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' � . ' . . - .. . � . . -- ' ' ' - i -� --•-. . • '� �.____._ ' . <br /> •. :_.+�.'_. . .....-- ---�- �- -� - .. .- <br /> -- RE•RECOR�rED , <br /> . . ' 9���i30� <br /> ' � .19,'IIYens�er of tlae Ptogerty or a BYaei'iccial Int�est in Barrower•if all or any part of the Property or any interest in it <br /> '� is sold ot tmnsferted(oz if a heaeficiai interest in Eotrower is sold or nsnsfemed and Borro�ver is not a aatural gerson)without <br /> F Y..eader's pr�vr writcQn con=Qat. Lendes may, at iu oprion. requice iaunediate payment in fuii of all sums s�red by this • <br /> y e <br /> � Secwriry Instn�nc.Hawever.this uption sh�1l not be eaercised by Ixader if exercise is prohibited by federai law as of the d^.te <br /> of this Securiry Insuument. ` <br /> . ; If Lender exercisQS this option,Lender shall give Boirower aotice of accelerauon.'ihe notioe shall provide a period of not <br /> --_----—j less thaa 30 days fmm the date the norice is delivered or mailed within which 8orro�ver musc pa� all sums secured by ttus <br /> — - Secusity Ins�pnuaQnt.(f�arrower fa�s to pay these sums prior to the expiratiaa af tius period,t,e�der may iavoke any remedies <br /> , pertnitted by this Serurity[nstrum�nt��+ithout fi�her II°uce or demand on Boirawer. <br /> tg, Borrov�a's �ttght to �teinsiat� If Sotrower ta2ets certaia ooaditions, Borrower shaU have the right to have <br /> ; enfoacet�nt of tlus Sscurity Lnstnuneat diswntum�at anY �PnOr to she earlier of: (a)5 days (or such other pPriod as <br /> , ,�' � 8APlicable law aoay spetify for reinstacer�t) lset'ere sale of she Prap�rty Fursu2nt to any:poNer of sale contaiaed in this :. <br /> Seeunty Iastn�menr or(b)�uy+of a judgaent enforcing this Securiry?� ,m�t.'Ihose condiuons are that Bvrrower:(a)paYs <br /> , ` . . . �, 1 Leader all sums which then woald be due under this Security Insuumeat aud the Idote as if ao zccelaation hz�oa�rred; (b) .:,� <br /> ., � au�e.s any default df aay other coveaanu or a�:(�)PaYs��Penses incurmd in enforcing this Security Instrumeat, — <br /> incIuding,but aot limited to.reasonable attomeys'fee�and(d)takes surh astton as Lender may reasonabiy require to ass�ue �:; <br /> ..._ ._ . . .� that t6e liea of this Secuiriry lnsuumenb lxader's rights in the Propezcy aad Borrower's abligarioa to pay the sums sea�red 6y �-._. <br /> this Security Insnutt�ni shall oontir►us uncd�angefl. Upon reinstatea�at by Borrower, this SecuritY Iasuum�nt aad the �!:r:r: <br /> � obligations serured here6y shall remain fully effe�tive as if ao aaxleration hEd occurced. Honre�rer,this right to reinstate sh�ll � ��:-� <br /> . � not apply in the case of acceleratton under paTagiaph 17. —� :��-— <br /> � 19. Ss�lle oi Note;ChaaBe of IAan S�v[oer. 'lhe Note or a partial interest in rhe Note(wgether with this Security � ��== <br /> �€_.�_ <br /> . . � • Instru.ment)may be sold aae or�oie times without pieor notice w�ormwer.A sale may result in a change in the entity(imown �`_;,--- <br /> � r as the"Loan Servlcer")that collecYS raonthly paytaenu due under tlie Aiote and this Security I�`uument.Theie also may bz one � - <br /> ' � � �� or more changes of the I.flan Sen+ica uarelated�o a sale of the Nate.If there is a change of tt�e F.:Qan Sen+icer.Borrower will be _ <br /> • t given wrttien aotice of the change in arcordaace with paragraph 14 above and applicable lazv.�"��notioe wiU state the naiae and — <br /> ,.. � address of the aew Loan s�rvicer and the address to which paym�ts should be mzde.The corice w71 also contain any other <br /> • � � information requined by a�plisable law. <br /> g : Z0. Haaardous SuhsYan.ces. Bormwer shall nnt cause or getmit the p�,use. disgosal, storage, or release of any —.-- <br /> .- _... - s.-�-. Hazardnus Suhstanccs w or in thx Pcuperty. Sorrower sball uat do, aor allow anyon�e�se co do, anything affeeting the <br /> . .,� f• Pragerty that is in violation of�y Environ�:ntal Law.'Ihe p�ceding two sentences shall rtu�apply to the�. o' -- <br /> to be ro ta naraial <br /> • .�... swrage on the Propeny of snall quantiaes of Haratdcus Substanzes that are generally reoogti:�.