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<br /> , f �, 18.Farerlosvn Praoedure.Id I.ender rec��immed3ate Paymeat in fail under paraBrePb 9,I.�udea may -
<br /> � . [n�u�t�e po�er of sale aa�aAy other remedic9 permitted by apgatcabte taw.Leader shal�be enii3ted to colIxt _
<br /> all expenses tasurred tce p�sut�8 the rem�Iies undu 4�J� para�raFb 18, trccl¢dIag, bu3 nfli Umft� to. =_
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<br /> teasaaabYe uttoraeys'�eas and cosls oi ti3te evfdence. e
<br /> -;:-•z�� �t the po�eer oi sale E�tnvake�.Tmstee shall a+e�ral a uust�at de�aUlt En ach connty to wMe6 any�art oY �.
<br /> �,�1 ��F�Y is [QSated aad sball �tail copfrs of�tsh no,E3se in the menaer prc�ad�ed�y 3p�i€rable gas�to -.
<br /> �.�rir�l �orrower aad to the atteer persans pr�ribPCl6p apg►Iir..aml.law. Af�er tlie ti�e requdred by sppIleabt�law,
<br />- ' s ' Tnistee sbali give pu�l�c nati�of saie to the pers�ns ecd in We manaer presciihed by applIra4�2e law.�stee. _
<br /> l:•�,-� without dem�crd on Boarawer,shall sell thx Praperty ai p�+..!�s auAion tn t6e highest b;dder at the time antl
<br /> . �#. plase aarD c�sr the Eerass deignatesl in the no*�ce ot sate`rs cae or more�parceis����nt ut the dme
<br /> . _ �et�nei.xe�.n"�-tse cs�y po�o�e sat�a�a8 tt���t�'�Fru� Y F� �
<br /> , �4 tPte Ymgerty at any sale.
<br />"34,'; and glace cE anq pre�vfouJy scha4�eYed sate.Y�eader or Its d.,�a--g` u�e�aY purr6ase
<br />"�`%,;�' U the LeQder's Gn4erest in t�S�r[t9�=� ts��y the SeQeia�y aa8 t�x Se�etar9 r�air�s
<br /> �`T• {�m�'w; FigyQlGtt � tUfl QQt�Bi' �8I8�C8�' �`n Z"Z'2 � �Y III60�C �IC II4I�II�ICISI p[ll�i(� &81C �
<br /> �'��Ms. f :,ro8►��1 u�r�t SiagYe FamIIy M��;a?��tmm�e��08;.y'"�("Ad"D(�2�.S.C.375a�t�.1��
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<br />-;a�;�i ` r,�x-��u�.'3t fr��A�. i��:.r.�':�ine t7n���r��ce s"���'Ire t�i��esretery aC��^3 c�therwlse
<br /> �"` :CC+ar e?"��4i a l�nxfi�cor 1M:9 Pl�r'��ra�L•�pt�,'�liCable ls�r.
<br />-''�•� YJptin receq�E eF�u;�.nt oi ffis pa�ce b��.�trw7ae shall deliver to�e p�urchaser Tsvst�'s deed eanvey[uS
<br /> ..�.�� the Fm�xrty.The recitals In the Trastee's dsed shsll be pdma twie�videace af We tr�tb at the smteaiee� _
<br /> T_'_�.�
<br />:�■ made therein.Trustee shall aPylY 4he Paoceeds o�t�:sel�in�fo!t8e �Trastce's fer�a�ctually tncmrred.n�tR.i
<br />-__�;� esercising the powtr of sale,sad the sale,taciudinS�PaY�
<br /> -- u� f 1 ve (5) 96 of the prindpel sm�ua3 ai the noie at tIse Hme o!the dxluation o!ddanit,
<br />,.:� and reasonabEs altoineys'fee�as p�mitted 6y lawi(b)W a!1 sums secmed by t�Se�urit9 I�mmtt an8(c)
<br />--a'-'� any cxase W t�e�a�san ur perso�u Itg�lly eatitled to il. .
<br /> 19.Ruonveyancs.Upon paymwt of all sunc�scc�rcd by thi,s Savrtry i�stn�ent�Lender skill recluest TcustOe
<br /> - ---- to�econvey the Pmpexty �ad ihall $urrender thia Seeurtty Ia�tiusneat witheut artaary and whhout cbargebt the
<br /> Sccuriry Irnsuument t�Tnuttix.Trwue ehaii rcconvey the FcoP�nY
<br />-�d��
<br /> persan or peisans legaliy entitled[o it.Such persaa oz per�on�ahall pay any resarda4ion costs.
<br /> 20<Substft�e Tc�siee. Leuder.a�its ap8oa.may from tkne to dme rrm�ve Tnistee and appoint a succes�r
<br /> ---- --- muta to any Tra�tx appolnted hereunder by an lnsuutueat�ordsd in the caunry in which this Sr.curity Insinimeat
<br /> is rxorded.Witttout canveyaact of the PropertY.tha saccessor trustee shall�xed to all tha titie.Rowcr aad daties
<br /> - confeaod upon Trastee f�enin aud�y applicnb2e lav�.
<br /> 21.Reqnect tor Nuttres.Bonu:ler reqnests thai capiea of the nosi�zs of c�efa�lt aad sale be sent to Borcawes's
<br /> adQress which is t�e Pc�ertS+Addss�.
<br /> 2Z,J�.9das to tbis Saur[ty Imtnm�eut.If as or�:oie rldera am executcr.l i�y Boaower aad recaidd together
<br /> with ��aritY Iasuument.t�e wvena� of each s�ch cid.°r shafl be incorporated into and shall aaund and
<br /> supp2ement We oove�.:::ta aad agrse�ents of this Sscurity Insu�ent as if the rtder(s)wero a part of th?s Sauriry
<br /> Instrument.[Chxk a�:cable box(�s)l• � Other[ ] �
<br /> ❑ Qandominivai Rtder � �:owtng Fs�uity Rider MORTGAGE�Cf�C�1M
<br /> ❑ Planned Unit Develapment Rider � Cfraduated paYtnent Ridcr
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