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�: „-:�TI...,J'. ' � �h1• r. ' i � . . <br /> 'II' - .. �. .. . .. _ . . <br /> nµ • �t'..l+y:.. � v.• . �ay,�- <br /> i,3�'� ._ .': •-•. � ,.�...+..�.�. . .._.. ij;'^ft',� •f .. � � �. <br /> . ,a.y.. ' �' - , � ':r�+-+e �-+lI��a!tA- irv�:ww�l',�.i..•., , . , . , - . ,.�j�. <br /> � _y... . .p..,�'+r�4RlA�?7!- • . .�.1�„r},.�,�.. -. . .... . - . � .. r<+,rw..�u � <br /> ' .- � 1N'r..,^Y�'�7't+M.•W���+aiT+. ` Sr.b.� ,.t•. . . . <br /> _ . . . , ..4�- � �1.��{�Yi!{ ' . <br /> {awsci►•� <br /> . C?j�;+v'�:� . • '� . ' '.��r <br /> . - . ���� <br /> ..�LB��:a�. <br /> " y�17 y�a��[T:#it!".h:.•�"-. _ �: ,'� �'`'. <br /> �. _ __' _ _ �-. . �..T._:er_ <br /> , . . .� `�r1. <br /> _ _. ' .''`Y;:—_�—,. <br /> .,�9i��: <br /> ' "`� r V� A, •}r����l��--"�_ <br /> ,:��- � ::�,: - �° 9„� �.Q'�4 � _�:�= <br /> , � �:.��� - . <br /> .....___ <br /> ��. . �'t. n:..n.�'n�.�. <br /> . ... ,irp.t��X1::.'��i'!K�", _— <br /> � " `�'� TO PROT ECT TME SECUFi1TY OF THIS 7RU3T OEF.D.TRUSTOR HEREBY COVENANTSANO AOREES AS FOLLOWS =-----.---- <br /> ' ,�•,e 1��'�; ,� t PAYI�BNT OF PRINCIPAL ANO INTBRB8T. Trustor shau promp�iy pay when duv tna pnnc�pai ot ao�mterest on the mde�tedness L� ��,.;�+o� <br /> _ � � ev�dencad by the Nota,and an othar charpes and�aes aa prov�ded�n�he Nole,aOtl Iha pnnCIp111 O���d mtore�t on any Fulure Advaneai sYeur�d �'��^•;�'-=L_ <br /> _._ . ` by thic Trutt Dood. �•�'.'sr. .�:^�:'+a:� <br /> �, ' � _ • 2.WARRANTYOFTITLH.Trustorislow1u11ysa�iedantlpoasea8edofgoodandmdefeas�bla1�11eanAeslaletolhePropeilyherebyconveyed � . <br /> ! • and has Ihe nght to granl and convey Ihe Properly.ihe Properly�s iree and dear ol all lians and eneumWances ercept lien�now ot reeord:ond �.•,.-t�. �. '{� <br /> " Truslor wdl warranl an0 delend Ihe Ulla lo the Property aga�nst all clo�ms and tlemands ',,,,, "�*"�:•�%%�• ��' <br /> - . .:,�:. •, . . . � I, <br /> 3.MAIN?EMAM�FANDCO�AP4IANCE WITM LAWS•��ustOr shall keeplhe Prpperly�n good repa�r and cond�lion AnA sha��npt comm�l waBiH ` <br /> or permil�mpqument or cfoter�or�UOn ot ihe P�opahX A�d sha11 compt�w�tA th�prOns�ons at any lease d ihis Trusl Deed�&an a loasehold No � - . <br /> �rtlprovem@M n0�r o►hereaRer erocted upan the Prpperty shal t p¢aROreef.r8m0+red o�demoU sheC wdhout the pnOr wrdten conaeM at 6gnBfiC���y <br /> Trulslorsh�lf�complywdha1118ws.ordma�cQS.�egulat�ons.covenants-condd�o�sandrestncuonsa►�ect�ngtnaProperlya�dnotcomm�t suffo�o� , <br /> ' permq dny act to be done m or upon Ihe P�ope�l�m v�o�at�on o1 any law.o�d�nance.regulat�on.covena��.co�dd�on or resinct�on Trusto�snali � <br /> :('�•�:; ,4'•. tomplete or restore promplly and in good wo�k�rra�hke mannar any�mpsovement on the�'�pB�t�wh�C�miy be daro8g0A 0�deSt�OyYd AnQ D�Y• ;�,• � <br /> � , :, k <br /> j�.��,, wh�n due.all claims lOr IobOr perlormed and matenalc tum�shed IherNor and ror a�y a�Ye+�oons Ihe�eol <br /> t+' � <br /> ����� .�leexpense.wdlmeiMemwdh�nsurorsapprpvedCyBene7�i�ary.�reurAOCew�lhrespecltvthe�mprovem�ntsa�d <br /> ��?i•;.