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<br /> ' .;;�. , B�Lti:.V�;��„[.�JECf TO AND OF LOWER PRIORITY 7HAN THE LIEN OF SOME OTHEIi OIL I.iiTEf�.r!i(:'lJiti'�Y �"�
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<br />__ . '� � r�G��,,�,*���� 2�th �y og January � �ggg�between Geor�e bY. Simon And Ei;�,�).tmn S.Simon.
<br /> = au�z:s ci��r3 hereinafter desrn'bed and heminafter referred to as"Owners".uad First Fedvm�Lirtr.�in�tu�is pres.at
<br /> -� , hc:::er of the Deed of Tnut and Note fust hereinafter descn�bed and heieinafter referred to es"Bennficiur�";
<br /> .,
<br /> , . WITNESSE'i'�i
<br /> , .M:Y � T�Z4T r��.�P31E.4S, did exetuie a Deed af'd'nut,dated Apn'110,1997 w,Trustee cavering:
<br /> ��.;s�_,�..3 '�7e:,t�:f aF Zots 4 and�, II.�ck 29, in Packer and Bazr's Second Addition to ite Ciry of Grand Isitnd, I3u11 Caunty.
<br />:�`. . �1eb�ska.
<br />�_Au..',�.
<br />_ .. •• t:,��xe a��a:e��e sum of�19,318.00,dated April 10, 1497 0�'First Federal LiacoW Bank which Dead of Trusi wo,
<br />_��i;',.'` � recar�y A„�i�� i�37 ia lnstrument 1t97-102657 Officia!Recans of Hall County Nebraska and
<br /> ._:-,-. .z
<br />_�;�:t_�,��
<br /> �°�f��_ �&17:�ft��.S, �:,�.-.�-.. �s r c�nted, or is about to execute. a Deed of Trust d Note in the sum of$52.QUQ.QO dated
<br /> _="�'�r� � .l.a,���d �j--�' 1999 in Instrument t#���� r
<br /> `;� in fa Qr oF FiFt
<br /> ,�:x�r�;;-;t F�d..:y'?..�c.ai�r.;�t�ra+'nafter referred to as"i.ender",payable with interest und upon the terms nnd coaditi¢ns descritsed
<br /> -� :__„a,;.,� 7:w ei..,r•�::.L�I��:,�:Trust is to be recorded concurrently herewith;und
<br /> __-;���
<br />--�•:�� a3l"�'^AS, s�c s a cas���n precedent to obraining said toan that said Deed of Trust last ahove naeusiasd sbaL'
<br /> =t=� ;xnccr��tio�i15:�n_and re:.�at all tunes a lien or charge upon the land hereinabQVe descnbeA.prior nad sup..riQe L.a the lien
<br /> —,::�E.`:_`� Q
<br /> �7 c�:.-,e c::cheL�:d of Trust fust abave mentioned;and
<br /> ---_:,_B'�.�i
<br /> ._.T.t'i1:J��
<br /> - .s�_�' �ii�l•"r:::t:E..�S.3.�ec�-�r��-rTui;�to make said loan provided the Dexd of Tivst securing the same Is a lien or charge Lgun thc
<br /> _— aC3�s•e�Y.��a�-��•:� ���:c aad sugerior to the lien or charge of the Deed of Tnut first above mentioned a�s��rovided
<br /> ___= c�nt •�.���i�;�vT.::;Yec_'aasLy and uncondirionally subordinate the lien or charge of the Qeed of Tnut fust above
<br /> S'i�=�_3:I"ta 2t1�IiE�'CT C'r.'��of the Deed of Trust in favor of Lender,and
<br /> Wf-Tr�f�..y�,i�.is�,o�.:�•�..::4 benefit of the parAes hemto tbat Lender make such toan to Owner,und Beneficiary i,wili�g
<br /> _-- t3tnt thE Tl:::: �°Tr.�: secaoag the same shall, when recorded, consiitute a l'sen or charge �tpon sald land wttieh is
<br /> -- -- nncanci��nL,:y�,.:�r�n�s•.:�:r.:nr to the lien or char�e of the Deed of Trust first above mentioned.
<br /> -� --_-= NOW,T��.�C?.E,i�:=_�:deration of the mutual benefits accruiwg to the parties hereto and other valuable consider�tion,
<br /> = the recefpt sn i!s��.:•:�.J^_,:'�!uch consideratima is hereby acknowIedged,and in order to induc�Lender to make the loan
<br /> ,_„�.s,,.� above referre�•te,a:i-;:�:by;�._ared,understoud aad�eed as follows:
<br /> _���� �3) 3s:,c: �Fiel ���; of Trust securing said Note in favor of Lender, and nny rene�vals or
<br /> _ --° �w�:��,i��s•i�:�cf <_�:.il uaconditioaaliy be and rem�in at all dmes a lien or charge on the
<br /> -___�� �-�..,w ti�•�.-��s 4.s:-T,.�..°d,prior and superior to the lien or char�e of the Deed of Trast firsi
<br /> ---'Yo,r:is ��.:.:.�.°aQ:I:e,:^�.�.
<br /> _°:t:.�ceyv
<br /> _._—.:�..'�!JJ�
<br /> -- „�_ (21 Ti:: Zenc�r �.-,.�ui�t �_t make iu Ioan above descn�ed �vithout tbiE Subordinnrion
<br /> _:T� '..�'r.°r..1'....
<br /> _'-?',".'��:�:• (3) u.��:.0 u�Te.��x�::.LL:;h.the r.i�r'�and unly agreement wilh regard to the subordinarion
<br /> = ` of t`:�:.r:n c�r ir.�.,-�:�:�:s Deed cf Tr�st first above mentioned to the lien or charge of the
<br /> `�``- `� � DePC��:i T.as� in f•.;;��:znder above refened to and shall supersede and cancel.but only
<br /> �';.' -:...,.
<br /> � . insof� s:s :�3�a19 �:'_':�:•�� prioriry between ths Deed of Trust hereinlsefore specifically
<br /> `��� ;.n�;: descric.::,fs;+prior�:.K�c��.:a�a;to such subord'uution including,but not limited to,thosc
<br /> '_ provisic��.s.r..f nny,can:�:ad�i�c IIa=d of Tnut fust above menrioaed,which provide for
<br /> ���: the sub:r.��nc::;�n �f L�. :isr: := :atc���: thereof ro another Deed or Deeds of Trust or to
<br /> • • another�:�.�r,sc-^i;r�..;�s.
<br /> - ' �
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