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Evtnts ofQafa;dt FucA oJ thn to/�ov�rng occuricncas shell constitute en ovcnr ol dal2uit hnroundr.t fRCremalte�an °Event ofOa*JUIt%: , ' _ <br /> �a1 Any omaunt p�ysb.�a unds�tho Oatipations securvd ty this Decd vl trustls nor pnid v�+hrn duo,attergivtag effeet ro eny apptr'etiabta �i��. <br /> � � , praee Rariod tAerern, -_ <br /> • 1b1 Trasforls othon�ise in d3fcuit undnr tho tanns of tRO ODligstions, -_. <br /> � � tcl Tiustor fails to obsenrs o►perlo�m eny o�the covenants,ngre�meats,or eonditions in this D�ed ol�ivat = <br /> •4 � fdJ Any represeniaoon a wammry inUuding,trut not 1lmited to,any 4rra�ranty of tit/e mado Dy Tiasto�m this Oeed ol Tiust is Ialse or .--- <br /> � materia/ty mfsleuding,or • : <br /> F.:'- <br /> _ l._•__, e_1 � (el Tiustor seils or eonve/s the Trost Pmpsrty.or anyR$n tharsnf,o�any interest therein,o�is Oivested of its Gtic,a any intoresf ��. <br /> �re;n,tn eny maru�r ar va.'untardy a�NvalunlariN,witRout tAv prier virinen tonsent of Brneficlsry. �._��_ <br /> � :. F^T <br /> - ` f=s� S 26� Aeea.'amtion of DaDZ Forfcfas+ua.fJFOr+ths otcwrence of any Event of Default o�anY time there�Rer until such Event or Osf�ult rs !_�__ <br /> -..��� �cured to tAS Satisfaction oI Bsnefrc/ary,Benefrcrary may,at its optron,dealare an Ob!igations secured Aereby�atety due and payaDta _ <br /> and tha same sAaJl hear interest at tAa dafautt rate,if any,set forth in tAe Note oi tha dafault rate,il any,set/orM rn ths mosf reaent <br /> ��.��'� �obligation covered Oy tha Gu�nnry,or othenvise at tha highesr rate aem++tted by lavi and,irmsRscrive ot v�hathar BeneTiciary arercises _ <br /> �'•: ' f srrd opuan,rt may,at its optian aad rn its sofe disc�enbn,vnthout any furMe�notice o�demand to or upon Tiustor,do ona o�more ol <br /> � �, the loliowing: <br /> ` � (aJ Bene�iciary may enter upon,take pos'essian of,man8ga and operate the 7iust FroFarN or any parf thereal,•make repairs 8nd <br /> � alteiatiarrs sad do any atis wh1cA Beneffciary desms propa�to pratect tha securiry thereal,arrd either ryith or vrithoui rakiag <br /> ;'�, possession,in its own name,sue for or oihenvise co!lect aad rereive rents,issues end profrts,including thoso pasr due and unpaid,dnd <br /> apply the same,fess costs snd expenses of operauan and tof/ectinn,irrcludrng reasoaa6le anomeys'tees aad Benefrtrary's cosis,uyon <br /> • the OLrgaUOns seaured hereby sRd In such order as Benafrciary may determine.Upan�eQuest of 8enefruary,7rustot sAall assembfe and <br /> �� shall make ava�laDte m Benefrciary any oI the Tiust P+'operty whieh has treen removed. Tha enrenng upon artd rak�ng passescian o1 the <br /> • Tiust FioFe+eY.tha co/lettion of any rents,issues endprofits,and Ure spplicatian Ne�eof es afomsaid,sha1/nat eu�e or waive any <br /> dafault theiemlore or tAe�eaftef occmring,or affect any natice of dsfau/t or rtouce ol sala hareur.der ar lnvafidata any act doae pursuant <br /> to a�ry sueA notice.Nomvithstand/ng Benefrciary s continuance m passession or reteiDf and appliratian of�ents,issrres o�probts. <br /> ' BenaTiciary sha0 Qa entitled to exe►Gise every right pmvided for in this Derd of Tiust or bylaw upan or afte�ths oecu�rence of sn Event <br /> ed <br /> � � ; � of Default,induding the right to exercise Ne paarer of:afe.AnY o/the actions referred co rn this Seetion may be taken by Benefrrlary at <br /> 4.: • such ame as Beneficiary rnay dete�mina withayt regard to the adequ3cy of any securrty for the Oa'igations setured�rereby. <br />_ '�� �� ,4, �.