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- --- ��u�;���k��:� <br /> -- �. <br /> �.`� � . . . <br /> ;;� . ,.�, <br /> :�� <br /> �:;< � , � . . � .� <br /> � - -- - :.��. �_ � . . � = • <br /> � <br /> ' � Tha exercise ol sny of tha loregning rrghts or remedies and tAe applicanon of the rents,profits end intome pursu2nt to the Secrion enliHerl . _ <br /> , � � � Appl,`caticn o1 Rents,Profits snd lncome'sha/l not cure oi waive any Evenf of Qefauft fo�notice of delaulU under tAe Oeed of Trust or ` <br /> ' invalidato eny aet dane pursaanr to sua9 notice. �;; <br /> . ' ' 7. qAPLICAT/ON OF REN7S P.?0 S QND INCOME.All Rents co/lected by tAe Assignee or tts ogent ar receiver each mo�th shall te _ _ <br /> • • � aPPlied os fotlows: -- <br /> � aJ iJ a receiver has Geen epQo/ntec!to paymreat of atl reasonaQle fees ol tA8 ieceiver, — <br /> ' � ' • • O/ to payrnent of a!I tenant secur;ry deposits ttran owing to tenants under eny of rhe Leases; __- <br /> c► to paymenL v�hen due,o�Prio�or tur�enf roal estate iaxes and apeciai assessments wiih raspec!to the Tiust Property,or i1 the _— <br /> — _-_-_ t � Q��T��g y���w�payments 9w such texes and ass2ssmenrs,to the escror�payments then due: �':._' <br /> �-� <br /> '• I � dl [o paymenr of all premiums then due lor insurance required by Me provisions of tha Deed of Trust oi�/the Ueed of Tiust requires <br /> j pe�iodie escrouv Rayments fa such premrums,to tha escrow paymenrs then due; <br /> . �::� <br /> Jr � e1 to peyment ol expenses tncurred for normal maintenance ol the Tiust Property; '-- <br /> �'t.-_: <br /> ��s � !1 if received p�ioi to any foreclosure sale of the Tiust ProFenS:m the Assigne�for payment ol the Ob79ation,but no such payment �l <br /> ..�--�01�+ !� made after ecce%ration oJ U;e ODligation shall aHect sach eccelervUon; . <br /> ' , ' � gl rf received during or with respact to the pariod o0redempt/an following a foreclosure sa/e of rhe Trust Prope�ry_ <br /> ' '� � /i) l/tha prrrchaser at the foreclosure sa18 fs not the Assigae9 firsi to tha Assignee to the exteAf of any��efr�'enty nf the sale e- <br /> =� p�oceaJs to iepay th8 ObiigaUan,second to tha purchaser ro tre reta�rd as a c�edit to tha redempBan pdc¢,kut if rhe Tiusr <br /> � ,, 5 Propsrry is npt redeemsd,then to th2 pu�chaser ol the Trust Property: _ <br /> �a (irJ if the purchaser at tha foreclasure safe rs the Assignee,to the Aasi9nas ro the extent of any deflciensy nf tha sale pmcesds to - <br /> �< iepay the 08trgation and the balance to be mtainsd by the Assignee as e credit to the redemption pdce but if tha Tiust ProAertV =_ <br /> is not redeemed,then to the Assignee,whether ar not any such defirciency exlsfs. � <br /> "F The riphts and poviers of the Assignee ander ihis Assignmenf and tAe application of Rents under this Section shall contirtue rmtil expiretion ,_ <br />� ' ' of the redem;..`:a^.�eriod frvm a�ry foreciasu�e sala,whsther or nai any defrciency remains after tha foreclasu�e sale. `_= <br /> �•�?� 8. NO LlA�_:Tii:,�pR ASSI61'JEE. The Assignea shall not be obfigated to pe�form or discharge nar does it�`�eby undertake to peAorm or <br /> •.s: , , discP:�;a,zr-v�b/igaUon,duty or lrabr7iry of the Assigno�unde��he Leases. This Assignment shall ncr���te to ptace upon the = <br /> ,.,;t �-.;s;'gnea:as}ansibiliry fvr the control,care,manageme�t o�repair ot Me Trust P�opeity or for the c,�r,.