��.e^.�r. . <br />. _ :3 T i: • . .' ���a- ifT..S �k . Y: f �/� �� �• (. . C;.il"�.r,• — <br /> . i�f�Y1l� �tf�R*��wv-.�.�_ +' +�---- - ,. _ �--. — <br /> c <br /> 7:�. <br /> . f• <br /> - 'POGETl3ER WI'CH all the im�rovr,�ts noia os her�,aftQr e�sted on th$prrn�rty.aad al!easeurenu.PyPurtenance�•aad <br /> �.:' .g�; fvccures now or @ereaft�r a part of the propecty. All rep4srem�ts an� �ditions sl�al! also be covered by this S�curity � <br /> . e lnsinuaen�All of the foregoing is rnferced to in this SECUriry Instnim�t as t!�"ProPertY•" <br /> t�r BOAROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is laa�fully seisod of ths estate hereby conveyed and has ths right to gcaiu and ' <br /> . . �`�` convey the Property aad that the Praperty is unenc�mb�c�esl.eac�pt fur earumbrances of rernrd. Borrower warrants aad�vill � : <br /> � defend�eneially tD�e tide to the Property against all cl�ims and dem�ds.subjest tn anY encumisrancQS of record. � <br /> �r• THIS SECiJltIT'y IDISTQtUMfiNf combines uniform covenants for national use and non-unifom�cavenanis with limited � <br /> •. .�' ;� variations by jurisdiction to coasritute a uniform sscuriry instrum.nt o�vering rcal property. • � <br /> _:��: UNlFORM COVENANT�.Borrotiv�r aad Leuder covenant and agre:as foilows: �Q <br />,`�� 1. r`�ayrr.eati a?Fr�any SB4��t: Pf�'t�2�t a� �:te£€�. �onnwer shall P�mP�Y PaY when due the �► <br /> =� principal of and interest on ths debt evidenced by ths Nate and any prep�yan�t an3 late charges due under the Note. � <br />-_-,-�-° 2. Fum7s€�r TuBes aad Itssuraa�. Subjec't to a�plicabls lrszv ot to a written araiver by L�tder,Borrower sha11 pay to � <br /> Lender on the day monthly payments are duE under thz Noie,w�til the n�te is paid in fiill.a sum(°Funds")for.(a)yeariy tax� <br /> � and assessments which may aitain priority over d�is�.uity Instrum��s as a lien on tha Progsrty:(b)Year1Y leaseaald paycnF�Ls <br />_,.�,'., or grouad rents on We Property.if any.(c)Yearly h�sud or prnperty insuzance premiums:(d)Yearly flood insutactive premi�s, <br /> if any;(e)YearfY inortgage ins3uarsr.e premiums.if any:and(�any sutrs payal�le by Borrower to Lender. its amst+dance witi� <br /> =.;;,,r`— the pro�isions of paragtaph$,in lieu of ths payment of mortgage insurance premiums.Thess itEms ar caitad"Escrow Items.° <br /> "� Leader�my,at any time.cnllert aud holtl Funds in an ainomm�at to ezoeed the maY+�*+��m �s�a te�c!er for a fe�erally <br /> ��r"�'%� <br />��;�'� celated m�ng�toan may r2quire for Bormwer's escruw aroount uader the federal ReaD Estaie S�zlement Faocedutes?►ct of <br />�=,1:��=� 1974 as amz�.:d from tim�to time, 12 U.S.C.Sr.c4ion 26t11 et seg. ("RESPA").unless another law tP��ii�s to the Funds <br />-b��' sets a le..c�er�uflant. If so. I.ender may,at any tim3. oallea and hold Fuads in an amount not to exce�tine'�ser amo�mt. <br />"-,4;�`-'. Lender m3y�timate the amount of Funds duY on tha basis of cunent data and reasonable ess�ates of e�ni:��.�es of�.s�ue <br />-��,'. Es�nw It�ms ar otherwise in accordan�A�ith applicsbls law. <br />=;:,�' 'fl'ice FuII3s st�all be held in an institution wh��e d�usit� um insured by a fe�eral ag�:y.. �-�tr'�talitY. or eatity <br />-�--k,�� (including Leudzr,if IendeT is such an insiitutioA)or in�y Fc�~ra:Home I.oaa Bank.Lender sha!t�??�t��nnds w pay the <br /> :�-;�s�� Fsec+ow Items.L:ender maY not cha�rge Borrower for hniding and appiying the Funds,aanually analyzin8��==+8'nW a�oun�or <br /> -__= verifyin�the Escmw Items,unless Leicder paYs Borra�er interes�on the Fuads and applicable law permits E,r�i:er to make such <br /> - a charge.However.Lender may requira Borrawer to pay a one-tims charge f�r an i�ependent ma!estate taa�+eporting seTVic� <br />_` _ _ used by Lender in connectian with this loan, unless applicable law provides oiheiwise. UNess an agreement is made or <br />_=`�7 applicable law requires interest to be paid.Lender