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<br /> �,� . ' ,' '� iy:.�st�..�x��.:..�,�.;.'�j���r, ri,�1'�, ��.',.,'��l'�... . ,r ..__ ,.. _�r
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<br /> . . . �• . . � . . . •_ _ ._ ..�� .
<br /> +m'1L- . �q,�+�,�:'.a`t'!^,_ � . .�_
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<br /> IEc��„t:,.,a_w�— -
<br /> '1..�-��.,',�" �eln"'F.-�".-� _
<br /> �"��"` To N�vE�Np To Ilol.n thc aame unto the A1nrtRA�, He ��ur�+m Pmvided. Mort�aQor ropr��4��nts t�� �r
<br /> . h,L.� �,
<br /> �,�.,`�=�`" �'., and cm�c�nanb with, th� MartRaaM�. thut th�Aiurtan�r haa Ra►tl rigl►t t�aoll And convoy aald pr��m�s���; �, t _ ___. ��....
<br /> • � � thut th�y Ara free from encumbrnnce,excepl ue huroinoth�r�viA��r��citud;thal tl�u Mort{�ugor will wa�rttnt '_�_•..�
<br /> �-'-• r •'� and defc�nd the snme ngainRt th�lu��•ful clnims��tall�rxona whumt+�vnr. Atorttrnlror horoby relinquiehea �"� '� ��`�•"�=:,-,,._�,,,;�
<br /> '`-��--' .;�z��
<br /> — . all riqhta of homrat�nd, nll maritnl righta,cith�r in I��v or in �a�uity, und ull atbur c�nlinQont int�roAt���f , __,�,�.�{V
<br /> • � � the Mortgagor in and to tho Rbave•deacribed pramises. � ' '
<br /> � � k�ttovtu�a AGweYa,a�d lhese preannta uro oxccutcd nnd delivcred urnn the followiog conditione, to ...---__- _ _
<br /> � � _ �.'.:s',��.::_:=�
<br /> s.r-:-�_,-=�
<br /> ait: a
<br /> ���-,.,....m���
<br /> 1 �•�:;c:::.•a;•.-�tv:r,z�,•:•,
<br /> , 11ort�u�or agrces to paY to tlie Mortgngce,or ordar,the nfor�auid principal sum with intereat from data • -..
<br /> � "' � at the rate of Ten per cantum ( 10`,�) I�r nnnum un tho unpnid bala�ce until paid.
<br /> Thesaidprincipalandinlerestshall6�epayabtes+ttheofliceof The Equitable Building and Loan Ass'n . . .:;:.:;;�, i';,�,,;�.,;
<br /> � �� Grand I s land, Nebrask a .or at such otl�er place as ti�e holderof tho note may desi�nnte in , - :•'"��t��,;`•��_„ f,.�.
<br /> writing deli��ered ur maited to the 11urtRaRor.in eetonthly inataliments of'�hree Hundred Eighty One anct 75/2QQ ; . •
<br /> Dollars (E 381.75 ).�•��mmencing on ll�e Brst�u�r of October ,19 gp�at�d co++.t�nuit►�oce 'w - . . ,
<br /> the firsR day of eacli month tliN�rafter until:�nid a��te is fulOv puid, except that,lf nok sooree��aid.the f�nal
<br /> ' pnyment of princi�utl nnd interest shnll be�lue and pnyable on the Brat duy ot Septe:ntr�r. 2Q�Q :All � �'`��•,- ., ,
<br /> ' • �" � '����� xccordinQ to the tereres uf a ce�•tain promisaory note of even date here�vith executed by the aaiid D�ort�a�or. :, y.:;,K;' �.,
<br /> `•��.: ..�;.:.�7��aast;�t�e.
