— `_�.,� � --`----' , —
<br /> . .�.4_� ` . . ' , ' ` • ` , ` . ` . , C ..- . , t r�^�r i�'R
<br /> r�rt�u�r�di!l�31�1'?I: �..�__"�_.� ..+�--�- ....._..._. , �.�� ...._1.__i..._. ..-i_�.�.�Y._--.. [.
<br /> . . ,• �. �.
<br /> __ _ _- — payments may sw longer[+g required.at the ogtion of Lender,if mprtgage insurance coverage(in the amaunt and f��r the periad =
<br /> ' that Lender requiresl provided by an insurar approved by Lend:r a�ain becames avvlable:u►d i+ubtained. �arrawer shaii pay =
<br /> , the premiutns rcquired to maintsin mortgage insurance in effei:t,or to provide a lu.s rc.+en•e,until the requirement for mortgage _
<br /> . ` : insurance ends in acconlance with any written agreeneent bet�;een Borrower and Lender or appliwble law. �
<br /> 9. Itaspectton.Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and iatipectionti of the Properry. Lendcr shall give
<br /> .' ' ' BaROwer notice at the time uf or prior to an inspertion specifyin$rea5on:ible rsuse far ttra enspection. _
<br /> � 10.Con�emnatton.The proceeda vf any a�ti•ard or claim for damages. direct or con,cyuenti�l. in canrteccion+vith any �
<br /> ' condemnation or ath.r taking of any part of[he Property.or for rom•eyance in lieu uf cundemn�tion,ar'e hereby as�igned and
<br /> shall t�paid tQ Lerater. �
<br /> _� - in the event af a total taking of the Pmperty.the proceeds sh•�Si be:ipplied to the sum�sccurd by this Sscurity 3aurument. - -
<br /> ::.,�* : whether or not th_n due. with any excess paid to BorcoK�er. In the event of a partial taking of the Praperty in which the fair
<br /> �• °'�';; market value of the Praperty imsnQdiately Cefore the taking is equat to or greaier than the amount nf the swns secured by this
<br /> � Securiry Instrument immediately before tha taking,unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing,the sums secured by �
<br /> � this Securiry Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of th� praceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a)the total �
<br /> • � : amaunt uf the sums serured immediatety b�fore the taking,divided by (b)the fair market value of the Property immediately �
<br /> �' before the tatcfing. My balance shall tse paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair �
<br /> " market valu:of th�Property immediateiy befare the tak.ing is less than the amount of the sums secured immediately before the Q
<br /> taking, unl:ss Bomuwer and L.ertder otherwise agres in writing or unless appticabte law otherwise p�+ovides,the proceeds shall �
<br /> �� be applied to th:sunu secured by this Securry Instrument whesher or rtat the sums are then due. P
<br /> If the Propecty is a�ardoned by Bore��er,or if,after notice by Lender to Bonower that the conde�a�r offers to make an
<br /> " award or settle a clai�f.�r da^_�ages. Borrower fails to respond to Lende_E•:thin 30 days after the d�e the notice is given. �e�
<br />. • ' �'`:i..�, Lender is authorixed to��il�::a.-Y u�?ly cha proceeds,ai its option,either¢�:�toration or repair of the Propercy or to the sums
<br /> • ��3�F1.i �:,
<br /> �t fi�� secvred by this Security T;v�.:..^:�°, �'�et�6r or not then due.
<br /> - - •-�� Unless I.ender�Borro.�., v�ternise a�� in wridng, any appGcation of proceeds to principai'shaU not extend or
<br /> � � postpone th�dua d2tt.�.'the monthly payments�_`.��to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change t1►e amount ef sa�h paymeats.
<br /> 11.Boreo�e.?�iat pteleased;Forbetuurue� L.ender Noi a Waiver.Extension of the time for a�-�ent ar modification
<br /> .' af ar•_ntti�ation of th:swms secured by this Security Instrursz-'c:ranted by I.ender to any successor in ir.�:e-�t of Bnrtower shall
<br /> not operate to release th�liability of the or_ginal Borrower cr�.rrower's successors in interest. Lender sh�:'_1 not Mti�,:,nired to
<br /> � � commence proceeslias�against anY success�r in interest or rere�as to extend time for payment or othernise siorlifi �.��:tization
<br /> '' • � of the sums seru� bp this Security in:�vment by reason of any demand made by the original &:,-~.1ver or Barrower s
<br /> successors in intezest. ar►y forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shatl not bs a a�ai-��r of or preclude the
<br /> �=> ` :;�:i�i�;. exerc'ss�of an�right or remsdy.
