�. �t `.�iL'.'�e��:i�'��`
<br /> -- -_-_ - — - _.- ;_�?s -_
<br /> - �--- - — �. l_..,- --
<br /> � ` ..`..i:' _ *:�-e3%hi�� ' _.�_—�°----».... _�_.� ._.. ._-_.__._.. -----.._'." +'
<br /> . t.
<br />. `
<br /> , � 9�.1��3�� ,��
<br /> . � ' i ' To keep the Pro�srty insured against damaSe bY Hre hamrds included with the term �_
<br /> , 4. � 2
<br /> , y °extended caverage"end suah other h a z a r d s as L en du m ay r e 9 u i r e i n a m o u n t s a n d w i t h c,a m p s n i s s a s c E gtable co r
<br /> � Le�sler,naming Lender es t�adQitional na:ned insure�wi9t;ioss payable to th$Lender. ln cara of les�under suah
<br /> � Fslicies,the l.eadcr is euthorizcd to adjus�collect aRd compromise all claims therautder and ahall have the apiion of
<br /> ' �� BPP�l+�B�or part of tha in5nrauce proceeds(�ta any utdebteda�ss secured hereby nnd in such ords�ns i,eade��aY
<br /> l d.termine.Cu7 to the Trustor to be u�d for the r�a'u or restorusiaa of th�PropertY.or Cai)�for any othEr piW
<br /> _ �-��.:�.���1 �j���o,y to L�ader withaut affecring the lien af this Dead of Tnus for tke full aatoucn sewred tcereby bxfore _
<br /> -.^_- " - suc�pay�.nt ever taok place. AnY aPPlication of pmc.ads to iadebtednegs shaIl ao�ext�cd ar�c+stpccx�e the fiis�e —. -.
<br /> � of any paytae�s under the Note,or aue a�+default thereunder or her�►nder• ��-�:
<br /> .. S. F�. Upan aTitten demand by Lender,Tcustor shaU pal+to I.ender,in sucb m�mEr as Lr�der may -
<br /> . �g��,�ci�s�ms to enab;e Leader to Qay as the�!become due one or mora of ths folloa+ing: C)��a� __
<br /> asQ..essments aad othgr chasges againn the Pcoperiy:Cu)��Premiums on t2►e pmpsrty insivance reg+rimd _
<br /> . an�(m�ths preauums on any raortgaga i�n'ance re��bY Lender. ��"_
<br /> , " r 6. N{�ntenanr�Reoairs Etnd Camvlia�rtce with Laws. 'I'rustor r'aall keEp tlte Prop�rty in goad con�dtnaa and
<br /> repair;sha�]promptll+reF�or replac�anY imProvemz�t wtuch may��am$Sed or d�uoYeel:shall�t commit or .-
<br /> . ' peimit suy�uaste or ct.,�ter�ratioa of the Property', sltall not remas� demulish ar substamiallY aIier anY of ths �,'�;.
<br /> � � unprovem�on the Prog�rcY shaU not comrnit,suffer or per�t E... act w be�one in or upon the Pmpertg�ia
<br /> �•�
<br /> • � violarion a£�cy law,or�inaace or ngui�on;and shaU promPtlY�s:i�e at Trusto�s wsi ar��eCUe ail L_..s, �_:
<br /> . . _ . encumbr��aad charges levied,�Fa�3.or assessed against the Ir���ty ur azry part thereo£ _
<br /> � � � —__-
<br /> ?. Eminevt Domain. Lender is h$reby assi�a-"�all compensation.awards.damaSes aad at��pa}r�=^�`��r _-
<br /> .. ` �• ,.e:izf(hereiaafter°Proceeds")in cunne�tion with cond�ation or other t�n8 ef the PropeRy+or part theaeo�or for =
<br /> � ,r�v�;.,.,�i:.lieu of condemnatioa Leadet shall be entitled at its option to commeac�a,Pear in as�d pmsecute in �
<br /> ' ;s c� :.�e aay action or pmcee�ia�sti and shall aLso be eatttted w make a�ry compro� or settitmeat ia
<br /> ;,:.-�,�;_,,.,u;.h such ta�^g or damage. Yn the ever3 any portion oFthe�roperty is so takea or damaged,Lender --
<br /> �°c tao_:�:eprioA i:as��aad abwlute discrer�.�.:�3pp3Y aU such Proceeds.aRer deductin8 there&am aIl co�ts
<br /> �:nd e���.curred bY it in co2mection with sarL.P:w�eds,aFo�aay indeb2eduess s�hereby aa�ia sLC9
<br /> . . order as�:��may determin� or w aPP1Y all suat►Proceeds.�s such dedurdions, to the tesioration ol the
<br /> , Pronerty�;��n such conditions es Lea��may determine. An3+a�-p�catian of Proc,eeds to iaddr.edness sha11 not
<br /> -� .. ` extend or postpone the due date of any payments�nder the Not�or cure an}r default th�rreunder or h�reunder. Ai►Y
<br /> unapplied fuads�hal1 be paid to Tnistor.
