I � _
<br /> �q�" 10614 5
<br /> r. If' Lender required mortgage �nsuranre as a condition of making the lvan secured b}� thi� Securit}� in�tniment,
<br /> l3��rru��cr �h.►u r:►>�rnt rirmiam�r�quired tv mRini�iR 1�c mtiuranrc m etTi:rt un�il�urh time as �hu requiremcnt fi�r the
<br /> insur:►nr�tcrmmatc�m<<'tcy1�!►t�ret4 � roM'l�ti,�_�nd Lrnder'S w•ri�ten aFreemcnt ur�+pplicnblu law.
<br /> 8. InspPCtion. ,�e�1�e�r w;atc' 'nt��j�ul:e reationublc entries upi�n and inspcctiom,�f the Praperq�. Lender
<br /> shall gie�r Horrow•cr noticu�t�eli�tlaaf�ur pt�ot�toat��nspection s�eifj�inF reuson;�ble cAUSe Pa�the inspection.
<br /> 9. Candemnatian. The procreds af am•a��•ard c�r rlaim for damages,di�ect ur consequentinl,in connection�vrth
<br /> any condemnation ��r alher takin� of an}� part nf the Property�, ar i'c�r run��:��ance in-lieu of c�mdemnatiun, are herebJ�
<br /> assigned a�d shall be paid to Lender.
<br /> In the e��ent oF:i t��tul tak�nF of Ihe Property, thc prurc�ed�shall he applied tu thc�umh secured hy �hi�Src urity
<br /> Instrument,�chether or not then due. �vnh any exr�c paid to F3urrow•er. ln tho eti�ent.uf i�pAroia) taking os thc Nropetty,
<br /> unless Horrc��tier and Lender�therwise agree in�vnting,tho sums secured b��thisSe:wity Intitrument shall be reduced by
<br /> thc amuunt oi'the prorced�multiplied hp thu Pi�lla��•inA fractian: (a) the total�i►m�unh��f�thu�sumA serured immediately
<br /> bePore the taking.di�idc�h}�ib)thp fair mArket valuoaf thu Property immediutal�r•b�fore tha luking,�Any balAnce shall be
<br /> paid to Borr�wer.
<br /> (f the Property� is ahandone�by Burro+ti•er,or if;af'trr notice h� Lender Ir��iorr��N•cr ihat the a�ndemnor oflers tn
<br /> make an award or settle a claim fur damuges,Horrower fuils to re�pond to Lendet within�0 days after the date the notice is
<br /> given.Lender is authorized to collect und apply�hr rroceeds,at its option.eithur to re.toration ar repair��t'the Property ur
<br /> to the sum�secured b�chis Serurin insttument,whether or nnt then due.
<br /> Unless I.cnder and Burrower otherwise agree in writing,any applicat�or�of prc+ceeds to principal sha11 not extend ur
<br /> postpone thc due dute of the monthlv payment�reterred t�in paragraphs i and 2 or rhange the amount of�uch pa�•ment�.
<br /> 1R. Barrawer �lot Reieased; Forbearaace By I.endet Vat a Waiver. Extension uf the time for pacment or
<br /> modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Security lnstrument granted by Lender to ain• successor in
<br /> interest of Borrower�hal)nm operate to releasr the liabilit}•��P the original B��rr�wer or Bonower's success�rs in�nter��t.
