f;� . . . • ;f;��r�'�_
<br /> - -- - -,, - c � ` �`; .,r;. - _ --- — _ -_-=-_ -
<br /> .�� . . . . . r �
<br /> ,•:a�== ---�- --- .______.�._.___.._..___ _. --------- ---- .__ ,.
<br /> . at�2�-tas� . D�IED O�'�dIST Page a•
<br /> . . . . a�$���� �g_ 1�9��� Eca�R�_�,
<br /> a!Trustae.ar�a do any acb�T!ch tt�9rrs�.sary�r des�a4fa to Pnse�ve iNe vatue.marke�D�.'ty ar ranteb':.'ry o!iha Propa�ty.ar pari
<br /> I a!the�apartY or tn•.erest fn ttea P�atY:Increasa tho tru�ma irom ttee Pro�ty or Pro?ect it�secw[N at ths PropertY:artd.Kiif�or without
<br /> ` takit:a p�on�Ute Pto�etly s�s tu os o:AervNSa eaEec9 the ren1�,Bst�es at'.d profib o4 tt�a Prop�ty.tnet�s�rtg th�e Rsst dtae and
<br /> ` uripaid.artd apply ttw Batrte.I�s c�ts ans�era�et aperatlon an�ca=�on.Irtc�sdlttg attomeys'tees,to any tndebffidnsss sscured
<br /> .. by thts D�ed at Tnut.a➢in auch or6sr�ss tsnIIa may Qsterm;ne. 1Tte et�f�sy uRcn and ffikin9 P�es�on of tha Rra�tartY,the co�ectlon -
<br /> � ot SuCh�rts.lsa�AS an0 ptG�;s.an�frie a�D�Citan tharsof shatf no2 wre or rrah�anyr dsfs�Gt a rtoUcs of dei3�t urtQer this Qeed a!Trust
<br /> - or Invaftdats any act Qana tn raspansa te such de�uR ar pu�uan4 to sur.�no�s of d3tau'�and.rtotevtthstand'.n9 tt►s oonSnuass�e In
<br /> passe�an o!the R�COrtY ar UH Ca�c'�an�tec�pt art0 erA�'�:afl o}tarRS.lsstt�or p�o�,Tn�st9e or lendzr st�if tre ontii:ed k�
<br /> ' , ' �e euarY dIIM pr�ov:dad tar In It�H�A m Ne Reta�d OacumanLS er bY�aw u�on ihe ooemran�e of er.Y evant o!da�tautt.irtdut3in9 the ';
<br /> � _ , s �tght to e�e 1rts pa�xer ot ss'a _..
<br /> . - � ; (b} Cam�r�.�a ar►ssftars to�a��tA:s Q�at Tn�!Es a rt�e��,egpotnt a recetver or spaciEr�Ly entaroe any ot trte ea�ana�s �
<br /> �.+�. ! h�so9;and `
<br /> . 7 � _
<br /> Zc) t?e�ver to Tn�te9 a wti�+an detd.a.r�t'an et ds!auit arid deman9 tor s�o a�ss a wr(tten noEOe of dstautt end e'ed:on to cause T�ustors �
<br /> _-. -=--- ---- ts�-�ks�Preg�ly to As�?,wt�p rat�a Tnute�sRa7 cattso to bs duty�e�tor recard in the apprepriate afA,ces of the County in =_
<br /> , . wttSCti Ui8 P�O�lIY iS IOCa'•Dd:8nd —_
<br /> . , �Nebra�a U i�rrm Comrr�da CoQe.ttre Rs�sanal R�a�edY.Ler:der stta�Rava e�'1 the dShfs and remed�es of a seeuced P�Y under tha _
<br /> ��..� Faradoetsr Dy Raw�r o0&N. N La;tOer efec's to tocs�s by exerdsa o!1Ne Pawer o4 Saie heretn contatned.Lender shatl rtatify Tnutee attd —
<br /> shs9 deP�i1 wHA TrttslM tt�is Deed of Trust tnt!th�t�als artd suCh wOdPb md eMdetloe o?c�ertdttues maQe 8rtd 58CUSad by WS Oeed ot
<br /> y Tr.bt as Tntste9 rttsY req�stre-
<br /> . �.}�, (a) ilpan csoe�2 at sucA rtatiee from Lender.Trustee shafl eause to trA reearded.P1Dfisited atrd de6vered to Trustu such Notice af Qatault r,�
<br /> end[Yatice of Sels as then req�'red by law and 6y Ws Qee�a!Trw^'!. Tns2ae shn0.uriUteuT derrtartd an Tnistor.aftEr such ti�as may �':.