<br /> ',n � .T L„�;.r�'"���
<br /> --r:,_ . •.,,".�-
<br /> ,,��.,,• �' 1'y4e D�a�tgagur further agrees: '��_�
<br /> •,x�:�;.�::
<br /> � 1. FH��lshe wiU pay the indebtednese, as hereinbefore provided. Prlvilege ie re�erved W preppy at any :f�:� �
<br /> '�' time, without premium or fee, the enqre indebtednee�or any part thereof not lep th�n the�uaount o[one , �F,�,�, .
<br /> . ' inatsllment,or one hundrecl dollars ($100.001�whfebever ia lees.PrepaYment in fuU�haU be creclited on the ' :, • ' ^
<br /> ' dete received. Partial P�P�Yment, other thar��n an instollment due date, need not be credited until tlte �`�:',, . ''�'�_�
<br /> • next following instailment due date or tl�lrty c�ay s after such prepsyment.whichever i�eatlier. �.,,ti.., ' . ' ' -
<br /> 2. Together with,and in addition to,the monthly paymenta of principal and intereat payable under i ' ' +i<<.5�
<br /> the terms of the note secured hrreby,Mortgagor will pay to Mortgs�gce,as truatee, (under the terms of thi� �� �:,,,�;
<br /> truat aa hereinafter atated) on the flret day of each month until aaid note ia fully paid: !�� "�'- �•
<br /> (a) :A aum equai tu the gruund renta,if any.next due, plus the premiuma that will next become due "�� �.
<br />, •�; –_ ..--� nu�i p�yabic cin��:�o.ir:; nf firc aed ott!�!' haaArd inaurance coverinR the mortSaB� I►roPet'�Y• �,. ���3�.
<br /> .� ' plus taxes Hnd aa.��asments next due on the murtgaged property (al l�s estimsted by the D[ort- [� �'�`
<br /> f
<br /> gagee,and�►f���hirh the�lortgagor is not i8ed) less all sums already pacd titerefor devided bf ..
<br /> the numlx�r uf months ta�lapae�z�f.�re one month prior to the date when auch �r�aoted renite, ��, •
<br /> premiums, tases nnd a9sesso�nc�r.t,��'ill bc�come�i��linr�uent,such suma to be held by D[ort�a�ee
<br /> in trust to pas•sa�d �r�i�nd r��ni:,pr.�miums.taxes r�nd apecial asaessments. �`�
<br /> (�b) The uggr�gate oPth��am�iunts pa�•:►bl� pu�•suant t� subparagrnph (a) and those payable on the
<br /> � note s�cur��d hrr��l►�•,xhs�ll b��ps�id in a single pa>•m�nt each month,to be applied to the follow- .
<br /> ' ing itema in the ord��r stntrd:
<br /> • (l) ground rrnts,tnx�a,:+s�e�ssments,tir�and other hazard insurpnee premiume; �. ,
<br /> � (t�) intcr��st on the note secured h�reby;and
<br /> (�n) +unnrtization�f th� principal of said note. ,'.
<br /> Any drficit•nry in thr:imnur.t��f an�• su�•h aggr�gat�monthly payment shall,unlees msde good .
<br /> ' �• by thc lforty;siK�►r nrior t�'t'r.'�'41u�d:itr�,f thc n�•xt surh payment,constitute an event oY default � •�
<br /> ' .. ,;: , under this mortgay;�. At �7��ri�;aK��e's optiun, 1f��rtRuRor will pay a"late charge"not esceed- •��,. .,.�;
<br /> " ,� •.,, ing fo�n•p�•r c��ntum 1.1'•;) of i�ny i�i.rtxllmrnt"•hen paid more than Rfteen(16)dsye afterthe � �'����':;�,•;
<br /> � '� due dntr th��r��nP ta ro�•��r thr�•xtra��xp�•nse im�oh•ed in handlingdelinqnent paymenta,buteuch � ����r'
<br /> �`�����` "lale cl�su•}���'��h:�ll not br payablr out of thr proc��ds of any sale made to satisfy the indebted- ; '�
<br /> ;��:.�"::.�
<br /> n�sss,•curo�lhrr��by,unlesqsuehp►•��c����dsaresutiicienttodischargetheentireindebtednessand . • '
<br /> all prn�x�r r��ats iu�d exFx�nses secirr��d th��rcby. ' '}' ,�.