<br /> Lender shall not be required to commence pr��reedings against any .uccess�r in interest or refuse to extend time for
<br /> payment or otherwise modiPy amort�aation osthe`ums secured b�•thi�Sccunt}•Instruttie...t b}•rca�on ai an�•demand madc
<br /> by the original Horrower or Iiorrowet'�succe�son in intrre�t.Any f�rbearance by l.ender�n exercising any right�r remedy
<br /> shall not be a waiver of cx preclude the exercise of any right or remedp. � �
<br /> ll. Successors and Assigns Bound;Joint and Se�eral Liability;Co-signers. The co�•cnants and ugrccmcnts of .�
<br /> this Security Inslrument shall bind and t+enefit the successors and assigns af Lender and Aorrower,subject to the provisions
<br /> of'paragraph 17.Borrower's ccivenantti and agreements shall i�joint and sr��ral.Any BnrroH�er whu casigns this 5r�urit�•
<br /> Instrument but does not execute the�iote:ia)is cn-tii�ning th�.Security Imtrument only to mortg;�ge,grant anc�eonvey� ; •��_ `
<br /> thnt Borrower's interest m the Pro�erty under the terms of'th�.Serunty lmtrumrnt:lb)is not perxonally abligaeed tc�pa}• 1';�=
<br /> -���
<br /> the sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument; and(c)agreeti that Lender and am•other Hurrowrr may agree tu extend, •�.�-_. _.
<br /> modify, forbear ur make any arrommodations with regard to the terms�f this Security Instrument or the Note�vithuut _
<br /> that Borrower'sconu�nt. t-
<br /> . 11. Lostn Char�es. If the loan�ecured hy thic Secunty� lmtrument iti subjert t�a lau•uhich�etti maximum liian
<br /> charges, and that la�t• is finally interpreted so that the interest nr rnher loan charge� rollccted ��r tu be colle�ted in
<br /> connection with the l�an exceed the permitted limits, then: (a) any �urh loan charge �h:�l) he rrdaced i�y the am�nim
<br /> necetisary to reduce thc charge to the permitted limit;aud(b)any sums already rollerted fmm Horrou•er which exceeded
<br /> � permitted limits will t+e refunded to Borrower. Lcnder may rh��o�e t<�make thi, refund by reducing ihr prinri�al owcd
<br /> � under the Note or by making a direct payment t�Bormwer.If a refund reduces prinripal,the rrductian will he treated as a �
<br /> partia)prepa��ment without any prepa}•ment charge under the'�ute.
<br /> 13. LeRislatton AffeetinR Lender•s Rig,t�ts. If enaetment ��r erpiration nf applicable laws has the eflect of
<br /> rendering any provision of the Note or thiti Security 1n�trument unenfbrceable acc��rding to it.terms.Lender.at its option,
<br /> may require immediate payment in fu11 of all sums serured by thi.Security Instrument and may emoke any remedies
<br /> permitted by paragraph 19.If Lender exercises this opnon,Lender shal)take the steps spec�fied in the second paragraph of .
<br /> ara ra h 17.
<br /> � g 14. Notiees. Any n��t�ce to Rorrow�er pr�vided for in thi�5eeuritc tnstrument�h��ll be given hy delivering it or by ?:��
<br /> mailing it by first clas�mail unless applicablr law reyuireti uae uf anuther method. The notice �hall br directed to the
<br />: I'roperty Addreas c�r any other address Borrower designates by notice ta Lender. Any notice to Lender tihall be given by
<br /> first elass rnail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lendrr dc�signatrti b��wtice to Borrow�er.A¢ey notice
<br /> provided far in this Security lnstrument�haU be deemed to hace been gi�en ro$orrower ur I.ender��hen given as Rruvided
<br /> in this paragraph.
<br /> 15. Governing Law;Severability. This 5ecurity Instrum�nt shs}1 be g���erned h}� frdera} [a«and tlir lau•of the
<br /> jurisciirtion in which the Property i�loc:ated. In the ecent that any provitiion or clautie of this Serurin•instr�rnent or the .
<br /> Note conflicts with applicable law, su�h conflict�tz_i1 not affect other provisions of this Security Insirument�r*he l�ote
<br /> which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. I'o this end the pTOVisions of this Security instrument a:id the
<br /> ;�Iote are d�lared to be se�•erable.
<br /> lb. Borrower'sCapy. Horrower tihall be given one c�nformrd c«py of the Nrnc and�f thiti Securit}• lntitrumrnt.