shall rmt be required to pay Borrower arry interest or eamings on the Funds- <br />-- Bosrower and L.ender m3y agn°.e in writing.hmvever.that interest shall be paid an the Funds. I.end�r shall give to Borrower. <br /> ---__-- without charge. an annual w3counting of the Funds.shmving crediu and debits to the fiunds and the pvrpose for a�hicD eaeh <br /> _-- debit m fl�Ci�a�s was e��.The Funds are pledged as additional�vrity for all sums sacurod.i�'!1�is SecuritY Inst�mer-t�• <br /> — If tite Fu>ds heid by Lender exceed the amonnu permittad w 1*e Fsld by appiicable latv, L�ul�stiall aocaunt to Euin��*rcx <br /> �-�,,�� far ttte eR�;s Funds in accordance with the rcquiremenu of appficz'�le lsiw. If the amount of�lie:�l.=i�tds hetd by T..end�7:n�y <br /> --- -- rime is e*_ct sufficient w pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so rtotify Borrower in�vri.;a,.,and,is:��cass B��we� <br /> ---_ — shal!pay m 1.snder the amovnt necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make a�:�Ze deficie:.�•i,n no tnor:than <br /> — twelve monll�[y� Lender's sole discretion. <br /> -- Upan�xyment in full of all sums serumA by this Security Instrument, I�ender shall �z:�.ptly �to BorruaFx�a�r� <br /> Funds held by l.ender.If.under paragraph 21.Lender shali acquise or sell the Property.l.�?drr.prior to the acquisirion or s�1e <br /> of the Property. shall apply any FLnds held by Lender at the time of acquisiaon or sale as a�redit agaiast tfie sums secured by <br /> this Security Insirument. <br /> 3.ApplIcation of Fsyments.Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all pay�ents r��red by Lender under parar„z;y�.hs <br /> 1 and 2 s.�^!I be any prepayment charges due under the Nate; as�ae�ts payable under para�titz 2; <br /> interest due;fourth,to princ3pal due:and last.w any late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4.Chsuges;Lieos.Bflrrower shall pay all taxes.assessmenu,cbarges.fines and impo5itions aitribut�t'�i�e to the Properry <br /> �vt�ich may attain priority over this Security Instrumeni,aad leasehold paymenu or groand rents.if sn?�. l�+sEr.ower shall gay <br /> these o4sligations in the manrzer prov�ded in paragraph 2,or if nat paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay t'.t��m�n time directly <br /> ro the Qer•�rn flwed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lxnder all notices of amount�cvz be paid under this p�sa��rapL: <br /> If Borrower makes these paymenu dim.ctly.Borrower sha11 promp8y fum3sh to Lertder receipt�r:�idencing thE payments. <br /> Bonower shall pramptiy discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrnment unless Bormwer.(x)ag:ees in <br /> writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptauls to Lender.(b)contests in good E�ith the lien <br /> by. or defends a�tinst enforcement of the lien in, legnl proceedings which in�;1e Lender's opinion operate ta preveat the <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory ta l.ender subordinatin;the li►;n to <br /> = this Security lnsiniment.IF Lender detemurtes that any Qart of che Property is svb;ect to a lic�i+Nhich may attain pricaity�i�>�r <br /> tI2is Secnrity Irt�3rument.Lendcr may givcs Horro�ver a nolice identifying the lien.Bonower s;•_:..i satis:y r1?.�°icn or ta6e ar.e or <br /> rr_ore of the actions s�t forth above wittun lU day4 uf t�:e giving of aotice. <br /> Forrn 30.'S9 8190 <br /> - Pepe�of 0 <br /> :-e�,�'R,.-��:-fi.,3.n,�r�..,..._� �,q� � -- <br /> 1- . .1. - •• _ � n3i0t�)��\'s a�_r'j�^ -3ei-�_� -- _ — _ _ — <br /> - . - . � . � -i�:i`wts�.tn = — <br /> -- � � �', � ' � �.Y ,±'�N'Cf�.,4 ��+ �� - _ — � . <br /> _ �_ , '1 � +f�.t�t.}`L N�'{ — _ - — <br /> ,�y.�_r . ,- � ` - �. _. <br /> �f#$ <br /> ;.�.. . -. . .., ..a •.. <br /> t.rv.i�x'w. ��,'�' ,�.�t !i IZ[1� —. <br /> � ..,- r,f7 <br /> . :� .� <br /> -. �?,�i�- ... . . . ..�. 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