I �
<br /> s��. ias2��
<br /> Y. CondNnnallo�.fhe proceeds ot any Award or claim for damages,ditect or consequent�n�, �n connectiun with any
<br /> condemnation or other taking of tAe Property,or part thoreof,ar for cenveyance in lieu o1 condemnAtion,Are hereby assigned
<br /> and ahall ba peid to Lw►der.
<br /> In ths awnt ot a tolal tskinq ot the P�operty,tho p�oceeds ahal�be applied to the eums secured by this Deed ot T�ust,with
<br /> � the excet�a,ii any,paid to Borrqwe�.in tM event ot a pAniat t�►kinq oT Ms Property,unles�Bo►rowe�And Lender othervrise
<br /> ayrse in w�itinp,thsra shail b�applied to Ihe sums sscura�i by thla Oaed of truat auch proportion olthe p�aceeds as is equal to
<br /> thatpropoRfanwhlchMeamounielihesumsaeGUr�cl�ythi�0aec�ofTrusiimmediatelypriartathedataoftakingbearstottte
<br /> fai�mulcel valw of tM prop��ty immedlalsly pr�or to Me date of t�kinp,with ths batance ot the procaeds paid to Borrowe►.
<br /> If ths Propsrty!s ab�ndoned by Bw�owsr,o�i1,after natice by Lender to Borrower that the eondemnor ottero to make�n
<br /> aw�rd��sMtle u claim for dam��es.Bor�ower taila to rospond to ls�dar wlthin 30 dsy�afbr the date such�otics Is maiied,
<br /> L�ndet is Autho►i:ed tc Collrct and apply the procMds,at L�nd�r's option,either to restoretion or repair of tha Property or to
<br /> th�wms ascu��d by thb t�d o1 T►wt
<br /> Unl�ss Le�dK�nd Borrowe►otMrwi�ea9rae in writing,any such application o1 p�oceed�to principai shall notextend or
<br /> postpone the dus daM of the monthly instalimenh referred to in parag�aphs 1 and 2 hereoi or change the amount of such
<br /> Insblimsnb.
<br /> 10. �arowK Nol RM��d.Extension of Me time for payment or moditication of amortizetion ot the sums aeaured by this
<br /> Oesd o1 Trus!�ranted by lander b any auccesao�in interest of Bo��ower shall npt operate to relsase,in any manne�,the
<br /> liablliry of ths o►lpinal8orrowe�and Bor�ower'a succesaors interest.Lende�shall not be�equi�ed to commsnce prxeedings
<br /> a�ainst such auccessor or retuae to extand time far payment or otherwise modiy amoRization of the sums secured by this
<br /> Deed of T�ust�y rseson af any demand made by the original Bor�owe�and 8o��ower's successors in interest
<br /> 11. Fat�aranc�by L�ndK Not a Walwr.Any to�bea�ance by Le�der In exercisinp any�iyht or remedy hereunder,or
<br /> otherwlse et(o�dsd�y applicsble law,shall not be a waiver of or p�eclude tha exe�cise oi any such right or remedy. The
<br /> procuremant of ineurancs of the payment of taxss or other Uens or charpea by lender shall not be a waiver ot Lender's right to
<br /> accelerate the maturiry of the indebtedness aecu�ed by this Oeed of Truat.
<br /> 12. R�diM Cumulatiw All remedies provlded in this Deed of Truat a�e distinct and cumulative to a�y other right or
<br /> �emedy under this Deed af Trust or aftorded by law or equity. and may be exercised concurrently, independently or
<br /> succe�sively.
<br /> 13. SucCNw�s and As�loM 8ound; Jolnt and S�v�nl Wb1Nfy; Capllom. The covenanb and agreements herein
<br /> contained shall bind,and Me d�hb hareunder shall inure to,the respective successors and assigns of Lende►and Borrower,
<br /> sud�ect to the provlsion�of paragraph 17 heteof.All covenanq and ag�eementa of 8orrower shall be joint and several.The
<br /> ' captians and headin�a o1 the pa�agrapt�s of th�s Oeed of Trust are for convenlence only and are not to bn used to interpret o�
<br /> deNne the provisiona hereof.
