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<br /> Any rtder (°Etider") uttu�ed hsreto und exeeute�of even date is insorporuted herfin aad the covenant and �'�:
<br /> � � agreements of the Rider shall nmeud nnd supple�Pnt th2 covenaats and agreements of this De�f of T�ut, as iP �,�=
<br /> ,
<br /> � the Rider were u pars hrr�P.
<br /> � � �- - Bono�ser cnvenants that Borrower is lawfully sei2ed of the estate hereby wnveyed aad has the righi to grant and convey
<br /> • - - [tte Property, and t�►at[he Property is na�acuaahered.except for eacumbraaces of record. Barrower covenants that `��
<br /> � �- "- Bonower warraats aad will defead geuerally the tide to the Property against all claims aad demands, subject to
<br /> =-�"''i�- eu�vu�brauces of rECCSrd. �"�
<br /> . �4''�; •.�� . � v"_--_
<br /> �.:..
<br /> t)PIdT�RM COVENANTS. Horrower and L.ender covenaat and agre�as foAows: __
<br /> '��� ` i. Payacent of Prindpal aad Intere.s4. Borrower shaU pmmptly pay when due the prin�ipal and interest uidebte�3ness _-
<br /> � evidenced by the Note aad tate charges as pro�ided ia the Note. 'Ihis D�d of Trust secures payment of said Note �`
<br /> � �" according to its terms.wluch are insoiporated herein by reference. _
<br /> k
<br /> �� 2. Appllcation of Payiu�ts. Unless applicahie law provides othenvise. all payments rec�i.:�'.�y I.ender nud�r�e =.
<br /> wi II —
<br /> • �. •� Note aud paragraph 1 Cereof shall be applied by Lender first to interest due on the Note,s��.�T she principai;ue _
<br /> l� � on the Note,and then to late charges due on the Note. -__
<br /> r
<br /> .. ,;:; ..� 3. PrIor Martgages and IIeeds of Tra=st;C�.arges;Ll�rs. Borroaer shaU perfornn all of Borrower's nbligations. �_
<br /> uader any mortgage,decd of uust or other security agre�ment with a lien wtuch has F-iority over this Dee�of Trust,
<br /> , . .� y� inclu-ding Borrower's covenanu to mak,e p�.ymeats when due. Bozmwer shall pay or cause w be paid aU ta�ces. _
<br /> � assessments and other charges,6nes sBd imposidons aun'bwable to the Properry which may atta�.W priority over this -
<br /> - ' '- De�of Trust,and leasehold payments or grouad rems, if any. `
<br /> . :;-,
<br /> '%�;:,� :�
<br /> ..�,, �. Haz3rd ittsttsance. a) Sorrower shall keep the irnpmvemcnts now exisdng ar'�..'-�fter etecxed on the F:a�erty
<br /> . • insured agai�n{oss by fire.hazards included within�he term"extended coverage",�:.t3 aay ut�r�aZards,�i�:nling
<br /> floods or t'�'.Lar which Lender requims i3surance• "Phis insurance shall be mainta:ned in t�:�::�ts��L=.r the
<br /> . �. }x�rt��•`��3er reqnires. The iasur-�.a�canier providing the insurance shaU be chosen by�wez s�1�:to
<br /> , F�:�W'?��mval which shall not be unr�sanably with�eld. If Borrower fails to�iatain coverage describat%r#�e.
<br /> •:,�;,.;• . L��may,at Lender's option,obtain coc�age to pm:�1.�.,ender's rights in the Fra1�:ty in accordance with par-'�:,�;f.�..a
<br /> • 6.
<br /> :c::- :. � �:.
<br /> '�� .� b) All insuranse policies a¢d renewats s�i1 be acceptable to Lender s^_d shall include a staudard mortgage claus�.
<br /> ±`•� .:.,�{„. I.ender shall have the right to hold the policies and reaewals. If Lender requires. Borrower shall prou�.ptty give tu
<br /> � ��"��;' � Lender all receipts of paid����i:ms and renewal notices. In the event of loss, �Sr�:-nwer shall give prompt to the
<br /> y�'-: .,,:,, insurance i:aizier and Lender. Lender r.LS_,make proof of loss if not made prom�°�;��.:8oaowes.