<br /> • 3. 4;!the total of the payments made by the Mortgagor under (a) of paragt'aph 2 preceding ahall � � .
<br /> � exceeci t�he amount of payments actually made by the Mortgagcr, as truatee,for ground rents,taxea stnd .. •
<br /> • asses.vments or inaurnnce premiuma,as the case may be,such excess shall be credited by the Mortgagee
<br /> � on subsequent payments to be made by thr;�lortgap�or for such items or,at Mortgagee's option,as truatee,
<br /> ;;�.,;_:!,•, qhall be refunded to Dlortgagor. If,hnw•��•er, such monthly payments ahall not be sufNcient to pay euch
<br /> ' '�'�. �,�:;,;,• items when the astme shall bccome d�e a�nd payable, then the biortgagor shall pay to the Mortgagee.as .
<br /> �•• .�'," �' trt�ste��,any amount nrci•xsar}-to m�k�up the d�8ciency a•ithin thirty (30) dnys after written n�tiae fe��m
<br /> , . .,.
<br /> " � the Mortqag�ee statinR the amount of tfie deficirncy, which notice may be given by mall. Ii at a4y t�a�+e
<br /> t'he �tortguqor shull tender to the ��r.tg�gee, in accord�nce w•ith the provieione of the note see�ted
<br /> �ereby, full par�roent of the entire i�a?�Iht,�lness reprPaented thereby, the Mortgagee. as tra�stee. sitfG9,
<br /> in ec+rnputirog t6ae adnount of such ir,de�4edc�esa,credit to the account of the Mortga(�or any credit ba➢ance
<br /> accuaciu7aled under the pra�•isions o8 lal uf paragraph 2 hereof. If there ahall be a detault under atoy .
<br /> of th�e,ravisions c►i this moe'tga�t�e re�alx�aeg in a public sale of the prerttiees covered hereby� or 9t 4➢ee
<br /> 1NoK�a6Cee acquires the prop�ert9 otR�rw�ds�e after default, the Diortgagee. ae truatee, ahall apply, at the ,
<br /> •-,--� .�_
<br /> time of the commaerccement�f��nsh �ro��ciings, or at the time tne properiy is oinerwian wcKu�cau, w.�
<br /> ; umo�nt then remaming to cred�R the Mortgagor under (n) of paragrAph 2 prncc�ding.os a credit on the
<br /> ' inter.��t accrued nnd unpa��t ami the balnnce to thc�principal then remainin� unpaid on aaid note.
<br /> �� •1. Th�� licn uf tliia instrurn�mt shnll r�•mnin in full force an�i��fTect during any po�tponementor exten-
<br /> sion uf the timc��f pat rnent of tl��• ind�btednesa or r�m•nart th��r�bf secured hereby.
<br /> b. Helshe will pay all ground renta, tsxes, auessmente, water n�Ge�, and oUte: QovemmenW or
<br /> municipal charges. tines, or unpositiona, levied upon said premi�ea wnd th�t he/�he will pay�ll t�er levied
<br /> upon thia mortgt+Re, or the deb� s�rured thereby, tugether v�nth any othe=taue�or�rse�men4�vhich mq►
<br /> be le•vied under the laws of Nebraska agwnst the Mortgegee, or the legd holder of uiid ptincipd note,on
<br /> uccount ot thia indebtedness, except when payment[ot all surh item� h�s thentofor�been made under fo)
<br /> ot paraRraph 2 hernof,und h��she will promptly deliver the offic�al receipU fheretor to the MortQt(�ee. In
<br /> detault thereot the Mort�aqer may pay the same.
<br /> i +
<br /> ' ' i _ - - - -
<br />