<br /> '. then De requked by taw and at�r reccrdaEan ot svch Notke of Defa�Lt ami atter Nofio�at Sa3e hav[r�g Qeen Qiven es requ6ea by taw�s�u �'�,
<br /> �+ tha Property at the tlme tnd piaoo et saSS EDcsd by ft tn sueti Notke af 5a1e.e�tier es a vfinte.or tn separah►tots or paroe�or items ss �_
<br /> ; . • Ttuslee sttafl Qasm expn�artl,ard tn such�der as it may de�se.at PuIIx aucHon fa fhs f�iphest b:Qder for cash!n(awhtl rnorsy af �.:_=
<br /> - th.B United Statss 0�lfabb at ttie tl.ne ot sate. Tn�teB sfiaD detiver tu such pwchaser ar p�uchasers Ehereat its QoaJ arcd su�foEard dead or _--
<br /> � dsa6s com��tnp tt�PmRerN so so:d,Dut�Yihatt enY coirenaN at wartantY.axPress or trnp�ed.The rea4aJs In such deod ot a�ry cnatters g,;:�
<br /> • '•-.� ar fac�s sflaii b�condust�ra proot af tt�e truYldidrtess U.ereot. My peisore.Ind�np w@hout�rtuTation Trustor.Tn�stee,�LenEer.maY =-
<br /> ptacfiass at such sate. !
<br /> • (b) Ag maY be pwmi8ad by taw,atter d8ductJsg s�ca�ts,tees 8n0�sc�es at Tnisiee en8 04 WS Tnist.irtdudtr�g cosfs 4?evfdenco af =.._.
<br /> . fitle t»connecdon wfth sats.Tnutes shil aPP��P�of sete to payment W 0)�I swns w�ended under the temis o}tMs Osed a� =-
<br /> T c u s t a u r►d e r t h a I x rt�s o!t l�I 9 o t e rto1 lhen r e p e f4.tm�u d i rt p but aat 6m[ted to Qoaued Interest end tate charq�. f�)e.7 aher suras G��:�e �;-_.
<br /> � see�red heeehY.artd (�fha ru:min�er.B anY.to the peeson a Persans►eII�Y e�Iiled thereta g
<br /> � � � (c)Trustee e�y in ttw m�nr�provlQed bY faw R�ane sa�B of e.7 ar en1►Rortton ot fhe Property. __
<br /> Rae�tes Na!E�cduahte. Trustes and Lender.and eacb o!U�em.she7 bs enMied to entoroe PaYmer�!e�a Perto�a�e af any indehte�riea
<br /> ' f. �a�8om secued by U�IS Oeea of Tn�s!and to�art�e a1�yMS arta powers under d�ES Deed of Trus1,under Ihe Note,under anil c�U� -
<br /> � R�Tated Dacurt�ts.ar under arry ottMr�reemenf or arsy taws now ot hereatter in fuca,noiwithslandinp,some or aA ot such irtQebte�h:�
<br /> ' nnd oboga�ans seured tiy tMS Oeed of Tna2«tay rtow or haeatter 6e o]he�wtse sectued,�vteetf�er by mortpaQe.deed ot tru�C..iedqe�Yr�v
<br /> '.._y''�.. .
<br /> bog
<br /> r, x, a�ignment a othenrise. Fl�Iisr�the at�tarbe Af iMs Qaed af Tnist nor its er►faoame�cvtulirer by ea�at aaton ar piasus�i��ie pawer ot
<br /> .� , �� �B or other Rowers eort`�i::�d in ths Qead o!Tna1.shail 6r�-�r:dba er tn any manner�SacC Tnstaes u LenQe�'s right to�atlza upon ar
<br /> eniorce any c'�t�security naw or hereaftsr heid by Tnistee or Lender.it keing agreed that Tnstee and Ler.�,and eeCh a?ihem,shall fce
<br /> ° arditled to e►��thls Deed ot Tnut end acry oiher seeur[ty rtow or herast�r Ix3d Gy Lender ar Tnutea in sr�a c:der and manner a.t7iey�
<br /> • �. ePfl�er a}tha�mc;r in thatr absotu�Q'r,yaeYOn datartnine. No remedY ecnfatm4 uPan a�eserved to T r�c cr LenOer.b adended to Ee
<br /> qz�.+;u1va ot ar:�cU�remeQy in WS Deed of T�uS!or Oy taw provlded or Da�":��d.but each shafi be cum�.:�e ena shall be in add�ton to
<br /> z�.
<br /> .� ; � ,. Wa�'ta or anY�of�the R�daSed Oocurnerds to�Tn�tee or I.e���either a�!t��arn brt�Y oiherwlse entiUed.�a�=e�nexat+�e0,
<br /> • I` cancurre�lY ar tnQepende�lj.trom t[mme to Eme and es oRen as rtsay be deamed e�eS�ent by Tn�tee or Lsnder.and 6iUier a!them may
<br /> e
<br /> , pu�sua tncc;�n!reme�es. NtolRnp in fhi5 Qeed 0t Tntst sha9 be carstrt�ed as Prot�i��Lender fiom seakirg a deflcie�►I�cd9me�
<br /> �" • r:�e'•�t tna Trr�fcr to the extent sttCh s tian b permiited Cy taw.