���� personal prprerly eonslltuting ihe Propehy.againat loss by t�re,lighin+ng±•:^ma��.and olAer penla antl haaards tovered by standard e�tend¢d � <br /> :•_i�/�fs �average�c^_^•S�emgnL��an amount equa�tp at least one hundrad percer�: 'pC°e`u�Ihe tuu replacement value Ihereol and msurance aga��st •.• . <br /> ,1,`�'i��� sut�olher ha2a�e5 8nd m such emounls as+s C uslomardy cerried by owner��n;np�-alors o�simdar propert�es or as Benehc�ary may reawre fa� r'� <br /> �`t�+tD� �tsprotecUOn Trustorwdlcomplywdhsucholne�reqmremeotsasBenehtiary ma��*�mt�meloUmerequesllorlheproteclmnbymsurAnceollhe , <br /> ' • mterestsoftherespeclrvepe►uesAniosuranr.e�ohc�esmamtamedpursuantlo�h�sTrus^r�a� o�K+�� <br /> ,�'r': 1 theurespeclwe�nlereslsmayappear.andprrv�dethattherebe�ocancellationormod���_ni�:'��v�Ihoulalleasll5tlayspnorwnitennol�licalionto } � <br /> ! .}�� Trusteeand Benebciery may proture such msurance m accardance with the provis�ona t°�a'ag"aph 6 he�eo� Trusmr shall deliver to Benehc�ary . ' ' <br /> +,``�j lheongmalpolici89ofmSUranceandrenewa-SlhereolormemocopiesofsuchpoliCiesanprnnRw8lsihe*t:'Faduret0lurmshauchmsuranCeby <br /> �;�,;...* i `�..;•`� <br /> �,;�;,� Trustor.or renewals as reqwred hereunde•s�all,at ihe opUon ol B6neficiary,eonsldule a;.ataull � . ,; <br /> ,�.,����, � ;��. .i <br /> "��:'� 5.TAXEB.A88ESSMENTS AND CNAtiOEF�.7rus�or aha�►Nay all laxes,assossmenis anq other cnarges.mcludmg .���hout l�m�lal�on.lines � '�' ' •. <br /> • and impos�tions alt�ibulable to Ihe Properly and leasehold payments or ground renis.��nny belore Ihe same become a�t�i,npuent Truslor shall •• <br /> • ' prompllyturn�ahlo benel�c�ery all notices ot amounls due undar Ih�s paragrpph,and�n Ine evont Truslor shall make paymsm Oirectly,Trustor shall j . <br /> ������5 promptly lurmsn l0 8eneficiary receipls ewdencmg such paymenis.T�usto�s�afl pay all laxea and assessmenls wh�c�may be Iev�ed upon � <br /> • .,1��; ���' Benel�Clary s mteresl herem or upon ih�s Trust Deed w�lhoul repArA lo�ny ITw Inat mey be enatted�mposmg peyment ol the whole o�Any Darl � <br /> � �..,�.,. <br /> . ��•r j,'•.��� ibu�uui upun i7a Darai+c+ary — .��,-,� <br /> . . �,I;.i•,:: �' , <br /> � !�� � ' 8.ADDITIONAL LIHNS AND PROTECTION OF 88NE�F1�'IARY'8 9�ECLIWITY.7rust�•sna li mn#�ai�payments of mlerest�na prmc�Fa�and � <br /> � � • ��' " payments of any othe�charges.lees and expenses coM�actoa to be pa�tl lo any exisur;;o� suGS�puflrt hanholder c�teneliCiary.urtaer any 1• � „: <br /> ,ti � ., �''���'�;� ezistmg o►aubsequent morlgage or trust deed belore the tlate IDey are delmqenl or in delaun t�no D�Ompt�y D8y e�d d S�harge a�y and all other t' •+ ,i�ti' r <br /> ' .� Iiene.claimso�chargeswhichmay�eopardizethesecunlyp+anleaherem IlTruslorla�IStomaeean�suchpaymentorlailslopertorma�yWihe �;�•}�'�`,''};� ��� <br /> � , � �!�. , COVenanlaandagreemenlscontamedmihisTruslDeed.o�lheNotereterredtoherem ormanypnorc+sub5eqU0�ltluslpeed.o�denyaCt�o�or � � ,l� ���•, <br /> proCeeding is commenced which malenally affecls 8enehc�a►y s interest��Ihe r.p1 I�mAed to,emment doma��proceed• , ,;��;: �...