<br /> ��,;..n� ;,,•,•.,�,
<br /> —�"'��� c) Unless Lender aad Borrower othen�•���.:�ree in wdting.i^�„*anx:�:oreeds shall be applied����+i.s�:oration or repair
<br /> _--°'-rs�'�'' .i the property dazaaged,lf the restorarion or repair is economicaliy ieasible and Lender's securiry is aot l�,ssea�d. If
<br /> .-�_�;r,�'.;u.�. •:ae restoration or repair is not economically feasble or L�3er's sec�uity would be lr��:,sed,the insurance procee'3=s11a11
<br /> 1-'':�;:': ��applied to the sums sQCUr�'.by Wis&ea�.�sty Instcument,whether or not[hen due.�.ith any excess paid to Box�+�ti�er.
<br /> -" `�-'�' If Borrower abaadons[he Property or d:�s not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance caaier
<br /> - �.=�r>`�� has offered t�setde a claim,thea Leades�ay collect the inswaace proceeds. I.eader may use the proceeds to repair
<br /> µ�, Y,�,�ti.�, rr r�tore the Property or to�ay s�as secured by this S�.�urity Inssivment,whether�r:.oi then due. 'ihe 30day period
<br /> . j�:;; :,. •:y,i:l begin when the notice'w b'�:ven.
<br /> .yy
<br /> ��`� `��
<br /> ��`�� d) Except as provided in subparagrzr�i�4(e) below,should partial or complete desuuction or�'a.Rtage occur ao the
<br /> •_s.Yar:.;,��
<br /> '�-�-���•� ' ?�roperty,Bo*rower hereby agrees that�:.5 and all inswmeats evidencing insuraace pracee�s��a:��'bY 1��r as a
<br /> �:_,,•.•�y
<br /> - '��'� -� � -�esult of said damage or desuuction,shall be placed in a non-interest beazing escrow accauat c.irb E.rm�::. At t��ader s
<br /> - ..�� �screuon, Lender may r�:e;se so�e or all of the proceeds from escrow after ��ower p��� L�zrir:� �i��'�h a
<br /> . � � receipt(s),invoice(s).wrir.�:��timates(s)or other doa:.-nent(s)acceptable to Leac�:•:.�ich rel;�:�s t�the c�ai�:�Jor
<br /> . • , improvements of the Pcoperry aecessary:s a result of said damage and/or desir���on. Abs:�:.;�.zga�> •_�the
<br /> ' contrary,Lender shall noi be required to pay Borrower any iatezest on th�proc�"..�held in tt:�.�cr�w acuotmt. Any
<br /> ,� amouats remaining in ehe��.+nY ufter all repairs and/or imprave�ats have b�r_�.ade to the�nder's satisfacdon,
<br /> � � • ' shall be uppli�to the sua�s�ured by this Deed of 7tvst,Deed to Secure Debt,�c t�f�rtgage. Borrower fu�.:�n;srees
<br /> � � ��. to coope�te wirh Lcicder by endo�sing all,checks. drs�fts aad/or other instiumenw caidsacing ins^urance proce�cl�;an�
<br /> • ' . r. any necessary documents. Should Borro�ver fsil to provide any required endorsem:nt andlor execution withinthirty(30)
<br /> .•. ; da�c after Lxnder srnJs borrower notice that Lender has nceived an insttument evidrneing insurattee proceeds, or
<br /> ' ,: ; document(s) cequiring Borrower's signature. Borro�ver herebp authorizes I.ender to endorse said insuument andJor _
<br /> •� .; document(s)on Borrowers t�ehalf,aad collect aad apDly said proceeds at Lender's aptton,either W restoration or repair -
<br /> : . . ' of the Property or to sums secured by thds Oeed of Ttust. Deed to Secure Debt,or Mortgage. It is not the tatention
<br /> � of either party that this escsow provision, and/or Lender's endorsement or eaecutioa of an iasuument(s) aa�lor
<br /> . dacumem(s)on behalf of Borrower create a fcduciary or agency relattonship benveen Lender aad Borro�rer.
<br /> � e) Unless Leader and�arrower othenvise a�ree in wtiting,anY gFPlication of procceds to priIICipal shall aot extead
<br /> or postpoae the due date of the monthly paymenu refened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change ttte amount of the
<br /> . � Paycnents. If�nder Parap,raph t6 the Properry is zcquired by Leader.Borrower's right to any insurance policies aad
<br /> . I pmrxeds resvlting from damage to the property prior to the acqu�sitifln shall pass to Lender co the extent of tiae sums
<br /> s�cured by this Securiry Instrum�nt.
<br /> z or s tm�vn ns�+rer.t.s.va nwa
<br /> . . :3om�aN on °'�' oaasi�am e.An::ffr _
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