��`' � _3`_'.'� � _ " ...,. .u.�,��Livrd^"f'`,?yf".�C` , .
<br /> ' ` � � - � . . .�. . ^�1Y`�— _`-,-
<br /> < < . . . � . � �:
<br /> ` �. }� -- —_. _..._....... _.�.. ----- - ..,_._.��_------- �...__.._ ` --'- -''`--�_ `-' •'4.�F^' .
<br /> • �--- •
<br /> . � .� � 0'-2b-ts�� DEEa OF'TR9lS4 PagB�
<br /> ,� �.� 9�a���s� '
<br /> ���a���� �������
<br /> . . , . i Ekt�L7t�IttdlCbTCatadl. Tlfs w�:d3�ttt�Irtd�4:eCna�'msen the indeh�drtaSS d�Crt98d betaw in the ExtSUrtg Irtdebtedrts�sectian o!
<br /> I Ihig OEBd 04 Ttu3t t
<br /> � . •! Qitmeil0�. 'fie vrCtd Yivarantcf m�n�end ircludos wilfloui l�rniis�an anY and ai guarantors,suroL'es,and aecammadation par�ss in
<br /> ' I wnriecUan wfih thqlr.�d�tadrt�9.
<br /> (figtpv���Er►U, 1M e;ao►m 9nsgsoti�n�Ta�"mean�s artd includss v�itttauf Gmlta�on ail e�ds�np and tuture impravements,bundirtgs,stntuures.
<br /> . '. I n�ebl�hames affl�ced on tts�R�t Ro�R 4ac�Ill�s,addi�erts.�IaoemariL�and other cronsbuctian ea the Roal RroDg�Y.
<br /> trfQepi�rtep, 'eM��d"trt4�0tadrtad°menrta�9 pdnclpal artd inie�t RayaL;e unCar the Nate nnd any emaucds wcpande�or advsrtoed bY
<br /> � ' j Lb�Qer tp d'�Pt,�r�»ob'.igzftcns nf TnT�,Ytr a��rOrr'.,es inourts9 by Trt�G.'+�er lsndsu to entaro�aD'�gstions of Tntstor urtder thfs Q2ed o1 Tnist.
<br /> - " : tR�eiher wIth Ir.tn�tot on s�xl+cmaunSn aa FsaNc!trJ in th1�Qeed ot Tnst Spe�f.ca7y.krithout timita+lon.UUs Qeed ot Trust saeures.t�addition
<br /> : � l lo the amaunb spacEned tn the�t�,a8 hthtra��r.ount3 Lea�er le tls dY�on may loan to T�ustor,togeiher wfth afi in4�rest t7�erean;hcxatior. �
<br /> .y.• I In rto evant sM�atxt►fuiwe advances(ttr�iuQln�Ird9resf)e�ooaed In tts9 a�gregsta S40AOO.IX!• m
<br /> s
<br /> _..__ i�ate. Tn�s woC�$i:�?�°c��aa�n°s�����J��tY 2r.1�9.�11 11tL`Q!'litCl�al a11taUTd O?530,03a.50 from Tnistot to Lender. —
<br /> � toQeUte►with e�RrB+r�ls.e�Rer�tanA maQ;RCa3oas.�eflnanctngs,and substitWor�f�the NoLa. The matur(tY date ot thts Qeed of T�t[s =
<br /> . . � FeENery 1.20mk '• �
<br /> � P�tfonal Propanll• Ti�i v�erdss'FarttQnal PrsporlyP atean el equ;pmenl.fucture3.and oth9r er�s o?personal prapertY now or heteaftar --
<br /> � ' ' � owr�ed by Trttsttt,an�rtsw ar heragfier attacl�asl or eH'aed to fha Rsal Frope�ly;toga'.her v�itA aU acoesstorss.Parts.aad add�toris tc,e!2 --
<br /> � } rePiaeemerds of�,attd a9 suh58htRen�Sur,ef+�C vf such DroP�Y:and Mgether wflt�atl proceeds(irtdud�ng withou! GmitaUen aD trtsuranee _
<br /> praaesQs end re5tr,bs at pramlwnf'Fram env snle or othsr d}sPos[Hon�!lhe Prcpeity.
<br /> . ¢ �."
<br /> E RropeRy.The vco�d"Rroparly'mear�a ea.''.e�iuefi9 ths Real Proparty and Ihe Pe�senal Prop�r. r�
<br /> �_.