�-� <br /> � �ngs.proceedmgs mvolvmg a decedenl.notice ol sale by T ruslee.notice ot Aelaull by Trustee mqr�gAgP�oreclosurtt ecticn,or�1 Trus�or lads lo ; ��;�� <br /> .�I�. <br /> �'i,}, ' pay Truslor s debis generally as tney become due.Ihen BenPt• 8enel�c�ary s opl�on and without nol�ce lo ar demAnd upon Truslor and , <br /> ,��i' �, <br /> '�,'"'�� w�thoutreleaS�ng Trustor Irom any obl�galion hereunder.m�;�-���a Suc h nppenrances.d�sburse such sums and lake such aCtion aa�s neCee88ry , <br /> to protect 8eneficiary s �meresl. mclutlmg,but not��mdeC w.d�abursement ot reasonabW attorney 5 fees.paymenl, purchase,conleal or <br /> , ���' , • eompromise o)any enCUmdrance,charge or lien.eniry upen the Prope�tg Io make repairs.or doc�er at�on of delaull under this TruBt 09ed.1n th9 , � <br /> � ,+•' ' evenl lhet Truslor shall tad lo procure��suranceor to pay laxes.assessments,or any other tha�ges o�lo mako any peyments to eny�•c�st�n�M � , <br /> � • ••�i' . <br /> sub8eque�t henholders or exisUng or subsequent benehcianes.Benehc�ary may procure such msuraace antl make suCh payment,bui s�a�l r+01 <br /> �'i ''��� be Obligated to tlo so Any amounis disbursed by Ber n":ery pursuant to this Parag�a:��F snan become addil�onal�ndebtedness oi Truslor �.�� <br /> �,,:(,.� secured by Ihis Trust Deetl Such amounts sha11 be:a:�bNe cpon nobce Irom Banelic�nTy t:TM�Y�or requesung paymenl thereot-antl sha11 bear <br /> � interesllromlhedaleoldisbursemenlattherate�=i�•�ai[•' �Ttimelol�meonoulsfantlmgp•�nC�palundertheNoteunlesspaymentol�Merestat <br /> , such rele would be conlrary to appl�cable 1pw.m w^�c�event such a�^cuMS sha11 beer mlerest al the�ighest rete permisaible untler appl�teble I���,` _ . ' , <br /> " • � law Noth�ng eoNamed m tn�s Paragraph B shau requ�ro 8a�et�c�ary w mcur any erpense or take any action hereunder �� ����.i'�;': � <br /> ..� � <br /> 7 ASSI(iNAIENT OF RENTS.Benetitiary shall havr'^:�•�qht power and author�ly Ourmg ihe continuante o�Ihis Trust Deed to colleCl the � <br /> rents,�asues antl protits ot ihe Properly antl ot nny perso�a v•operly Iocale0 Ihereon w�th or wdnout taking possessior o�lhe property affectetl , <br /> hereby.andTruslornerebyabsolutelyanduncond�t�onallyass�gnsa��suC��enls �ssuesandp*ofdstaBenefic�ary Ben�.�l���a�y.however,hereby <br /> consenis to the Trustor s collection a�d relent�onot such renls.�ssues and prolds as Ihey accrue and become payable sc�:r y e8 TrustOr�s <br /> ;,� such I�me.�n delault wrth respect to paymeM o1 any mdeGleaness sewred hereby.or m the De��o�mance ot any agreeme�t hereunde� 110on any <br /> such delau11.8enel�c�ary may al any t�me.e�lher�n person.dy ageM or by a rece�ver to be apDOmled by a court.without nol�ce and w�lr n u:�lgard <br /> . � �� tolheadequocyofanysecuntytorlhe�ndebtednessherebysecured �a►enleruponandtakeo�ssess�o�otlheProperWcranyparllh[��eo�a�d�� <br /> � dsownnameSUefororotherw�secollett5uchrenl5 �ssuesa�dprot�ts.