. , �t
<br /> , • ` �. ._ .__ .. � (. . ———'•.. . ....... � -- ._. ..._.1.._.--— _' ."�-- • .
<br /> . : _ ...��.___--- ---.._ . . 99m ���� . . �� � .
<br /> . �
<br /> , � 7.Erttktsnt Qaesuln.Lender ia herehy assiprtc�ell compenwtian,awarda,damese�and othor paymar+to ot toliaT(hotcinafter Praeoodo"1
<br /> iR c�ttn,�stian vyith castda�natinr►or other takin¢of tho Proporty ot patt thereaf,or tor canva�anse in lisu of condemnation.Lcr+dnr eha11
<br /> � tnkan or demaped,Leasder shatl havo the optio»in ita cala nnd a6aotute diserotion,to eppty ati euet+Procee�e.stt�s 8edc�t����
<br /> ' • I ell eosts and oxpenses ineurted by it in conneetion with auct+Proceeda,upon any mdebtednass sacure0 herebl and in auch order ne
<br /> ' � I L.ender rnay detennine,or to evvM a��svcl►Rroeaed�,aRer auch deduetiane,to tha rartoration of the ProDarty upor+aueh conditiona ao
<br /> �I Lar�dor m�determine.My appiication of Proeeoda to indehtednnsa sfia!1 not extar+d or poatpone the due date of any paymento under
<br /> � ! the Hote,ar cura eny dafnult thercursder or heraunde�.My unoPP�'•ad funde ehntl be piid to Tn►ator.
<br /> ' �� 8. Partom�artes by lassder.Upon tho oecutteneo of en Evont of Default hereunder, or'rf any nct ia takes+ or ►epal proeeed+ng
<br /> � ; eornmenoed whieh matorialiy affeete Ler�der'e interett in tho Property,Lander may in ito o�vn disctetion,but without obfipation to do cto,
<br /> � and�nrithaut notite to or demand upon 7rustor and without rotorsing Tru�tor from eny obli0ation,do any act vrhieh Tncutor hsa egreed
<br /> ; but faila to do end may alco do eny ather act R deame naca�ary to protaat the aaeurity hereo7.Tru3tor chatl,immediateiy upon demand
<br /> � therafot by Lender,pay to Lersder cc[I costs and expana�a inety�ted and suma expendad by tcrsdes in sor+neet�a� `�'���+e exereiae by _
<br /> - � �- { Lender of tha foraQoinp ri�hta,toQai@►er with interast theraorYSat 4he dafault rato provided in the Note, which shatl ba added to the
<br /> ' '" ' irtdebtadneaa sncured hereby.Lender shall nat inwr any liabi3ity beeausa of anytF►inp it may do or omit to do hareunder. �-:`
<br /> � �� • { g,paradnus IiRs^�erhts.Trustor sfiall keep tha Proporty in complianco with all eppCcable lawe,ordinancas and repulations ralating to �-
<br /> ._ _, .-�� t indacuiai hyQimte cr cr•.rironmental protadion I�1Betively�ofertod to here�+aa"iEnvironmental Lawe'l.Trustar sha0 ksep tfie Proyerty
<br /> � � j fres tram n!1 subst��dnemed to be hazardous ar tox�c undm any Environmental Lewe(eollectivetY referred to herein aa'Hazardoua _ _
<br /> R.^,ate-;a�9'1.Trustan c�s:aDy warrantc c�d reprosanto to Lendar that thoro are no Hezardous[�Aaterial on or under tho Praperty.Truttor =_
<br /> ' here:6 e3reas to indemnify end he�harmter.•s Landar,ite direetors,o�eere, empluyep and aper+ts, and any sueccsse�u to Lendar'e
<br /> " intar�.from an!aaeinst eny an�e?cLrms,darr►a8as,tossoa and liabilitiea arisinp in eonneetion with tha Pr��ce,u.m, dieposal ar
