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<br /> � ' � � D!►VZD a. JOFYNSODi aad COIJNIB JO�SON. hneband and wifo. heteia aabled ehe =
<br /> • � � � mottgagor whather one or a:oze, ia consideratloa► of FIVS THOUgAND FZVB HIIlIDRBD
<br /> • ' � AND NO/100 DO?.L�lRS (S5,5Qfl.00) received fram Qortgagee, daee mortgage to LOIS _
<br /> L. JOHIJ30Ha
<br />_ . 7"
<br /> �pt �hj.steea (13), Block �a (2), Boggs and Hili•e Add.�tion to tYze
<br /> • . � City of Graad IalaaB, Sall Covnty. DTebraeka.
<br /> � ---.-_...- l�td the mortgagos doea her�y covenaat with the u:ortga�eo and v�'c&
<br /> � �• • � mortqagee•s heirs and aeeiqae that mortgagar is lawYully se£a�d of said
<br /> � , pr¢miees, that thay are frea fram encumbrance, that mo�ctgaqor has good right
<br /> � � aud la�aful authority to conney the eame, aud that mortgaqor warrante aad �ill
<br /> defead th� title to eaid premiec3s aquinat the lawfui claime of aii pezaons
<br /> _ . . whomsoeves.
<br /> -,,:.:' ;., Thie mortgage fe given to eecure the PaYment of the promieoory aote ot
<br /> ; �y4� thie data mnde by �ort8agor for $5,500.00 p�yable Juae 1, 2003.
<br /> - , 9s...
<br /> •"��'_�'�� '�•' Hortgagor shall pay all tasea and assesaments levied upon eaid real
<br /> -: �-�.+�� +�s the aote whicb this
<br /> -�"' pmperty aa�Y r�Z othsr taxea lanied on this mortg�
<br /> - , • ' mortgag�a ie vi:�*�a to sesure before ths eam� become delinquent and ehaZ].
<br /> . � �`.y maiatain fi�e, windetorm and extended cowerage inaurance witch a a:ortga�3e
<br /> _^,- :,� ciauoe on the buildinge on aaid premiseo �n th� snm of $6,000.00. If
<br /> -'?'��-��"='�' cnortgagor fails to pay such taxee and aeaeasme:its or psocure auah iamucance,
<br /> . ,,-�� mortqaqee may pay auch ta�cee and purchase euch insurance aad �ho aiao+an.t ao
<br /> �;:��: adnaaced w3tA i.�ateraat at ten peraent (10S) per aannm ahall be eecusEd 1sy thia
<br /> ;;, ..i�.--..,. mostgage.
<br /> `��' . .J�T��
<br /> '--�=�.���:%�'W;� in caee of default in the gayment d€ the principal suca or an3f
<br /> '��' '"�±'�"°t� iac�tallaten� thereoE or of any i.ntereat t' rn�n wh�a the ea�o ehall becaa� dne
<br /> ,;i_�'Aif:,
<br /> --- •:'���' or in caee of the aoa-payment of any te�c or asseasmeato or of the failure to
<br /> --._-_-�.o..;ri
<br /> --.n��;�r.; maiatain ia.r�aaca ae hereia provided, neortgagee �nay at tho option c
<br /> -°`-�'•�� mortqaqae, v�L.�hout notice, at any timn durin8 the r.o�tinuanae of suc3. �s".afnnit
<br /> ---_== or �seacb, caclare the whole debt secured �y thie ��srtgage to be +*�^R��{�tely
<br /> —;,:;�j� d�.� and gayaDle arid may €oreclose tAia nrs�:�age.
<br /> -:_�,���� In tho enent of de£ault ia the pe�fR;mance ot any oP �-�.� tersis •anfl
<br /> _;;'��.,.e:� conditione of thie mortqage or fi�e aote c�e�ured b� it, the mortgag� rs.�all be
<br /> entitled to inn►ediate posaeeeic� of tl:e g�operty above deecribed an.r� �il the
<br /> rents, revenue and income derined therefr�:m during euch time aa the mrsrt9aQe
<br /> ':�-•� indeb�ednesa remaine unpaid ahal� be app:�Qd by the mortgages to the payment
<br /> ����� of the aote and ali other susne aecured hexeby after deductica of any neceseary
<br /> �-�"""'--- coete of collection. _
<br /> .,-r�`,.�
<br /> _ _-�-�-'°• Dateds February ��. �.999.
<br /> �z«��4"
<br /> ._�.'• ;�:r 1
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<br /> y'i'',�,�., ' . O QO AA e JO AE�aL'i.
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<br /> � � • � STATB OH NBHRASIW )
<br /> • ) ae.
<br /> :. ���,,•����_ CCIRiTY OF HALL )
<br /> The ioregofrsg inetrument was acknowle@qe8 hefore me thie ��day of
<br /> " 8ebruary. 1999 by David 4. JoRnsoa an9 Con»ie Johneon, huebaad aatd w1fe.
<br /> �. �- �� aaaa�wrr�
<br /> : u�aa� o °�r �' � _
<br /> � wase�►�a.sie °
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