, . . ,., ' •p�¢.�.:
<br /> , .. . . <J.'.:�t. .
<br /> ' ' 1. • .. � . ' . . . !
<br /> . . . ` - . . a • •�.. /� ' , . . .. .':y:�'t.�.
<br /> ���• . _ __—._.—�..._._..__..� — '_..��---..—.._�,_� — —Z, .
<br /> �.
<br /> . � ` � msuranca viRh re� aet to tha � �,'
<br /> . 4. IN3URA11tCE Tntstar, at�expflnse.wiD maintam timUf lnsurers appraved by 8art6fcC[ary. "R
<br /> � Impfa�eh6Rt�r�t�$etsonsi proparty.con�titut;ng ttte Proparty.against Ioss by fire.lghtnmg.tomado.end othQr ponfs and hazarda �q
<br /> ` � ' eovored hy startdnM taxtendsd covetaga endorcemarit,in arf emount equal to at taast one hundred pereent of tho tuil repiacement
<br /> vafus thereo!artd insurancn egn�nst sueh othar hezards and�n sueh emour�ta es�s wstornanry snmed by otivnere ana oyoratars of
<br /> _ ' simi'.atr propertlss ar a:BaneFanry may requu�fot ito proteet�on.Yrustnr wiA eomply w�t1+sueh othar rcqusromor�aa Bortof:cmry mny
<br /> � i irom tima to tine reque�tar tha proiecton by tnsurartea of the mtsresta o!the respaewa patties.All msurnnco poi:Maa nsemtanod ��,
<br /> . • _ � pursuanf to thy Ossd a!Trust BhnJ name Trustor end BeneftUary es msureds,ss their respeeUvo mier�;ta may eppanr.and pro�rtdo
<br /> � tRnt thar�cha:i bs no earteeiln2ian or rttodmiat�¢n�nthout no iflsa than 1�days pnor wrdten not�.eat�on to Ttu.^.tee and Benehasry.�n �;
<br /> � � the�vpnt any�o::sy hereanQar�s not rertawed an+or Eafore 1 S days pr.or to rts exp�rntion dnte.Tructes or Benef.uary moy procure
<br /> � suc1�insvranse in eceordnnco tvdh the provstona o?paragraph A6 hareoL Trustor ahall delivar to Bansfiaaryr tha ong�nai pol:u�s of �
<br /> � , `{ irauranee and renewais therea!or mamo ocp:es ot sueh po'�e:es and renevra�s tharaot Fm:ure to fumUh aueh msuranes by Tructor. _-
<br /> , � ot rettewal�as requ:red hoteurtder shal,at ths optan ot 8ertef.,nary►.ronat[tute a detauR
<br /> - �-
<br /> . ,'` � i S. TAXES,ASSESSMENTS AAID CHARGES.Trustor ahatl pay ali t�nces,esssssments and other ehargos.incuding.wthout ��'
<br /> • ;� � limrtatian,finas and�mposiUOns nttrib�!e to tho Property.and leasehotd paymente or ground rents,it any, baforo tho samu -"'
<br /> bacomo definquant Teustor shnJ proenpLy tumish to Bt3nnfutary ati no�oss ot amoums due under this paragmph,and in the event
<br /> B
<br /> �. Tntsior chaii maka payment directlyr.Trw�tor shaD promptty fumish to Benafuiary receipls evidencing such payment�Ynistor shall �;,
<br /> � pay a9 taxes and as�ments wh�ch mny 6e Ievted upon BensReiary's ir�terest herein or upon thrs Oaed of Trust�vthout reg n r d to _
<br /> etry law that may be enat4ad imposing payment oi the vrhote or nny part themot upon the 6ena�sry. F:;,`
<br /> � �{ ' 6. ADDITiQ:VAL UENS AND PROTECTION OF BENEFlClARY'8 SECI[F.RY.Tnutor sna?maice a7 ga�-nants of�nterest and -_
<br /> . �• �'
<br /> � �F princpal end pay:aents of tsny other ehtuges.taaa and expenses con��.'��e pa:d to arty s�c�.,•g::�^. ho!ders or prtor ==°
<br /> , . � �. y� QertaFaarrs c:.�:�la:any prior desd of trus!or martgage be'ore the date Usey ct��a��uant sn�promPUy pay z.1�aYis:harge any end Q� ��•.