<br /> � � transForc of a�sy Hazer3ous Mater._'a cn,under,from or about tho Property.THE FOREGOINti WARRANTIES/WD REPRESENTATIONS, __
<br /> . 7'RIJST_
<br /> .,, ; •� �p,p�m�nt o}Rents.To:e'.or heroby aosiana to Lmdar, and yrm�ts Le�sder a eacurity interest in,all pressant,futuro and after
<br /> ;;:r' ria�p rents,isaues and proftte of e.�x�operiy;providad that Tncc�or attell,untd the occur►�nr_of en Evcnt of Dofault hateunder,heve
<br /> '� the rigfit to eoUed�d ratain su�?a :s+te. issuen and proftW aa ntalr beccme due�sd p��~`�2- Upon the oeeurrance of an Event of _
<br /> • � E Dafau[t,Lender rrtay,eiiher in pera;sn or by epent, with or withcli trinab+g e.�e�c aation or?��aaain0.ur by a receiver appointed by a �
<br /> "3 cauR and withcut c�,ra�d to the adequacy of itn s�:ritY, entrsr���n and te!:��.sr�:�n=":''.3�'=tsafil.�''�"C Part thereof,in its otiti'n �p,�
<br /> i.:: :..<.:
<br /> • ,.�;: `� rt�r.e or ire the e3.raz vf the Trustee,md do�.^+'� rw�wfiieh R,�.�arr.3 r,e-.ascsr-�:o" �ka=�r:essJa.r¢value, marketab�'sty cr w.�_-
<br /> --•---- "•`,�.�' cer*�dui,'.Y of the F%arty.or sny port thereof or c�-�:^'�a-� �r to irtes�x':�ra r.anr..a=-3-'`-=-,cr�-�:a�:�,^.e eaearity heraof an8,
<br /> ��;-. • ��`
<br /> , ;'�<i�'�' t;v� c
<br /> f , *A-i-•a-without ukiny Po��ion c_the Property,s-o`.:c-c:^a-�:ae eo!?ect the rence,is3.:�s 3 a-""�.`.a-caf.inet�ci.�those past `-
<br /> f�r'
<br /> ,;:j.:,,., ' :;,:���r(; ��a a��unpaid,by notityinp ten�':ta maka paymente ta L.���a�. 1.ender maY aPDN�ants,iss:.aa ersd p.~:s,tasa cos.a�expensaa I_-_
<br /> ' ' ,,;• �.., ���; �:�pr.-atian and eoltectioa inctuc::-z�ttomeys'teas,to a-+1��^�a:+acness secure�i heroby,all�s�ch onis7�3.a�3at mey�z:tmine.The
<br /> � • r.�%:� �-a-;� u on and takinp Pussessi:r•of the Prc«zr�'. ths c::a::ion of euch ronu, iamies anj profrts,�'d�-3 applicaiian thereof sa
<br /> . • ;i'.'.• �•. ra•� Q p --
<br /> ��-� •;::y s�,r� �a:aosid,sf�aA rtot eure or wasve eny defautt u rsai:ea of�fe`a�ft hereundar er�x+velidate�M e.t done in c�c+►ce to cuch dolault ar ___
<br /> " �!�',: . . � ,Y .�;au-i ta auefi natiee of d�a�i: and,notwith�mndinp the oo�::nuanoe ui pcasatc:an c;`:r.a S�operty or the coReat:ra, +eeeipt nnd
<br /> `�'f•�;:;s,.'r._�, .., �_ —..
<br /> '<tr•..x�..'. , . ,�.:
<br /> '� r ••- • , ,... � e�-,,nliac��:.n of rente, i�:�C����-Ke,Tn+atee end Landm chal;�Sa entitled to ox�r� xr�p?r:i8ht provided tor in any��tha L.ean
<br />- :.'T�?+s i�,,- ; �,�����of� ��3 .�Y�__���c�of any Evant o? Dufau�:,rcfudin8 w2:o;rt i:jnita2ia:a 2he ripht to exercise the�--.tior of eale.
<br /> ; ' ' FuKhe�,Lender's r��-;s and romedies under thia paraprayh she0 be curnula4iva i1�h,and in no�sray a limitation on,Lende�'�dphte and
<br /> � - �anediea under�� c�sipmnent of leasas and rente rccorded apainst the Re�arty.L.endar,Tntatae and the rece'n+er shall be liable ta
<br /> � � account on11�for 49�as9 rontn eatua!ty received.