<br /> 1�. NoMe�,Exceptfor eny notice required under appticable law to be given in another manner,(a)any notice to Borrowe�
<br /> p�ovlded for in Mia Deed olTrust shall be given by mailing such notice by certified mail eddressed to Borrowe�at the Property.
<br /> Address o�at such otheraddresa a�Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein,and(b)any notice to
<br /> lender shall bs yiven by certiHed maii,return receipt requested,to Lender's address stated herein or to such other address as
<br /> Leneler may dssi�nate by notice to Borrows►as provlded herein.Any notice provided for in Mis Deed of Trust shall be deemed :
<br /> to�ve baen�iven to Bonowe�or LMtder when 9iven in tha manner designated herein. ; :
<br /> 15. UnMonn OMd M Tnah Gov�n�inp t.�w;S�wtablNfy.The form ot deed of trust combi�es unitorm covenants for �
<br /> national use and non-unlform covenanb wlth limited va�iationa by Jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument � :���
<br /> coverin�re�l property.Thia Deed of Trust ahsll be governed by the law oi the jurisdicticn in which the Property is located.In { S
<br /> !hw wy��!that any oroviainn ur clause ot tltis Oeed o!Trust or the Note conflicts with aoNicable law,such conflici shall not I ;�'
<br /> aflect otherprovisionsotihis Qesd of T�uat otths Nole whlch can be given effect withoutfhe confNcting pravisions,and to this -.
<br /> end the provisiona of the Deed of Truat and the Note are declaresi to be severable. i '
<br /> 16. �orrowrr'�Copy.Bor�ower shall be furnlahed e confo►med copy of the Note and of this Deed o1 Trust at the tirne of
<br /> execuUon or after recordation heroof. �
<br /> 17. TaMNr M 1h�Pt�opMty;A�wn�pYorti If al{or any part of the property or an interest therein is sold or transterred by
<br /> Borrower without Lender's priflr written consent,exctuding(a)the creation of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to this Deed
<br /> otTruaR{b)thecrestionofapu�chasemoneysecurityinterestforhousehaldappliances,(c)atransterbydevisedescentorby ,;:
<br /> operation of law upon thedeaM of a jointtenant or(d)the grant otany leasehold inte►est of three yea�s or less not containing an _
<br /> opUon to purchase,Lender m$y,at Lender's option,declare all the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be immediate�y due
<br /> and payable.Lender shall have waived such option to accelerate if,prior to the sale or transte►,Lender and the person to
<br /> whom the P�opsny is to be sold or transterred reach agreement in writing that Me credit of such person is satiafactory to
<br /> Lender and thatthe interest payable on the suma secured by this Deed of Trust shall be at such rate as Lender shell request.If
<br /> Lender has waived the option to accelerete provided in this paragraph 17, and ii Borrower's successor in interest has
<br /> executed a w�itten assumpHon agreement accepted in writing by Lender,Lender shall release Borrower from a11 obligatians
<br /> under this Deed of 7rust and th�Note.
<br /> It Lender exerci�es such option to aCCele�ate,Lender shall mail Borrower notice of acceteration in accordance with
<br /> parayraph 14 hereof.Such notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days irom the datethe notice is mailed within which
<br /> Borrower may pay the sums declared due.lf Borrower taits to pay such sums prior to the expiration of such period.lender ���
<br /> may,without funher natice or demand on Borrower.invoke any remedies permitted by paragraph 18 hereot. �'�
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.BorrowK and I.�ndK fuAhN cov�nant and ayrN as tallows: �`
<br /> t�. AacNKalbn;Ram�dt�s.Except as provlded in paragraph 17 hereot,upon Borrower's breach ot any covenant or
<br /> agreementoi Borrawer ln this Deed of Trust.including the covenants to pay when due any sums secured by this Deed ot Trus�
<br /> lender prior to acceleration shall mail notice to Borrower as provided in paragraph 14 hereolspecitying:(1)the breach;(2)the
<br />� action required to cure such breach-(3)e date,not less than 30 days irom the date the notice is mailed to 8orrower,by which
<br /> such breach must be cured;and(4)that failure to cure such breach on or betore the date specifled in the notiCe may result in
<br /> acceleration of the suma secured by Mis Oeed of Trustartd sale ot the Property.The notice shail further inform Borrower of the
<br /> right to reinsfate after acceleration and the rlght to bring a court action to assert the non-existence ot a deteult or any other
<br /> defense otBotrowerto accelaration and sale.lf the breach is noE cured on or betore the date specified i�the notiee,�.en�er at
<br /> tender's opt�on may decfaro ali o#the suma secured by this 8eed of Trustto be immediately due and payebfa withoutfurther
<br /> Qemand and may invoke the power of aale and any other remedies permitted by appticabla law.Lender shall be entiUed to
<br /> colls�tali ressonabls cosband expensealncurred in pursuingthe remedies provided in tha paragraph t8,including,but not
<br /> Iimited ta.rsasOnable at�omey s tees.