�nc�udingthosepas�0uean�fu�pa�d.antla^p��1^esame � <br /> �•. i:� . . exDenses ol operal�on and collect�on. �ntlutling reasonab�e attorney s fees.upon any �nA�-±blPtlng55 5@tured hCreL'} a�d�n such ortlBr a5 . <br />- . �. • fl;r•e'�c�.ary maydetermme.Ibl perlorm such acts ot�epa��o�prolecUon as may be necessary oi proper to cooserve tne va�ue olthe Pmre�ly.It) <br /> ' • ieaSBt�B�a�*eo�anypnrllher001torsuchrent&I.tBrm.anduponsuchcond�l�o�Sas�IS�udgmenlmayArctate_o�terminpt@O�atl�ustlhBtermS8nt1 <br /> • '�•'`''�'��', ca^tld�ons ol e�ist�ng leeses.Unless Truslo�and Eieneliaary Ihereoi ay�eN ntn�rw�se in wr.l�rig any appl,ciit�on o�renis.�ssues or proldS to a�y , <br /> >-i� ; ' " m7eb18AneSS 5@CUr�d hereby shali not e�lend a postpone the Aue AatP ot Ine mstal�menl paymenls as prov�AeA i�sa�tl promis40�y notB or <br /> cna�gelhoamountofsucnmsla��monts TheunlerinqupondnA�dkinqp�lySNtiti�un-�Ith��h••:e���lytheron�ct�or.n!s�.c-•ents.issuesantlprofda , <br /> antllheaPPl�calio�thereolasatoresa,d Sh(f11nU�Wd .r,• 'u���yd.,�.lui�i.��•��b��'JIrlt�te..•Inr�rumteror�rv.i'f:81Pi1ry9C100�BPu�SUBrltlp _- <br /> + suchaonee irustoralsoass�gnsto6enat����..� ���..�.r.�.�.ru��r.�,�n,v�.,.�.,,�• �•,.�.�,��.,�.�,����i.r •,.......•�c��• riti ��� �„_.,a ,,..�,h.�n.tar -- <br /> mOn�es+�n•�:^may have been or may r•�rea^.e�Oe Cea:>�Ifc wdh�a��'.:S!:t by d�ty�BSSPI'tN Ihf'�•nte•t� to secu•e Ine payr�e��o'anv re�tor <br /> damages c•�aon delaull�n Ihe perfo•ma�ce c�any,-.�ihp('••p5'�F�Pr; rp'nC; ''�.gi:'aqrees W ete���e�s,.cc�ents ana depo5�ls t,Benet�c�arY , <br /> �@IIV@ryplYl�r�it@nn06Gp0�B@P@1iC�dtyS°►'.'•^i8C"'?':q�iSQ"d�'C'(1�Fr('�^ I: i1n,,•P•S•'JCCUD�/'�`558��premiSesShAllbeSuN•c�en�tc�eqwre , . . <br /> sa�d tenaM lo Fa����•�::�e�e+-�?•^a��unt� '.•t^F•rpLfP <br />_ w Pf1YBCYY�TIAM • '�•-a r a^�'fho F•r.:."'. .^1 _�'d�Pn�� .- - - a .'L`�Ofoart.nq5 bY r�gnt ot emmem domam o�S�rt�dBr .. <br /> 7t1�0�O►ShO��hP SG"1..r^.?r�.•.C3t":L'TPmnAlrin .��_.�,r�':-•^9^'doP��"�:^`�e••••ti n•�?'a•n^•a55�4nPA dnA 5hali b�Pd'fS 10 BPOPLC�d•y . <br /> Wh0 Sh011 aODN i,�C�dJYd'CS �.�1^'.I39':.d11U p�OCCPtlS in�ha cu'� i_... 'L�1' S 1�,it UnaC e r- '-.�s•��'���ti ��.1�+V l�d�A�U i•.:t�• 11 i�U510� <br /> fQC@IVQS &f�r(�U��fPi�.Qtrp•,� , �3..��egar��nqtiui h.l��U�'�- . . . . � .� . �.1ii'..1 :�C�"h�N����l�f11��1�C�`�hn'E'.��.Ldf�f����1a�,, <br /> BQnCl��iary•,n,�nCoer••'ftl.AI�ISOp1�On �oiomm��n�e� .iUU"a� .. j� ,. . •• ' - ' .n,�•�,�n,�• .r•�•,.u�����•. ��s.p".^35a^JSndtlhr? <br /> antd�ed ec�ma,n.�ny c:Tprumise a S�tUem�m��.�unni•rU�����•^.,-.,�.,,_ . - . :n••,��ny�. <br /> 9 fl��loREAOVANCES.UUonrequcslof �rus�u� Nona��c�.i•� �•r - , , . ;r,���, i�.,,,�� •.,r��.,•y.�nc��c•*^,. �•.c<.•.• .s•.. ^^3v <br /> mekeh�t..��eadvanceslol�ustur Suchtulu�r.�ev,�ni�+s ��tn�r.b:.P;..__.� i ri���•<<,,�..ip��n„T�,��IDc�edwrr.ns, T�-^.•.:t-�:�,:�^s5a^. <br /> noles st.aGCg that sa�d noleti drN tirc ure�d hrrOhY [`rnv�Qi+(�Ih.lf.i � ., . • ^�nr u �•.t � �� �p.i�dr„1�i�tii�N.lftvdr.:- . ,� u,I^�1•'., � <br /> advan[ed fo P�otecl tne secur�tv e�cc eA iwu hund�Bd perc ert .;�' . „ . -a : ^r�c a�amrunt.��•r��e��i r�nr�•pti <br /> . � <br /> ! <br /> �� <br />