. . ''`��`"i�:kti�:�'�'?. .
<br /> � - , � . � ' • , '
<br /> ... � . '� , ' � � • • • • � .� . . .. . .
<br />- . �,.:.<�ardiszs- �`:�------�--�-'� . . . .. . . - . . _ _ ._... . . . . . . .
<br /> � _.. �.. ��ns�yryh pisabiiities Asx,42 U.S.C.Section 12101 et seq.(end all
<br /> , ' �e) q{f aypliaah'81aws 2nd�egut�:ans.Indut�ng.Lvititout Lmita'Jon,ths Artm ,
<br /> � � d ih3rannQer)and ail mn'.ng and 6uitd'ing tavrs and regula8ans re!ating to the Pro�eriY bY wrtug of any fe s�nd ai�Bh6s.I�''�nnse� �
<br /> . , nl¢�.atIons prorru•S� ara and shall�obs�rved artd comq:ed wiih trs zl maiariat respects.
<br /> � authority with lurisd'.ction over iha Pmpeny.R�miY � � ' ..
<br /> ' ' pertrrts.artd eeNfct�es ot oa+�A��Y(irtdudng bul rto1 lirmted to zanir,g varisrtoos,spadat o of t�ho Rmg3rty.P�es�rritY�and shall 6e ebtalned 9
<br /> � e p p r o v a ts).wnethflr temporary or pamiars�r�t.�vh:�aro rtatsrial to the use and oaupan�y �
<br /> � � presenred and�sre rteoessary.renewed: rtorm its Ohl:gatior�s urtderthis Deed of Trust and these aeUons do not artd shall rtot 0
<br /> � . (�Qracttor has iha dght and ts�ty suthadzed on. rduianoetln�i'�of�a+v.eoritraot er other a�eemen!v,rh:ch may be bindirtg on Grantar at any time: � .
<br /> � ccnRp with the provistons of arry statuta.re� �j,�
<br /> � en.ordnanoa.N:8 Of IffiY.contrzd c�oth=r a�esrr�nt(induc�ng.but nrn lirtrit9d to. p
<br /> (o)ha sction or praoec�ng is or shaA be pe+�ng or tt�reaaened which►dflM mazefially efteee�he Rraperty:and L�u�to this Oeed a! �
<br /> � (fl Grartt�r has rta1 vto!ated and shall not vklate any�efiatty a�fte�q tha Propertl+cr Lende�s rtgJrts ar imerest in the ProAeriY P . • .
<br /> thos3 govemir.g Hazardous Materiafs)whfch m1�t
<br /> . . Tmst. � of the Praperry exoept as sat forth
<br /> �� � A PAfGR OEEOS OF fRU3T. Grarror represer.ts artd tvarrants ihat t�ra are no�Or c�"�s of nu�t aft..diag any part ��ol trust thr,r� _
<br /> � �� on Softedu!e B attaehed to ihis Desd af Trust.�rfh:�Graritor agress to paY and�rlortn m a Umaty mar.rter. if there a-a asry�
<br /> -- . " .� �� Grantor a�ess to paY ell amourrts�deed of v�ust shall�be�fautt un�dar�thi Daed of 7�and sha!1 etitle Lender tn�/�s and remedes wn ained
<br /> agfeas tttat a detautt umler atry pri =
<br /> heiein m In the Oblfgations to tivhteh Len�r wouid bo entlt:sd in the everil of az�y o4ter defautt- ,iF y-
<br /> . .... .- 4. TRADlSFERS dF TNE PROPERTY OR BIIVEFtClAL t oNTERES��mR��Abed tn�Schsdu:e�A,o anf!trrteeresl theretn,or ot alt o e��or -+V
<br /> oomr^•.et f or d e e d o t tr a n s i er to a a Y P s�of all or ar+Y PaA n�perso n s 6 u t i s a co r p o r a nan.lirttted IiahiQty com(sanY•Parirt �e a n d �u�/'.`--`
