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<br /> 1.,�1 Ic"�.r{ �.._.�A.�1:.Y'=-
<br /> ,,,�•, l.�q�nf��i�elp�l,hlena��O l.�q CY�.Borrowtr�IWI pny whon dw the p�incipd of.pnd interest oa.tht debt =----
<br /> . r, a�.� •,,r::.-� evtdencad by tl►e Nott�nd lat�charfes due under�he Note. '�"-
<br /> , . �...,. ..,, .,, --
<br /> � _.Ma�pry,��s o�Tua��Nnrwe�ur O1�e►CM�Kw.Borrowe�shdl Include in each manthly�ymeu�.tcYnha wi�h
<br /> � ;. , : .. 1Ac prindp�l�nd intercst u set fohq in Ihe Nate�nd�ny late chuQes.�n imtallment of�ny(�)����nd speclal�ses+ments �. .
<br /> � _�'""�"`� kvied ar to be levkd aaainst the PtopertY.lb) kas�bold W1�t�or�round rcnt�en the P�openy.and 1�)Pr�ium�fo�
<br /> ^ _ iniunnce requited by Pan�nph 4.. ---��
<br /> � • . P.�cN moathly inttdlment(or itemi(ab(b)+md(c)shdl eqwl onatwclfth o6 the anowl amounu.w rcasonAbly e�umated by � •',
<br /> Lenda,plus Rn Rmount sutticirnt to mumain an�dditianRl baUna ot not more�h�n one-aixth of�he euimated amounts.The �v`1 �`�+:��+'"'vT n���.ynv
<br /> �_ .. . ,
<br /> � � tull annwl�muunt fa�euh item �h�ll be axumulated by I.ende�witbin�pedod endioa one maa�h before an ium wauld ��:��_��
<br /> bxome delinquent.Lenda ih�ll hold the�mount�collated in�ru�t to p�Y items(U.lb)And(cl before they become delfnquen�. �����I��
<br />-`� � U�t any time the totd of the paymem�held by 4onde�ta�items l�).(b),and(c),to�ether wilh the fulure monthly payments —�y� q,�,;,,_,,_
<br /> , DSr,,....:
<br /> for such item:psyabk to Lmder prlar to the dua dates oi such items,eacecds by mare thsn ona:falh the eadm�ted amount of � t,
<br /> payments roquircd to pay euch itemc when due. �nd it paymenta on the Nae are cunem.then Lende�shdl eithet refund the .
<br /> eRCas ovet one•siuth of thc estimAted p�ymenta or cnd lt t he cxcas ave�one-dx t h o f t h o e s t i m�t e d M Y m���a to su b s e quent ��•
<br /> � payments by Barrower.�t the option ot Bonower. If the totd of the p�ymen�s mada by Borcowe�for item(A),(b),or(c)ia
<br /> iasufficient to p�y tUe icem when due,then Borrower sh�U piy to l.rnder any urwunt necess�rY to m�ke up the defldmcy on or F �.�,,r• �}��....
<br /> t
<br /> Oeiom thc d�te the item becoma due, i�',°,"'�.�.`^•'' '>�
<br /> As used in this Sau�iiy liutrument,"Secretary"man:the Saretary of Housin4 and Urb�n Devetopmene or hi:or Rec � ;��C;!,_ 1`�' ,
<br /> desi�aee.Most Secudty In�uumrnts insurcd by t!rc Secretuy ue insured under pro�ams wbich reQuire advwoce payment oi'the �' :. �••.L.:.+. ' '�r
<br /> enu�r mohy�e insunu�ce prcmium.if this Securiry��u�nmt is or ww inaurcd under a pro�ram wliich did na rcciui�e advan�e , ,�,!-�,,�. �:°"f:
<br /> �-�'!� �� paymrnt ot the rntire mortgtge insuraoce premium.then eacb monthly payment shr11 aLso iaclude ritNer:(i)+u►inuaNment of the �� � � -•� • -� �.
<br /> , ��":` '�:.' annw!mon�a Q e insuraace premiuu►to be paid p]r 4ender to the Secrctary. or(u)a moathly chauge instead of a mon�age �. . ': .1.�::-,
<br /> • �.if�rlr;'.•f;;��,�fJ��''• Insuru►a pmalum if Rl�is Security lashud�ent u A e W by t h e S e c Mary. Eac h mo n t h l Y i a s t�n t o f t h e m o r t Q a�e i n s u r a n c e ,_t..'��
<br /> :"''' ' 'S"'"`' `•kr. premium s1u11 be in�n amount sufi'icieat to accumal�ue the full annual mort�a�e insivance Pnmium with Lender one month , , °,
<br /> �..r.:.r,.. ., �, ,
<br /> ..�::_��:1. ,., ,., . .
