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<br /> �.TRA1�iSF�R QF'I'�PROP�R'I'Y OR A BE1�F.�'I��Al.QvTERE�€YN BaI�OWC�t
<br /> Unifarc�Covenaut 17 of the�ecurity insttumsnt is ar�nded to re;id as fallo�s:
<br /> ��..��r Y�,*���ct�' ctr a Beneticial latesai tu BorroWer.if all or en}r pa�t of the FropertY or�y
<br /> intetesi in it is sc!d or uansf�ned(ar if u l�r�a&cial iater�t in Barru�:��s��tr�sf�i�.R��'—�`s Is rsat
<br /> a nataral peno�)withant Leader's psior written mo;uent,Len�er may.sd i�ai.sian,r�it=e :.r �3t�?�nt in _
<br /> full of all sums sexurcd 6y eius SecurifY Lu�a� Howev�r.this opiIan shatl aat be eaencisui by Yendss if
<br /> ea�ercise is pro�ibited by federal law as of the date of this Se�zrity Instrumeat•L�rdrr also shnll na�.ezsnclae this
<br /> optian i�(a)Borrower sauses w be snbautted to Leader infom�ation�uitesi Isy Lender to evaluatc che imende�d
<br /> hansferee as if a s�w taan wene being made to the b�sfera:and N)�r roasonabty detercnin�s th�L,ende�'s
<br /> seauity wi9l uot be impair�.3 fr,�the loaz�as..�on and that the risk of a�Teach of any cavenant ar o�nt in
<br /> thfs S�curin+Iasuvrnmt u a��lo to Lender.
<br /> �m �e ex�nt pemlimd hy applicable taw. Lendtr�chnr3e a rtasom�le fa ss a�dition to L,�ader's
<br /> canse�to� loan assumFu�a Lender�ay also teq+�ire t�e transferee tn sign an assumptian a�ax�thzt is
<br /> accepcable to L.ender azd t�at obligates the aansferee to ketP all.t�e g��s a*�d a�made in th�Nete
<br /> aad in this Security Irssuument- Boaowrt will cansinu°. w be obligazcd u�er the Nou and this SxurizY
<br /> tn�m�unLess Letder releases Borrawer in w�''an�g. FgY�t in fuU. ��Sive Baaower aotioe of
<br /> L�Letidcr exercis�s the optian ta require �
<br /> a,�Y�ion.The noticc shall pravids a pc,�i�d of uut l�c�an 3�days fram the clate tlae noua is deiiveia�a
<br /> ataiiad withia �hich BorroR�er�st pay aU s�uns securced 6y this Seairity Insttume��If Baaower fa�s tu pry
<br /> these�s t's�ai:isr.the expiration of this�scrifld, Les�da may iuva�e�ny m,medies permitted by this SoairitY
<br /> ��rrr,mr•.���siu+�s aructI�r r�tiae or demarid a�n Borrower. .
<br /> $Y SIGMNG BEWW,Bo�mwer aooepts and aHrxs tfl the terms and covenants ocatained in this Adjastabte
<br /> Rate Rider. �
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