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<br /> by �wd �pn� �U�YD Y. ,.,...K --�.,,�R=::;
<br /> T�i� DeED O/ TRtIST i• �ade thi�� �7 ot D10� .,_1l�D� „ :,..���___
<br /> � , gy�I,B and DOQA7'�A NAxIIQ B�Ef.ZI.�t. ba�b�►d a�d �i[e• h�rein cet�rr�ed to as "'te�ton� . . R. .Y,��.,'` -
<br /> whose s�ilin: �ddre�s i• I�T.a �DI 180, Cafro� IR 68811i l81t 8TA'1'� BANi OT OIIIYD� • ,
<br /> �ra�a 8�s�in� Corporwtion� hereinafter referred tio s� "'lrnaLa�•° MhO�e �u►il���ddt'i�' i ^ ,
<br /> 14 Box 4�8�
<br /> rt-+�o i� 88884s and TB� BT�'t� BAN[ OF CAIYD� a Nebea�t� B�kio� 4
<br /> � hereinatter rsfeet�d to +� "B��fai�7�° Nb°se �sili� addresa is 9�.4?�fl• �►1i�� NF- I�
<br /> �8824For valnabl� oon4lderation� Tcuetocs irrevocabl� �trant, traasier� conveY aad aasi� to I �
<br /> Tcustee, i�n trust, With power of °Nsbr�sk�tt�� �pePit aad o�curit� ot Aenafiaiary� under �
<br /> , proVecty loc*tod �ia llal.l. Qount�►.
<br /> I�ORT1QAS'1' q1A4'i'�! lRl/�) OF 91f.TI0il �• 1+�Mf19BIP 11 MOR'!Y. RN�(i� 11� 11�8! 0! 1� b"IU �
<br /> P.M.s IWd. OOI�RY. ��, •
<br /> � � �., 7� � �`; eaays� t
<br /> ��`t� � -� together s+itih all building�, i�pn�cverer��e, tixturw, str�ets, alleyo, Psi�t
<br /> r� ` � e�se�eats, rights� pr�rileg�eo �srad sppart�enance� loo�ted thereonr � �ll peraon�l property y
<br /> ,, ., � �� tha�t �e►y bo oc hereaiter beoase su inteslr�l part oi �uah bu�ld�lnae aad i�prov��eats, �►11 ,
<br /> ,:��� .,
<br /> u
<br /> .�;� ;� ,,,,1� ar�na raioed theceon, aiad sll Wa►ter riabta, �11 of Mhiah� iancludin6 reple►ae�etet� am1 . �
<br /> additions tt�er�tor u'e bereby dsalared to be a� psrt of the real estate cohveyad in trust '
<br /> ! hereby, it �in� �le� th�t all of the foregoir►� shall be her�insiter rsf�rred tu +u ti�e ! . .
<br /> ' � "Proyerty." � , •
<br /> ' '`�� ' POR TUC PlA�i'�08� OF S10CIlillM�is � . ,�';
<br /> ,� ;,�,,,;. �. :��..•,:. ��;;
<br /> � '`�.� � a. Ps�ent ot indebtedt�eae evidenced by Tru»tors' noto o! even dste bsreMith in the .
<br /> ,� . � �� " princfIIa� nae c+f ;150,OOO.QiO. to�ether witb intereat �t the rate or r�tes provided tAerein,
<br /> , ' ,:�; � and any and �11 rene�aals, t�oditicstioas end exteoafona of anah note, botb prtnaipaZ asss!
<br /> „ , ��terest on the aote b�eing�eY�lert hereot�a°°e �ith the t�r�s set fort6 ther�im, Mbich by
<br /> �; thio reference ie hereby ■ W
<br /> � •�� b. The perforw�ce oi each stree�ent and coveoan� o� Truators herein con'tnined+ �d , ,
<br /> ' a. The pwy�ent ot all awe adv�nced by Benefic�ary ut�der tho teriw o! thi� Deed rof
<br /> � � Trust, todether Witb iaterest thereon �►t tbe rate prov�de� in the not�. . , .
<br /> d. The above e�ouat i• eecured evea though all or part oi it �sy twt Yet � �vewaed.
<br /> Futuce advaace8 under the agreex�nt sre oonte�plated snd will be eecured to the eaa� extent
<br /> aa ;t �ade on the det� tihis deed of trust is exeouted.
<br /> TO PYaI'�LT 'INB B�CIIRIlY Op T9I8 D� O[► 'RAlB'P. TRllB'1'OR8 f�6Y ODYOIAl1T AID Mi�s
<br /> l. to W��2�dN,tb/ri�aiv�l of, ud tU [d�n�t o�, tb i���►dta�aellaad q t1e au�c1u{e�� (a�ud�ll otl�r �w u Ieo�i1M �
<br /> i�tb lou tuttantb• ' '
<br /> _� itu�on w t1�omn of t1i Irokrt�ud I�u t1e tiQt ui utlor4l!30 �t1Cll�IIL/ OEI� OI t�YR tY Nqeet to kl�Kopn7•
<br /> � �. to Nf, �lu da�dl tun� qeei�l u�nue�ti n1�19 oiht c►a{e�y�iut t►o prolery, b�ton t1��re leeo���1i��tQit. T�uiw� .
