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<br /> � .. , payments may no langer be require�.at the option of Lender,if mortgage insurance�ro��erage(in the amonnc and for the perio3 _
<br /> � � � diat L.er:der requires)provid�by an insurer�pgroved by l.crtder again becames available and is obk�tined. Borrower shall pay =
<br /> � ' the pmmiums required to maintain mortg�e insur.uice in effect.or to pmvide a lass reserve,until the requirecnent for mortga�e �
<br /> ��� � insurance ettds in arcordartez with any�veitten agreement tretween Bormu•er und Lertder ar applicable la�v. �
<br /> ' '��� . y 9. I�spfetlan. Lender or its agent may ma'ce rea,on�ble entries upon:u�d inspect9aac of the Praperty• lxader shall give �
<br /> ' Barrotiver notice at the time of ar prior to an im{�etion sperifyin�rea.wnsble cau�e t'ur the imp�ction. �
<br /> ' � � �'� 10. Co�cdemnatfon.The proceeds of any award or claim for damages.ditect or consequential. in cannection �vith any
<br /> , 3 cottdemnation or uther takin�ui any part of'the Fropeny.ar far conveyance in tieu of mndemnation, are hemby assigned arid � -
<br /> ' ; shal!be paid to Lendcr.
<br /> � • - In the event of a hual taking of the Progercy.thc Proceeds�P�aU be applied to the sums secured by this S�curity Instrument, � _
<br /> " � —� ` �chether or ttot then due, with any excess paid to Barro�vee.In the event uf a partial taking of�he Prop�tty in vahich the fair -.
<br /> � �' msrket value of the Property imme�iately befnre the taicing is eyu;il to or gratcr thaa the amount of the sams seared by th+s _
<br /> �curity Insuument immediately befom tRe�akin�.untess B�rra�ver and Lendrr othenvise agree in writing,the sums secured by
<br /> ':'���� this Security (nstrument shall be reduced by th�amount uf the proceads anultiplied by [he following fr•sction: (a) the total
<br /> , • �..
<br /> � � amount of the sums secured immediately b�fore the taking,divided b�r Ib) the fair market valu�of the PropertY �mmEdiate�Y
<br /> � `� before the taking. Any balaace shall 6e paid ta Borroti�er. in the evee�t of a p�rtial t�.king of the ProPertY in vr•hich the fair
<br /> ' market value of the Pcop2rty immediately before the takinb is tess than[he amount of thz sums serured immedi�tely before the
<br />_ . _. -.. .�- taking. anless Borrower and ixnder otkenvise agree in a+*itin�or untess ap�licab2�law oihEnvise provides.th,,pmceeds shall
<br /> "� b�app2�ed cu the snms secwed by this 3erurity Instrurtient whethPr or not the swns are then due_
<br /> . . • ' If the Property is abandoned by Borro�ser,or if.after notice by Lender to Borro�ver that th=condemnor offeas to make an
<br /> " award or seatle a claim for damages. Borro�r•er fails to respond to Lender �vithin 30 days after the date the rtotioe is given.
<br /> °�' °�''"• L.ender is authorized co coliert and apply the ptoceeds.at�ts uPtion,either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> a' � �� secured by this Securiry Instrument,whether or rtot then due.
<br /> - - .�'" Unless Lender nnd Bormwer oiher�vise agree in writin�• ar►Y aPPjication of pxn�s to principal shall not extend or
<br /> I,.:'�,���•, � postpone the due date of ths mflnthly payraents referred to in paragraphs�an�2 or change the asnount of such paymenu.
<br /> :�_; �- -��= 12.Borrower Not Relcased;Forbearance BY Lende�'Not a Waiver. �actension of the time for paymeat or modification
<br />�'�' ��:-'-± of amorti7ation of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument granted by Lender to any suocessflr in interest of Barrower shatl
<br /> -�.�'_•'�:-r.,,y ' not operate to release the ii�bility of the original Bcirro�ver or Borrower s surcessors in interest. Lender sball not be required to
<br />.��;�:: fi' �ommence proceedings a�ainst any saccessor in interest or cefusQ to extend time for payment or othenvise modify aatorti�aiion
<br />- _ _ of the sums s�cured by this Security l�stru�rtent by reasan of any demand ma�e by the original Borro�ver or Bo3rnwer's
<br />_' =�- succes�ors iu i�teres� Any farbearance by IxRder in exercising any right or remedy shal!noi be u waiver af or preclude the
<br /> =:j-�;;•:;?, :�
<br /> r;ar'�; •.,�. exerc'sse ef asJ right or mmedy.
