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<br /> � ,. If l.endet requircd mort�e insurance as�candition of msking Ihe Iwn secured by this Secudty Imtrument. " �+.�r�.F:,aa
<br /> • Borrower shsi!pay the premium:required to maintain the insutanc=in eRect until such tima u the roquirement for the �.r'�- .'^, � •�-
<br /> inw�se�ce termi��ta in auordance with Borrower's and LendePs writtm a�reement or applicable bw. '�����—_—�
<br /> t, l�t�eHoo, L.ender or itt a�ent may make rasonable entdes upon�nd i�pections of the Property. I.ender - =" '
<br /> __ , •shd)pve Botro�ver notice�t the time of or prior tn�n inspection specifying reuson�ble cause Pot the in��ec�ion. —'r `
<br /> ���.:�-.:..::.-._�. ,,;.,,.,_
<br /> � 9. Co�dea�tloa. 'I'!�e p�aceeds of any�wt�rd or cl+am for dam�ges,di�ect ar consequentid,io connxtion with �' ' '
<br /> any candemn�tion o�other taking of any part of'the Propeny, or for conveyana in lieu of condem��tion,are hercby ��..;
<br /> _ as�i�ed�nd�ull be pwid ta I.ender. �• � �-.�`�a'i`''�.
<br /> In the event of a total takin�of Ihe Property,�he proceeds sholl be applied to the sums secu�ed by this Security � _ •
<br /> lnstrummt,whether ar not then due, with any excas paid to Bonower.In the event of a panial taking of the Propeny. •
<br /> unlas Borrower�nd L�ender othawise�rce in writing,the sums secu�ed by this Security Instroment sh�ll be reduced by
<br /> the amou�t d Ihe proceedi rt�ultiplied by the Pollowing fi�ction:(;)the total amount of the sums secured immedia�ely ,
<br /> � before the taking,divided by(b)the fur mulcet vvue oY t�6e Propeny immediately before the tAlcin�.Any b�alarux shAU be
<br /> paid to Borrower. .
<br /> li the Propehty a abindoned by Bvrrower,o�iC ailter notice bry l.ender to Barrawer that the condemnc*r offers to ,
<br /> � m�lce�n sward or settk a cl�im fbr damages,Borrower fuuls to rcspond to Lender wit bin 30 da}�s aiie�the da�te t�ee notice is �
<br /> ' �iven,Lendor is authonz0d tQ collat and apply the praeeds,at�ts opncc�,either to restorauon or repar,v Wb'ulhe�R��+perty or
<br /> to the swns securod ay�his Secunty lnstrummt.whether or not then o3•ue. '
<br /> , Unkss Lrnder and Bortower otherwise rgree in�ner.:��,a�;�a�79t.ation of proceeds to principal shall n,�1 enaend or
<br /> ' •' paatpone the due due of the monthly p�ymrnts rcierred to�r��vagam�+fic 1 and 2 or change the amount of such�a;��rnmts. • ,� i ,.,. '
<br /> `' '�`' 10. Banower Nat Releasedi Forbprmce By Leader tiat a 1�`�lver. Ex�cnsion of the time for pa}m�.mt or � �
<br /> mudi8cation of�mortization of the sums secured by Ihis Security ]n;trament gramed by Lender ta any succ�sor in , , �
<br /> interat of Borrower shall not opente to relexse the liabiliiy af the original Borrower or Borrower's succes4ots in a�terest. •� • '' '�
<br /> Lender shaU not be rcquirod to commence procadin��against any successor in interest or refuse to eaten�9't:me for � . •
<br /> payment or othawise modify amortization of the sums secured by this 4curity Instrument by reason oP any dcmand made ' , ; '
<br /> by the original Borrower or Horrower's successars in interat.Any foxk�e�rnnce by Lender in exerasing any right or remedy i •�� �
<br /> . shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exeQCise of any ng6t or remedy. ��,i;
<br /> 11. 5ucceswn wd Asdpn Bo�a9;.lolot�nd Se�eral Li�billty;Co-�i�ers. The covenants and agrammts aP � '`'�
<br /> this Socurity Inatrummt shdl bind and bene6t the succes:,Trs and assigns of Lender and Bonower,subject ta the�TOVisions , , � �`�•
<br /> of pusgnph 17.Borrower's covenants and agreemerres sha11 be joint and several.Any Borrawer who co-signs alhis Security ; , � ,�� .
<br /> . Instrummt but das not execute the Note:(a)is casig+eong this Secunty Instrumrnt only Io mortgage,gra�n�and convey ' ;,��
<br /> • � � t4�at Borrower'a interest in the Property under the ternu of this Security lnstrument;Ib1 is not personally o��igated to pay � , � '
<br /> the sums secured by this Security instrumaent:and(c)agrees that Lrnder and any other Borrower inay nFPre t.�eatend, ;•� • ' •
<br /> modify,Porbwr or make 4�y accommodsu�.^ns with regard to the terms of this Secunty Instrument nr�he Na�e withoun '•
<br /> � that Borrower's consent. '
<br /> �; 12, i.oau C�es. Ilfi chrr loan secured bp this�cunty lnstrument is auh;�r�a,a law wh�ch sets maxamcrrn)van �
<br /> charga,and that law is flnally �nterpreted so that the mterest or other loan ch�rges cullected or to be cnJlect�d in •
<br /> ' connxtion wi�h the loan�xceed the permi�ted limits, then: (a)any cuch loan charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br /> necasary to redua the churge to the pertnitted timit;and(bl any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded
<br /> � permitte� limits will be refunded to Borcower. Lender may choose to mAke this refunJ by reducing the p�nci�l owed
<br /> , under ttie Note or by making a direct payment to Borrc+wer.lf a refund reduces pnnc�pal,�he reducnon will be treaaed as a
<br /> panial prepaymrnt withouc any prepayment ch�rge under the Note.
