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<br /> FO�IM 6011(12.9l7
<br /> RETURN TO Farm Credit Services,P.Q.Box 5080 Echo Alcorn
<br /> PflEPARER: Grand Island,NE 68802-5080 (308)382-9025
<br /> In accordance with the provisions of the Nebraska Farm Homestead Protection Act,Neb.Rev.5tat.Sections 76-i 901,et.seq.,as a preface to the
<br /> execution, and as a part of the toliowing Trust Oeed,the undersig�ed Trustor(s)being first duly swom,elects to Waive the Right to Designate a
<br /> Homestead.
<br /> UWe understand that!/we have the right to make a designatian of homestead in the tollowing Trust Deed. The execution ot this Waiver constitutes
<br /> a waiver of rights otherwise available to me/us tor the purpose oi a(tordiRg melus the opportunity to retain my/our homestead in the event ol a
<br /> default upon the Trust Deed.
<br /> ��x�7�I,sk�a� � � � ', �
<br /> , ,
<br /> Farm Credit Servkes ot Amer!ca
<br /> Trustor(s):
<br /> ROGER M HAPPOLD and SHIRLEY F HAPPOLD, husband and wife
<br /> Maiting Address:
<br /> 103 WEST 6TH RD
<br /> DONIPHAN NE 68832-1707
<br /> This Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents is made�J�an�uar 08 1999,by and among the above named Trustorls)and AgAmerica,FCB, 'Trustee,'
<br /> whose mailing address is PO Box Ta�C5.Spokane,WasTimgton 20-4005,arx!Farm Credit Services ot America FLCA, 'Beneficiary,"whose
<br /> mailing address is 206 S 19th Street,Omaha NE 68102-1745 i�consideration of the vance y ne iaary o t pnnc�pal sum specified below,
<br /> the receipt o(whic �s �e y ac now ,an any vture,additio�al,or protective advances made at Benefxiary's option,T�ustor(sl irrevocably
<br /> transfers,conveys and aassigns to Trustee,IN TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,for the benefit a� security of 8eneticiary, its successors a�d
<br /> assigns,under and subject to the terms a�d conditions of this Trust Deed,the property,bcated in Hall,Hamilton County(ies).State of Nebraska,
<br /> and described as tollows:
<br /> Parcel 1: 'Tf�e East Ilalf oC ll�e Soutl�vrest Quarter (El/ZSWl/4) of SecUon Ten (10), Townsliip Nine (9)
<br /> Nortl�,Range Nine(9)Wesl of ll�e GU�P.M.llall Connty,Nebraska
<br /> Parcel 2: Tl�e Soathwest Qnnrter (SW1/4) o[ Sectton Six (�, 'I'mmsliip Nine (9) Nortl�, Range Eight
<br /> (� West of We Glh C.M.. in llnmillon County, Nebruskn except a trs�ct o[lund comprlsing a pnrt of the
<br /> Soat�west Qnarter (SWI/4) oC Sccllon Siz (�, Township Ntne (9) North, Ran6►e �:igLt (8) West o[We
<br /> 6th P.1W., sazd tract bcing more parUculurly described as �ollovrs: �rth retcrence to U�e SuutLwest
<br /> corner o!said �Wl/4; Weace running on un assumed 1►earing of Norlh 90°00'00" East on lhe Soulh Ilne
<br /> o[said SWl/4 (or a disiance �C 2GG.[IO feet to U�e aclnol pnint of lieginning; Ll�ence continuing Nortl� 90°
<br /> 00'00" F.ust on the Soup� Iine of snfd SWl/4 for 1G7.U0 (cel; tl�cncc Norll� O(1°0�'(NI" Easl fur 2L2.1T0 fcct;
<br /> thence Nortl� 90° 00' 00' West [or 167.00 fcel; Weace SuuW 00° 00° 00" West for 212.00 Ceet to tl�c point
<br /> of bcginning.
<br /> toqetner with all Trustor'a right, title, and interest in the property, now or herea(ter acquired, including: all buildings, fixturea, crops, and
<br /> improvementa now on or hereafter plaeed upon the property;all appurtenances,water,irrigation,end drainape rights;all rents,i�sues,usea,income,
<br /> protita,and rights tu possession•all oil,gas,grovel,rock,or other minerala of whatever nature,including geothermal resources;all personal property
<br /> that may lntegrelly belong to or herealter become an Integrol part of the real eatate whether attached or detached.including any appurtenencea end
<br /> accoutrements ol any structure or residence secured hereby;easementa and other rights and interesta now or at any tlme hereafter belonging to
<br /> or in sny wey pertaming`to the pro'perty, whether or not specifically described herein; all above a� below ground irrigation equipment and
<br /> accesaories;and ell leasea,pe rmits,licenaea,or privilepes, appurtenant or nonappurtenant to the property, now or hereaiter issued,extended or
<br /> renewed by Truator(s1,eny Stete,the United States,or any depertment,bureeu,�nstrumentelity,or agancy theraof. The Ioregoing is collectively
<br /> relerred to in thfi document aa the"proparty,"
<br /> � It le undsrstood��d apned b�tw�m Trustorls)and BeneOeisry that thls Trust Deed la piven to seeure:
<br /> IaI Promisaory notelal descrlbed aa loltows:
<br /> Dete�of�te Prtnc al Amount
<br /> peyable accordinp to the terms of the notela►,and any eddendum to,resmortization or reatructurinq of the notelsl. ,
<br /> Ib) The repayment in lull by Trustor(a)ol any end sll future and edditionat Ioana or edvances which may be mede by Beneticiary,at its option,at
<br /> the request ol, end to or(or the eccount ot Trostalsl,or eny of them, for a�y purpose,plu�interest on atl Ioana or edvancee, u�der eny notelel ' �
<br /> or other instrumentls)moditying relinancf�g,exterxfing,renew{np,reemortizing,or restructur��►g,new exfsting,or eddilbnal indebtedneaa or Any I
<br /> part thereol,ell peyable eccwdinp to the terrtq of the rqtelsl or other Inatrumentlsl; p►ovided, however,that the total prinCfpal I�de9tedneas
<br /> Ap�:00157548; Primary Customer ID N:00071998; CIF N:38318 Legal Doc.Date:Januery 08, 1999
<br /> FORPrI 5011,Trust Deed end Aseiynment al Renta Page 1
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