�.i (bJ Benefrciary shaU,vrriU:aut regard to tAe ad2quacy of any seturfty far the Obligatrorts seeured hereny,be e�atled ta tha sDR�lntmem _ <br /> �• �m-�� ol a receiver by any court having%unsdretion, srithoutnnLCe tu taRe pQSSassfon ot,protect,snd marrage tha 7rust Fm�erty end operate <br /> �.�r���' ��-, ,. '!,� ths sam�arrd tollect the rents,issues 2nd p�ofits therefiom. <br /> , ::i <br /> (c/ BeneFrcfary may trring any action rn any cayrt of tompeteni%urisd`ction to�nreciose this Deed o!Trust or enforce Frry of tho <br /> '-•���.�� , tavenants herenf. . <br />__ � (d1 BenafrciaN may etect to cause tha Pnrst Property c�any part thereof to Ae sold uader tha pawer af safe,and in sueh event, <br /> Bene�ciary or Trustea shaD give sucl!nc^ce o1 dafardi and aotice of sale to each party to this deed of Trust by mail at the address sef <br /> ;v:'�___�,r', `� torth herein ertd any other rtaticv�+�ds m�y tre then required by law.Thereafte�upan tAe expirarfon of sucA time arrd the gmng a0 <br />-:zr��>,•� such eaUce ol sale es mey then tre rr-�n�f�d by layr, Trustee,at the Ums and pfaca spec�fied by the na6ce of sa/s,shali sdl suth T�t <br />�-,�.t r_,,' �. P�oper�±.or any part tRsrenf specificd Lry+8enefrciaryat pubiic aucCart:o the highest trtdder tor cash 6n lawtul mone/of tha UnifM <br /> Stafes vf America.Upon reee�pf of p.�ent of the 6id pnce,Trustee shali app/y the proceeds in the YoOawing order.!rl to tha cost a:Td <br /> "`�ai'�ayt q� e�Rerrses oJ exercJsing tde pawer of sale an�of the sala,including but aof limited%t�ustea�feas of not more G?.:�8500.QD Flas <br /> - �'�='� � onahaH af ane percerrr c.`.Na gross sale pdce and reasonatrle anomeys'fess G�1 ta the flhliga6oAS,and fr711 the c:cr-�s,il an y,to the <br /> _-::?��tu ���` . <br /> - � , psrso,�or peacrrs feg.71".m^tiiled iheteto. <br /> ��`c�,=,;,�`��` AA costs�'�t'�nenses ine.:.••aw�y Benefci�y in enforcing ar.y right un�a�Lhis Oesd of Tiust ine/uding withoLt limitatitn,ebstraCt or titls <br /> �"n`"�+ . fess,appr,3::��1'eas,premiJr=�%�tn?%�sur�cv,anomeys'fees and ccr;:^��?sts,shall be and consritute Obliga8ons seaured hereGy. <br /> - :`s�,.s_'_,=_-62• <br />--�---_'°�~"-'4�Qf�'d .27. Dutles cf Tiurtee. 7rus:�a�r�u�•mrs tha:. <br /> "'°'�_''��� (aJ 7he duties and o6l.a�r,sui:ns of Trostee ahall tra dstaTM%ine0 solety by iho expr��,vr`visions of this Desd of Tiusa�n:;T.:rtee:i�r7��m,,•' <br /> ----- ' tre liabin except/or tha�e�f'mmance al such duties an:nbligations as are specifrc�ls•zrat Porth herein,and no impliEn-r�venanis c.• <br /> _.�� abiigairons shall be imposed upan 7rustea, � <br /> _�,;��;�� /bl No p�avision ol this Deed of Tiust x'rall require Trustee to expend o�risk its ovm funds,ar othenivise inaur any frnartcia!oblig�`an in <br /> _ ___T�,� tn8 perlamtenCe o/any of its Qaties h�unde,o�i»fha oxe.rclse of sny of Its dghts ar paWers, <br /> - lc1 Tiustee may eonsutt with counsel oflta ovm choosing end tha advlce of sucA r.oansel shal/Ge/u//an0 eomplam nuthnnzation snd <br /> y� protect/on In the respect o1 any action taken or suffered by!t henundar!n good faith and�elionte thereon,end <br /> fd) tiustea shaO nvr tro J%aD1e lor any actian taken by it in goad leith snd reasonably Delraved Ay ii to be authndze�o�within!ts <br /> discretian or rights or pnwe�s confer�ed upon tr by thls OeeO of Yru��. <br /> y8. $asaifty/!�e ment�nd i7xture f'Y6atG l�i;m tha defe of its recordr.T��.rin�s Deed of Trust shap tonstitute a secrulry agresment cr•+t ' <br /> ilxture Cling under the p�ovlsians of t1rQ t��dara:Xa Unifam Cammenia!C<:ru�w�':A respect ro thosa fixwrEts descriG�ed in the D�eamb:e9�RFI��'31 <br /> -- her�eafte/ocaf d at ot on tht�J�s�/'ioFer,•y.