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<br /> ,:�Fa<•�f THE A►R�R01/AL 0� THE U.S. DEPARTAAEN4 �F `--l-= -�_
<br /> � ,
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<br /> � .��r�. (�q`+�!r!f�!=
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<br /> '> �r�>- -- [Bptu Abow lM�I.IrN Fa f4eadnp Data� —
<br /> � -�--- ues„:�.a..:� _.�n.�_.
<br /> -}A�1.
<br /> _=—-_ -���'.t: ```; DEED OF TRUST
<br /> — ., :;��,,.
<br /> �,. ;`r..;�� �,�.
<br /> _ ,;°��� .'���?air•'�J�/�.
<br /> _ :.,�AS;.:t���ir ' �' ". -
<br />. r �' � ='�rrF�,`•,'+i�,�� . THIS OEEO OF 1'HUBT(°S�ai�Y InakumanY�ts made on DiCartlbK 21 .— ` .V. '
<br /> , (..,.,,t�
<br /> T�,i��'�i'�t•' ;t .F � � , tv�Q�. Ths wuor b Maehs.l .l John�ton and Yvonoe L Joh�aton husbsiad and w�t� -- - —
<br /> �i'5���`',�+���,� �i�;�, ;'Eaimwer'�. fie dustee is No�vvaet Ba k Neb►aQlc�.WAtlon�l
<br /> , .�.,;,�,��.; , ���t,,, � ("Trustee"►. The benefict�ry is
<br /> �,'� ;�;.� ,�•_
<br /> ��`r''`� Norwos! Bm��k yabr k� NA�1Ot1Yl A990G�a1i�i11 _ whkh la organized and axislinp _
<br /> ,,. `5 4_ ,Il:���-�-�,._
<br /> �i ' �� ,. unda th�kaws o��_ �� llnMaa c�.s�f Ame�Oca ,�nd whose address Is 202 Wa�t Third Street
<br /> �' : '� r�,�_.
<br /> '��{t�� '.�,���1��`�*^. . -^- --••-- ("lender'y V�jr�,�� st' _
<br /> � � .y)+ v t ,;, '� Horrow�r owM►.�ndK Ih�pdndp�l�um o1��►71,nus�aaarJ and 00/100 !,
<br /> a
<br /> � a�� OoMars(U.S.6_,., 60.00OAO ---). Thia debt ia evidenced by Borrower'a note ; rl�`�'"`:
<br /> , d�.��ad�.'r'I' �:�v_�rsus.+..
<br /> - dc�:.:.,,s .
<br /> � , dated th�same dri���lhb S�cu�lly liuhumenl ("Nota'�,whlch provides fa monthy psyments, wUh the tu:1 debt,N not peid earNer, due
<br /> , :ij,;i?� ;^., . and payable o� .
<br /> `�?��'' � � 'fhla Seauity Inslrument a�eurn to lender:(a)repsymw►t o1 the debt evldenced by the Noie, wilh inisrest, and ap renewols, exlensions
<br /> � - -,. .. ' , �ati�''t`"al.` :
<br /> .•�'.�'t'�+-�=�, _ nd�anced under araara0fi 7 to orotetl�he secud oi Ihis 3etudty �.uer#iMr�ir. -
<br /> :_.`=-- s-.,,-_, ,.x, ana nwd�Gatiam; ib1 ii�paym�i af s!!cther sums. w!t?±i��erKt. P ry --_ _- _ _
<br /> ':..;;,;� Inswmenk arid(c)ih�pedormana ol Bortower'e covenanis and ogreemenls. Fa tMa purpose,8orrower k►wocably qrents and conveys '.'•"�f/;:�,�..o--..
<br /> �,i:'��,��; � •• ' " � ta TMSi�0. in Vust,wNh power oi�le,lhe 1oNowfnq desc�ibed propeAy bcated In waia Counly.Nebraaks: ''4, ;:?�"`��:�''-
<br /> +,:.'�r����h�j - �. �4�!�{'.r�riS�-'�n.:.---
<br /> ���+" � �F��
<br /> .. L�2'�wa(2�� Block Five �5�, Ka Oee Subdiviaion in the City ��,�1,�;. • ,;
<br /> ��braska. 'Y . "'.
