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� � <br /> � - .� ��-.�1062'7� <br /> 10. Any af tt� follerin$ eventa eAall bc dee�M nn event at deP�ult hereunder: <br /> a. Yru�tars ehell failed to uice p�ent af �e! i�vll�nt of princip�l cr inteteat ar an� at�er au�a secured Aerebl �hen due; <br /> 1. TAue Me acturttd� btetch ef or defsult u�det aa) teH� ceYeeu►t� yreeient, con�ition, provieioa* tepreseat�tioa or wurtat�contained <br /> r. �e thi� Qeed of Ttust, wAe note or�ep otAer lo+n in�tr�arnt etcured heraby; <br /> c. f�re Ise Decn�def�ult b� ttk nuetore in tAe pa�tent of aa� prior or auDsequent lleo or encu�hrance ia rrapect to�11 a►� }�rt ef <br /> t[u propett�► <br /> d. Ttwtore �A►!1 file � tioluntu�petitian ia tr�nkruptcs ar sMll be ad�udic�ted b�etrupt or iasolveat� or eMll ate ea u�iheet f�r tAe <br /> bea�fit af creditar� ia respect to tle prapert�; ar tn actian to enYarce ua7 lien or eacu�D«ece or lud;aeaG ysi�ut tAe prapertJ ie <br /> co�encai. <br /> 11. Io ti�e ereat of u�dettult� the&nePiciu�ay declue�J1 lndebtednas ucured hereE� *.0 6e due aod pa�ahle ud tAe�ue sE�ll thereupoa <br /> beca�e due�nd pqible�itAaut te� preieetaeat, deand� prokot or notice of uq kind. TEereatter, the&neficiarl u�: <br /> •. either in peraoo or b� �gent, rith ot�itAaut hriagieg nn�sctien ar prxeediag� or bY receirer �ppaiated b� a caurt end �ithout re�ud to the <br /> �dequ�c� ot ae��ecarit�, eater upen ead t�te pos�a�ian af tAe ptoperty, or �n� p�rt thereof, in it�owa aue ar ia the nue af the nwtee� and <br /> da an�tcte rhich it dee� eeceeau��nd de�inble to preaerve the value� wrtetabilit�or renbbilit�of tk propert�, ar part tAereof, er <br /> interest t.�ereie� increue tEe incae therefra ar protect t�e aecurit� hereof �ad� without taking �au��ion of the ptope�t�, �ue for or <br /> otAerriu collht tEe rtats, iseues end profits tAereof, including tQase aet due and unpaid, and apply the sa�e, lesa caete and e�easea of <br /> o�er�tiaa�nd callectian, includiag attorne� feea, upon an� iadebtedness secured dereb�, all in auch otder�e t�e&aeficiu�u�detenine, i'�e <br /> eettriag upan end takicg�asessiaa of tAe trust estate, tAe collection of such tents, issues aud prafits aad application thereaf aa efareasid <br /> at�ll nat cure or raire ae�defnvlt or notice of defwlt hereunder or inwlidate an�act and In responae to sucb default or purauant to auch <br /> notice of defealt�ek r.oprithstanding the continuance ia posaesaioo ot the propertp or the coll�ction, receipt aed npplicatian af rents, iasuea ar <br /> prafite, rruatee ar the Beaeficiu�a� be eatitled to eterciae ever�right provided for in an� of tAe loan iaetru�ente or by lnw upan occurrence <br /> of uq eveat o4 dettult, including tEe right to eYercise the pever nf sale; <br /> b. soMence nn action to fareclase tdio Deed of TeWt as a ooatgage, sppoiat a receiver, or epecificall� enforce aoy of t�e coveaanta hereof; <br /> c. deliver to fru�tee�rritten Q�cluitian of deftult and deuad for sve, �nd a�ritten aotice of default aed election to cauae'hu�tor�' <br /> interat in tbe pre�ert� to be aold, MbicA n�tiu Ttuatee