� 7. Rrot�cti���t LeR�er'a RDShta 9n 3�e b�roperly. E� earm�� ra� m �arrorm ma co,rananm ana �a�►ts � .
<br /> earelsiRed h this SecurBY�nstrument.ar th8ce C9 a taQal prOC98dbty ihat miY aiq�fltc8ntty etteCt L6rtd0�s�iphts b1 tRa ProAarh►(Sateh p �
<br /> a praaeedlrtD in b�n.kruAtcy.9robate.tar cond�+atian or to�fe3ure ar to entorce leurs or regutatbns�.than Lende►may do artd pay tar
<br /> � •wRate�er b rtaeess�cY to Rmiect the vatca of the ProD�Y and Lsn6m's r�hffi b the Rroyerty. LenQefs ac�tons maY YtCA��GI�9 � �
<br /> airy sums s6CUtYd by e 6e�f wh�Ch Ras pr(orSy aver thls Secur@y Instrurtient,eyPsazirtO in couA.P3Ytng�easacithb ettame��s tesa 2n� � .
<br /> ertter(rtp an the Progarty to metce reRaYs. A@AOUph Lender may take aation under this paraIIraph 7.lendar does aot have to da co. �
<br /> Rny amaunY d3sbursed by t.artder under this pata�ph 7 sha0 become add3ional debi o! 8orro�rer securad by MS Sxurtty � .
<br /> Insin�rn�t lfi7ass Borrowar and Lert� aQrse to otn�r t°rtns of paymEmt. thsss amaunts shati bear h2�est tram tha da� o!
<br /> , � ,I disbutLerne�l2 a!Ne Nota ra�and sh80 be payabfe.wBh in�i.upun notke irom isnder W BarrOrser reQuastMs9 Pa1Rn�t �
<br /> y 8. Ma7t�L�9 119Eitf8T1C@. If Lendar re4a3ret!mortgage huursrt�as a cond3SOn of maktng ths saan�ursd by thls SecuriSY
<br /> � InsLUr�L Barrar.�sl�e�ptsY ths premt�ms roAuiratl to maint�ln tha mortg�qs hsurance �tjf,�tSOf�ired to obtaY�ouerape �
<br /> -- -. _. - _1 h8utenCe CoverdQE1 requir60 by Lettd�TaAss3 ot C�9a.se9 1u be i�6E�.8erto�s Stra�!O�Y � --
<br /> E
<br /> � substande.Ry equNaiant to trte mnrtp:ge hsurar�w prevbasry in ef�ct. at a cost sab�ter►itaRY eQ�3:va10nt to tho cest tD Bofrowsr o!tne
<br /> . , rtsortg�o hsurance prsriousb in eRecL kom an ngama4e mortg�IIo nsurer approved by Lendor. If substantjaHY e��&�nt rt�ort�t0� '
<br /> . � irtsuranee eaver�y� � not avaAabie. Bortourer shaB pay to Lvsder eash mantP�a sum equnl to ono-tnralRh ot the yarrly mortss�e -
<br /> e ed er esased ta De n eftect- lsnde►wIN axspL uss and
<br /> hsvr�nce pr�ntim�eing pate by eoaow�wnan me hsurance cauera�ia�s
<br /> � tetah tt�e58 RaY�f� as B loss �ase+ve in Qeu e!rrtar�qaQe �surance. Loss r�sE+va PaY�1S �Y no far.gar ho raauires. at t?:e �`
<br /> � oplloe of Lender. H marL4aIIe tuwanee eauera�e (in the eTrtauM and tor t3r� Rc,r6od that Lender requUes) G�a+BEed bY an hsurer vy.`..