<br /> � 11.Evanta of Dafwft.The followinp shnil eonstituto an Event of Defnult undar this Osed of Tru�:
<br /> .. •� ' (�)Failure to pry�ny�nstallrrtent of ptineipel or mternst of eny other sum aewred hereby whan duo;
<br /> lb)A braa�of or dafauft undar sny provision contained in the Note,this Deed of Trust,any oi the Loan tnsttument�,or�ny
<br /> • other lien or anaumbnnee upon the Propany;
<br /> . (of A writ of exeeution a ettaohment or a»y timitar proeess shel! be entarod apsinst Trustor whtch�ha11 batome e lien on ths
<br /> Property oT aray portian thareof or intarest therein;
<br /> (d)Thars sha11 be ti!sd by or apeinst Trustor or 8orrowar an aotian under�ny presor►t or future fed�ral,aat�or oth�r status,liw
<br /> or repulatian re!atinp to bankruptey, insotvertry or other ralisf tor debton;or there �hell ba�ppainted any trust�e, rsniv�r nr
<br /> liquiditar of Ttustor oi Borrower or of sll or any part of the Ftoperty.or the�ent�,Issues or pro9it�theraot,or Trustor or Barrower
<br /> s4►afl make�rw pertanl�ssipnment for the benatit oi creditotr,
<br /> • • (e�The wls,tnnsfer,lease,auipnment,conveyence or tuRher encumbranee of all oi any paR of or any int�rea!in ths Ptoperty.
<br /> ., . ,-,- �ithu vofunUtify or invohmtarity,without the oxptess v�ritten eonsent o7 lendor,providod that Tntsto►�ha:l bs peanitted to exewto
<br /> '.f:,�;;�: .;�s: s tous o4 ths Ptopsrty that dos�not contsin an option to purchase and tho tenn of which daes not excsed one year,
<br /> ` (f) Abm+donment of the Property;or
<br /> - (p) If trusto�i�not an h+dividual,the iawenne, wia,tranelu, assianment, cornoyanee ot eneumbrance of more than ('rf a
<br /> rr corps-�.anl a total ot percent of ito issued and cutatandinp stock, or lif a partner�hip)s totsl of p��p �ercant of
<br /> _ partp:�hip interest�,or • �mited liobiliry eampm+y)a totnl of N/A pereent of the limited IEebllity eomparW inta-�na��:r votu+p
<br /> -_�r..,. . riphis Quratp Me p�riod thia Oesd of Tntat temz.r.�a l•yn cn the Ptoperty.
<br /> • �, t Z,R��;pouMatbn Upon O�fautt.ln�he avent ef eny Event of Oefault Lendet m�y,without notice except es r�.-,���ni i�i'vro,
<br /> � dx5�a eli indabtodnen secured hereby to be due end pay:..�:a end the same�hsl1 thereupon b�come due and payaE4r.�•��n--:��i �a
<br /> ' p;c,orrtment,derttmd,protest cv.r..ctite of any kind.Theranftcr lender msy:
<br /> - (a)pamar.d tfiat Trus'_a� exereim the PQUUER OF SALE pmnted hareir►, end Trustee �hall thereafta eauss Trua2or'� intereat
<br /> " ` ,''^`''.' ir�the ProGaatty�tc be sold and the proaaeda to be dirtributed,s11 in the mans►er provided in ths Nebraska Tncst Oeeds Act;
<br /> :.:,
<br /> - � • (b)6cGxcc+ any end all riaht� prov:si for in enV of the Loaa Inotn+mer►t� or by law upon occurrartee of any Event cf
<br /> -� . ; Qe`•au:t;and
<br /> • (o)Commenca an action to toractose this Oeed of Trust na e moRpepo,e�po:nt a reeeiver,or apecifieally eniorce nny of the
<br /> . .�. a�:anenuhereoi.