<br /> . 2?ether Gert3,c'�:.�er chasg�r.:�icg may ieapardim tha x�urr�grerded Resxm.it Yru.stnr taL:�to make any surh payment cr�..�'s � ��
<br /> � . . ; Ca}sa�fotm eny c`r��asr�a�:�ea�ugreements conta�:�d�sias Qeed of Trus�or in eny�;ioT mortgago or daad of trusf,ar if any � �;`_;.
<br /> - �on ar praa�ed;�is rar.nsra-�d wh3ch mate'r�a.'iy�C:..-Tefi'Qaryc interest in tha R�pariy.6ictudmg,but not UmGed to. � -
<br /> Y emineni dosrtdn�zr�ex:.,�.:.,�:roeeedings��atzrtg a t���or NTrus�:'s�s to pay Tnistofa Cebta gonotnity as they 6er,ome � :i f:
<br /> • � due,then Ber�lkda.y.ai Ea�'wyPs option c.'rd R-'�.'saL2�cs iy or dem=r:�an TnrLtor and withoet rolzasrtg Truster from any E�`-
<br />. ob.igation h�xcti.'.ar. �nay rsr,l�a such app�::;.�, �-=sTM sueh suRa �usd take cuch adan as is necassary to protect `=:=
<br /> ' Bertefrciary/s mSeresL ineiu6f�,.uut r.ot f�m�teC to,dsr-.r.�msn'. of reasonab:e�tiomeq's tEes, paymenL purchasa, con!�or � �%-_
<br /> _._ . .�,.� ��mise of any encum4rance.chnrge or fceri.artd E:��uSsar.the Property to make rep�.:�s.�i�tl�o event thnt Truaior she'�`�i;^� ' �i -
<br /> procure instsmnee or to pay tmces,essessments.or eny o_�crcr�arges or to meke any paymants'ta eny exL�ting pner Een ho'w:a ar {._
<br /> ' , beneheieries.Banef,eiary may pmcure such msvranoe and make sLCh paymant My amounis disbursed by 8enot�aary pumuant to �-'
<br /> '�. this Paragraph A8 shaU bacome addi�onel inde±-'edness af TrusLor eeeured by thb Oees of Tru�L Such an::�"� shal ba payabls w::
<br /> • - upon notice from Benafimnty to Trustor requastng payrrteM ifiereol,artd shail baar mtermst Stam tho da����sbursement nt the tl1-
<br /> °.`-�:�:- ' �, r�e payab!e fmm time to time on oulstandirtg prirtupal under the Ptote unfess payment o!intatast at cu�r•',..�was+ld bo can7-„iT to _
<br /> - , eyrpfieabie Iaw, in whirfi event sach amounts st�all bear�res!at the highe�t rat,a permis3:bb undat�,;.pl:cabla law.ht�{r»g _
<br /> ' eontnined m this Paragraph A.8 shall require Benehcdary to inar any expanse or tnke any as�on hereunder. u
<br /> ' • 8. Iti'IS MUTUALLY AGREm THAT:
<br /> , .. 1. ���NVIENT OF RENT9.BeneRaary sha0 have the tighL powet artd twtharity durmfl tha cenw�e u�t ihb Qeed of Trust
<br /> . , � n.,co.".eet the rents,tssues and ptofRs af the Property end of any personal proparty lerated t'�u�a�:n"«�or w:itsout�kv�g pozsesstan
<br /> �'•�e properiy at(e�ted hereby,artd Trostar here4y ab:otutay and urteondfionalty a.zyns+�il sud�rante,i�uee end profiis to _
<br /> ...� • 3anef�eiary.Benetm,iary,however,hereby consents to the Trus�ofs aoIleeUan arid reten9on of suc7�renta issuos and profta ea they
<br /> • aocrtce artd bacoma payahls so�ong as Trus*_flr is rtot al such hm�,in defauR w3fi resped to pnymunt of arty endobtednass cocured
<br /> � herohy,or in ths Fe�fiormartca o}ury agreement hareundar.Upon any cuofi da[auR,Benafir�ary may at any tlmo,eithoT in porzon,by
<br /> - � � egent,or by e reoeiwr b b�appoint�d by a oouR wkhout notiee ertd wRhaut roQard to tho adoquacy o!eny eacurAy t`ar the
<br /> ,,.; ' � ' , indeb'.edness here6y sseured,(e)antst upon and taka passossbn of lhe Properly or any part thateof,and m its ororm ntuno sae tar ar
<br /> - � otherv��tsa eoAed tach rents,Lsues end profib.irtrludmg thoss past due and unpaid,and appt�tho same,toss coJto and exponaes
<br /> ' � of op¢ration an�eoiisdion,indudmg reasonabie attomsys fees, upon any irtdebfedness sawrad hnraby,end in susY►order a3
<br /> ' ��" Benofietary may d��rmine:(b)pertom►cuch nds ot ropair or profsctan es may be rtecassary o�propor to conran�tho vaiva o}fho
<br /> —"�'•�j�.•�-•. ,��,.