<br /> ':;.';��';'.�:.�r`:.,.,: ; P.�Quqt Wr NO'!li�.Tnistot.on behW o1 Truslor artd isnder.twrobY�e4ue5�s tt�t a coPY o!anY Notice at Oe(auit end a caPY of anN NoHae
<br /> ..,� _ � a1 Sate tu�der fhis Qead ot Tn�!be ma.Red to them at fRe addresses set to�th in tha t4st para�aph a}thls Qaed ot TnAl.
<br /> .�.,�,,; . _ ARptt�ys+Fees�.F�S
<br /> ,L:,,,:s,.,., "•;�; a it Lender ir�sh�utas any sui!a a�tion ta enioroe unY af ttie temr�d ihLs Deed ai Tnui.Lender stnl�e sntitled to
<br /> -' + :. �or.aser sueh sum�iha aa:ut may adJudQe reesanabb as a.."ort�ayr.�taes at tr�!and an ffriY eppeel. Whettier or na!arry cwrt atlon is
<br /> ,^���;,:c,r,:_,,o ca tmroNeO.as reesonebb a�erues tnciurod by L.ender whkh tn lenders opinbn ere neo�saff+c�:anY 8me tu the protec6on o!its Interast a L�e
<br /> �.., ,_._
<br /> '�„ mif�coemen9 at'�ADhts shafl bacom3 a part ot the Ia0ebledness Payabte on demand and shalf bear Irt2a�t at the Nate raL�8om the dat¢d�
<br /> � e�anditr�re�ntt�repeld. F�ensas eo�g;�thh pe�a�aph tnctude,vUitAouf Qmitadon.howaler SuDject fa;e.�yr Hrtdis an48r appticaDie►s�r�, --
<br /> tnrtders a�,+"Tey�fees whethe►a nat tt�ere ts a IawsWL trx�ud�r�p ettan�eYg'tees ta banicct�t�Y Ora%ee6�:y-c�(fnclu6r�et'-ab to rt:�c�'Y cr.
<br /> � -,����,. � v�ate anY a4tomabo sfaY or IniunGionl.eDP�end anb u.^t1�Pated PcsHudpment co8ecfi�on servbes. the cost a4�cr%�9 ra�stis4
<br /> -»' . alsNsintnp t9e reparls pnctc�r�toreciosue reports).surv�mr�rr�arts.ePAratsal tees,6Ue insuranoe.and fees tor the Tn:.^lt�,:o the e:�sr:i -
<br /> .�,4,��,,• . ' ga:��4;^r�:Q6osble law.Tcus2a e�o wG9 pay any+court e�L,�in edd�tton to eH olher sums pmvlded by law. _
<br /> .._.� _,r;:r"'",;.`�'�..
<br /> •n SM'd.. • .
<br /> :._..-�,'::�-�� : M�Qf�i.At�4ua��Fzov►s�aL�.1'�,a ra't��r'.r�T�:oettaneo�vroNstorts ew a��u�`ws eeee o?Tna�
<br /> .�� . � kp�pc�6b Lt�s. Thi�[�[L al'C1w!4�as besn daBVetad M Lsnder�ts0 acoep�6e0 bY tmT�r!n ths SLIs o!Kebra�s TNe DOeO Ot Ttuq
<br /> ' ►, eos1Y De�verneA b�r am1 t�sns.Yrlted tn aCCnrIIenES trtth tl�e taws o!Ufs SLt�of Neb�aa.
<br /> . �'� Tfca0ls of Cie Fssenee.fiz�e is oC tM�es.enoe tn the DeAarmanoa o!thEs Deed o1 Trust.
<br /> � �' Y���tjets qmd Cc:n�enU. Lander sh�na!�e deemed to hava walved a.^�y riphb urtder ttds Deed af Trust(a undar ihe Rdatfld QxurtseM�i
<br /> • ,�t� urdass sTZ::��r;:�+er is in wriflnp and sigr�d by Lende►. No detay a orr�rn on the part o!Lender In exer(�.s�np nny�ht sheA opera��a
<br />-- � ,�., wntver o1 such rlgM a any oiher tigM. A xraiver by enY R�Y o1 e DrwSton of th;s Oeed o!Tmst slteB n�i Cor�slifute e welver ot or preju�ip3 i�`e
<br /> • �I�;-
<br /> ._.-�,.�� —� --
<br /> — - ,— — _
<br /> _. � . . .. - - . _._..'_-' _ - _-.._��,.,.::..r .;_;_�:.:.
<br /> � _ � rlif�l1�''.: ' . ,. , . , . r .'�,:a; . � . .
<br /> • 1 , I � - ��,,� ' ' . . . . .. . �Y�-
<br /> .. • ' ' . ' - _ • , . ` ..`. .��1
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<br />