<br /> � ir►teresl tn Bonoxrer ct Gtantor(if Barrower or Grantor is not a na�ua!Perso ��of tha ObG�Uon�R`•us aoauad Irtterest ihereon i r r r�d f a¢e b _ _
<br /> aihet Iegal erdliy).Lendar rtmll•at iGs apUart dedare tha outstand�n9 P��
<br /> ' P3Y�te. At Lendefs reqiesl.Qrarrtor ar Bottc++rer,as the�rship rterests�tsh a casrp2ete si�e�sm setfing(orth a0 of its stoctd�o:dsrs.membsrs.er ��
<br /> � �.�appropri3te,artdtho extern of their resp� s to Lend_s al' ��
<br /> � S. ASSiGNlAENT CF RENTS. ln aonsider�an c`:�e Oh:igations.wh(ch are seas-�a Ger Uvs OEed of Trust.Graruor ahsoiutaly assign �rtdu�':y —_-
<br /> iaa::�.:
<br /> • j� C3rantofs estais.�I�M,Mte.irteresl.datm artd der.�d rtaw crmad ur her2aftar ac�ti^a�in al e�dsimg and fNure leases of ths PropeAY C F—
<br /> � � extenstens.renaw a i s and subleasa�).all a�merrts tor use and ocwpar�aY of Esa Frc�'tY(�l saech 1eas���������sd��u:ng�to �=_
<br /> � hgyg�[@7 f9t8TfCd 10 8fi ih9�leases'.end a7 gua.�t`es of la55ses pertomianes utt�r Lhe leases, =3s �.—
<br /> � ��onues.issues,Profits artd olt�':�:.`^�ot ar/rr-_uue now or hernaft�r e�e[n�:.�'��Y ineam9 of �.:,._,:,..
<br /> ooited and reoeive atl of the rerrts.inceme.reoeiPis.•. -- .
<br /> any nature comirtg due t�r(ng any c=der►PScn Pen:=1 urtder the Leases ar irom et��oN ef�e Propertll mduding Rdnirrum rer.���-�r�cang � .
<br /> ..,,� P�er�rents.Patldng or ccrm�cn area mairrtenartce ccrmibuttons.tax and i.:�.r•�rw caniriDu'dons.d�ftciertcy rerrts.IuNi��i��st^:r..�m�s
<br /> e u rt d e r a i ry P oli�Y of insufanoa�adn�,rr.;:7F rerrts resilting(rom umenant�I� .�i:�$3£TM^'i`.s �'j:,:
<br /> - -------� -r default in eny Lease.a i►Procee d s P a Y� e as a resutt of a le�.s==s exerdse flf an opuon ta���g��afms��ir vi!�loh C,ramer �` __—
<br /> � � : damaga to the Praperiy.all pmcaeds PaY� arashstinsok�r.!?racesdn9•andaU prooec� '°
<br /> teminatcan ar rejad�on ot arry laase i-3 ban!auptcY �'�_. -
<br /> ..,� .; ma have agains!arry lessr3a undar�11a�al�Yr'�P�s°d?r-taAe►tY(a!1 of 1he abov�R rE ts'�f heis asslgnrtterrt Is tecotr�c��.xordanoe wtih �„�—,--
<br /> �' �mem�s subjea to ihe rfgtn.Frv`z%�:d�...."'�i2�s�B,to..'+a�.�r to co!lect and a�ply :--_.—.
<br /> :�� � s(ritr;�T:be spadflc.Perte�xe�.and�oaz3 upon the reoor�ing of this C:.��of Trus1.ail as ,�a%4�
<br /> apptx�te state lar�rr:the tien ereated by t1.s z�s3'�"�' lons oT this Dead of Tnist.Lender gams Yr i�r�=:
<br /> , �, . prov:ded 6y a�blo state law as mranCed�^'ir+a r�tune. ;-:��.ng as there is no deTa�At�mmder Us���goa{ts bustttess operatlons. Howevar.Lendar +�,��`..