<br /> .�nv.._-. Property:(c)bass tho eame or any part thereo!tor such antal,hrm,artd upan sueh wrtdP.sont ai its judgrtront maq diCnie ar
<br /> "" !"'�''�'• terminats,or adjust tha Nrms and eartd��ans at�xaOrtg Masa.Unftte trustor and Benefict�uy thotao}agree othetwise m w�tmD.
<br /> ,�,.. ;.,,,�
<br /> _�,_�,�� any ayp(icadion ot ronli,lsauea or pmfds to evry irtdebiedrtess s�eund h�rshy shaU noi e�dond or postpono Ihe duo dnt�ot the
<br /> - a�statimern paymerfi as providad in said promissory nots or chnnps ths amoun!01 suc4�ir�c�onm.The entenng upon and
<br /> -��^��"' �Y-_ �takirua possestion of tha Properiy,the eo�tion ot sueh rerib.tssuaa and profits,and the nppl�tion thoreo!ea atorasaid.shafl rtoi
<br /> �='' ,''y° �treivs ar airs arry defauR m rtotioe of dafnuR hereundsr or imaiid�s any net dnrte puraunrtt to sueh rtotiee.Tnrs!m afso asslgna to
<br /> �;„ ::: a
<br /> 8errefic#ary,es tuAher soeurity far ths ps�farmanos ot the obTiyatians e�rad hareby.a0 prsyaid ronts nnd aD momss whxh may
<br /> .� - • have been ot may h�r�atter be QeposRed with said Trustor by any Msss�o!th�Proparty.to ceeure the paymer�t o}any rant or
<br /> '-.�,�.,�;:��� �amagea,or upon d�tnult s�ths pertormanca o1 any o!ths provisans h�r�o},Tnistor agreea to doiwer cuch ren2s nns dopoaR�to
<br /> -- • .. f?enefrctary.Delivary o!wnttc�notioe o?Bersefieiary's exer�se of ths nghts granied herefn,to any tanant aoarpy:ng sasd premsas --
<br /> _,ti�� �inll bs sufficient to requUe urtW tenant to pay rent to th�Benefrdary until furthu notxe.
<br /> _-�rx..-.�.*' ; 2. C011F1EMNATION.If titb to eny pe�t ai`the Property shn4 b�talcen in andemnoUOn proaeedmg�,bp right of emsrten2 doma.�n -
<br /> _ ^-�. + or simifar aata�r,or shaA be sold urtEer thrcr,t c.f�ronQomnadion,a9 nwuds.demages aad proaeds ero horaby acsigned and sha8 tra --
<br /> ''�r.'�'"'` "• paid W Banef,etary who chaJ epPly cuch axrarda,damagos and p:oceeds to tha eum e�w»d Dy ihtt Doss of Tcus9.,wah the exeess. -
<br /> ' � A eny,paid ro Trustor It Yrw�r rece�s ar.y rtafioe et other intormabon�egardmg sueh�onn or pr000edmg�Tru.mr sha:l gnm ��
<br /> _ � � promp!wn*ssn noL�therc�al tr.6asefximy.Benefrdary sheH be ant�.at da option to e�mmonae,appeaT m and prasowte m�s
<br /> , . o•xn na�r�e any auch aGion ar proeeed:rtps emd sha11 be�ntdf�d to mnke any eompromiss or a�lt3emem in conneetion wiin eny suct� __.
