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<br /> � If i.ender rcquired mort�a�e insurancx u�condition af mpking the loan secured by thii Security In�trument, i ,
<br /> Borrower slull p�y the premiumi roquited to maintain the insurAnce in eflect until such timo as the requircment for the � ,
<br /> ' inwrsnce termin�ta in accordurce with Borrower'�Rnd I.ender's w�itten aQreament or applirabla iww. i
<br /> 8. Iwpecdon. l.ender or it�agent m�y mske reasonpbk entries upon and inspections of the Property.I.cndet
<br /> sh�ll�ive Horrower notiee at the tima of or prior to An incpectian�pecifymg reaconable cause for ihe inspectfon. � -
<br /> 9. Condemu�tloa. The proceod�of�ny award ar clpim for damages,direct or con�equentisl,in connectian with ,
<br /> any condemn�tion ar other uking oP any pan oP the Property,or for conveyance in lieu of ca�demnation. are hereby
<br /> - suiQned and shdl be paid to Lender. I�
<br /> la tbe event oi�total takiog of the Properly,the proceeds ahall be appliod to the suma securtd by this Secur'sty I ,
<br /> instrument,whether or not then due,with any eacess pud to Borcower.lo the cvent of a p�rtial txking of the Property,
<br /> 'i;' ����•��::• unkss Horroweru�d Lender othecwlae agree in writing,the sumscecured by tAis Security Instrumrnt shdl be reduced by .
<br /> •''?• ,�� the smount oi'tAe praceeds multipiied by the folbwing fraction:(al the�otal amount of the sums secured immodi�tely
<br /> before the t�king,d�vided by(b)ttie fair market value of the Property immalia¢ely beforc 9he taking.Any balance sh�li be '
<br /> _.;,if•' '� � I � ,�
<br /> � ptid/0 Borcrower.
<br /> If the Prope�ty is�bandoned by Borrower,or ii dter notice by l.e�e3er to Borrower that the car,demaor offus to
<br /> - maicR aa awud or seltle a claim for damages.Borror�er fails to respond to Lender within 30 days aiter the.iase the notice is
<br /> �' givaa.Lemder is�uthorizod tocollect snd apply the procceds,at��s option,eithcr to restoratian or repair of t he Propen}or
<br /> � � �� ' to the st��s securcd by this Security Iostrument,whether or not theo due.
<br /> � Unless Lender aad Borrower otherwise agree in writing,any application of proceeds io pnncipal shall not exte�l ar ,
<br /> � `��• �� poctpone the due d�se of the monthly payments referced to in par�grnphs G a�d 2 or change the amaun[oi such payments. , �
<br /> �� �` 10. Botrower Not Relea�ed; For6tarance BY I.euder Not� Wa�iaer. Extension of the time For payment or
<br /> modiflc�tion of atnortization of'the sums secured by this Security Instrument grantcd by Lender to any successor in ; ,
<br /> interes�09'Borroaer shall not opemte to release the liability�05 the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in ie�tere��. �
<br /> I,end�r s�haU not t�e required to commence proceedings againsi any successor in interest or refuse [o extend t�me for �
<br /> paymeni or otbawise modiPy wmoRizatian of tfie sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand mede
<br /> by the original Borrower or Bonoaer's successoTS in intet�st.Any forbearance by Lender in exerc�sing an��right or remody ; ,:;:�':ti'.'
<br /> ahall not be�woiver of or pralude the eaercise of any right or remedy. . ,,
<br /> 11. Suaes�o�and A�d�n 9o��d+�oiat md Seweral ILbUIq'i�-�igners. Thc covenams and agraments of .
<br /> ��
<br /> this Sacurity Instrument shall bind and brne8t the successors and assiBns of l.ender and Borrower,subject to the provisions
<br /> ' of panRraOh 17.Ho�ower's covenants and egreementa sha11�e}oint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Securiiy
<br /> � lnatrument but daes not exaute the Note:(a)is co-signing this S«:uriiy Insiruss�rni only to rssorigage,grent and ennvey
<br /> , that Borcower's iro'terest in the Property under the terma af this Security]nsi rument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay
<br /> � the sums saurad by th�s Security Instrument:and(c)agrees thet I.ender and any other BoROwer may agree to extend.
<br /> � madiiy,forbear or make v ny�ccommodations with regerd to the terms of this Secunty Instrument or�he Note wiifiout
<br /> tfiaa�lorroaer'aconsent. .
<br /> � 12, I,pp G'6�rBa. If the loan secured by this Secunty Instrument�s subject to a law which sets maximum loan
<br /> . charges. and th�t law is finally interpreted so that the mterat ar other loan charges collected o� to be collecmd in
<br /> connxtion with the loan cxcad the permitted I�mits,then: la) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br /> ' necessary to reduce the charge to the permittcd limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Horro�s•er w•hich excceded
<br /> perrtitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender ma� choose to mnke�his refund by reducing the principal nwed
<br /> • under the Noteor by making a direct payrt�ent to Banower.]i a refund reduces pnnc�pal.the reduct�on will be treated as a
<br /> :�,� partial prepayment w•ithout any prepayment churge under the Note.