<br /> 17. Transler of the Property or a Beneficial IntQrest in Borror��er. If ail c�r an�• part uF thc }'m�rty or any
<br /> interest in it is sald or iransferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borr�a•er i��nld or tran�ferred.�nd B�rr�»�•er i�n��t a natur.il
<br /> penon)without L,ender's pri�r written crnuent. l.ender may.at �ts opuun, reqwre unmcd�atc p,iy mcnt in full��f a!1 tium�
<br /> secured by th�s 5ecurity lnstrument. F�lowever, this opti��n shall nc�t be exeici�cd h} Lrnder �f errrc��e �ti �nihihited b�
<br /> federal law as of'the date nf this Security lustrument. !- -�
<br /> If Lender exerei+es thiti c�pti�n,Lender.rhal!gtve$orrouer n��tice of acceleratwn.'1'he n��uce tihall prc��ide e ren��d
<br /> nf nc�t less than 30 day�s irom thc date the notice is delicerrd ur ma�led w ithin whirh 13��rra��er mu�t p;�� all�um.tiecurrd hy
<br /> this 5ecur�ty Instrument.If Borrawer fails to pt+p the�e tiums pn�tt t��thc rxpiralwn i�f th����en�id, l.ender ma� m�„kc an�
<br /> rcmcdiet permittcd by ihis Sccurity Instrumcnt without further noure��t dem�nd��n Normwrr.
<br /> 18. Burrower's Right to Relnstate. If Hntrowcr meets certain c�md�u�m�. 13orrot�er tihall h.��e tl�c right tu h:i�r
<br /> enPorccment��f thi�Secunty Instrument d�s��nhnucd at an}�t�me priur�o thr r<+rlirr��f:(a)S da}ti(��r�urh��Ihcr prn��d a� Y
<br /> � applicable I�u tna} �prrify for rein�tatcmenU hefure�ale��f the Yr��perty ��urwant tc�:in� rn��rr�,f�alr<<mt.wir�l in thi,
<br /> Sccunty fnti�rumc�d. �,r fbl entr} �,f a�ud�mcnt cnforring thi�Sccurn� lr�annnrnt 1 h�,.c• c�m�lih�m..uc that H�ur�n�r�
<br /> (a) p.�yti l.rndcr all +utm Kh�ch thcn v►uuld hr du� undct thtti tirrurrty In�ttumrnt .nu1 thr tiulr h,iJ n„ .i��rlc�.iu„n �,,,,
<br /> ut;�uffttd. Ih� curcti att� dcfauh ��f any ��thcr ����cu:uolti ui .��rc�mcn�;. (il p�y� .ill cr���•n.�. in�urrrd in riitin�in�; �h�. .��Q�
<br /> tiecunty lu,truincnt. �niluding. hul nut Inmlcd lu. rr.���mahlc ettnrncy�' frc.. ,�nd 1�1i t.�L,��. .u�h .��u��n .i. 1 rii�lri in.�� Y7
<br /> rc.��nuahly rcyuirc t�� a�tiurr tluil tf�r I�cn nf thi� Sceur�ty In�tr►m�ent. 1 rndrr'� n�Chi. n� ihr I'i���,cil� .�n�i 13�•��„a��'. r: �
<br /> ��hli�;atinn tn F,.�� Ihc .u:r�� .r�urrJ h) thi� tic�unty Iti,truntci�t .h.�ll .��i�tuiur un�h.u�irc�l 1 ��.,u ��iu.t.ilr�niu� h� " .
<br /> N��rr,�uct. Ihi,�r.unt� lu�uutncnt .in�l thri�hh�•.�Unn��r.urr�} hcri•h� �h.�ll rr�ti.n��tul!� cN�.��L� �. �t i�,�,�,.� Iri.�:i„�� li.��l
<br /> ���� unrtl 11��ui:rr.th�.nf.hl 1��tcuitil,ili•�li,il)n��t.iE+��l� ni Ihr. e�r.,l.�.�� I�t �'+ �i� �ni�1� i �•�� �.'i �� �.. � , i I '
<br /> �
<br />