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<br /> _ U�on e�ipi of payatrn! af tdt�pr[ce bid. Tru�2ee shaU delive� to ths parrt�er Tnistee's deed ooageyia8 t1:e _
<br /> Pro�erty.'�hP recttai3�n t6e'fn�tee•s deed§haU be pr6ma f�ete es�i�ence of tCe tnrth of the statements mmde therein.
<br /> TRUtee s�s.sll apply the pmceed�of the sade ia th�fofiowin�order.(a)to all casis�d expeaises af excr$dsia�the P�we�'�f
<br /> sale.��!the sale,iQCiudIng tl�e pnyment ot the Teiutee's fees ustuully�wra+�d+�coi to exsee� 00
<br /> oi the prirnipa!emnun3 of tice aote ut tt�e time of the de�flmsiiun of deSaul�and reasonubie attorueys'fees av pEraoftted '�
<br /> b3r Iaev;(b)tn all su�s se�red by t6ts Secur[dy!��9T�-,n*�aud(c)any exs�s to tkE pe�on or pet�oas tegaliy eat�tled!o �
<br /> [t.
<br /> 2�. Reeonveyaace. Upon paynsent of a[1 sums sQCUred by this S�wity Iasuuraent, Lender shall request Trustee to �i
<br /> reronvay the Progerty aad sY�ll surreader this Szcuriry In�trument arcd all rtotes evidencing debt secured by this Secvrity �
<br /> Instrumrnt to Trusiee.Tnastee shall reoonvey she Property without wananty and without charge to the pxrson or petsflns legaliy �
<br /> entided to it.Such person or petsons shalI gay any reaordation cQSts.
<br /> 23.Su6stit¢te Trustee.LQnder, at iu opuon.may from time to tirne remove Trustee and uppoint a suocessor tiustee to
<br /> any Tnistee uppoint�f hereunder by a�;insn�urnsnt recorded in the aou�cty in which this Security Insavme:►t is r�c:orded.�thvnt �
<br /> canvepatce of the Fraperty.the successoT n:�e�shall suo�xl to all ttce aSe,power aad duties conferr�ed upan Trast�herein
<br /> artd by applicable law.
<br /> ?A,It�qu�st for 1�Iotic�,,gorrueru�equesis that copies of ths rtotices of default and sale be sent to Bomower's addccss
<br /> wLich is the Pcoperty Address.
<br /> ?S.Rideis to t6fs Secvr[ty iastruffien�If one or moie riders are exe�ted by Borrower and reoorded togdl�er with this
<br /> Security Insuumen�the covenar.ts ar�a�raem�us of ea�h sach rider shall be iaoo�oiated into and shaU amend and snpple�:at
<br /> tae oovenants�d agreements af this Securi�y Insuumeat as if the rider(�)were a pait of this Saasrity InsuumenL
<br /> [t:heck applicable boz(es))
<br /> ❑Adjustable Rate Itider 0 Condominium Rider �1-4 Family Rider
<br /> Gradvated F'aaymeni Rcder O Planaed Unit I?evelapr�eent Rider Biweekly Payruent Rider
<br /> F
<br /> Balloon Rider 0 Itate Improveaient Rider �Secoad Home RPder
<br /> 0 V.A.RiQer �Other(s)Is�ifY�
<br /> HY SIGNING BELOW.Borrower accep?.s and a�es to the cerms and oovenants contained in this SQCUrity F�s�a�x and
<br /> in any rider(s)ea�ewted by Bor�ower and ceoazdsd�vith it - -
<br /> Wiu�esses' ��,,.�,J�"C�l.�Y��r�'�-��'' (s�al)
<br /> Wp►UNITA R DIMtdITT ` -Hormvnr
<br /> L;��'""'�'-_ ���`
<br /> E�)
<br /> RQ�J�iN1D R OIMMITT -rL..m�er
<br /> ��� (Seal}
<br />= -Borroa:er -F3:rsaxxr
<br /> STATE OF NEBR.A�I�A, County sr. HALL .
<br /> The foregoing i�nn�nt was acknai,le�g�d Gcfa�me tivs 2ND day of FEBRUARY � 1999. �
<br /> ��`-��y��n0�`��°�GRAND �SLAND, t,IEBRqSKd�i t3►,ths�ate aforesaid.
<br /> �
<br /> . My Commission Fxpir:s:
<br /> Ilotary Riblic
<br /> tf"IER�i[i01A9Y•Sitirol NaL•tazb
<br /> ED7IP.RD J.JA;.L'SIK
<br /> [�jCcc�.E�Oct Y).I999
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