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• <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />202109004 <br />Loan Number :1426197628 <br />A tract of land in the Southeast Quer (SEil4) of Section Eleven (11), Township Twelve (12) North, Range <br />Nine (9) West of the 81h P.M., Hall County, Nebraska more psrtlouhrly described u follows: Commencing at <br />the Southwest comer of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of odd Section and proceeding in a Northeflyr <br />direction along and upon the center One of said Section a distance of Three Hundred Fifty Three and Ona <br />Tenth (353.1) feet, thence proceeding in an Easterly c mclion on a line parallel to the South Section line of <br />said Section a distance of Two Hundred Eight and Seven Tenths .7) foot and thence proceeding In a <br />Southerly direction upon a line pamiel to the center One of said section a distance of Three Hundred Fifty <br />Three and One Tenth (353.1) feet to the Southerly line of mid Section; thence proceeding in a Westerly <br />direction along and upon the Southerly Section line of sold Section a distance of Two Hundivd Eight and <br />Seven Tenths MHO) feet to the point of beginning <br />