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r,�.. . , . ' .. .,...:. ... :K.._ . .. _ . .,k.. <br />,� � � � � . . .� � �. . . - �-yC <br /> UVIFORMC6�'EIAVTS BorrowerandLendcrcovcnxntandagrnasfotlo«� :. 89 1061�65 . <br /> 1. Psy�t of Pri�tioal aad Interat;Prcp�ymeat tad Lste C7ur�pes. E3nrr�ct shall prnmptly pac when due <br /> the pnncipal uf and mterest on!he dcbt evidenced b)'the tiote and am prepa�ment rnd late chargec duc under the tiote. <br /> 2. Fundt far Taus a�d Issncante. Subject to applicabk law or to a wnttrn sa�.er b}Lender.&�rrower shall pay <br />: to Lender od the day monthly payments are due under the tiotc,unnl the Note n pad m full.a sum("Funds")equal to <br /> i ono-twelfth of: (a)yearlr tut� and assecamenb which may at�am pnority o+er this Sccuri�y tnarumenk (b) y�earl� <br /> Inuhold paymrntt ot �round rcnts on thc Propettp. it nm: Ic1 }early hazard �rtcunncc prcm�ums; and (d) ycarh <br /> m-rtgage insurance prcmiums,dany.These items are callcd"cs:tow�tems."Lcndcr may c�nmatc thc Funds due on Ihe <br /> basu ofcurtent dau and rcasoaable csnmata of fu�ure eurua nems. <br /> The Funds shall be txld in an mshtution the deposits or accounts o(which are�murrd or guarantecci by a federal or <br /> state agrncy(includm6 Lrnder�f Lender is such an institu6on). Lrnder shall apply thc Funds to pa} the escrow itcros <br /> Lender may nol chsrge for holding and applying the Funds,analyzm`the saount or�crifj�ing the cxrow items,unlas <br /> Lender pays Bocrowcr intcrat on the Funds and applicable law permil�Lrnuer[o make sach a charga Borrower and <br /> G Lender may ag�a in wntin6 that interest shall be paid on the Funds.Ualas an a�ue+emrnt is made or applicable law <br />� rrcquira interal to be pmid,i.ender shall not be rcqwred to pay Aorrower uty intcrcst or carnings on the Funds.Lcndcr <br />� . shall give to Borroaa',w�itlaut chargq an annual accounting of the Funds fhowing credits and dcbits to the Funds and the <br /> purpcue for Mhich at6 debit to theFunds was made.The Funds arc pkd�!as add�tia�ai sc+curity for the sums secured by`; <br />���, th�s Secunty Instrumea� .. �r�;�r_. ; � �.} <br /> � .'a � y W •,',If tbE a��qf tfic�nnds heM by Lendcr,.togetber with'the futu'�Tl�aiombfy+p.rmrnts of Fands payablcpnor ta „".�` =s� <br /> ` thcdiie ,jteaa,shall accad thGUnountreqm"red tcrpijr�tlics�crar nems.rhen du�the e�cessshall b� � �a.�,i� <br /> at Borrower' option;qther promptly repaid to Bonoa�er or credited ro Bq`rovver oa monthly paymenn of Funds.If the <br /> amount of the Funds hcJd by i,ender is not sufficient to pay the escrow items when duc Horrowcr shaU pay to Lendrr any <br /> amount necessary to ma4e up the dcfic�cn¢y in one or more paymrnts as reqwrcd b�•Lcndsr_ <br /> Upon paymmCin full of all sumx sccurcd by this Security Instrumrnt.Lrndcr shall prompUy rc(und to Borrower <br /> any Funds held by Lrnder.If undcr paragraph I9 the Property is sold or uquircd tn Lrndcr.LrnJcr shall apply,no later <br /> than imm�diatdy prior to the sale of thc Property�or rts aryuisition by Ltnder,�nc