��out of any of the telms and -- <br /> •.,;' , cc:�DOr�s of the Leases. Tha Assignee sha!!nat be res��sfbls or rabie fo�any waste committed c:r r17a Trust Prope�ty,�er any <br /> :�;J�•7:,-==='„ • �rrgeroas o�defeetfve cond'nion of rAS Trusr Prnpen�,�r an y negOgence in the manage�ent,upkeep,repair or eontrol ot said Tiust <br /> . °j�. • Fra 8 ar Iaf7ure to tolleci the Rents. <br /> . P �Y'�"• <br /> 9. ASSJG:����`S'NDEMNIftCA7/ON. Tha Assignor shell indemnify and ho.':''�a kssignss AsrmJess against 8ny and a!/claims,demands, <br /> � ` � liabiliry,rbss cr damage fincludmg a/1 casts.expenses and reasoiiable a�`a'�a!s'�e�s in the deferue thereo/1 assene�agarnst,Imp�s=K <br /> on or incumed Dy tha Asslcree in connection wlrh or as a resuli of this A;sJ�.2^:ert a•�he exerc;se ot any rights or re�nedies under�'vrs , <br /> ---- Assignment or under rhe::3�ses or by reason 01 any ellege•1 obligations or u:�:.;.':a tn�s al the Assignee to perlorm or discharge any o/ <br /> ,,,..;. y �.^, the terms,covenants a agreemenis centaiaed in the leases.Shoufd�he Assignse :�c::r arry suth liabiliry,the amomrt thereof,tagether <br /> ,�,: , with interest the�eon at ths rdte stated!n the Nnte or the rste stated Jn Ura ma^f recent obligation covered by the Guaranty,shall ba �- <br /> ?„„:i ;•.�;, scaund�:eby and by the Deed of Tru:',snd the Ass'gnor ShaO relmbaMa the Assignee the�elor upan demand. <br /> -_-'-�=:r••'�,- 10. �IJTHCr���3TlON TO TENANTS.Upa:-n:���se liom the Assignee that d+s�cercising the remedyser f�ji in the Section entirled <br /> �1=�it.�- <br /> a ,,,�w, Uefas�:;pQ'nedies'of thls Assrgnme�trr tenants under the Leases a.s hereby i��evocabfy author�:and directed to pa y io the _ <br /> -�.•N7�*,`=?:.= Assignes&Y sums dus u+rdsr tha Leases,a.^d the Assignor hereDy consents and directs that said sums sAali ba paid to the Assignee <br /> _T��`��,,;,.r.:�; withvrrt tAe neaessiry fvr�.l�Je+al derermination tAet a de�ult has accuned heraunder a�unCer Ne Deed o/Trust cr.:rat Me Assfgnee <br /> - = -;,f.' , is en6Ued ta exercise its r.,�^1s hereun�ei end to tha c:.^a�r such sums are pald to the/-.�ignee,the Assignor egr�es 3�at tha tenant <br /> ���_if,;:•,:,.. ,, - shel/hava no funhar liatrility to the Asslgnor/or ths sarr.E.-.a slgnature ol tAe Assig,-se s:ona sha//bs sufficient fc:rha rxercise of any , <br /> - r�..r�. <br /> -;;;t.;�;�.��� rights under this Assignment and the rete/pt o/the Auignee alona far ar+y sums iece�rev aha//Ce a full discharge ena rvlaase thsr��r <br /> •-� .:a �• • to any such tenant a occupant o1 the Tiust Proprsty.Checks Ior al!ar any pJrt ol the Rents colleeter::nder this Asslgnment shaA u�nn <br /> - }�'¢��,- - nvdse fiom the Assignee tre d�awn to the exclusive order ol tha Asslgnea. <br /> -�.;,�R�n'.'•'�- 11. SATISFAC7/ON. l/yon Me payment In luil 01 tha Oblrga:%s?seaured Aereby as evidence�tY a ieeorded deed of iscom�eyatrce,tMs <br /> -__;�s�•,«• � Assignment sha/!,without the need for any lurther satis�u��on or rolesse,become nutl s�d vald end ba ol no lunher e:%fect. <br /> _�T�<... <br /> '�-={=`i'•;`i ; 12, ASSlGNEEAS A 7TORNEY-IN-FACT. Tho Assignaf h.e a'ss°✓�evocabJy appaints the Assignee and its successors and essigns es the <br /> vV��,i��.