<br /> i ePII�'� by lender e�ain bocart�es avaBsble and is obtahed. Borrower s's9 pay ths Rra7►�ms required to ezatnuh mort�W .;;;�
<br /> tnsuranee b eHeet. ar to pro�� a bss �serve. unU7 the requiremeni tor mortgage hsurr�esse er►ds h exordanra wRh any wrHten
<br /> � agreement Cet�reer►Barrourer ar:��rtinder ar epp�cabte lav►. .,�.�'�
<br /> 8. IRS�Jl�O�, 1�der cr 3s eQent maY matce reasenabm e�trfes isFen and iisPecYons o!U:a PrcS�Y. Lender sRaR plue ..{<�:�
<br /> .! Borrower notke�t Usa;:�ct�:priar to an hspectbn spec9yirtD reasonabte cavse for the inspectioe• -;_ .
<br /> � 90.�onde:_L���.1�l, '�`a 0�� of sny awetd or ctAirrl tor d¢nm�es. dirBCt or CCt►s8e�entte�. h ConneMion w�h attl c�.
<br /> '.,,,�•_°;: ' '� r ce in Qeu o!condenmatian,are RerebY essi�ed sn�shat be '�f
<br /> :,?�.'.:, � caade�matton ar othe►takirsg a:r�.y paR ot the Property.o tar com�al►an =.•:
<br /> .°::�-�;`v � Pstd to Lender.
<br /> In iha evertt e?a mtal fakhp of tt� PraDeAY.tlw p�acaods eha➢be ay�Cod to the sc..:ns secured by Ws SecutRy tRSWmmL , :r�:_
<br /> :'-z�_
<br /> .�. ..- .-- -. whether ot not then�0.w�h an�excess Pr�d to Barrower. ln tha e�vent cf m,�af ta'�s� of tt�a Froperty in whicA ths ftir marfwt ;:_�:
<br /> . F' valte O!ths Proga�ty irtunedlatety befota the M�khp is equ81 to OT �eater tt.�.~� tt:� eis'QUnt Of the s�mS seCUred Ey th(s SeCU�11 ,r=�,
<br /> Mstrvrent tnmedtataly►trefOre the tzkh0, untess Borrower end Lender otherwESe aII�in �hp. tAe sums secured bY tt.s SecurdY _:. ,
<br /> .�f tnsbumant sha➢ be roduced by the amount ot tha Proceeds rmilt�[ied by the toBOwtng 9mc�lon: (a) the tofal ert�ouni di Y.*.a sums ,..-�.�;.
<br /> i securmd tr�latalY batore the ffikhQ.dlvWed bY (b)the hlr raaAcet valte of the ProPe�Y ie,sc�edtateb�re the t�kirt9.l� bai�ttae �„�
<br /> .- . -- Y..; shaY De paid to BomOwer. In tha event ot e Oertial lakinp of the P�oD�Y N whicA the feY m�rket vaiie of the Propert���rredltWb �•.
<br /> s ��r�•
<br /> . before the takh0 ls less than the amount o!the sums secuced irnrnedittely betore the talchg,untess Bartawer an4�ender attsa�+iise E,�_;-,.
<br /> �• the proceeds sheD be apDCed W the sums secured by tn� SaeurRy ��:-=-
<br /> . r '�€ apceB h wrQirtp or unl�s eAa6eable law athe�wise Drovides. —:-.=-
<br /> fnstrument whether or no3 Ns�s ere dten due. `i'w�`
<br /> "� �"�- ' ."� t!Na PropHrly!4 ai�ande�ea�tY Botrow6r,ar i!,aRar notic�by l.er►der to 8orrower that the can0emnor otlets to malca mn awud a __.V_--
<br /> � �,. seriie a elatm for damages.E�rer teIIS w cespond to Lend�a�a3hb 30 days afte�the C�x the notice i�gl�en.Lender is svtRat�ed --�-
<br /> � to coUaci and eII��the psc�s�,at 8s aDtia.�<eHher to rest�""�cn or�:,�st thv Pro�':s ar ta the sums seeured by t*�Seai�fty �-
<br /> �"�.
