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202109300 <br />( ___ ) Create, amend. revoke or terminate an inter vivos trust <br />( ) Make a gift, subject to the limitations of the Uniform Power of Attorney Act <br />and any special instructions in this power of attorney <br />( ) Create or change riehts of survivorship <br />( ) Create or change a lxneficiary designation <br />( ) Delegate to another person to exercise the authority granted under this power of <br />attorney <br />( ) Waive the principal's right to be a beneficiary (if a joint and survivor annuity:. <br />including a survivor's benefit under a retirement plan <br />1 ) Exercise fiduciarypower; that the principal has the authority to delegate <br />( ) Renounce or disclaim an interest in property, including a power of appointment <br />LIMITATION ON AGENTS AUTHORITY <br />An Agent that is not my ancestor, spouse or descendent MAY NOT use. my <br />property to benefit the agent. or a person to whom the 'agent owes and obligation of support <br />unless I have included that authority in the Special instructions. <br />SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS <br />-Ibis power of attorney is a durable power of attorney, and it shrill not he affected <br />by my becoming disabled, incompetent or incapacitated. It is my intent that the authority <br />conferred herein shall be exercithle notwithstanding my physical disability or mental <br />incompetence. <br />This power of attorney. however. shall terminate on December 31. 2022. <br />It may be necessary for my agent to have access to my medical records to <br />establish whether medical bilk are valid and appropriate or for other purposes. I grant to my <br />agent the authority and power to serve as my personal representative for all purposes of the <br />Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, the regulations in 45 C.F.R Sec. <br />160 ct seq., and any other applicable federal. state or local laws or regulations (collectively <br />"I (IPAA"), including the authority to request, receive, obtain and review. and be granted full and <br />unlimited access to, and consent to the disclosure of complete unredactod copies of any and all <br />health, medical and financial in fonnation and arty information or records referred to in 45 C.F.R. <br />Sec. I 64.501 and regulated by the Standards for Privacy of Individually Idattifiable Health <br />Information found in 65 Fed. Reg. 82462 as protected private records or otherwise covered under <br />HIPAA. I understand that health and medical records can include information relating to <br />subjects such as sexually,' transmitted diseases, acquired immunodenciency syndrome (Ain') <br />AIDS-related complex (ARC) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). behavioral or mental <br />health services, and treatment kr alcohol or drug abuse or addiction. I understand that I may <br />have access to or receive an accounting of the information to he used or disclosed as provided in <br />45 C.F.R. See. 164.524 et seq. 1 further understand that authorizing the disclosure of this health <br />information is voluntary,' and that I can refuse to sign this authorization. 1 further understand that <br />any disclosure of this information carries with it the potential fir an unauthorised further <br />
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