��,: Ass/grror's agent and attomay-ic-fact,vih�h appDintme�:�s coupJe�tivith an interest,with tho right but r.ot tha duty to exenlse ony <br /> --- '�;;,:��:, rights a iemed/es hereundsr and ro e�recu.e and daliver during the term of this Ass:'gnment such instnr.-�^ts as thn Assigaen may deem <br /> ='�'� eppropdato to make t�1is Assignmer.t nnd a��r)uither assfgnmem ofloc6ve,including but not/imited to:-n right to endorse on bChatl end <br /> .r-"-�'+__ ln tho nams oJ tha Ass;gnar al1 ehecks hrom tenants i»;.a:�^�ent o�Rants that are mada payable ro the Assigno� <br />—_.:=-- �,;, cpF�l�C ASS/GN14ffNT OF CEASfS. 7he Assignor s7�:7�ar,sler and assign to tha As:�gnee upon�vrrtten notice b}rtre Asslgnee,any <br /> - and a/l si scirc teases that the Asslgnee repuests.Suc7�:rs►csler o�asslgnment by tRa�sslgnor sheU be upon tho s.v•�r or substantiafiy <br /> -_= thrr sarr.rt•�"�^ns snd conditians es are he,�'a enntained,and tha Assig�9r$haU prapedy RB o�record suth asslgnments,at the <br /> Assi�n�r�a rPense if reQuested by the a.�s`gnee. <br /> - == 14. UNfNFORCFABLE PROVISfONS SEVFRA3IE.A!/Nghts,pawers nn0 remedies provlded hereln may bs exarGsed oniy to the oxtent t:cn:� <br /> ��� tho oxerclso rhe�eoJ does not v/olate nny applicable law,snd are intandttd ta ba limifed to the eutent aecessary so that thay will not <br /> ---- re�rdar this Asslgnment Invalid,unonfomea6le or not entitled to be iecorded,registere�o�/iled undar any applicabla law.ll any terms <br /> ��._��`;°!� o!this Assignment tAo/l ba held to tre invalid,Illvgal or unenfo�ceablv,Me validif y oI c�_�sr torms hereo!shall in no way tro eNeetad <br /> ��� th@lESy. <br /> 1 b. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIQNS. Thls Ar��ment shaU tro binding upor.�he Asslgnar and tha helrs.legJ rBpresentafivus and asslgns o/ <br /> -�'='9°�==�'"�� fhv Ass/gna,and shall inu�e tn tAa ber���r ol the Asslgn:e and f�s s���a:�sas and ass;grrs. <br /> - -�,-.�,� . <br /> �r��� i�;. AM.£NDINENT.•NOT/C� Th/s Ass/gnmont can ba amer*C�rd'�nfyln a wrlt/ng a/gned by tho Asslgnar eny rne AssiQr.ce Any notice under <br /> � . 5'° , �his Assignmenr sha1J bn doemed to heve been gfven�rf^t2r,,^lven in acco�danco w+th ths re�niremants fa►notita���1rr-!hn Daad ol <br /> .�;.�Lr�A��,,�,�; Tiust. <br /> �:::s-_':'Y2�%�:..F+i, <br /> -=1:��r°�Y.�j+, 17. COUNTERPARTS. Th/s Ass/grtment may ba executod in any numBor of countarpart�,oach o!whfch shall bo en ongr�al earl aA ol whJch <br /> � � togethe�shall const;tute one Inshume.9t <br /> "j'.�� � <br /> -_:;:{�i�.� `� 18. �H1RD PARTY. /f the AssigrtC�fs 2��r'�fl:�ual,nothing tont8/nad hercin shall ln eny uvay ob!ignte the apousn i!any,of thp Assignar to <br /> =�%�::++���= pay tho Obliflation unlass.;:�}s�cr�_.s a%so s:pnc�th�LLta or the Gua�anry that ir,Rvrdcnco o!tho Obtigafion. <br /> .t. ..�+.. <br /> - ,�: <br /> ,+� <br /> - _, � e <br /> '�,`�--' �; <br /> � 'e',.i� <br /> ,t; <br /> = '.'`, , �., <br /> '. , •.: <br /> , . � <br /> _ �` _,__. ...._'..._�1 <br /> . � � <br /> .� w,2013 <br />