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<br /> ` � {�All oz pait of the Prop�rtY.ur a beseficial iateaest Ia a avst owning all or part of the Property.is sol� ��_
<br /> eY otheiwise uavsfened tothtp than by devise or descent).aad al residence.os the �'��'
<br /> uav
<br /> , •.; (ii)The PropertY is not occupied by the purchassr or gautee as his or her P�F
<br /> � purcmaser or grantee daES sfl occupy t�e Progerty but hIs or hez ctedit 1�as aat tieen ap�rove� m =
<br /> ---.-- �or�+2nce with the nquiremEnts of the S�cretaiy. r�ent i�full.but ==
<br /> ��• (c)No�siv�.If c:*+o���^_ces oxur that vraal.d pErmit Lender to require i�iate PaY i _-
<br /> ��� L ea der d o e s n o t i e q u i r e s a c h P a l+o t 2 a t s•I x a d e t d�e s n e t waive its ri g hts with resFect to snbseqaent events• �
<br /> �...:�::,�+w� -
<br /> (d?Regola3lrias of HiIA��. In marsy a:�mstances re8ulazians issued by the 3esretary will limit �-
<br /> • Leader's rtghts,in the pse of payment defaults.to recNire im��e PaY�na in full anfl foreclose if aot _
<br />__ ..._ . .,i p�.This��Y�m�t da�s nat anthorize�sxeleiation or fore�losure if not pemtiued by regulatio�s ._
<br /> � ; 1 Of the SeCletary• (n�emmQ++t�d the NoTe ane not determiued
<br /> �..� J (e)Martgage Not Ia�ed.Borrawer agreES ihat if.this Securiry
<br /> , ' j to be eligi'ble for insuranr�under tke Nanonal Hc��siag Act aithin 60 days fmm the date hereof� 1�ender --
<br /> � may, at its aption, reqaire imm�d�ate PaYtaent i�..fu:l of all sums secured by this Se�auiry Insaniment. A
<br /> . ~ � written statem2nt of any a�athori�d agent of tte S�rzetary dased subsequeat to C:0 days from the date hezeof, -
<br /> �. �� ` QCCLIIIII$ LO 1D..�QTC [WS S2C11T1�Y Tnetntmertt �.the Idote, sball he dee�ed coa�Iusive proof of sucb
<br /> �" { iasligi'6�7ity. ltirar.-ithstac3ing the forega3r,{;, ttia option may aot �e exercis� by Leader �..� tha
<br /> un.�vailability c�:����%�tely due ta I�rcdnc's failure w remit a�-c,s.;;�.�.�pn'�;:�-o the
<br /> `. 'r��--' � `�' �=*-'etazY' �:r1endez hzs �...ri-�.:a.�rna��--s�� ia ft?1 ---
<br /> •i Jt�i t. au'..�js"-�ctsltnm'rT»��IfOWC".. �'` 8 L'-�T YC{.^$1.�3iE�l9� L '�'
<br />:_,5��^�q�l,.: -�: �
<br />"��'t�f%�.� �' b:��cf�..^rron�'s`�i'rs�e to pay an amnr.:.t du�u�ler c�hc:»ar tlt�.s 5��'.y Ins�.r���'..;. y,ys�;�*.��.:.� .
<br /> :`:�h`:�°`� . �^L ecr�a.�.er i`�rec2os.�+e presx�in8s are instituted.�'o�tat�e t�s �zcuzct? '�ent, Borrower stiii.�,�.'is a
<br />,�y;�;�.j/1.. • --,-
<br /> °�� tump s:��Sl amounU�..�red to bring BorroR ar's zcca�LSL curceas includ*'.�,�a che extent they are obl�g�aoi�s o
<br />...>:•�,� � 'fees ar.�expenses
<br /> �,�;�,`r,��,: : Bomnwer under this S�r�y Ynsuumant,farecic�.�casts and reasonable�c�.:..=:�mary attorneys
<br /> �r�a���a;'' �f k'r, rl esSOCisted wit3i c;:.�foTeCio3ure pni�.�,. Upox�nstatement by�¢�wes,Q�is Secnliiy in �ment aIId
<br /> ;;,,;.{• s� �� Y in effeci as i�Leader had aot ed immsdiate ayment in full.
<br /> ��}�;r4,;' ���; ? the obligaflons that it secures shall remaia �'� P
<br /> ., ;',`.:� ��� v However. Lende� Is not requited w permit reinstatcicu�t if: (i) 1.endet 1s� acaepted reinstat�ent after the
<br /> _- - .' .,�.'�:` �ommeaorment of fonclosure pmoeedinga withia twa yeras tmmediateiY P�3 tht wmmenc�ment of a current
<br /> ,f�±_;�'�: , forxlosura praceeding, (ii) ninstatement wlll preclaG� E'�re�lasure on different graunds in cha future, or (iif)
<br /> - reiaatatement will udvarssly affoct the prio�iry of the li.r�crsatcd by this Security lnstruiaent.
<br /> ��'-�.�,:_-_•, �� 11. Bonower Not Reicued; Forbrarancc By Lsmr'.�r NoY a Waiver. Ext:nsion of the tlme of payment ar
<br />-f�;�<-��''"� inodificat�on of amorti7atton of the sums secured by th��'�xuriry In�tru�nent granted by Lender to say eur.ctssor in
<br /> _-= '�'�'�`� interat of Sotrower shall not operuto to relcase the llehi�ity of thc origina� Boaower or Borrower's auceessar ia
<br /> ������::-f� intenst. Lender shall aot be cequiced to wmmenco pz�ln8�aguiast any succcsssr in intcrat or rethse to extend
<br /> -=� �:.-:•.-. .
<br /> =-,y-.:�-,�°° time for payment or otherwise madlfy amortizatifln of sk.e r�L�nv secured by this Security Insuurnent Ey reawn of a.ny
<br /> �°',`;'�,'`. `: Qeman+d tnade by the orig[nal Botrawer or Bonower's s¢cceusors in interest.Any forbeatanca by L�encler in exerclsing
<br /> -z-"-`�•.;��'
<br /> '�"-_�;. aay dg�t or rem�y shall not be a waivez of or pnclude a��3 exercice of any dght or xemedy.
<br /> --- -°°- 12.suo�o�w�a��savna;aoin���s�rm r�sucy.Cos4gners.The covenant�and agreements
<br /> '�- of th�s Securiry Iasttument shall bind sud benefit the suceessoss aad assigns af Leader aad Baraowar,subjxt to the
<br /> --�--- Pmvisions of paraSraPb 4(b).Borrow�t's covenantti aud al�eeasents shall be joint aa4 ssveral. Any Bortower who
<br /> _ co-s�gns this Security Insuument 6ut does aot execut�ttu•Note: (a)is co-s38ninB this SecvritY Insuu�ns°alY to
<br /> -�--— mortg��.8r�mt an�wnv�y ehtt Bonower's intere.�rt i�.Lr,u.Prope�3+uIIder the tera:s of this SowritY insnvment;N)
<br /> -"'=,'� is n�t geasonHlly obli�ed to pay the sums secured b/z�iit Ssxurat3+Imsmiment:aud(c)a8rees that Lender aati any
<br /> ,'-�`�� oths��nr�wer may agree to euea�.modify.forbear os s�afce x�y accommodations with regard to t�e umu of this
<br /> -.;:��,� Sxuri.y Czsuum;�i or the Nota wiWout thut BoTrower's caasen�
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