<br /> � Gwtitor e rewrable I:oensa to m!tsc!a1 RetRs :Z-'tta Leas2s rr.�due and to usa sitd�proceeds lease and opetate ihe ��`;'.",�
<br /> may ffi arry Ume te4�lte Cirantot to�R�it a➢Rer.ts irto an aac�":�-airtair�ed bY Grantar or 4en6sr an t�defs insiiMlon. Upon detauri in the payrnant �Y.;
<br /> : . .�' � o}.oT in the pettotmance o1.ar�y,of L`�ai�atians.Lendar rtsay et�=P�Lender rr�proceed toto�a'a�ar►d reeanreh all Rerts h�om t�hs P�oAe�'►Y•a�ll Retns in :,:-
<br /> pny�ny on tems and for a penost d•:r.g tlrdt Ler.det deems re��ms W the Prope ri Y as Lander rtny deem proper. Lender rtey aPP�Y
<br /> � shaJ have[ull pwret to rteke alteraico,s wrmv�.^s,repal r�t of th0 oost oi su c h sttera�;ons,renovatfons.r e p a i r s and replaoemertts and any
<br /> . Lendefs swe�saeL`on to payme�tt ot�e 0�"�.°�ar to ths DaY� and the manacp_men�and opsration ot the Propertl+. Leraier may keep ihe _
<br /> ., e�enses Indderd tn taldng and retaintng possess.=.^"�t 1he Property��a�����d�r Gens wh.ct�rt�y acaue. The e�ense and oost of thess
<br /> � r PcuporlY P��Y�and may discnarge anY taxes.charges. �
<br />- . ' s,::'�ans rrtay bo Pa`•d!rom the Re,;..5 Rceived,and any un�aid amo3:fns shall 1�addad to tt�patndpal of 1hs Obl!�tions. These amourrts.togother wi8�
<br /> r-
<br /> .��'�.� . . �. �eosts.s h a l l b ecomo P a ri a f"..r^�tt g a t!ons secuted by this f eed:cf rust -
<br />-:;,�z• ,, R�eded to maimain the Properiy in good con d n ton.
<br /> .�:r.% AS4�E��`iROPERTY. C�rantor shal��l s�ians and rteke an71�,�r shall a�the Frope sa!ay In torrpliance wflh
<br />'-."'{;.'j; B G�SF{WflM�NT� 1['i}.�(CS IO lh3 P(O�HTIY•
<br /> �� Grantar aha11 rtffi aomnll cr Pettrst azry waste lo be aormitted' P� ou1 Lande�s pr[or writtan
<br /> � :�'./,"•.�. appli�4to!aw end(nsarartoe polldos Grarttor shatl rto1 rt�ica anY eiterat+ons.ad�don.a ar irtprovemstrts to the Rrop9rtY
<br /> ' •`.y� eoM2m Withaut I3mitinB the toregning.all alteraL'ons.additions end imptovemerrts rtede to th3 Rroperiy shall be su4jecl to lhe l�estefi�tMerest belnn�n9
<br /> ��A to Lertder.shaU no1 he remmr3d tvithaul Lende�s prior written aonsent,and shall be mado a�t�rart'afs so:e e�ense.
<br /> �� ge
<br /> .� 7.LOS�S O�A���II�AG�Ecaus�wh�v�or�tn�h�evam of arry I.�or 0�artage.Girzmor at�i.z'.l.�at:h�o�ytt�an of i.en�r,repalr tha�t�ltectad Proepe y t its
<br /> po r�t�s aon d i f i o n o r p a y o r eauso to ba p a id to Lender the deue�::e in the fait markst vat�e o}th•3 a�'etted Pr¢�erry.
<br /> � 8,MSUAASiC6 The PraperiSr wi;l be kepf insured tar its(uJ Inwrabie value(rePlaaerrern oosi)ag3:rts1 all Aazard3lndudng loss or dam�eau s e d b y
<br /> tt�ood,eanhquake.tamado and firo,fieft or oU�er casuaiJY to the extem rc�red by Lend�c Qrturtor may ohtaln insuranoe on�P�'wftf�at least a�
<br /> • - �t�anie as am aooePtab�o ro Lander in its sote dlsaaUon. Tha irc�.�urattoe Poticles shai�requ:ro the insuranoe cortP�►Y P��
<br /> 3� days v�rilten notlae betoro sueh poQdos are a[terad or cancefled Ins�y rt�nr'�r. The(r�uanoe Po!'•des sfiall narra Lert�tr�igto�me
<br /> ,- �-pa�—�-�TTi.d-e that no act ar amisslon of Crantor or any other�rson shall affecl the n�n o7 lr�nd�et to be patd ne�(����g1�ed by law)maY
<br /> � loss ar darr�a of tAe ProPetry. In tho everrt Cirantor lails to aoqu re or maintain tnsuranee,land2t taYt�r�vi�9 -y
<br /> e and bearin interes��s
<br /> (ns�uance ooYera9a upon!he operty ar�d the insurdtioa oosl ch�I16e an ad+ran a��1 (i:mish�r wlth
<br /> • � in fts dserotion proa�re� and eaauad haeby.