<br /> . b . . of Grand la l a n s�,H a l l Q oun4y� �,�r��:;;�,�y� ,.;
<br /> , . ,t';::�����Y;i,��..�':
<br /> . . , �����' :�•,,..._.
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<br /> �� .t,r t.;,�� �:�..5�'.
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<br />. ., .,s'�:rt`�yrL•.. �ii�7r�_���.:s.
<br /> � ' ��� .�.�a�, :'-tl�...awY..
<br /> ..�.,... { �j•i:�^�._
<br /> ., �: �•,'•`.�� _ -
<br /> - �r' -&-�'-s`-.�, .
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<br /> 1 �n� r . '- ' �..-P i��;.�-�_.
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<br /> ��:� r .. .'�?i����l.::.
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<br /> �,.� .,. .. �;:;:;.:��i��►.,5�.���.:
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<br /> �,�,�y. � .. � _ 1{�r ..�
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<br /> .�, �.i:�� �Y«:���H..
<br /> .�(:_�:.�:. � . ` �.�.:{f�t}i���'_
<br /> ' n�;• .:.��• -- � This la a Purchaea Money Dood of Truat �——�---,-;�
<br /> yy.¢��y�.�,
<br /> ..i 4�'��
<br /> � �.:..�:w.� ..... -•.
<br /> .. .':.t .t.'� u '�. • il_�i��.iW�j�~,••'
<br /> � � b tM event this Iwn ia deterrinad�o be ineliyible lor Lca°vuaranry by the Veteran's Administralbn,lhis entire laa�may be declared
<br /> �:,,'��-!' � ��.'`` dae md payabto aY thQ optlon of lhe moAya9ee• The addentlum to Deed ol Trust attached hereto and exea�led oi oven date herewAh �ti,
<br /> �'�'� �i •. i9 hco�porated T.er�in and the eaen�nts antl agreements ol Ihe addmdum shaU amend and supplement ihe covenanta and a9reerc�enis
<br /> l��•�: ! ' ° .
<br /> ., , o11M ONd of tluat as if th�aEda�dum were PaA hereot. �a.�. � ,..
<br /> .,;�ch Ms the addresa of iBp6 A�e�14 - ^ Grand Islan� ;. , . �
<br /> . ,� . t•ccr ��v ; .
<br /> , o�WOrask� 8Q1�•r'r'� voperty ACd:e�s'1. ; . .
<br /> ', 1 `��' F .
<br /> TOCiEII'iEfi YYITH il)If11pr0Ya��GS no'"�a herCahEl E►lC��d�Ne property,and oil easements.r�hts. appureenances. rents. rc,:�::�rs. •
<br /> mineral,op,�nd yss�hls and �ro5ts,water rights,and stock anQ ait fi�tures now or hvntter a paA ot Ihe p�opi+'ty Aa reptacemenls �
<br /> ..
<br /> ond�ddlbns sh�Y b�cavartd by thia Security Instrument. aY ot the torCgolnq Is re(er►ed to in this Seau�ty tnsWmen[as the "Prope►ty... , .
<br /> - _ . ..i.n���u�e •�.�Cl�vrnu�n la uwtuuv adsed ol the estato herebv conveved a�d has ihQ ri�ht To grant and tonvey �hB '
<br />- --1-- ovrinvvcn w.....�.....� ..-—'.-' - • .
<br /> � � � PropeAy�nd that the Propnry+s unencumbered,except la encumbrances of record. BorcowcK warrants and w�u aerena generauy the u�le
<br /> ' � to IhQ PropeAy�y�hst b0 c1�^e nd demands. sub�ect to any encumbrmces ol record
<br /> ' ' � THIS S�CURITY INSTFiUMENT eanbines unilorm covenents la n�tfo�al use and non•unitorm covenanls wdh I�mited ranallons by�uris-
<br /> . �
<br /> ditUon to Constiluta a unfl0rm scanitY nslrument Cove►f�q real propeAy
<br /> ., � Fam]02A t$l07 NE6MSN1 Snp�f Fanry FNMA��M�MC VNiFOpM�NSTau61ENT
<br /> � 1'J'��• 1�.1.1 �, Jit ��
<br /> �T'__
<br /> . � �ur�3 cn IOEHu) p(e/D�t UtE/l+I901 »�5roki .
<br />