<br /> If the power of sab is invoked.?rustee shall record a notice oi default in each county in which the Property or some part
<br /> thereof ia located and shall mail cvpiea of sueh notice in the manner prescribed by applicabie law to Bo�rowsr and to the ather
<br /> peroons presCribsd by sppUcable law.After the lapse ot such timg ea may be required by applicabte law,Trustee shall give
<br /> publlc notice d sab to Me persons and in the manner prescribed by appticable law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,
<br /> shallael{thsPropertyatpublicauctiantothehighestDidderatthetimeandplaceandundevthetermsdesignatedinthenotice
<br /> ot sfte in one or more parcela and in such order as Trustee m8y determine.Trustee may postpone sale ot all or any parcet of __ _�
<br /> the Property by public announcement et the Hme and place of any previousty scheduled sale.Lender or Lender's designee � '
<br /> may purchess the Property at any sale.
<br /> Upon teceipt oi peyment ol the priCe bid.Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's desd conveying the Property sotd
<br /> The recitala in the Trustes's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therem.Trustee shalt apply
<br /> the proceeds of the sab in thefoilowin�order.(a)to all reasoneble costs and expenses ot the sale,includ�ng,but not limited to. �
<br /> 7rwtee's tees o1 not more than %of the gross sale priee,reasoneble attorney's fees ansl costs ot t�tle ovidence.
<br /> (b)to aU suma secured by thi�Qeed ot Trusk and(c)the excess,i!any,to the person or persons legally enUtlad thereto.
<br /> t!. Sarowa's Ri�M b RNMt�M.Notwithstanding Lender's acceleretion of the sums secured by this Deed o1 Trust, i�i
<br /> L Borrower shall havethe riphtta havs eny proceedings be�un by Lender to entorCe the Deed of Trust discontinued at any t�me �
<br /> prior to the esrHer to xCUr of(i}the fiith�ay betore the sale oi the Property Rursuant to the power of sate centained in the Oeed
<br /> of Truat(i�)entry of a�ud�ment entorCing this Deed of Trust if�(a)Borrower Reys Lender al1 sums which would!�e then due
<br /> under th�s Deed of T�ust,the Note and notea securing Future Advances,�f any,had no�ccelerat�on occured(b)Borrower r.,,
<br /> cures al1 braechRy of any other covenants or agr�ements ol8orrower contained m this beed ot 4rust Ic)Borrower pa_ys;�li �
<br /> reasongbleexpenses incurred by Lenderand�rusteeenforc�ng thecovenanM and agreementsof BOrrower CoM.AmQd in th�s i!S
<br /> DeedotTrustendinenforc�nglender'�andTruatee'sremediesesprovidedmparegraph 18hereot.�ncludmg,butnothm�ted �� - �..
<br /> t�,reasoneDfe etto►ney'stees,and(d)Borrnwer takes such action as Lender may reasonaD�y rE�qu�rcr to assurQ that the I�en of r.. •
<br /> th�s[?ee�ol TruSt.Lender's�nterest in!ho Propq►ty and Borrowor's ob!��3tioc �-�Qt�y the sums securt�d t�y th�s QeE�d ot T�„tir
<br /> shuilconUnueunimpa�red llponsuchp8yrndnt�nctcwt�byF3orrc,wt�r tn�yp��r�dar7r��standtnF•r�bi�qrit�n��ss.E��:+uc•clnt•���h,
<br /> Sliall rpm3�h u�lu��fOrCO At�d UNeCt F�9,1 no.1GC�F�r;itu�n htfd��ct.��«Nd
<br /> �
<br />