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<br /> '��,,; � Koenig l.icenxe Agreemant
<br /> ��,��: : .. . Pagc 2 of 3
<br /> � � �� � � paragraph 4 i� nat an essossment but will be credited to a fuwre assessment in the cvent __�
<br /> � . • that a sanitary sewer m�ir�is canstructed to serve tt►is area at some time in the future. �r,,,;�����``�-
<br /> , � . � .� �,:,.�:, _,�,
<br /> 7, The I.icensees hereby waive the right to ptotest the creation of any sanitary ,._.,.
<br /> sewer distrkt to aarve this aru+. � .t;;;'_"�"
<br /> f t i��C. Mht-4 r
<br /> ^ & It is undcrstood and agreed that the I3censees can construct and maintain and �� � :��'���'"'s`
<br /> r ,� `F,a.r�:�o%v
<br /> conncct their pdvate sanitary scwer scrvicc line to the City's Interceptor line in thc Parkvlew
<br /> Subdiv�sion�at thefr own risk. The Liccnscca hereby waive any claim for damages against � �.,�.:r•!r�:�;:�'w��
<br /> the City, its ot�iccrs� agents, employees, and lndependent contractors for any demage ar , r���-.:,�-•
<br /> injury that may result to said private line be�ag cannected to the City's Interceptor luee in ; .•J,r�,��l'��.�
<br /> said easement. The Licensees agree to remove the private line wnnectton at any tirne such ; "' -��•�"-��
<br /> � removs�l is necessary in order for the City to provide public servlces in the area,such as the •
<br /> . ��;. construction of a collector sewer main,or the iastallation,repair,or maintenance of other �; .;::. ,. •,,; ._
<br /> ;�,�.. .
<br /> •�'��; utilities i� the C�ty's utiliry easement. � � - --
<br /> lIr ' 1:�
<br /> ±�•`.' (_ . �`��� .�,�. , . ,.i,:M__� .
<br />, �.:
<br /> • . . ��5..'�.,:r�,. ���. ,�cw;a
<br /> ' ;;;. 9. The Licensee��kaall indemnify and hold harmless the City fr�m and against any � . ,�. ...,,;,.:..�r�•y�
<br /> ; ;:, '��.:.'� .. , . : ;.�:•�:, �' ��;���!
<br /> , : `,;t;�;.� and aQ lass and damage,c➢arimns,demands, suits,liabilities,and payrnents aun contract ar tort A, 3�� ��
<br /> : : ,�" �j s.y,.-�... .:a:: , ,;.,, �''_`---
<br /> ;: ;�,•• � � „ resulting fram pr as a result of the li�ensees use of the Interceptor sanitary sewer line in �,,,, ��—
<br /> ���� �� • the Cirty's easeau��ena area for the conn��ctlon of a private sewer. !ti.�� :`-_
<br /> '.."n ' g ,.
<br /> � 10. Taeis la�e�se agreement shall take effect immediately upon the date of the execution ; �e;�
<br /> � � '�;.��, `�� of this agreerner�u 6y both parties and shall continue for an inde�inite term; provided, that �., �� -
<br /> � �'� either party rrony t�erm�inate this agreec���ni at any time by giving the uther party nian�ett,�days ��:
<br /> ,;,
<br /> •� � ��� written notice ta+ihe ather. if the C3s�s�a�uld require the tetmination of this agreem��ai,the , .
<br /> �r;,.+�;. . ,: .
<br /> � � � ' Licensees shall be requ��ec� t.� ext�r��i sanitary sewer service to their b�aa�ding in another �r.�, •,
<br /> � ,
<br /> ' ` `' ""��� ' satisfactory manner with�oua �c�os1 to t�e City. :��. ,
<br /> , ,�.:i,l;;;.:)����� ,
<br /> � •�.`,',1yi`��'`.', ��.:;;. ,. ..
<br /> ,,,►,,.
<br /> �� '., .,,:' 11. This agreean�nt shall be bindin�upon the parties heretc�,their successors and assigns. . .
<br /> , �.,, .
<br /> ,, : •i._
<br /> � � � WITNESS our si�maII�res the dates below w�itten.
<br /> .! ;.�:,�,
<br /> � � : :',:'� ! �ITY OF GRAND �SLAND,NEBRAS�, �
<br /> Y �-
<br /> � . .. ,•�-� A Municipal Corporation ,
<br /> .�� .
<br /> . t
<br /> � ,,.:,<<_; . ,, �
<br /> . , • r' �,'�' .. ,. ... Dated: _ /� _ ��o— 90 By:
<br /> ..� �
<br /> . . ' Mayor
<br /> .'����• •� � Attest: !I a e, `' �� 1�.,�
<br /> . . �.��;
<br /> �� Murinua Czaplewskx ity Clerk
<br /> , � ,i�:;
<br /> . �� ' � .
<br /> �, . .
<br /> .�
<br /> ,� .
<br /> �
<br /> .
<br /> � �
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