Funds hcld by Lender at the time of <br /> application as a crcd�t aga�ast t6t sums securttl b��thi�Srcunty Instrument. <br /> r�;u„ 3. Appticatloa ot Pa7menu. Unless appLcable law p�ov�des olherwis4 all pa}mrnts reccived by Lrnder under <br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applicd;fint,to late chargcs duc undcr the\i�tr, prcpa}mrnt charges due under the <br /> Notr.third,to amounts payable andcr paragraph 2:fourth,to intcrest dut;and latt,to princip:i!due <br /> 4. Charges:I.ieus. Borrower shall pac ell tases.asucsmcnis,charges,fines and impositions anributable to the <br /> Property which may attain pnonty ovcr th�s Seccnt} Instrument. and lease6old �yments or eround rcnts, if any. <br /> Borrowcr shaU pay[hese obl�gauom in the mannrr procidrd m paragraph 2,or if not pa�d m that mannrr.Borrow'er shall <br /> pay thcm on time directly to Ihe�xrum owrcl paymrnl.Bormwer shall prnmpdq furnish to Lendrr all noticcs of amounts <br /> tn be paid under�his paragraph.1(&�rrower makr+thne paymcnts diretth,Horro�er+hall promptl} furnish to I.ender <br /> reccipts evidencing the pa�mrnh. <br /> E3orrower shall promptly d�scharge sny lien w hich has pnon�y o�er this Seruntc Irotrumrnt unlrss&irrower.(a) <br /> agrees in writing to the pa��ment of the obligaNun srcurrd hy the I�rn in a manner xceptabk to Lrnder;(b)contests in good <br /> faith the lien by,or defrnds agaimt enforccmrnt of the Len m,legal procecdmgs wh�ch m the Lcndrr's opinion operate ro <br /> prevent the enforeement of the lirn or forfriturc of any part oC the Pro�xny;or(c)sccures from thr holdrr of the licn an <br /> agreemcnt satistactory to Lender aubordinating thc I�en to th�s Secunty Instrument.If Lrncter determinrs that�ny part of <br /> the Property is subject to a hrn wMch may attain priority over th�s Secunt�Imtrumrnt.Lender may give Bt�rrower a <br /> notice idrntifying the liea Borrower shall satisfy the lier.or�ake one or mote uf the actam�xt forth abcwe u�thin 10 days <br /> of the giving of notice. <br /> 5. Hazard(�uranee. &�rrow•rr sh�ll krrp the impro�cmcnis nuw exnting cx hcrrafter errcted on the Property <br /> insured against Ioss by fire,hazardt included within the term"eatended cu�rrage"and anc other ha�rds for which Lender <br /> requires insurance. This insurance Sha11 be maintamrd in the amounh anJ fix the prnocts �hat Lrndcr requirrs. The <br /> insurance earrier providing the inzurancr shsll hr rh�nen h} F3orrower�uh�ct�eo l.rnder't appro�al which sh�ll not tx <br /> unreasonably withheld. <br /> All insurance�I�aeti and renruals shall hc arcept�hle to Lrndrr and+hall�ndude a s[�r,d�rd mortgage clause. <br /> Lrnder shall have the nght to hold the��licie�and rcnewab. If lxndrr reywres.Borr��er shall promptl�give to Lender <br /> all receipts of paid premiums and renrwal noticrs.In thr e�rn�u(hns,fA.rrnwer tihall Fne prnmpt nunrr to the intiurance <br /> carrfcr and Lender.Lendrr ma}makr pnx�f�i(lotiti i(no�in�Je prnmptl�h�&,rmwrr. <br /> Unlr�s Lender and&�rruucr��then�itie agrrr in H nung,in.uranrc pnrec.i�,hall