<br /> ' '. � Rl�Y PropeAlf.Tf�vrords'93ee1 FrQ�ert;�mea:�tna proAsriY�in'�6resl5 end dgMS descrtbod ama�e in the'SCflmrsyance an0 GranY seCfion. f ,
<br /> Relettd Doana�a2f. Ths wcrds'Fte;s�d QOaumsni�'m¢an and ind�de willtout Qrru�c[s a7 promissary notas.aa�t a�reem�ta� _
<br /> •� - < eQreemenb,em�Yor•mer�l agmement�,Suam.�t�s.security a�eemerds.mar�eqes.doads cF tnsst.and all ott�irstrumerds,e�ee __
<br /> • � documer►b.wks�,a�rtnw er heroaflur ex�eg.�cutad in tonnadtan with tRo tcrd�o2adness. _
<br />. . � ,` REnta. The wcni'Renb"msens eD�rasettt en��tuture rents,raventses,Incc*rs.ass�,royalttes.Pmfi�.aa�afh2r trerafib dedved trom tftc-0 E;
<br /> s,. P�sapeAy. , €
<br /> . .�.�� � ..
<br /> . . � 4tr�t6r.7he v�d`Tcustaf inecns enp 8rtd a7 persarrs end a�Ues exacuthsg thls ased at Trs�indudi�sg w^�.:.`.a�tlmi!a*cn r•JL Tcustws nama�
<br /> . ��. E=,:
<br /> �_
<br /> .. rws o� o�Tausr. �NCxw�n�a rr� �a.amxx�r oF p�rrs u�w n�sEexa�m �xrEaESt �N n��arrs�rin�asonn� �
<br /> . ' O!i TFE FOU 01�i1N�(i'Pk7i![S: -
<br /> ' � • �` PAY�tENT A!ID PEATORYAHCE Excepp�s cthestnfse provtded in this Qeed of Trust,Trustor shen pay to lender eil emounts�ecurad by thls Ceed
<br /> . a!TNSt es fhey beoac�se due,and shal�sM�i1v aaC tn a llmsty manr�er paAorm al of Trusta�s oIICgatiorts ander the Neta.this OoeO o!Tnst.end the
<br /> : � � Related Oacume�a.
<br /> , • � POS�ESSlOH ANQ i�l.!l1TEb4�tiit�Ot�TFE FfCaPERTY. Tnutor e9T�that Tcu�ic+rs Ross�s�on and�e of the Property shaB be qovemed t;�
<br /> the iaGawfrp pmvi�ir.� �
<br /> • . ' . •{' Po��eailon�Uee. UrdD U��actum�nce ct an Event oi De!ault.Tntstcr may (a)retrtatn in po�sstvn an0 conh�ol af the ProDedY. (bl�
<br /> • I
<br /> � e#'.atate or mac�a9a t1f�ProRerf�+,.m��i :a)ca��ct any RenU tr.:n'*s Ptapr�riy.
<br /> ' fA�te�ttc�.Tnrstar shr�1 mut�oln tt�o PropeRy fn ten��::�:e eortdiUon and prompUy pertortn al repehs.raplACensed5,r[mt s.�atntertanae
<br /> ' • . . r�aoessery to u��s vatue.
<br /> ' • tfazlydous��C,atdrrxl. T�us,tcr rt�Fr�artdc u�warianb that fhe Property never has been,and nev�vYll Ca so tong as this Deed of Tn�9
<br /> remains a Uet�on d�s Prapmtlr, ucv.t!tar Un��r.eraUcn. rt�nufacture.stara6e.treatmenb dlsposai. release Qr lhreatened retease of cr,s
<br /> !;�rdaus washD ar sttbstance,c3s ihc5e t�mrc a�deSirted in the Compreher�stve Ernhonmental Response,Compsnsa6on and LfaDlity Ast M�
<br /> � �•�'fyi.; tggp,aq arrtet�G3�,42 U.S.C.�cn 5&C9,et seq.('CERCI.A',tRe Suportund Amendmonts and ReautRor►�l►on Act("�:.'�.�"?.eAF�'�%a
<br /> ;f.;�,.. . .