<br /> ' + '� IDSUili119f7�1NhB'1T�'"a'+!RD1 @10[!.'�'.�."8. r Ofis t1:� ` —
<br /> Unless Lers�ar�cr+d Bar.Wx�VY•erwise a�a in w�rta�:a�'�� d`,r�ocueds to D�c�pni sttw:�r�:�daid ot� --
<br /> - due date ot thb m.anthty�:.�t���1brt�d to h D�Te9�Phg' �r•�9.2 �a-.�the amoun3 af such p�Yments• ----
<br /> � ` 11.Borro�r°r N�t��t�rssed: Forbearance Bg �E�►�sr Y�ai e Walv�r. �ensron ot �e tn+e ecr r�y�ent m
<br /> " . �
<br /> � � rtudificaUon oi a�^�4istton c?2te sums sacured by thls SecufRy Instrum�w�nted by Lendor to any successor b t►La[�si a!6sYra�ver ----
<br /> � sh�9 rtot ope�ate'� releese the 6tb�y of ths ortpinal Barrower or earro�a�auccvssora(n hterest. Lender Eha➢nat ba cequksd C
<br /> •. }= I eortrnenca Rroceedln4s�at��t e^Y sueo�s�„ 1n�or�tuse to�: i�a 4or pa�mcmt ar atherwiso maddy amort!ffitbn o!VrE --
<br /> ti;�•r� i sums seCttred by this Sedt:�� astrttment by reasor� O!eny dernand ttsa:.b L'y tho orig7nal Bmrrower or 8otrowers suoCessOts N —_
<br /> �,;;
<br /> . � tftecesL AnY torbeetance by Lcs-de►b mcereishp anY�t or r x n e d Y shafl not be a wa1�r ct or precluds tha warctse af�nY dOhf er _
<br /> � � �� ! ��12.Succesaors and Asalgna Boknd; Jo1M and Several Ldabilliy;Co-s��nera. �ne car.n�nes �n=
<br /> i
<br /> ., I a�ree�ts of Usis SecurBy MsSVment oha9 ti�d and bonet�t U+e swxx�:�s arrd esslsns of Lender �e� Bortowa►. subJeci to �.� _
<br /> w
<br /> ' Fra�sbns oi Va.:�slaPh 1T. Qa�wePs aavenants end tyreements�hal Ds Z¢i_t and severnl MY Bortower who eo-sbrts L'°is S�csaP.�9 _
<br /> � t�s.�Erm�nt but doas not execuCe the Note: (a) b easiQ►irt9 tf►is SectirdY inswmen3 cny to mort9ape. q�rtt, trt� ¢cs'+�eJl � _
<br /> B,rtr�,�da hie�est b fhe ProPeRY unser tt�e te�ms af tAis SeeuRY tnstm�(D)i3 rtot De�sonaBY o��td to pry tha�u.ns wwr�d .�--
<br /> • by lhls Secariy Instrumen� end (c)aprees that Lsnder artd anY other f�ar.r.carer may agrae to euend.mod�y.faibeu c� mdn�r►Y _:_
<br /> .,, � � �pmmodatio:rs�rgh repnrd to tacros o!i�fits Secur�Y tnstrument or the K�ts�wP.t�out that Borrowers consenL �_
<br /> 13.LAaTt�ItaTgE�. (f the toan securad by thb Securiy tnsbu::�csL b suDject to a law whicA ssts rtrxtnum Ioan ehup� E+_—
<br /> NS that hw B(irta/y irlterpf9t9d SO th8t the h28reS! Ot Othet ban Chitpes C0�9Ct9d Ot t0 b� COi�GUd in CDMSatbn with tM to�n -
<br /> � ' mxeed tha p�rm�ted pmte.then� (a)anY aueh tou�crta�pes sha9 Oe�reduced bY the�maunt n�c�as�1lr to nduc�ths charpe to tM �,..