<br /> . �. Per�'ormance bv I.cnder. Upon the ocrurreace of an Event of Defa�ait hereunder.or if aay act is tnken or
<br /> legal PIOceedin8 wmmacced. which materit�Ity affects Lende�s imterest in the Froperty,Lendez maY in its own
<br /> . � � discretion,but without obligation to do so,and without nofice w or deajand upon Trustor and without releasing
<br /> • ' �,�; Tivstor from any obligation,da any act whicL Trustor has 88ree�but fa,�s to do and may also do enY o2her aq it
<br /> �:;T.�:5:' � � doems necessary to protect the security hereof Tn�stor shafl,immediately upon demand therefor hy Lender,pay to
<br /> � Lender sU costs and expenses incumed az►d sums e�cpendad by Lender in cannxtion vrith the exercise by Leader of
<br /> �r:��;;�;� __--
<br /> �. •- the fanegain8�8�•�8ether witb interest thereon at the default rate provided in the Noi�wh:ch st�all be added to
<br /> =,,;r;';�:.;�r i
<br /> ="`:�:':� ;�--' ttie in�eb^.sdness secured hereby. 1.euder shall rtot incur siry liah�.^.y because of aaythiag it msy do or oant to 0
<br /> `;;° {. hereunder.
<br /> �� 'J�`+.'��.`� c,. gA�fdaus Materials. Tsustot shsll kee�t t��Property i�compliance with all aFPlicable taws.ordy.�.aces
<br /> ._�.f� _-�,� aa� r-�l�+ons relating to industn� L�Ygiene or enviror.��*S �rotection (collectivety rc�red to hsrein as
<br /> " "Em'L�tal Lews"). Trustor sha'3�.zep the Pra;�,.e-:y free fr�-u7 substances deenaed to h�[:azardoas or to�dc
<br /> a, z.. �c
<br /> :y�-'"��:. under si:y Enviroamental Laevs(collecxivety re`erz�i�:%`er�i^.,:s"�''.3zardous Materials). Tm�or hertby wanan�
<br /> ��
<br /> °i.
<br /> ,,:;tF'��:w ;:... . and repm�nts to Lendet that there are no Hazardc�'.Saieriats oa ar under the Pcoperty. T�ustor heteby egr�ees _
<br /> ,,_..d;
<br /> ,:�.,�. . , indetrs:..'�•and hald harrnless Leader,iss directors, o�cers,errti':.�xs end agento,and arty successora to Lercde�'s
<br /> - .`� ;' inter�(T�cn aad against any a'ctd e i ar,:ma,daras$es,losses 4.�t I�ut7iliti�arising in conn�:a with ths presence, _
<br /> • • t� use di�n�ar transport of urry Hazz-�ous Materials on,unde;fi�.m or about th$Property '��FOREGOING =
<br /> , � �yp�p��S pND REpRESENTATIONS, P�1D 'dYtUS'I��2'S OBLIGAI'IONS 1��L��ZJAN'P TQ 'THE
<br /> ' t�i. �Si'mentof Rent.s. �r.•rlor her�y atsigas to I�d�tha rents,issues aad;:re�ts of the Property, _
<br /> ° provided that Tnistar shall,urtU'l tpe cc•.ta�rrence of sn Event of DefautR hereuader,tmve the ri�isc tu collect e�id retain _
<br /> � such rents.issues mad profiu as they oecome due and payable. Upon the occurreace of an Event of D�fault,Lender
<br /> � may,either in person or by agent,c+ith or without briaging enY sction or praceedin8.ur bY a reoeiver appointed by a _
<br /> cauR and without regard to the adequ�y of its securiey,emmer upon and take poasessian of the Property,or any part
<br /> � ? the�eo�im iu own narr.e or in the rta�ce of the Trustce.and do a�r acts which it deema aecessary or desirable to �
<br /> ;�T�" preserve the vplue, �n�rketabilitS►or:entability of the Prop�ty.or aay Part thereof,or imer�t t�erein,ir.crease the
<br /> � income therefrom,or protect the sec+uiry tl�ereo�acd�cr withaut taking possession oF ttr Property,su=for.or
<br /> . . , otherwise collect,ttce rems,issues arcd profits ttereo�ir.cluding those past dae ozd uag�Id,asd uPP1y t1:e se�..l�s
<br /> ' casts aad expenses of ogeretion Qad collection irtcludiag at4orneyls fees,upon a�f it�:biadr�ess se�ured here�}�.all in
<br /> ' such order as Lender may determute. The enterin8 upon and taldn8 Pu�es�on of the Property,tke callec2ion of such
<br /> � rents,issurs and�rofits and the application thereof as aforesaid, s�hall not c�ue or waive any default or r,otice of
<br /> � default hereunder or invalidate anY ast doae i�response to such defauit or pursuans to sucb aotice of default and.
<br /> � nomithsiand.ing the continuancs in possession of the Propei4y or t4�e collectean, ceceiPt art�aFPlication of rems,
<br /> ' issae9 or profit�,aad Trustea and Leader shaU be emitlad to exercise eve�Y riy"x provid2d for tcerein or by lsvY upon
<br /> _ _� __, __.._ . ., occurreace af ttny Event of DEfeul�including wittcout limitat�an the right to exerc'sse the povfer of sale. Further,
<br /> � �
<br /> _t .
<br /> � I
<br />