<br /> C;o romedy heroin aonforred upon or reserved to Tru�tae or Lendor is intendod to be exofucivo of eny otho�remedy herein,in the loan
<br /> �1� � tnatruma+ts or by Isw provided or permitted,but oaeh cha0 bo eumulative,ehall be in eddition to every othef remedy pivan hereunder,in
<br /> `" " the loen(nstrument�or nouv or hereafter existinp ut tn�v or in e4uity or by statute,and may be exercisod eorteurrently,independently or
<br /> .f'.�
<br /> ' �; •_. nucceasivery. _
<br /> 13.TettstM.The T�ustee may re�ipn at eny tima without aause,�nd Lendar ms9/et eny time and wiihoat csass sypoint a suceessof
<br /> � ot wbstitute Trustee.Truatee�t+nll not be lieble to any party,includiny v�ithout lanitetion Lertder.Qanower,Trustor oT my Ourchaosr of =_
<br /> the Property,tor eny toss ar dema9e untsss dua to reahlsss or willtul misconduct,and af+ei! not be repuired to take any action in
<br /> � �_ ,t eonnoction with the antorcement of this Oeed of Tru�t unl�a irtdamnif iad,in v�ritmp,tor ell coats,compenution or mcpensa whieh m�y
<br /> � be e:sociated therewith.ln edditian,Trustaa may become e purchaaar et nny eafe of t9�e Propnrty (judielat or undet the por�er of tsle
<br /> , . pranted herein);posipone the ple of a110�eny Dortion oi the Properry,as providad by lew;or�ell the Property es a whote,or in ssptrate
<br /> • . , paracfs or lot�et Truste�'e dismeYion.
<br /> � �4,F�as�nd EspwiMS.ln tho event Truatee sa1Is tho FYoIIariy bY exeteise o}power of as!e,Trurtee ahall be entitled to appSy anY salo
<br /> � �r�eda firet to payment of eIl costv end oxpensw of aue.�np Dov�er of aele,ine�udirefl eA Tnistee'e feas,and Larsder'e and Tru�tea'� _
<br /> cr�t.-oy'e fees,aotualiy incuncd Eo oxtant peanittoA by aw;cable lew.In tho avent Borrowar or T�stor exerciaes any r.yht prov}dcd by �w
<br /> . �:, to euro cn Evor+t o!Defauit, Lander c9+a'1 bo ontiticd to re.ovor from Tru3tor all eos2o and oxpen��actua:�y►inaurred aa a rca�Ii ot �.
<br /> :���ii.: '.
<br /> � ;�•.•r:; • 4 la2�r's dafs�t:.Eneludinp withcut limituticn oi�'vstao'a er.�ettamoy's fieac,to the mctant p�rmitte�6y�,:9!'•cabla Isr�. „
<br /> '' �`�� 16.Fr:.����`erss'.ea.t�crr. °Equest of E:rrotiver.Lend�,rr���,a2 r..a yr;en,make e�3'tianal cnd t�.i-o advnnee9 rr.�res4ver�^ca �,.
<br /> Gt�urer.Sush oEvartces cr.:rmr-:veneas,with intatost tl��:�+.�'.�'-��%�o���rcd by tit.n C�td of Truct.At no timo al`a7 f`�F'�na:E3 r,<
<br /> mr.��Lat of tF.o�:+deb:edno^:�c�+:�•sd by thia Dcad of Trust,��2 cce'n:-,;c'^.ae:"er�.�ou�l��Protoct tho coeurity of�iva 11mT1 c`Tti�• �.
<br /> exaeod tho anGircl Principal emount o2ated horoin,or 8 t0 C7 ,whichwor ia preator. �.
<br /> . .�`�t:��?� �
<br /> _ ' (
<br /> '. NEC34670 Q:�uCrhatnnil Daedl Par.OIJb
<br /> . . .. ' 1688tSfJOmfQard�alCOmmacetnst�dSau7+PAUOCbtionWUWn.pe4raW ._J—'. .
<br /> _ . . i _ ---_ -r-=�-=.---�-- r.- __ - - -- —
<br />