. :
<br /> � � t ' `�
<br /> , .. . . . . ,
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<br /> • -� . RE-RECURp�
<br /> � , � . . ���t�30�:
<br /> . • .�. �a�rd or Frog�tg+ E�SUregc�. Sonower shall kcep ttce improvzmenu no�v exisung ar hemafter erecced on the
<br /> � �. � '� Progerty insured against loss Ey fire.hazards iaclud� within the tetm "exteaded coverage"aad any other hazards. iacludiag '
<br /> Qoods or flo�dS�g,for whir.h Leader requires insuraace. T6is insurance shall be maintaiued in the aznouau aad for the g�rio�s
<br /> � ���I requites,'(he insuranoe carrier providin�the insurance shall ba chos�bry Eorrower subject to Ixnder's approval �
<br /> • ' �� which shall nat be unreasonably wit�ld. If Borcower fails m maintain wverage describ�d abave. Leader m�y. uc I.eader's �.
<br /> ---_� c�a,aht�in t��eiage to protect I.ender's rights in the Property ia accordaace with paragraph 7. �
<br /> � � All ianuaace�SOlici�aad rea�wals shall be a.ccegsable to Leader and shail iactade a naa:d�rd mortgaGe elause. i.�td�r �-
<br /> , �� ; sliall have th�right to ho28 the policies and renewals.[f Lender req�.Boprower shall promptly give co Leader all ceceipts of �`
<br /> paid premiums aad renewal uotices.in the event of loss.Bosower shaq give pmmp3 notice to the insurasce cazrier aad C.eader. �
<br /> � � � i l,ender may�ake prQOf of lo�s if nnt made ptomptly by @omnwer• �-
<br /> a�
<br /> . _-- � � Unless Laider and Bonower otheiwise agree in writing.insuranoe pra�eeds shaii be applied to resioracion or repair of the _
<br /> '`'�,�.. �P�Y�8�if ths t�estora�on or rep�st is eooaomically feasible aad Leader's security is aot lessen�d.If the reswration or _
<br /> �t . _
<br /> . . zepair is not�canomicalty feasible or L�uder's securiry would be lessened,the iBSUrance pro�ds shall i�e aPPlied�°thE s�
<br /> E'
<br /> secured by t}ris Sec�rity Instrumeat,�+h2ther or not then due, with any excess paid co Borrower. If Borrower aba�dons the --
<br /> Property.or dces Aat aaswer within 30 days a aotice from Leadz�that the insutanre cazrier has offered to seule a ciaim,thea _
<br /> '; ; Lgader may collect the i�sutaate pmceeds. Leuder may use the pmceads w repair or restore the P�nperty or to pay suma
<br /> . � seajied by this Seciirity Iasuttt�t,whether or not then due.'[Yte 30�day ptriad w�l begin wh�the aotice is givea. —sJ
<br /> � �.i;�• Unless L,euder aad Bonower ot�ervuise agzee in �vridnS, anY aPPUsarion of pm�eeds to prinsipal shall noi extead or �
<br /> .. °,,',,,i
<br /> ..�.�v,. gostpoae ths due date of the soathly payarats refeaed to in pa�agraphs 1 and 2 or change the am9uat of th�p�ym�eats.If under � _
<br /> '� ' p�B�Ph 2I the Propeity is acqui�ed bY Lender, Eormwer's right co any insuraace golicies and pmoeeds resvlting frnm O
<br /> • .',�� damage to the Pmperty prior to the acqnisitioa shall pass to I.eader to the exteat of the sums secured by this S�urity Insuument Q
<br /> ;,;; , immediately prior to the 2cquisi�on. a
<br /> : s (,pvargancy,Fresearvatton,�►Ain�l9nce�ad Yroie�tiun of the Propetiy;Borrower's H.��Applicatlan;Leaseholds.