<br /> :� !3. Leafaladon ABeeting Lender's Rig6tc. If enaciment ��r expvatwn of appl�cablc laws has the effect of
<br /> rendering rny provision of the Note or this Security Instrument unenfi�rceable accordmg to ns terms,Lender,nt ns opuon,
<br /> may roquite immediate payment in full of all sums sxured by this Secunty Instrument and may invoke ai:y rcmedie�
<br /> permitted by p�tagrap619.li Lender exercises this option.Lender shall take the s�eps sprcified m the second paragraph of
<br /> P�S�Ph 17. �
<br /> 14. Notica. Any notice to Borrower provided Por in this Secunty Instrument�hall he given by delivering n or by ,
<br /> mailing it by flrst class mad unless appl�cable law requires use of another method. The nouce shalJ br directed to the _-.
<br /> Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by nouce to Lender.Any nouce to Lender shall be given by
<br /> provided for in this�Secunty Instrumen�hcill be dcemed r o hav�e been giveneto Bo nower or Lender when given as pro ided
<br /> in this par�raph.
<br /> ' �� 1S. Gqlerning Law;Se�erYbilify. This Secunty lnstrument s}:all he Roverned by federot law and the law oP the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is Iceated. In the event that uny pm�isi�m or clause of this Secunty Instrument or the
<br /> Noae conflicts with�pplicable law,such conflict shall nc�t aPfect other pmvuu�n+of this Security Instrumrnt or[Me Note
<br /> � which�can be given efFeet without the confl�etmg prov�sion �'o th�s end�he prov�ciom��f this Secunry Instrument and the
<br /> � Note are dxlared to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borrower•a Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed cop}•of the Nate and of this Secunty Instrument.
<br /> k 17. ?ranskr ot the Property or a �eneficial Interest in Borrower. If•rll or any pan ot t'he Propeny or any
<br /> � ' interest in it issold or transferred(or if a t�mficial mterest in Borrower i�yold or transferred and B.-�trower is not a natural
<br />- ��• � � person)wilhout[.ender's prior w�nnen consent,Lender may,al �t�ophon, require�mmedtnte paymtni in full of all sum�
<br /> securtd by thts Seeunt�� Insicnroeni. Hnwever. thu c��a.:�r, tifi�ll no� he exercised r� Q.tnder if exerc�se i+proh+b;teJ 3�}
<br /> fec�erad law as of the date of th�s Sern:uy 1n5��u me�z.
<br /> � �f l.ender exercises this optton.Len�et sfia7i g��e ���rrower noure of a:celeranao.7he nouce s#�all rms��a�s�riod
<br /> 01 nat less than?��days from the date the ne;�c:r delivered or ma�led w�ah»w•huh Borrou•er must pan aE6 surns s¢cvrKSl t^}
<br /> tfiis Secunty Instrument. [f Bocrower fails t��pay these sums pnor to the expiruaan of thi�penod,Lende�may mvoke any
<br /> ..�....t:�....�.-..�:�►�.1 Mv�I.:e Gr��ntv 1 ntl�llrtllllt N'11�10Ut fLfl�ltf fl(111CC(1!t�CR18Ild I�fl bUfM�►'C�.
<br /> :c..........oy........��..� ....-'-'--- •
<br /> l8.Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Aorrower meets certam condmon�, Flurrower�hall havt tee ngna in navc
<br /> enforcement of thisSecunty Instrument disconUnued�t any nme pnor tc�the rarlier of (al S day+(or such other penod as
<br /> applicable law may specify for ranstatemrn�i hefore sale of the Propeny pur.uuni a�an>�x�wer��f�ale contamed m �h�s
<br /> ; Secunty Instrument; or(b)entry of a)adg�rtent enforcing this 5ecunty Imvument fhi��r conduwns are that Borrower:
<br /> ' (a�p�ys Leoder all sums which then rould De due under this Secunt> In.trumenl and thr Nole Mad no acceleration
<br /> � occurred.(b)cura�ny defau9t�f any oeher co�enants or agreement5. (rl pa��all rxpenu+ mcurred in enforcing th�s
<br /> � Secuntq Ins�trutroertt. mclad�ng.but na I�mrted tn.rasoneble attomeyc' fee�, and(d) �nke�+uch ac:uon ati Lender may
<br /> , � reason�bly requrre t�assure tP��t tlhe I�en af ehis�ecunty Instrument, l.ender'� nghts oi�he Propeny ond Ek►rrower's
<br /> ' obligat�on to�y �he sums secured Ay chi5 kcunty Instrument tihall cununue unchanged. l'pon remstatement by
<br /> Borrower,this Seeunty Instrument and tRe obligat�ons secured hereby tihall remam fully eRecuve as�f no accelerauon had
<br /> occurred.However,t h�s nght to reins�ote sholl not apply in thecase of accelerat�on under pyragrophs 13 or 17
<br /> �1 .
<br /> �
<br /> ' � __
<br />