<br /> aGton or prru.aedmgs. --
<br /> � 3. FU4IJR�C AOVANCES.L'pon request o!Trusar.Beneflaary at B�netl�atY's aptSOn,ptfor to recanueynnos o!the Property to
<br /> ' Trusttr,mei maks future¢deranxs to Trus!ot.Sueh htNre advarma.with rtderest thoroon,attall be ssatrsd by tAn TNSt Deed
<br /> �' vrfsen ev�ar.c�d by psamfssary rtotes slaL'rtg Lhn!snid rtotea are aea+red hereby.psavaCod fhat at no Lme aha�J the secun3d prtncc�L
<br /> F futuro adc�.:.c9,not ine�udir.3 cums aEvarteed to prote�t the snsumy,e�cCesd Twa Mundrod parean2(2Q096)of the ongutN prcrt..'tpa! —
<br /> ;. emoursf;soo�ro�horeDy.
<br /> • 4. RE[df7�tE8 h0T IXCLUSIVE. Tnrsfoa and Benefirrary, end eaeh o!them, shn9 bs enttted 4o erdcras payment er.d _
<br /> .�;._ ,, partormanoe of eury"utflebfadnass or obi�gatioml aewre0 hen4y end oo exareise E9 righb end pa�er�undar thm Oaad o?Trt.�t ar __
<br /> • un8or any o�ot egroement execute�m conneehon herexrdfi ot ar.y taws rrow or here�i In�brca,rtalw�hH.an4ir.�snme or a;J a1 tY.o =
<br /> � sush utdabteCnES�artd obllgatkrrs sawred herehy mrry now or hetseRsr bs othe+wiss cecurod,w4�e�.hor Ey mcftgage.deed dl trlat _
<br /> ' pi��dge,lien,esstgnmem o�othemise.Ke3her the acx�ce o!th»Oeed of Trust rar G�enlaTCemcid whethe�by caurt ectien a� _.
<br /> � pursuant to ths powar o!safa or oShsr powers he»in aontnn�d.sha➢proju3sn or u+erry mannar aflar�Yrus!es'e or�er�s�r�� _
<br /> nght tn reaLzo upon or eMarea arry alhar eswriry rta-er or hsns.�.er hsA by Trustns or Berte�xury.ct EenD egroe�that Tn�Tm�c.� �
<br /> . Benefi�ry,ared eeeh o!thtm,sS�aJ be en'.,2ieA to antaro tlsxo Owd o?Trust artd arry oth^r sseursy►naw ar Aarea.�Dar had b� —
<br /> : • BaneSetary or Trustss in such ordeT and rnanner as thay ar�lthsr a!tham mey�tha�aD�f�.�QseraLOa de*.errrtne.�io cxrr.n6� =
<br /> • herem oonteaed upan or ns�rv�d tD Tncs2ss or Bea�Scury a inhnded te b�excluscvn o!eny ather rem�8y Rnrsen or Cy 1s�u =
<br /> � prov�Qed ar petml!ed,bu!each ahn9 de cumait�v9 and a:�aB tre m nQQAan to mrery othM remrQy grvan hereunder or raw ce _
<br /> � . , here�*!er ews'�ng nt taw or v►equdy or hp ct�uts.Eeery powar er remsdy prav�e�Ptareunser ths Oesd o1 Trost£�Tr�stao er
<br /> Benof.srJyr or to wfi:ch e:.ha o1 lham mny ba a:hervr.ss enL";s8,rr.3y bs sxerc�ad.CoacuttenLyr ot in4apensently.(rcm Crr.o tc tim.o
<br /> ertd c�oF.en es msy be Qesmad oxped;eat by Trus!se or 6oneP.esaiyi¢nfl eYhsr o?Qssm m3y pursua m�ns:s?er.t rEmaG:aa.N�U:!np
<br /> •.- -,, .•; . . .• i�6�itui mi$ii p "n a � w� q�n Knf Dik
<br /> - -.._. . __. � b.;tor.�t:..3.:�::c.�.g..,.. � �ltL.-ts��s 's..'"..:._.-._;�B�_n3_�._! �n!_._ t_ 9 aftAat aiwh iuxmn _
<br /> t3 RIIJRI:�SBd b}I(II'!/.
<br /> ; ' � GD7071[te..`uitn �'���
<br /> L �
<br /> � I _- _,1
<br />