<br /> . ..i�: ,. Borrower shs�lll occupY.establish,and u.,re che Property as Borrower's principaf nesidsnce within sva.y days after ths execution of �
<br /> � ' �� this Security t„�m9r,ent aa2 shall caatanue to oocupy the Pmperty as Bomnwer's g�ciqal resi�.�for at 1�st ons year aftet
<br /> „ ` c�date of accapaney,val��^-Leader othe:wise agcees in writing,which consea8�not be ur�easQnabiy�hPld,or nnless
<br /> � nse
<br /> �'� �tenuaring cit�uu�sta�s r�rist which are beyond Borrower's contml. Borro�-c�r shall not destroy, d�,�or impair the
<br /> Pcoperty. atIow the Pmpercy to deteriorate, or oommit waste on c6�Property. Borrower shall be in def�.:��aay forfeiture
<br /> acxioa or pror�Ing,whether civil ur criminal�is begun tha���'-�'s gflod faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> .�'' pcoperty or asL-2rwise mat..Prially impaiY the lien created by this Seci.:.ry tn�+*+�+t or Lender's security iate�Bononrer may
<br /> ` c�re such a default arW reinssate,as providod in paragraph 18,by�using the action or proceeding w be dis��aith a niling
<br /> t�at. in Lender's gaat faith deteimination, Pretludes fe�feiture of the Bartnwer's interest in the Pcopest',�cc ather mazerial
<br /> ,: , fmpairment of the lien cceaze�by Uns Security Ins�n:�or L:�ri�r's�writy intense. Bor�ra•sr sbaU also be ia default if
<br /> � '; Borrower,during the loan applia�tion prooess.gave ma,erially f��.=-;�acxurate informaiion c��.�c..cam�ts to Leader(ar fa�ed
<br /> '�� ``� to provide L.ender witL any inaterial informarion)in ca^��..nn G".:�"'�loan evidenced by the F�:�.in�luding,but a�ot limi�etl
<br /> ;<`��� w,iepiesmtarions wncerr:�.5 Borrower's occupanc�a.r��e?:rg�:�.s a princ��rw r.�ideace.If this Seaarity xRC�_•++�,t is on a
<br /> ';�:�';`� I,�sehold. Borrower sha1.L a�uply with a11 the pro1•�.ri��: •.=..� _�se. If Bo:rsa-er acquires fee title to ds� Property, the
<br /> " ,`, , lea,ehold aa�r�e feE dfle s3all not merge nnless I.ender a8rees to'"�.,��-..'rger in writing.
<br /> " •`� �.Prc�ttxxa�::an of�rl�'s Righig In the RropPrty.If Borros�r�-i,�1s to perform the covenaa��s and a�ss oont�ined In
<br /> • � ,,,.• �• [his Securit;• ln **n�t, or there is a tegal procoading that may sigwn�antly affect LendPr's rights in the Property(such as a _
<br /> " ' . proceeding in bankruptcy.pmbate.for condemnation or fo�feinue or to enfon:e laws or regulations),thea Lender maY do aad
<br /> PaY for ahatever is necessary to pmtect the vaIue of the Property an�Lecder's rights in the Property+. I.e��r's actions may
<br /> �.����„ inctude paying any sums secured by a liea which has priority over this Security Iasavmen� aPPeanDB in oourt, P�6
<br /> " ',:l�p :
<br /> - �:��� �• reasonabl�attomeys'fces and enterin�on the Property to make repairs. Althovgh Lender may�:a.�ction under th€s parngitiph
<br /> -;::,.�..'�';`f���' 7.Lender daes aot have to do so.
<br /> --�':Fr•:-' y h � s�au heco�aaatnonai a�.�:�:z�rrawer securea by �s
<br /> "'��`;�=:=r�..,:.a Any am�ounu disbuised b Lendtr uader this paragrap ec
<br /> i;�;3 �..-,�c..:,
<br /> °'���h-''r'y � Security Instnunen�Unt,�Borrower aad Lender agree to other terms of paym�t,these amo:.Ws s.`.a:l is:.�i�tenest from the
<br /> _i�,i�...s C�!
<br /> :;:��. �,,',`.• _.� date of disbursement at t3yi:i�?ote tate and shall be payable, arith interest, upc�cstice from �xnder to �wrrower tequxstin8
<br /> ''•.:'..,;`✓.�•:_::., PaYment•
<br /> �-��r•.e;<<. 8.Mart��e insurance.If L.ender required awrtgage insuianr�e a�s a candition of makir;,cJr:loan secured by tl�is Security
<br /> � ,;., �'� Instn�:nt, Borrower sball pay the preminms requi�d to maintair.�:e mortgage insurance i,�::ffec� If. for any reason. the
<br /> �.. ,, . . ` mpne�age insuraonc�ooverage required by Lender lapses or ce�es w ise in effea,Borrower sLall pay the premiumv required to
<br /> ;"�'�.� obtain cfl�ernge substantially equivalent to the iaortgage insuranse previously in effect,at u ca-i sabstandalSy equivalest to the
<br /> �n�,.�.A,,:
<br /> _;,:;��.v���r��..t�. . cost to Bomawer of the mortgage insn*a.�x previously in effect, f�sm an altemate mortgar,^.t:i�surer appr�ved by Lender. If
<br /> �;•.:�A��:r�,�f substaatisilly equivalent uiongage in�'�ua�rr�coverage is not availa�._.Bonower shsill pay to�.rnier each munth a sum equal to
<br /> uZ
<br /> .` ��.�. � oIIe-twelRh of the yearly mort�age ins�uauce premium being paid by Barrower when the in..c.;rn_Tc;�coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> �,_'.� . ' be in eff�t.Lender will accepi,use aad retain these payments as a lass reserve in lieu of maagage insur��ce. Lflss reserve �
<br /> '- :� FormM._'�"'"
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