<br /> �� .. permitted BmfC end(b)anY sums eteadY coBoeted from Ba�rorrer wAich exceeded PermHt�d 6mRs wD bs�tun�d to Barrowsr. I.er�der �'
<br /> � �—
<br /> may choose to mslce this rehm0 Dy reducn�tRe princ�l owad under ftta Nois ar by mi'kin0 at eirec�u�tha Not�,� (I• _�_-
<br /> rstund raQuC89 D��.ths tiduction w�be b9ated as e 0���*�D�1t�H wNhout an11 P��Y� --
<br /> 14.NO11CCf. My rtotbe to Borrowar Orovided tor h this Secur�ll tnstrument shtl bs pt�en bY d�W�rp R Cr by ms��ty =�
<br /> f.r�s�2 CtiSS mt➢unMss aDOFcabla ftw reqitla9 use of anatrtor metRod. ?he rtotics shi�bs diraCt6d to th�ProP�tY Addt�sS 6r Ny —.
<br /> n��-
<br /> .. � othor addrass Borraw�r desl�otes DY rtottes to t:�nder. M]►notice to Lender sha!bs pMn by fra!citss m�Y to l�nQard tddn�s ..'}.;,.
<br /> sffited horein or enq other adQr�Lender deskl�ates by natke to Bortawer MY rtoUce Orovided tar h thin Secufry tnstrumont sGa! ,���
<br /> ..
<br /> ���"� Oe doemad to navs bsen 4Nen to Baaawer ar londer when p►uen es pr�r�b in thts parayrayn.
<br /> ' E'� ,v
<br /> � 15.Gmve�Nelp Law;S��tetabtledy. ��s SeeurR�► mstrummt �a� bo po�.�r:ed �j teeatd �tw m� ttw raw ot tro
<br /> R�
<br /> i jttrtCQiCt� fn rfiiCh ths Pta9aRy b bC62ed. m the ewnt that�nY Pcov�lon or cisuse ct thia Socur�I► MsLrum�r+t a tfi�Nob conliCb �A.
<br /> wth appNabte Irw, suen cent�et s�at rtot al(eei aiTw►pravkbns ot Inls SecuriY (nsErumont a lhs Nots vaAfeh ean b�plu�n�bct
<br /> wkhout the eant4ctnp 9rav'slon. To thts end ths pravlsbns af t�is Sgeu�11 tna0ument�na tha NaU an dael�rsd to b�ts+�raD1�.
<br /> 16. B�oanePs CoPy. 8wmwer sha9 bs alvan ons cont�rmad ccP�l at the Nots and ot thb Sau�r tnstrummi
<br /> � 1y.Traratt�r ot the Property or a Banefleta! intereat Ha, Bo�rower. �t a� o► any vart ot�� �a�r � �y
<br /> ` hmras!h F!is sa16 or Uensi�rrsd(nr tf�bmef'�cW inteie�st in BeRawer ts sob a►trv+st�rted �n0 Bamwa 4 rtot�na�1 pr�on)
<br /> vrYRou1 LartQere prbr wt'tlon CenSanL Len�r�ay.tl Bs a�Yjon.te�tb tnrt�ediate Oaymsnt b lf�Y of aY surr.s seeurod Ey thb S�CV�y
<br /> - tns�ms1L Hawa�rer.this oFtbn shaY nat bo�Esed bY lender ii meneiss b VroRDY�d Oy hdrd taw u o!tty dats a!ffits£�eurtll
<br /> . trtSLVmenL
<br /> . II Isrtde►exe►�ise:�this oylion,Len4ar srtaB ql�e Borra�rer rtat�e ai aoaetYrnt►on. TRs notics 6hz1 Om�id�� D�0 ot na! Iws
<br /> � than 30 CEys Abm tho datu tRO nai'aa Es de9uered or mt�d�r91�n'"hkh the Banowsr musl pay afi sums �ecur�d by tttb S4eufdy
<br /> � fnstrurtf�tt ti HGrrOwe!(d:�YO p�y th�ae Sum9 pfior to Ut9 dtpftH�n Of thi4 pOriCs.lc�sQar rr�y hvake enY re�ne4ies�ted Oy thLs
<br /> - -- �,�ray[aseru.�nrmt w�hnut flirtht!r nntiee o�de�csand an Barrawer. eo�m so2�v1�
<br /> e�o2a�e�.31,�a3> P�s a ot L
<br /> _ � as�
<br /> :
<br /> Y
<br /> 1
<br />