<br /> �'. ' J¢'?':'.y �, ; Y�. Successt►rs and Ass� tF��und: doint and Sevec�s l.iability; Co-signers. �.�e coVenants and agr�-�.7'.::of this
<br /> • ,:, or,.�, .
<br /> ��'.��'.->�'{�':r:':� Securi:�T Instrument shall bind :��:�t�aefiz the successors�:�::assigns of Lender and 'r3or.ower, sub;ect _o *:.-e �ror�;ions o
<br /> . .. •�.r,;<,a� • -
<br /> � p3ragraph 17. Borro:ter's cove.-.�-.a and agrer-re-s shall 6e joint and several. Any Borrower n•:a :.rs�-� :his Securiry
<br /> ":�,�,���'jd��" Instcument but does nat execute the Note: {a) :� .rsigning tf±is Security Instrument only to mortgz?_e. e�,t aad convey that
<br /> �.':.'�F;;F,;'��� � Borrow•er's in?erest in the Prop:.m� under tt:e temu of this S°,;�.:rity Instrument;(b)is not personally o.;ies�:ed ta g3y the sums
<br /> . ,, •a•,•�
<br /> ;^��f f�����,:: secc;re:!hy this Security Instnua�.. and(c?agrees that Len�e?�-id any other Borrower may agree to extend.modi�:,•iofiear or
<br /> -•�xM�. :,, m�;:•s•arn accommodatiuns with.�b.:sd te the terms of this Saz�:-:.y Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's�.;an.�,:Zt.
<br /> -' -!' `���r y
<br /> �'�•��'•: � ;��� I3.Lo�Cinnr�is.If the loan secarsd by this Security ��ument is subject to a law which sets m�ximum loa,�charges.
<br /> .,�,•.:,•
<br /> .:�;�,;':;�'.'. ��= ard that law ls fir�`.ly interpreted so th�►t tl:e interest or other:z:.a char���:.�llected or to be coltecte.i. .-wnnection with e
<br /> -�`��:;,�';,,r � loar��cxed the permitted limiu,then:(a}any such loan cha.�r a:►all be r:.:.::.ed by the amount necessz►y co rrduce the charge
<br /> - �;:.�:Ni.•NJ.�
<br /> ___•�:;�;Y-�� to t�'�:g�rnutied limit;and(b)any sums already collected fre-�Sorrower which exceede?permitted limits will be refund to
<br /> =_-- Botron�ar. Lender may choose tQ -7nke this refund by red��.-;; the principal owed :,n:;.- the Note or by making a direct
<br /> ===;�s payment to Borrower. If a refur�d reduees g^^cipal, the :a�ction will be treated rs a partial ^repayment without any
<br /> --����'�=�`�� prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> --v,;�;fT—� 14.No4ices.Any noiice to Borrower provideii for in 1:'_� Security Instrument shail�e given by:��_�vering it or by mailing
<br /> ��_T•`'«�� it b?, frsi class mail unless applicable law reyuires use of�~�;���:r m:thod.The notice s!�:,..�be directed to the Property Address
<br /> „ =���`� or a��� other address Borrower designutes by notice to Lt-r.�ac:. Any notice to Lend�- sjall be given by first class mail to
<br /> `-i"�� I.ender's addr�.�s stated herein or any ather address l,ender designates by notice to Barr�cver. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> -�'j'(F�-.'�YY`o-:
<br /> ��� Security Instru�r.�Ft s'sall be deemed to have beea;iven to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> -- =71°�� 1S.('�o��erning �,aw; Sewerability. This S�curity Instcument shall.be govemed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> ._��_'{+
<br /> _�.•�� juriy:t+a:inn in�vhi:h the PropeY:� is lacated. In the event that anx provision or clause;`.this Security Instrument or Ihe Note
<br /> --==��:'n?� ca;r.liw with ap�licatbte law,s�:ir.�onAict shall not affect oth�r provisions of this S��r�.•: L:�strument or the Note which can b.�
<br /> ::r���. gice:effect withca:the conflir.sg provision. i o this end thz provisions af this S�cs^��. :-strument and the Note are declar�
<br /> --•.;;_;�:.�: ,: '
<br /> r.�;�a,,��, �r� to be severabl:. � r�`�, � ..
<br /> ; �� i�f,. t6.Borro�jer s Copy.Borrowcr shall be g:ven or.e conformed copy of the Note z this S»��• y Instmment.
<br /> `,1f1 Feer.3�28 9190
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