<br /> desetibod In the 'REIMB itSeMEM OF APIAt1NT3 EXPENDED�6Y (.ENDER'� � ���. �su�ir.^,��:ee poGctes chail be
<br /> • ev',donae af fnsvranoo Irtdxxting the requtred oaYOrago. Lender may:G as attortwydn-act tar tirars�s�ar In malCn9 end settiing:[�r.s undor insuranoo
<br /> ` Pm,de9,�anw!Iing eny Pe•IcY or endmsing Gxm::rs name an any�ari aT negotiabie instrannersl drawn by Y
<br /> ' (rtrrb�atBb a..•�ed.ptedged and delivcrod to Lendet as tunher sewriry lor the Obfiga�am. In tth event a}lass.Grantor sh�;::�Tr__iatety glve I.ender
<br /> �..� mlttan n�tfoe and Larr�t3�'���d to make proof of loss. E&oh lnsurartaesur�,h rt�reies wti d�R��Ob� o�s or owa td 4�ce��=r�f rabu(Idng tutd
<br /> '�_' Londer end Grar►tnr. Land�t s'sr.,�havo tho rt�1.at fts solo aptlon,to appry
<br /> `" -,tl��, cF�'Soring the Pn-�3r^j. My�'-�ta may a1 L.endefs option be apptied in tho Inverse ordar o1 tt��9 datas fhureot.
<br /> .,,�;,;; In tha zonsg provls'Rns a p:vate aovar�ants eft�M;n 4[e
<br /> 8.ZONit�G r1L���I�AT�COYENANTB. Gramar sha�J not in'ctiats or wnscm t6 any�oorres a rtoneentoming uso under any zoning�sian�
<br /> �`�' � t a^.hou'�lsrtdefs pror written oonsorn. It(iramo�s use o!tTv�Pro�Aerqr _
<br /> � • u�,A of 4�o F"x�n+? _
<br /> Oratttar sh.a:1-:�:��:.;�cr C�'�'.sucfi use to be dsaotRinued at abandon ed wr�at�e o�e�.�c�natrf��tttaasting he Pt�der. �rafttot v�fi0 lmrn�at�nly prwtda �__
<br /> Lender wilh w^'a^.r.ciix���'":r°P°���3 to the zaning prav��
<br /> vido Lender with writter� natia� ot�sf ecwal ar thre�ened oondennaL'on or emtnent dorre�n
<br /> , ' � t�: C01i�a.�`:�.*•�N. Cr.�rsr r.ha11 Irtmedatery pro , to LandEr and shall beappI wd t
<br /> ' ''• 'c-�? q�-g,,rt�rr�g to�:e�.°-�?e�Y. All mcn,es pa to Grantor hom such oondertna.an or ta�dr:g are herebY a�d G:-
<br /> � � Rr ti r�rr cf IAndefs attomoy^:fee�,l�n�and other casts(indu6rtg ayFrs�tess)ln conneetion uri�h tho aondemnation or emtnant
<br /> �..)1,`6-�/ °t,•.
<br /> .•,;,,,�.;:�tr, f.n1 to� (i�'i. } m ot tho ObliS�.o"s or��o�oraG:on or rep2tr o!tho Property. _
<br /> _ ,:•}�:s� . dcman p.�,�rrr9�6c�U:d thon.at the opllon af I.�nder.to tha payme �=�_ _
<br /> ��� . .
<br /> � . . " �,:
<br /> , t . , -
<br /> �';j..,
<br /> Hc�07gRm.t297 P�2d6 �
<br /> - ,�
<br /> �
<br />