<br /> ,:=�;�;�' 12. g:s�roessors sud A�igns Bflund. Joi�aud Several Ltabil(ty. Co-sigRets. The covenants and agreemems of this
<br /> :�t�
<br /> ge�urity ia.�ument shaU bind and benefit the suocessois and assiSns of l.ender and Borrower.subjett to th$ provi�ions of
<br /> „�,�,,,;�•,�rs_ Paragrap� i.T. Borrower's co�enants a�r! agreemenu shall be joint nnd several. My Borrower who m-signs this Security
<br /> -�Y+��:, ,�,�� Insnurteent 1��_3oes not exec�:e[he�%a�e• (a) is ca-signing ttds Secwity Instrument an}y to rIIVrtgaoe.g�nt and convey that
<br /> -. •.+�'�-.
<br /> -------- Borrower's�.r.:..�t in th:F-oger�y �su'.ra'tt►��eams of this Security Insnu�n�nt;(b)is not perse�ally abiigated to pay the sums
<br /> `:=���:r��-�� secured by�iis Sec�rity Tu:�Trca�eem;w:�d(c)a8rees that Lender aad any other Borrauer may agnae to eatend.modify.forbear or
<br /> _-r- _1�.'�
<br /> m�ce any acxomnto�scr,s.wirt�rega.�to the ternts of ihis Security instru�nt or th:Note without that Borrower s consent.
<br /> -�--�---cJS 13.i�.�C6arges.tT►ite loan�w��by this Security Insuument is subject to a la��r which sets ma�cimum lonn charges.
<br /> - --� and that lacr is finally inte�rete�so tL•�t,ihe interest or other loan charges collected or to be wll�cied in connearon wiih tL,•
<br /> -°_�-== loan exce�l the pem�itted limiu,then:(a)any such loan charge shall be rectuoed by the amouni necessary to reduae the ci�e
<br /> ==�� to tfie pemutted limit:ar.d(b)any sums almady milecc��d from Borro�ver�vhich exceeded pe�mitted limiu will be refunsled to
<br /> Borrower_ Leitder may �ioose to make this refu.^.d Irf redacin$the principal owed under the Note or by making a direci
<br /> payment to Borrower. 1S a refurtd reduces principal, the reduction will be tr� as a Partisil PrepaY:r�nt ��tOUt any
<br /> prepayrr.�nt-�aa:rf;e ur.�s;a tt�e Naie.
<br /> II�.4,liicx�,p�v��;;x to BorroF:rer provided for in this Sers:�ry Instrument sha11 be gic�sst,�c�elivering it or by�:ni•`:�ng
<br /> i2 by first c���mzi'ca�'rs����:�6cable:�w reqnires use of another method.The ansice shall be ditected to the Pi'opertY A��`'�ss
<br /> = r.r. any other addrePi t�:�ri�t��er designates by notice to I.ender. My notice tn Le�der shall be given by> ��sa class mail to
<br /> +:,,.'nder's address sta;.�i I���::n or any other address Lender designates by not[c� �r:Borrower. Arry noiice�:.ovidad for in this
<br /> Security tc��trur..ent sh�li be dexmed w have been given co Barr��ver or Lender when�iven as provided in this parngraph.
<br /> --- -- Il5.G'afv�s�'atng II.aw; Severabillty. This Security Instrument shail be govemed by federal taw and the Iaw of the
<br /> � juriulictic:::�wi�ich tf��:�'rupert}+is�ocated•In the event that any provision or clause of this Securit}+Insuument or the Note
<br /> °�� conflicts orith appliQht��_N.such oon!]ict shall not affect other provisions of��s Security Instrument or th�'�oie wiuch can be
<br /> - �iven efic.x-vithout the conflicting provision. To this end the provisians of t�i.� t3scurity Insiivment ac�t[�:Note are declar�
<br /> —-�-� -- to be se��cr:tlSN:.
<br /> -�_� 1G.[i�:�?�wer's Ce�y.Barroc.er:l�.all bs given one conformr�i�Jf{;f af tn:Y�tote and of�hi_�S�curity Insuument.
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