bcapplird to restoration or repair <br /> of the Yropert}dam�geei,d the rc-�t<�r�tion or repair it rrunomicalh (ra�ible and Lrrdrr't�nuntc i.nut Irti.enrd if the <br /> rrs�oration or repair i+m+I ccnnurmralh fratiible or Lrnder'ti srcunl� wnuld br lt��enctl,thr inwrancr pnxredti+hall be <br /> applirel to the sums tircured M ihi.ScYUnty (nurumrnt,whethrr i�r nut then dur.wah�n� rxcesti paid to Borruµrr. If <br /> Borrourr ahandons the Yroprrt�.or d�kti nut avtiwrr Huhin�0 da�ti a nuhce fmm Lrndcr that the mwrance carrirr hati <br /> ofTercd to set[le a rla�m.thrn I.endrr ma�cullect thr�nwr�nrr pnxeed� f.rnder ma�u+c thr prexrrds to rrpair c�r restore <br /> the Yropertq or tu pa� .umti u-ivrrd by Ihic Serunt� Imtrurnrnl,whether or nnt thrn uur 7hr 30-Jac peri�+e1 will hrgin <br /> when the noticr i.gncn <br /> Unlesc Lrndrr and&,rrawrr utherwur e�rcr in H}��{�hr:�t�un rf pntirnl�n�prmapal tihall ri�i cstrnJ or <br /> pcntGx�ne the due dale o(the m�+n�hh pa�meni.refrrred t��in p;iragraphti I anJ'nr�hsrer the amnunt uf the�,��mrnts If <br /> under psragraph ly the Prn�rt� i��cyuired h� Lrn.fcr.Rorro��rr'.nzhl t���m �rwr� p.,6r�r.:�n�1�nkcrdti re�ultinc <br /> from damagr to the Pr��prrt�pn��;to the ucyu�srn,n.h�ll�ati�[�,Lcn�rr t��:he c�trr.�,J:he�::rn..rcurr�l h�thi.Srcunh� <br /> Instrumrnt immrdi�teh�nor to�he aryui�uii+n <br /> 6. Preservation�nd\laintenance uf k'roprrh;Lea�eholds. li��rr�,wcr.!�I:;:,a.1�.tm�,.f�rnaec nr wh��enn�ll� <br /> change�hr Propert�.allow �hr Prn�ert� i���)rtern,r.�tr"r:ammi[ �.,.�c If thi�4�err� In.trumeni i.�,n a Ic:ueholu. <br /> &�rrow�er�hall cnmph�w�th thr;;rni.iun.i+l the irs.c,anJ II RU(7UNCf JCyui:.-.lrr u!i,!��;hc Yn���rt�.the Ie:�.rhi� <br /> fcc titic tihall nc�t mrrgr unlr..Lxn�lrr akrrr�to th�mrrgrr�n w nnng <br /> 7. Protection uf Ixnder'c HiKhts in !hr Proprrt�; \tortkaXr Imurance. I! fi.�-i,�wrr �;u1� t�� �rr(��nn ihr <br /> covrnants and�Krermer�t.cont�incd in thiti tirrunt� Irntrurnrn�.,�r iI1CfC I�J It('�]I(':'�CCajifll Ifl:fl I71:1\ tiiEnilicaulh etierl <br /> Lcndrr'ti rightti in tht Pn�prn� I�u�h ��a �r�+rcrdin�• �n haril.rupli� �r�,h�tr. 6.• :��r:drmnen„n rr t��rnliiric I:�w��u <br /> regulat�oml.thrn l.ender m�i d��.�nil�a����r wh.ilr�rr i,nrmc�n �r�r�•tci,•^r.eiuc.�f the Pn,�•rt�.in,:Ixn�icr��nEhtt <br /> in Ihr F'mprrt� Lrndcr��e.;i�.fi. in,n ini�u�lr �.��in}� em wrm..:urc�l h� .: ii.ri w.:•c�.`: h.i� �•i,�nt� ,��c•r !hi. tirrunt� <br /> ImlrumenL:e�reannK in,.,,urt.��e�i�i�rre.��r�.���.Ic olt��rne���(rr.enJ r�.icn��:��.,, ...r P-�.��t�:i� ;. •n.��n,-� �.�ir. �\I�h„�.i:h <br /> I,rn.lcr m��iaAc arti„r��.inJrr t:�:.;,.u:�fra��h- Lrrntcr:�k-.n��i t:.��c�.�.1,��, <br /> An}ai�iaunhih.Fu;.r.lh� lcm.!rrun�irrthi,�er.�gre��h'.h.�l;�c-.,�n;�.�..,_. . .._�:.1.n.t,.lk,,..,�.���� c�.�.�„ .,... <br /> 4-runt� Imtnnntn� l�n;c..14�r.�,wrr.�n�f I rn�:cr.i,;rrr•n��thcr�rr.•.� ,��..n. . ' ,.� . . ,.. . ._� . .., .. . . � <br /> (ht �1�1c nl �h.bur�iir�cnt i' n:c A,,:r '.i � i i„ .I.ill !k� ��a•...,,. �� . � . . . � ... � . . � .�.�r . �I�. .. ,�� <br /> rcyur�lin�t��e�rt����n <br />