ahtll cauae to be dul� filed for recotd ia tha efficial records af the count� ic�rhhics <br /> tAe praperby i� lecated. <br /> lt. Shoald the @eaeficiar�elect to f�r�cicse�;easrci�e af tEe paxcr ai sale herein caatnined, the Benefici�ry s1a11 aotify 9�uetee and ahell 5 <br /> deyo�it�itb ltuatte this Deed of 1'rust tnQ tae acte aad auch receipte sad evidence of expeaditures�ade tnd aecured Derebi ts Pcustee��require� t <br /> and upon requeat af the 6eaeficiuJ, t6e 1'tustee eCtll cause to be recarded, publiahed and delivered to nuetor s�c�Natice ef Ctfs�lt aad lktice of <br /> Sae� tben required by �er ead by thia Deed nf l��st, 9'tuette ahall rithout dciaad an�uatar, after such ti�e �s atJ thea be tegaired bj lav and `• � <br /> after ncordation af sacs Natice of Defnult and after Notice of Sale Aaring been given ts teqnired b� lsr� sell the prapert�at t�e tve�nd pltce of i:� <br /> . rala firNS h� it. in anr�Ilntiri nf Cil�t !�F,hli aa��nl°_• ^.r '�4?^,.32L!P. Z4t..°.4! 1."`...*C:�: :* :+..°`�° '.t„° �i"L°�°A.`�����I�i':.':� •.".�.�a. 2�.:Y:,��i��i -_ _ <br /> � it�detenine, st public auctian to t�e Aigbe�t bidder for cash and sEsll deliver to auch purclwer or purctwere tAereof a deed to the prapert� <br /> aold, tcr�iatent wit� tAe lar then in effect. Qecitals in tEe Sruatce's deed sEall ae priu facie erideace af the trutA of tse aGteunw ude <br /> tEerein. itustee ahall apply�he praceeda af tDe stle in the foiloring order: (a) ta all reasan�ble casts aad expensea of tDe anle, including but aot <br /> Ivited t3 Truetee's fees af not�ore ttun 2X of the gras� ule price, reuoiuble attorna� fee��nd caats of title evideace; (I) to all aws secared <br /> E� this Des3 af Trust; aad Zc� the eicess, if an�, to tAe penon or peraons legtll� entitled t�er�ta. An�perron, including the &neficinq, �a� <br /> purc6tse atid ptopetty tt stid atle. Srwtee�� in the�anner provided by la�� poatpane sale of ell ar en� portion of the propertp. <br /> 13 Trustee ted the 6eQefi:inrz, tad etch of thei, s6a11 be entitled to enforce �ent u,d perfora�nce of ara indebtednesa or obligation secured <br /> 6ereb�and ta e:erciae tli rights and pouera under this C:ed of �ruat or under anp Iaan in9truunt or other agreaent or anJ la�s aor ar hentfter <br /> enforced noGrithatanding sae ar nll of the indehtedr.ess and obligatians secured Aereb�Khicl��a� ner ar hereafter be athenriae secured� �hether bp <br /> �ortg�ge, Qeed of truat, pltdge, lien, essiga�ent or atAerriae. Neit6er tse acceptaece of tbis Ceed of Tru�t oor it� enforceaent, �i,et6er b�court <br />- nction or pureutnt to the pc�er of saie or otDer parers �erein contained, shall prejudice or in a^F eanner aPfect Trustee's or the Beneficiary's right <br /> to realite upan or enfcrce an� ather securit�nor ar hereafter held by Stustee or the Beee4iciu�� it being agree�: t�at rturtee and the Beaeficiar�, n� <br /> end eich of the�� sh�ll L+e estitled ta enforce this Dee,i of Trust and an�other securit� nar or hereafter held�j t6e 8eneficiar� or Trurtee in auch - <br /> order aad�neer aa tbe��� in tAeir ahcolute diocretion deter�iae. Ib reaed�berein