<br /> 13. I.eg�Lttoa ARecting I,ende�'s Rigbtc. If ennctment or expirauon of applicAhlr laws haa t0:e eBect of
<br /> rendering any provision of the Note or this Secu�ity Instrument unenforceablr accordmg to us tcrre.�;.Lender,at ns option.
<br /> • may require immediate payment in fu1C n�nll sums secured by thiti Security Instrumrnt and ma} mvoke any remedies
<br /> � permittod by paragraph 19.If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall tuke the step�spr�ified m the second paragraph of
<br /> para�raph 17.
<br /> 14. Notica. Any notice to Borcower provided for�n this Secunty Intitrument�hall he g�ven by deb�ermg n or by
<br /> • mailing it by Hrst class ma�l unless applicable law requues use of another method. The noUce shall be d�rected to Ihe ' .
<br /> � ' Property Address or any other address Bormwer designates by notice�o Lender Any nonce to[.ender�hall be given by
<br /> � .,. .� ` flrst class mail to Lender's address stated herom or any other address Lender des�gnntes b�•notice to Borrowec Any nouce
<br /> ;� i provided for in this Secunty Instrument shAll be deemed tu have been given tc►Borrower or Lender when given as p�o��ided
<br /> � in this para�raph.
<br /> . ;:�'�'� 15. Cg�erofag I.�e;Se�enbility. This Secunt y Instrument shall br governed by federul law and the]�w of the
<br /> I jurisdiction in ahich the Property is Iocated.(n the event that any prov�sion or clauu of�h�s Secunty Instrummt or the
<br /> � ,, Note con�0icts aith applicable law,such c��nfliet shall not afYect uther prmu�on,of th�s Serunty Instrument or the Note
<br /> which cnn be gaven eBect without the conf�ec�mR provision To th�s end ihe pn�visiom of th�s 5ecunty Instrument and the
<br /> Note src declared to be se�erable. .
<br /> ; , 16. Borrower'sCory. Borrower sha'�be gnrn one confiirmcni r��p� c�f tre\.�te and nf this 5ecunty Ecayacument.
<br /> ;j �, ., 17. Traes(er of ttie P'roperty or p �ene6cial Interest in Borrowcr. If a�.� rr any pan of the Prapec�. ar any
<br /> - �oterest in�t e�c�Id or transferred(or�f a b�c:.:^:�al mterest in BorroN er i�.uld c�r i;am(erred and�.�r,,wer�s�r�t a natura!
<br /> �+ • personl wr.eP,:rw:Lender's pnor wrn�en c.,�zce�e. Lender may.at ih opnon,requ�re�re�mediate ra.+�:r.er..r.�a;u�0 oPnll sums
<br /> ' '' �: ' secured tv:hr,$5ecunty Instrument. Hewe�a�, thi+optiun shall nnt he e�err�sed!�. Lender�f rn•:-c:w ix y�ra�clSited by
<br /> , ' :5��� fre�eral law as of the date of this Secunty Instrument.
<br /> •:f}�� If Lender exercises th�s option, Lender shall give Bc�rrauer nc�tire of ac�eEerar.�on. The nouce shaU prr�i;:e a penad
<br /> � �of not less than JO days from the date the nouce�s deln�ered�,t maded u«h�n w h�ch Horr�wrr mutt pny all cums secured by
<br /> ! this Secunt}•Instrumen�. If Borrow•er iads ro pay these sums pnor u� �hr etp�rauon of th�x penod,Lender may�nvoke any
<br /> � remedies perne�tted by this Secunty Instrumen�w•ilhout further not��e nr demaeed on Bormwer.
<br /> u s_�__��_E1r1. n_!�_�� ii u�i�::,w�:.ii��:i'� _ .'-i"••_. t�'""".'_ t_1� L_. L_ L;...Lu�;.
<br /> .. �O�OY��V�p i�tRll�\V 1�i��11M�c. rt,ini�������u�������+.Ulnla�wG� i11Y1� II��G i�1a.i�6�� �v �
<br /> � enforeement of th�s Secu.rrty Instrument d�sronartaeat�t am•t�me pnor�o tha c�r[cer��f 1 al S dayc lur wch other penod as
<br /> �pp��¢�ble{�R may speuty for re�nstntemenU before�le af the ProF►erty pur�.uam to an}��wer c�f tiale contamed m this
<br /> � Secunty nnserumen[;or(bl entry of a�udgment enforcmg this Secunty In.trument 7hrnc ccmdnron�are tha� Borrower
<br /> i (a�pays Il,ettder all sums x�h�ch then would be due under this Secunty In�trumenl and the IVote had nu accelerauon
<br /> i cecarred: fbl¢ures any default of any other co��enants or agreement�. 1.� pay�all expense+mcurred m enforc�ng th�s
<br /> � 5ecunty Instrumont,mcludmg,but nnt I�mued to, rnsonable attorney� ke5. and 1d1 take+�urh acnon as Lender may
<br /> reatonabiy reqwre ta usure that the I�en of th�s 5ecunty Instrumenl. Lender's nghts m the Praperty and Borrower's
<br /> ubbganon to p�y the sums secured by this Secun�y Qnstrument sha8 «,nrmue unchanged l'pon re�nstatement by
<br /> Ciorrov�er,th�s Secunt��Instrument and Ihe obhgauonc secured h¢ret�y shall rema�n fully eR'ect�oe as�f no accelerahon had
<br /> � accurcad.[�fowever,this nQht to remstate shall not apply m the case oP accelerar�on under parapraphs 13 or 17
<br /> I
<br /> � ' .
<br /> �
<br />