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<br /> � . �:. ` PaWF•R OF ATTORNEY _
<br /> ' � � . -•.�. ' ..� 1WaW AIL ME�1 BY 111ESE PEtFSENfS: �+�I-"�-�'�'"=�=
<br /> �. That I� ELORI3 NIEMANN, af 116 South Tilden, Grand Island, Nebraska i,..._._��• �-• -- �
<br /> ' 68601, do by theae presents, make, cons�itute and appoint my daughter, t .- ••"�`�"""���"��
<br /> i:hrietine Caxberry Beckius of 545 South 28th, Lincoln, NE 68510, as my �:
<br /> , ., Attorney-in-Fact, to do for ute and on my behalf, any of the following t ' `'�� ' '`'
<br /> �,.:,...;. ..._���,
<br /> �,_._::,—°
<br />.. - . "ill:Rt:�y .� ��
<br /> , . r, �. , , . .�. .
<br /> . � '.� �� 1, To rnitldrawby eheck am otk�enwise fram any �c��kaa�g Account vr �: - -.�-�:..����:•'�
<br /> :,rr:,. ;'. . . {� T ,i:.a ,. rL� �r,�°,
<br /> ��:� •�I �Vl�� aC��t w4�iC� b �y �U'�. r wr'k•' ..�;N.. {�.,':1"i,:.
<br /> l ASI
<br /> -1 il: t ^ ��'�, j`% l� I�5,1,`_�'
<br /> � �,lr. , , �. To endorse checks fos ��posit �t� w►r check9.n� accoucet or savings �;'` : � � �.�� ;
<br /> 1�J;,ti�;.� . �� accou�t anal tm recei�.e .�:�y property or credi ts awned by me, in- :.:.���, ',Ai,��' ;+,,�,:��`.;
<br /> ;rp ( '•� .� � ,; cd�nr.� ang monies p�yaule to me by any �overnmental a�Geacy. hiy . .
<br /> '� ' ';.:-.�..�. �:3�<s��r�•�;',�r,;"x* Attorney-in-�act shall have full auth�rity Co redeem, t�eve r��e�- ,,._,,�a�y
<br /> .- i •�l5".i'.: �:�1'•"�i�n t_ .; 1`i.i{y .
<br /> •�.•>':,� ,;;t:�::::;:;,,�;�,.;, iaCered, or have reissued any bond, note, bill, warrant, certifi- � .x��r...
<br /> �"'��� '�' '�'''`t��' �'' cate or other evidence of indebtedness owned by me (including any � � , �
<br /> �' ��� � � such items owned by me as a co-owner or joint kenant) and issued : � .
<br /> . by the United States any other country, any state, municipality� ; _
<br /> �
<br /> ' or other governmenta� subdivision or goveranental agency. r � " -
<br /> . 3. 'Co aell or lease any assets a�med by me, whether real estate or _ -
<br /> � personal property,and including haneetead property and stocks and � ��
<br /> bonds� at such pricea, on euch terms, for such length of term; and ���=::r_
<br /> �- � in such manner,,whether et private or public sale or negotiation . _-__
<br /> � as my Attorney-tn-Fact deems advisable. Shemay convey any pro- ; � '"�
<br /> perty so sold by her by inatrunents of conveyance with cuetanary i. '� � � '' ���4,`�-
<br /> - --- warraaties. She may enter any safety deposit box L lease and n�ay j� • _��
<br /> � "� remove any iteme therefraa. She is gnpowered to make gifl•s for me. � � �'
<br /> � ;:
<br /> 4. To enter into agreements pertainiog to any property or iatereat in 1
<br /> property owned by me and on such tern�s as my Attorney-in-E'act deeme �
<br /> advisable. This shall include contracts for goods, repairs, i.mprove- �
<br /> � ments, replacements� and personal sexvices for the mai�tenance of my I
<br /> ' ' property; and to borrow Funds and mortgage property therefor. ,.
<br /> , 5. In general, to enter into any busineas transactions pertainin,g to . ; .��r . ���,r.,`,,
<br /> '` ��'����:�'r my property and for my maintenance as fully as I could do iC my- .,�.� � •� �, ,
<br /> . ' : �'`,�:`�`��:�:::���:� self. She �is empowered to sign my income tax returns and re- , `"..>'�' .;..?�,;':
<br /> . . .;,'" lated documents. '"'
<br /> . ,;
<br /> , ,;� .
<br /> ' � �' 6. To enter into any contracrs or agreements Eor any medical, domicil- '',�i,;�
<br /> � iary, vr other care needed by me as determined tu be in my best in- ',
<br /> � , terests by my Attomey-in-Fact, and pay all fees and charges neceg- ,;.,; ,
<br /> , � , . sary Eor my maintenance and care. To suthorize any medical pro- .;:;;,:�=�;
<br /> cedures for me. � �, �•':��-
<br /> , , :, � ,,,,. ,, ,r„y,:;;;;
<br /> .� ;.,;;;;..;� :; ' I ratify and cvnfirm all acts done by Attorney-in-Facr under this P�wer oE �' , ��
<br /> �'�; ' , . Attorney. I reserve the right to revoke this Power of Attorney by tl�e filing of �'�� •��'� � ���"
<br /> such revocation in Miscellaneous Etecords in the Off ice of the Register of Deeds � +:;';�'
<br /> �� ' oE Hall County, Nebraska. This Power of Attorney st�all remain in , �
<br /> full foroe and effect even though I may hereaFter becane mentally or pt�ysically
<br /> , incanpetent.
<br /> ' UA1'ED this ID day oE March � 19 87 .
<br /> � r�"�5-N
<br /> ' SfACE OF NEB[iASKA )
<br /> COUNIY OF �11 )
<br /> .. On this Jp clay of �„�,.�,h , 19�, before me, ttie ut�dersigiied, �
<br /> a Notary Public witiFin and for said (:aunCy, pers�nally ca�ne Eloris Nie�nann,
<br /> wl�o is known to me to be the ��entical person wliose name is affixed to the foregoing
<br /> ;?;.:� �ower oE Attorney and she acdcnowledged her executioc� to be her vvluntary
<br /> ;.,;;, .;t;ti'::I act and deed.
<br /> �:1;; �:'y';,;�� I�!;�'' i . ,
<br /> � ,., WI'dNFSS my�tm�l a d Notarial Seal the date last above w�atten. hty Notarial
<br /> �, . :''�:"'��,� . ' .� Ca»missicm expires: ���' • `'�
<br /> , ;.1; ''``:, •',.,..:�:;, i � , � .
<br /> � ���, ��� Nutary Yub ic
<br /> ! . •,.� . � CfdEllAt MOi��v-
<br /> , B�a�*o�:Yin��.,
<br /> ' AkT4Uft','. �':•.
<br /> � t - � ,'�•� __. i . �
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