��r th/s putpos�e,f tha�lJnw n�informat%r�.:�sat lonh.•ar dissimr7a�to rhs seme,now or . <br /> !aJ Name and Addr�^„cJ debiodF.�..tor. /bl Nar..�and Addiess of Secured Fait.S�l's:neTiciary: <br /> 4JIlliam P. Ziller ar.�i .Iuwann K. Ziller Norwest Bank Nebs�wka, t1a�r:anal <br /> "-- Association <br /> --- �� 1611 N. St. Paul Road 202 P�est Third Street � � <br /> .._R--...aJi'��d� <br /> - - ----'—- - Grand Island, NE 68801 Gr�ad Islaad, NE 68801 <br /> �- _— (e1 Debtor's SoclaJSer.urityNumbe�/!'ederal Tnxpayer/.D.Number 505566562 <br /> _— ��� (dl This document cr.YSrs ga�ds whteh ere or o�a to Cecomo fixtmas. <br /> .=sa}�.r,��',Ti�� (ol The aama oJ th8 rccoM owner of the Tiusi Piop^rty is ths Debto�?rusror described above. <br /> �.:r..Ti,;__:�. �if7V1ii7TSil <br /> !;�v�•i;�{{ t yg Kutrna Bert�:ftGary 8 oQtlon,prio�to tul/ieconvnyance ol ths 7rust PioRe�'N by Tiustaa to Trusror,ma►•m.a;ce <br /> ` �i'����" � futu�o advane3s to Tiusror.Saeh futuro sGvur.ces,w�th lnte�est tharaar:,ehall b9 ascu�ed 6 y th/s�ced ol Tiust At na tim�sh.all Um RNreipal <br /> - _::_��:;r <br /> -__.:�,�, , amount of rhe ODliffatio�rs secu�eQ by this Deed af Tiust,nal iirdeding sums advanced ro protect tAe seeurity,BXCBBd L'(3 fJ!2J sru^.cP <br /> _=j._,%": ., , g� nnn_nn . <br /> --��' �'�•�,°, Nnthirtg herein contalned sha//fmply any obligation on llio part o1 ths B�nafic/ary to msh.o ony such sdOitional advances. , _ <br /> ;i:.c•:s=;,, <br /> - -�;:•�. Advarrces of d�sbursements made by B�nati:tary to protect tha security,ueCer�ha tenns hareaf,wAife discrnUanary,shal!not ba desmsd ro <br /> -y=t�� ;.;��;. On optinnal advartces_ <br /> __--.�q« <br /> ,;"�;�-� 3p, qetonysymes Upan psyment of all Obligatfon�sccured Dy th's Deed oi Tiust,8rnafi�lary sha11 reqlast Trustea to reconvoy tAa Trust <br /> --,.�..r,.�;:; ProFanY an�ahaU sunenGsr[his Dces of�rust and afJ notes evidenctng Obligarion3 secu�OW this Deed of Trust ro Tius[ee. Tiustes ahall <br /> • . . .�` reconvey fha Tiusr Proasny wirhaut Yvarra»ty and vnithaut charge ro[he pe�son or pe�sons legally entitled thEroto.Sueh psron or parsans <br /> " • shs11 pay a!1 tosts of rccardation,il ony. <br /> -'���_:,,a: ..:�. <br /> �''°`L'i.`� 3T. S�aDsDtut�TrtrstM.Beneficlary,et its aption,may Irom time!o a'me remove�iustee end eppaint a Succ¢sso�Tiustee to any Tius[ee <br /> _�:r�-' ��"' ��; apFoinfed hareurtdrr Oy an instrument recaded fn the county/n whtch this Derd of Tiust is recorded.Withaut tonvoy�n:e of thtr Tiust <br /> -_°�•'�:�'•' `'�` prQpany,cha Successor Tiustee sAafl succ�eed to s!I titfa,powe�and duties conJc�red upon Tiusfea here:n and by spFlicnCle law. <br /> - ,'��, � 32. Mise+rintoua RI�7Ats of BinN'xfiry. Brnaficrary maV at any ttma errd 7rom timo ta tlme,�•rithaut aatico,consrnt to thn making ol eny <br /> � � �": � p!ai of tha Tiusf Proye�y a fhn creafian o/any eascment th2�eon w eny eovensnts restricting uso m escupsney thoreo/or agr�e ro a/te�or <br /> amen�tho te�ms of thrs Qe°�01 Tiust.Any parsnna/p:oSerty rem�rhfnfl u�on tAo Tiust ProFrrty oltor tho Tiust Pro�ert y ha3 trsrn IIa;sessa� <br /> --.r.:;�::. ._. oi occupied 6y Benefici�ry,its agent a an y purtA�se►/a.'/nvv.•n�Trostcn's satn o�to�ettnsurn,o�unGe�nny Cced!n liru of Trustea's s�.'o or <br /> . .- - JOfL"C1DSttrt7.ShE?10�tutrCftni�cly�r:Eou�:.�ta h.;r�+�''srt!�^n_M!+y Tmsta <br /> • ' 93. Tiustor hereby requ�sts Urat a eoAY oI cn y rtatiso of ds/nult an�rtaNto ol salp msd�o�ezecut�C by Tiustco Rur;uant to eho prov+sians <br /> . ` . nc�cn!tr�sent to 7rustor ttt its mailiag dOdrCSS sat to�ih nGavo. p+�o 4 al b <br />