<br /> �•hx state ar Fedent�l laws,ar rogu.?Sfams+s1a�4:d D�nsuant to atry of the toreyotng. TnJStar authorims Lendor and its apsnis i�s��ter upcn tts
<br /> :,�•'. . . ProDedY to rt�snch irts;se�:7rs�art0 tasls as Lender may deem aPProArtate to determine campJance o!the ProPettY wfth Ytss�cUor+01 t`e
<br /> .. `�. . �� Qeed a!Tn�t Ynesta hereby (a)r3:a:.��:i xratv�aeY tuture cteims �E.�=!rts!Lender tor MEemnit9 a conhibutton in the avertt Tn:Sr.r
<br /> � . . ` � becomes liabta fu etsenup cr alhor ea�'s w��:r�sny sueb laws.nnd (b)r��to IrtdemnNy and hdd hamitess Lertder eaainst any r�r3.�db
<br /> `.Y,,�i,;'.,, �'^ Wims and IOases�esutUnp hom a�raech af UX¢:.ara�raph a!the Oead af T�t: Thts ob1l�t�on to IndemNly sha4 sunfiro tAe payment c[tf�c
<br /> �.:,';':.:.•-, tndob�adness ur�d tNe sat�fna�an a4 tSUs Q�:�r Tnut.
<br /> .. �-� tYt�i�CO,111tt.ek. Tn�stw shct9 nct afl�canduet or p�t�ur,s nttisan�nor eomrr.:t,Qamii;�r sui(er any strtpDirg af cr�vaste on or to the
<br /> . ?roperty a�.^.Y Pa�ton ai the FmA�Y WA*tt�ouf YmiBnp fi��mr�a6tY of the taagotn9.T:v�nr vr,7 not remave�ar prar�tn�n5`�P�Y fhe
<br /> -_. � rlqht to reman+�any tlmbs►.minemlu 4m�uUlr�GI and yasj.soil.9ravel or r+aYR;.roducb rfiG:;.�:.fie prior wdtten eonsent o4 vs?�38r.
<br /> ' ;.. ,:: � Od�O!i SALH-COII�ENT BY LElLCtA. L�nCec rr.ay.at ib uPflon.dectera im�'..iatefi/du9 and PaY�19 efl�socured bY this Oeed at Tnlst
<br /> upon the sele or tr,�r�5teq withoul tiw LanQar's GEr�,.wAtten ccnsen�o}aN a any yart of ihe Rea1 P�opertY.ar aeY irterest In the Reol PropeAY. A
<br /> - �';,;�„�.....:. '"sate a transfer'�:aen3 the conv�yartce aLFQat t�roperty w any Apht,6Ge a irtte�t theretm,whe'��r tegal.beneRclsl or equttabte�whether vofuntary
<br /> :,-+�:��t or irivdunteryr.wh�U'+ar by outrlOht sttto.QQed.tnstailment sa�e Contraet.lan0 contract,contratt f�:�tt3ed.teasehotd lnterest witA a term qreatar than
<br /> ��'� threo(3)ysets,I6uss�op�on contmat,er'Fiy sate,essl�nmerd,a trar�ler o!any beneflcfal inierest tn or to any tartd trusi holdinp 61fe to the Reai
<br /> _�:�• • � : PropdAy,at by ar,y oL'�ar methud a9 cartUysnrA o?Reai PropeAy interest lf any 7rustor is a corporaUon,DaArte�sMp or Ilmited IlabiGty eompany,
<br /> tr¢nsfer e15o Inclu�tes any chartga tn awner�h�of more ihan lwenty-fire pe�aeni(2596)of the vo�np stock,par"_^es�.p Interests or Rmited kabil�ry
<br /> ' s compgny interoshf.es th9 case mny bo,a�TQUa�or. Howsvet.thls optton sha[i rtot be execds�d by Lend�it aa:�s Exerck�,.o ts proh�btted bY tederal
<br /> � ;, law abY t39breska Iavt. , .
<br /> .� . . ��S AND Lt�I�.Tha toRaw:ne pmt�ic�m r¢ta�ny to lAe tax�e^0 L�en9 an the ProAerty are a paA of tNs Oeed o}Trtlsl.
<br /> p qrymsrtt Trtr�bx sl�ab paY whan Qeo(artd in ail evenb p;�to delinquency)aD teze�,sDecW ig,ces.�ssessmanh.cha�pnctu�ng water
<br /> S, �nd sewer�f_ras arid ImR�itiana tov'.�d¢9ntnst d on aocount ot ttw Pro9eAy.and stw�PeY when duo a!cWms far�uarf�dot►s cn a far
<br /> � 1 . serNoes cec�J a materlai Furn�tKtd tn!Ne Ptoperty. Trusta shaY mai�ttd�U�Property(rea o!oll O�ns P�a•�r�prtaRy cver ar equat to the
<br /> ,; .
<br /> ,'�'t:z�.
<br /> J_t.. , .. ._._. _
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