caeferred upan or resetved ta Ttuatee ar&ceficint� is i�- <br /> intended ta Ce ezcluaive af aay other re�ed� herein or bp lnr pravided or per�itted, but each sh�ll be cu�ulativs aed ahall be in additioe to ever� �. <br /> othtr raed�given hereu�er or nofr or �eretfter euatieg at lnv ar equit�or by stetate. Hvery pa�er or reoedp giyen by aa� of the lotn in�triaents <br /> to Ttuatee ar t�e 2eneficiuy er to tiEicA eit6er af thES oay be atherrise entitled�ay be exercised, cancurteutlp or indepeedently, fro� tue to ti�e <br /> and as aften as�sy be c�eetrd etpedieot by 1'ruetee ar Beneficiary, a�d either af tha�ay puraue inconaietent reie�ies. Nat6iaa herein shall he <br /> canstrued�s prohibitieg t�e Heeef icisrT fta seeting a def iciencp j�dge=ent egtieat Trusters to the ertent sacd actiaa is Fetaitted by lar. <br /> 11. Tr�stors herebp regueit a c:�� af an� aatice ef default and thnt any notice af sale here•u�der be�ailed t�Ptustors a+,the addresa aet fartA <br /> in the first peragrnph ai t6is Deed c° :?ust. <br /> - !S. �+e 9eaeficiat}snp, b�a rsiLtxn instr�ent eieeated and acl�eosrledged b;Be�tficiug, :ailed ta irustcr and recorded in the f�unty in <br /> �hich t�e prapert� ia iacated aud D� ot6etvise capllin$wit6 the provisians af the applicable lar of the State af Nebraaica, subslitute a aucceasor to <br /> t6e 1'rustee�ed herein cr acting �ereunder. <br /> li. *hia Dee�! of 4rust applies ta and inurea to the henefit of aud binds all puties hereto, t6eir Eeirs, personal repreae�tntives, auccesaora <br /> ud �saigns. TEe ten `i�sefir,iu�' shtll atn the arner and holder ef tDe a�te, vhether or not naaed as Benefira�r� heteic. <br /> 11. Yithout affect•:�tne linbilit�of aa� other person liRble fur the payaeat af nny obligstian herein�t�,�.:�Aed, aad�it�out nffecting the Iien <br /> or chuge af ttiis Deed af Stivat upon any portion af tAe property not then or theretafore released as sacaritp fcc ':6e �ull pair.nt of all unpaid <br /> obligetiar.s, the Beneficiaq ny, fra� tiee to tue and Mithout notice: (a) relea�se any p�rsona s� :ia�ie; �bj ex:end t5e aaturity ar alter any of the �--_ <br /> ter� af u�such oblig�tian; (e) grant otAer indulgences; (d� release or teconvey at the Beneficiary's optian�.: �arcel, partion or all of t�e ' <br /> ptopert?; (t� take ar release anp other or additianal security for aoy oblig�tion hereie �entioned; ar (f�aake o:*�ositions or other arrange�ents � <br /> rith debton io relatiox ikerrto. � <br /> lf. 3'hia ➢eM of Tr�s* s.hsil De g�verned by the lnra aY the State of Nebras�a and, in tAe event ar�y one ar�ore of tAe provisioes contained � <br /> hrrein, ot Lhe note ac ae� otter s!cutity instru�eet givea in connection r�th this transaction ahall be for nny reaeon held to be invalid, il�egsl or � <br /> unenforceable, ia � reapect, sucb invnliditp, illegalitq ar unenforceability se811 oot effect eny other pransioas of this Deed ot Trust, hut the <br /> ! DeM of iYOSt e�l1 oe construeC as it suce irvalid, ilie�al or ueenforc�able praviai�c �1C neve� been cantainee herein or ±herein. <br /> � <br /> .���'� <br /> � �. <br /> � <br />