<br /> ,�,:.,�•. • �� • rior to the date the fuU onnwil matQ�e insurancc premium is due to the Sccretary.or if this SecuritY Instrument is held by the • ,,.��i �r
<br /> � ' '�4.;;•:;;.:�b;f;:� $ecretary.ach moa�hly cdu�e sh�Y be in an amount equal to ono-twel(th oi oae-Aa1P percent oi the ouatandina Principal . , " �
<br /> ' � balance due on the Note. fi v,��'`
<br /> .':.r• .},'''}•,�l.�
<br /> F,; •,�,�t if Borrower tendera tu Leader the fud payment oi aU sums secured by iha Security Instrument.Horrower's accaunt shall be G
<br /> ��•``'' credited with the bdana remaining for all instdlmenu for items (a1. lb) and (c)and any monga4e insurance premium ,
<br /> :f '. inattllment Ihat Lender hos not become obUgated t�pay to the Secrctary.and Leader shall promptly refund any excas funds to
<br /> Borrower, Immediately prior to s fo�alosure sak o6�he Property or its acquisition by Lender,Borrower's account shall be : A��,
<br /> crodited with aay bdance rcmainin�ior all inst a l::nenu for item9(a),(b)an d�c). �/`"p'r,-
<br /> _ � �I�f.f•'�_
<br /> �. 3.Applk.tlo.ot Pq.e.a.All�►yments ur,drr paray2pphs ] and 2 shell be applied by Lender as fallows: , ,'ar
<br /> _-- --_� Fjg;�,io the inurt�t insurass.~.�:r.os�.:m t c Cr pa+d by Ler.t�rr'1s 1h����Ary or to the monthlY char8e by Ihe Sectetery ' =y
<br /> � ' {nstad of the montbly mort4age insu�nce ptemiu.m,unless Borrower paid the entire mort�aQe in:urnna premium when this !
<br /> �'� Secunty Inurument waa:igned;
<br /> ' ;,ti .:; .
<br /> • �,�::,t. )' r �EGOND,to any Iw�a.special asses+men�s,lcs►wehdd payments or Qround ren7s,end flre.O o o d an d ot het A�a a r d insurance ';!
<br /> � � • premiams.as a9uired; ' •` .
<br /> ��;� .i:", .�':;.'.' � ,to interat due under t�:e Note: �'� ' . .� .
<br /> j • ����!i�.-�,� O T .to amortization of thx princ3pal of the Note; ,
<br /> ' •',•�,; • • � � ,�p'ji.to lote charQa due under Ihe Nma !
<br /> . ��i,ti�t : .
<br /> �,Flre�Fload ud OtMer H�nrd I�sansce.Darr ower shall insure all improvements on the Propeny,whether now in existence )
<br /> or subsequently erected,against any ha�ard:,ct�ualties,and contingencfes,Including flre.for which Lender requira insurance.
<br /> Thia insurance sholl be maintained in the amounts and Por the pe�iods that Lender requires.Aorrower shall also insure sll
<br /> � improvements on the P�openy.whether now in ealstentt ar subsequently erceted,Against loss b;tloads tu the extent required by
<br /> the Secretary.All insurance shall Ix carried with companies appruved by Lender.The lnsutance policia and ony renewala shaU
<br /> � be held by Lender nnd shwll include lou payableclauses in favor of,and In a form acceptablt to,Lender.
<br /> ';:, , In the event of loss,Borrower sh�ll give Lender Irnmediate notice by mail.Lender may make proof of loss it not made prompt• .
<br /> � ly by Borrower.Each insurance company concerned is hereby authoriud and direcicd to make payment for such loss directly to
<br /> � !,�>t�,� � Lender.instead of to Borrower and to Lender join[ly.All or any part of the insurunce prceads may be applied by Lender,at its .
<br /> ' �:,�;`_�;'S. ' o�tion,either(a)ro the roduction of�he indebtedness under the Note and this 5ecurity 9nst�ument, flrst�o any delinquent �' . .r
<br /> '.�u!�,••„ ', amount�applied in the order in Paragreph 3, and then to prepayvnent ot prindpal,o�(b)to the restoracion or repair of t6e '
<br /> , ,�._
<br /> �_:.n, ,. „ • damaged property.Any application of the proceeds to the principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly .
<br /> '' ��; paymmts which are referred�o in Paragraph 2, or chonge the amount of such ptyments.Any excess insurance praeeds over an t
<br /> ' , �;?; , amount required to pay all outst4ndinQ indebtedness under the Note and th{s Security Instrument shall be paad to tM entity leQal-
<br /> ' j ' ly entitled thereto.
<br /> On the event of fu►eclosure of this Security Instrument or other transier of title lo the Propeny that ea�inguiaha the in-
<br /> , debtednas,all right, title and inttrest of Boaower in and to insurance policia in force shall pass to the purchaser. • �� ,
<br /> �`t S. P�tm�doo rad Mdnle�uoce of tde Property,t.earebold�. Borrower shali not commit waste or datroy,damage or �� � '�'��
<br /> � , substantially change the Property or allow ihe Propeny to deteriorate,reasonable wear and tear excepted. Lender may fnspect � �
<br /> . the�roperty if the property is vacant or abendaned or the loan is in default. Lender may�ake reasonable actlon to protect and i ��
<br /> praerve such vacant or abandoned p�apeny.if�his Security Instrument is on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply wilh the provi-
<br /> sions of the lease.If Borrower acquius fee title lo the Property,the kasehold and iee title sh�ll not be merQed unless Lender ; .
<br /> a�rees to the merger in writinQ. ' �' '�
<br /> 6.C6�to Bortuwer�nd PralecUoo of[.ea1�r's Rigb�+in tde Property. Dorrower shall pay all government�l or municipal ' ' .
<br /> chuQes,flnes and imTos{t�ons that are not in�lu;.':�i in Paragraph 2.BorroweT shall poy these obligations on iir•7r d�rectly to the
<br /> , • I,� entity whkh is owed the payment.lf tailur�to par•would adversely affect Lender's interest in the Propetzy,upon Lender's re-
<br /> . !• ;'�: , quesl Bonower sh�ll p�omptl� iurnish to Lender receipts eY:uencing these paymenu. �
<br />-- , , �''
<br /> , ; •�:� If Borrower fails to make these pnymtnts ar tne paymmts requir�e:1 by ParagraaA 2,or faiis to perdorm any o�lie�covenan:s and .
<br /> �:.,,,';, • • ` agraments conaair.ed in t�ia Securi�y Insttument, ot there is a legal procading that may significamly alfect Londer's rights in '
<br /> the Propeny fsu�h as a praceeding in 6ankrur�:�. for condemnation or to ersti orce laws or regulations►,ther.Lender may do and
<br /> ��.; �:� pay whatever is r.tcessaty to protect the vafue o't hr Propeny and Lendet'y rights in the Propeny,includ�r�g payment of tazes, .
<br />_ • .. ' _� _.t�_t......... ....1:..Do.ve.onh 9 - - - .
<br /> •� „Any 'amounts di+bvrxd b�,lender under this Parugraph sha:l Eecome ae addi:ional debt of B�rrower and be secured by�his
<br /> ' Security Inslrument. 7htse amounts shail bea�inurest Frortu tht daae oS disbursemmt,at the Note rate, and at tAe option of •
<br /> Lender,shall he sm�cdiately due and payable.
<br /> T.Co�demwdoo.The proceeds of any awaaW�r claim for dacnages,d�cacr Wr consequential,in connececon with nny condem•
<br /> nation or other taking of any part of the Property.er for conueyance in place of condemnation,are hereby assigned and shall be
<br /> pafd to Lender to the extent of the full amount of the indelxadc:tsv that rema�ns unpuid under the Note and�his 5ecurity Inseru•
<br /> ment.Lender shall apply auch proceeds to the reduction of eh¢csdebtednest under the Nate and this Securit y Instrumer.t,frrst to
<br /> any de8nquent amounts applied in the order provided in Paragraph 3.an3 chen to prepayment uf pnncipal.Any npplica�wn n�
<br /> the praceeds to the prineipal shall not extend or postpone the due dace oF the monthly payments, which are referred to m
<br /> Paregraph 2,or chonge the amount of such payments.Any ezcess proceeds orer an amount requircd to pay all oul5tnnding m-
<br /> debtedness under the Note and this Security Inslrument shall be paid to Ihe entity legally entitled thereto.
<br /> 8.Fea.Lender may collect fees and charges authorized by the Saretary.
<br /> PaRe 2��l I
<br /> }
<br /> , , -
<br />