<br /> �ItU IU ai tue�W watu�b�IieY�q be le�i�d�po�YQae11s9u!'�i�bmt Iu�I�or�p�tli�W�d ot irut or tb led�we�tel lereb��
<br /> riW�t ee{�ed to e� lu Wt �q 6e e��ctd i�ptlU 1�lu�t oQ!1�tlol�oe W�ut tlneot �pu�t1�{n�ticlu�. . . ,
<br /> 1. to teq th [�lro�ae�b�o�or►e�uttu louted a t1e 1�o0ert11�o��aN�ut luy�bl tit� ud acl otlet Wud�d tU Muticiul
<br /> u� nNtn� l�aroub ud ooWule�ueepwbl�to tYe t�n[ioi�D� !ro! i�oaaa�ee p11ay�I�lf co�ui��itudod�ort{y�alaau li It�or ot
<br /> k�e[[e[Wt� irutor�Idl oraptl� re��it,ui�ui�W n�le�e ile proqrtJ or�f 1vt �betuoi,ro tht,esc��t tor odi�a��ud tae. t1e ; ..
<br /> �rolar�f�►�ll�ot ietettont�.
<br /> , I S, I�t1�eu�t tN IroMry. or uf o�t tlereot, �hll be t�te�b�alu�t Iad�, t�o seu?ieiu� ii e�till�d to coU�ct nd reoe(u �ll
<br /> • ' eoqeu�tlo�rlicl u� Ee p�id tor W propert�t�teo or [or�uya to pro�ert��ot tde�, ud i9e Be�efici��a 9s��� WP�!nel co�Nuttin, d i�to
<br /> � o�tto�, eiller lo�reduli�� of the I�debted�en�ecued lerel�, or te eep�ir ud reKare t1e ptopett��o t�e�.
<br /> �`' �, Tle I�etleiu�W. I�t ei�U Im�o obliptio�to, do W ut dicl lntton ►ae�eeed bd t�lle� W�a, ud th N�etieiu��q �Iw b
<br /> eoy ut tt dea� Kcenv!� gs:tect tle lie� beeof. teu^.are ttree to tepU��Vo�����+01�u� �o eioe�ded b� tM tnetieiu�tor tle �lo�e
<br /> ' � p�rp�e�►�u!��ro�����Atll be�il�d to tb i r i e 6t e i m�ue�r d Ien 1 1 d b K O U �e e u�/b! tYe lia lerpt. tle le�etici�el�Yall to
<br /> � i�c�r W Ii�Eitit�Oecwa ot Wtlt�{ [t W�e Q�ait to lo leteulee.
<br /> 1, fle Melieiet tl�l la� lle ri�lt� poter d at9orit)dui�tle ao::��ouce ot tli�Geed ot teue w oollec/W n�t�� ia�n�al
<br /> protit� of tie�n�erty d 0t ul le���Irolert� loa�el t9ereo��it�ot �ir�ut t�kiu i�enio�ot th�pra�ery d'tabi�''b�u U � �
<br /> ►etel��bal�tel�ad ucaiittouU�wip all nc�rnq� uue�ul Irofit�lo tle be�eY�ceal. tle laeticiv�� lo«rer.
<br /> t..�een' n[leetio� W nte�tio� oI�ul te�t�, inu� �d lrotih,w lo�a u trnton ua rat,�t ac1 tiM, i�d�falt rie!rMoeet to rat�t o�
<br /> ..._�_:._�..�..n.. i. .....,�f fe !u.
<br /> � W i�debtet� uurd Mre11,or i�tle lertonuce ot w yreaat �ereuMer� ii w e.e.i Qi:w++.6«..�..........�. .. .--.._. ._ _.
<br /> j Oeed of tcane�La1� lae ottvrel ud be eo�t:ni�a. t1e leie[ict�e�,�+t e r�i:Y�r ot ri41t ud •ith�tL�at:cs ta iruqn or a�a� el�iy �der
<br /> truton, ul�itlo�t te{ud to tle ul�e oI t1e traat�+►ui:a or tle I�tereit ol t1e lrttton tleeew,.d�ll lau tl�ri{It to y�l�to u�eo�tt
<br /> hn(q j�ridletin to 4M����recei�er ef tJ�e praperWt� �af r�e proparc!fo� tle ��rpu of
<br /> � t. Tle le�eficiul,or it�ye�b, u�e e+►►burLwi Lo�Cet �t u1 reua�lle tt�e �p�or ie W pne
<br /> � iu�ectiq tle�w u1 tar t1e��rpo�e of pa��far�ia{u�ot tl� uu t1e��re utlorlsed to lerf�n �adar tln+ ierya uP �up lou i��tr�e�t� euatd
<br /> � b�Truton.
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> li
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br />