�d $PP P� <br /> msideaUal uses and to mamteaance of the Propc�ecy. _ <br /> � :;'' Bottuwer shall promPtlY give Leader wntten autic�of aaY iavestigation,claim.d�aud, lawsuit az n�.er aaien by any � <br /> � ��' govemmeatal or regalffiory aoeac.y or private party envolving the Property aud any Ha�rdaus Substaaoe or Environ�ental Laa <br /> •'.r ' of which Boirower has actual ImoNtedge. If Borrower leams.or is notlfied by aay pc'�T��or regnlatory aut�axity. that <br /> "f, .�, any reawval or other rera�edia6on of any Hazardous Substaace a�'�;the PropertY�s a.,�d.Borrower shall pro�qstly lake <br /> all necessary�di�1°�ns ia accordance arith Environraeatal Iaw. <br /> . �)�i�' � As used ia t�is gar�'aPh Z0,"Harardous Substances" are t�use substau��efiaed as toxic or ha7ardaus sulsssaac�s by <br /> .. � Enviroamental law a�d ci�e following substances: gasoline.k�mscae, ot�c-r fl•�mable or wxic petmlewm produets. wxie <br /> -..���.6: . . <br /> . ,�',s: pesticides and herbi�ides,volatiie solvents,maierials containing�s�+-tos or for.�:�ehyde,and radioactive materiaL�.As Used in <br /> • ::A�+:t;,.. this p2sagraph 2A, "Envunna�entai Law" means fe�eial laws aIId laars of the juristiction nfii�re the Propert3►is toa+u:d that <br /> . �,�.4„'� mlate to aealth,safety or environmecual Pmtection. <br /> . � NON-UNffORM COVENANfS.Bomnwer aad Leader furtL*er covenaat and agree as fc.lrr�rs: <br /> 21.Aad�a.t€an,�c�etltes.L�der shall give aoSoe to Borrow�prtor W accet�atIon[oIIowing Barmvrer'7 �mless <br /> � . ot any coveaant or ag��t Fn tbis Secur[tY Instrums�t (but aot prtor w aa��ation uade� paragaph <br /> '�.' �� . aPPlic�ble law provld4s otherw�ise).The natIo�shall specifYs (a)the default;(b1 We adion required to cure�e ddault; <br /> (c)a datG not ie�than 30 deys fraan the dute the notice is gnoen to Borrower.b3'whicb the defaulL musd be ciued:and <br /> � " (dD that failare to c�ue the�a�t c�,s or betore the date�F3'ied in the a6tlop mHy result in aa�clerat��n oi the s�v <br /> , ��J by���it�,yns�e�i;m�,J saie of tt�e Pro�.'Phe aottce shs►U f+n4het Infor�Bono��of th�dghE to <br /> reinstate ait�esoel�rnti�n and the dght W bring a co�art action to assert the non�lsteace of a detautt or sny a�thec <br /> . r�i <br /> " � def�se oi Borrower to accelera8on and sala V the default is not cured c*�or betore the date spedfed in the not�ee+ <br /> � Leader. at its optlon,ma7 reiluire immedIate gayment in[ull oi sll s�s secru+ed by thLs SecurI4y Tnstr�eni without <br /> � further dem�nd and msy invoke th��owez oY sale aad sny a�remedics Pe�rmitted$Y a�pllcable law. I.radrr shall 6e <br /> ��? vided in this par.�ag�is Zl,iacl�ding.bnt naB Ilmittd <br /> � ::':�::;�;�� eatitledi C¢+:�llcct all eapenses inavc�!in purs�tn�the r��[� <br /> ' W,reasau,uisl"ra�ttorcess'iees and costs of title evi"c.�oe. � <br /> � If t�4�owa at'suiP is invoked.'a'rastee s[u�1��ecard a:�iae oi deYricc.t in eaab c�ty in vvhfch eny part ot t6e <br /> w <br /> ' • � Yco p a t y is locate�!�i sh�ll mail wpiev oi such¢r',�ice in tfie manner p�.�bed by appllcable law to Borrower and to <br /> °'���`,. � .•L. the oth�[�sons prescn'bed by appltea6le law.After the time req u i r e d by app l lca M e l a w,7 Y u s t e e�t�v e�72e aotia <br /> � of sale tm tiva�peisons and in the mana�presci�bed by spp��i*le Iaw.lYu�ee,�i���d a�C�rrnwer�slrnlL se11 <br /> the Frop�3y at p��blic audIon w the highest hidder at the tr�a;.nd plaoe and undeT the terms d�ated in Qh'='ar��of <br /> sale in one or taore risroeis aad in eny order Trus�ee deter�:.�:�as.Trustee may postpone sa1Q of all es su9 Parc��C the <br /> . . . ' � property by PubL�cvnn�uncemcnt ut the time a�d place ot eny pr�vlou:ly scheduled sale.I.�des ac its d�signee may <br /> , � . �` pwrchase 4he Pe�op�c::'�:any sale. <br /> . „ <br /> . �y . <br /> , � . �r I 3 <br /> � { �o�6RIHE1�92t21.o+ Vape 6 0!o irie�. — <br /> ; <br /> , • � — �o== <br /> . � ���. `�'__^' __^�M:y�� _ Srn�-'"'a,_ —____ _ _e- <br /> .� ' . . �. ' - • •f <br /> , . � . . . � . � _ - . _ <br /> _ . - ( ' . • ' ' ' � • �. . . -- . . ` .. �' <br /> • .. . �.. . _. __ . . <br /> �_ _. . <br /> _ ' '. . . . . .. . . . . . _ ... . --. <br /> . ..._ . . ._ .___. <br /> s _ _ .. .. _ . _ . _.. <br />