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,� -,-�j � � . .. • <br /> _ , _ _". '- ...�CAMIK <br /> .._ __ �_.r '�f_�._'' � l . �� � . <br /> . . �� � . • • __ � _ . .. . / .� <br /> � <br /> . - � • YJ � � •� ' � . <br /> � <br /> ' i�__.' , ` . . . ' � �9° �11��65 � . <br /> � 14. �EFAULT.Trussor�vill bs:jn defnult if uny party obliguted on�hc Srs�rcd Debt fails to make paymcnt whcn du�.TruStor . <br /> `� rri21 bc[n default if a breach occurs under the terms o�t6is Security (nstrum�nt or nny othcr docu�runt exccutc�far the <br /> . � . � pur�ose of creattn . securing ar guarastrying the S�curecf Debt. A 6vod fa�th 6elief by Beneficiury ehat�en�ticiary nt any <br /> I �va�luei of�the Prnp rty is timPaired sha11 alca cosnsutu�egantevent og defavl�Debi or that the prospect at'cu�y pay��ent or <br /> ; 1S. REMEDIES ON O�FAULT. ia some instaaces. federsl aad state law will reqaire Beaeficiary to provide Tcustor with <br /> ` _ � uotirz og the eight to cure ur eHh�r notices � m3y establish time sch�dales for foreciosure acteons. Sub�ect to these <br /> limitations. if any. BeaeficiarY rnay accelerate t�.e Secured DPbt and foreclase this S�curity Insnvncent m a manner <br /> providad by law it Tiustor is u�defaulr. ' <br /> . ..�.. . _ . .. � At the optian of Beneficiary, all or any pazx of t�e agreed fees aud charges. accrued inter�t and pTinci�al shall become , T=�_ <br /> e <br /> { imm�iately due aad payable, aRer givmg uorise ig required by law, upon [he occumence of a detault or an .__,ti' <br /> the�eafter.I n 2ddition,t au�an«r�elated dacumen s�including udt�hout I�'uidt�arion�the power�to sell�the Prap 3ecured ebt, . . <br /> • � this Se�urity lnsirumen Y , �:,-.`' <br /> f — v.-- <br /> If there is a default,Tn�stee shall, ia additian to any other permitted remedY,at che re9ues[of the Beueficiary.advertise <br /> ____-___ ' ���p�a���a�;�¢�r ia se�arate parcels at public auction to the Iughest btdder f�r cash and convey absolute �;;;�,� <br /> ° . T., � title free and clear of xll nght,tifle and mter�st of TmsYar at such time and plzte as Tmst�designates.Trustee sha�P,��e �.= <br /> , ; � uotioe of sale inclu�ing the ume,cerms and plase of�le an�a de.u�iption of tPc:property to be sold as x�equired y �`.�._; <br /> .., � applicable law in effect at the ri�ne of the pragosed�ale. �.�,w�, <br /> Upon sate of the pivpertY�,�.=:�tFie e�nt not psolu'bited by law,Trustee sbaU make and deliver a dad to t6e ProgeitY r��- <br /> . � � s o l d w h i c h o o a v e y s a b s r,?..-r �•_�° rQ the purchascr. and aRer first paymg all fces, char�es and costs, s7ia11�aY to �;;�-- <br /> Beneficiary all monej��.:snced fcr repairs, taa�. insurance. liens, assessman t s a n d p r r.r T ti c u m b r a n c c�s a a d w t�t e s t �`:. i:�: <br /> • " `•.'i theteon, and the pri�a �ri aad interest on the &oa;�d Debt,PaYing ttie s�.r.�:�,ss,,if aEy, � Tn�stor. �s�.zficiary,m3Y ��;,,=-: <br /> - ---:-�---�--�- . '� ! purchase the Proger�v.�ua recitals in any deed of �s eyaace shall�e primz,i�u:��3e�ce of the facts sc-t tTr.r�therein. , ,_:N� <br /> . Ev . <br /> ;�,::-. <br /> •.y.,';� ; �-�itled w all temedies�rc�ided at Ls:��r. '_r-"° <br /> b All rem�.�:ue��sdnct. c+�mulative and aot exciasive,and the f3c-�:frciary ��.-. t or artial a t ez� •--- <br /> ..,.y�,., �tY,�.�r�ir:r or not expressly set fcrth The acxxptaace by Ts�r�i,-�arY of aay sum in pay�afled shall n t co�nsu��� '�',-:.- <br /> • �� ' �� Serured Debt after the balaace�s due or is accele�ated or aftc�f��clflsuce prac�edin8s `�� <br /> •�. ,�;�::'.. * waiver of Beneficiary's right to require oomplete cute of any eu�..�g defaulG t�x�ot exer�issin�anY�raedY on Tnistor's ,`�s:` <br /> ei <br /> . ,�'.�� __-- <br /> default,Beneficiary does not waive Beneficiary's nght to later cons�der the ev��default if it contmues ar L-,appens again. E.�.�' <br /> �. .�. II6.�XYE1�iSES: ADVANCES OlU CCbVENAN'I'S: AITORA....�5' FEFS: COLL��C`L�J}� CU�"�. ►�xc�t when _�__ <br /> �r' prohibited bq law, Tmstor ag�ees ta F all of Beaeficiazy's Er�;ses if Tn�stor br��? ::c�^--=�:r�is S�.a�.� - <br /> . _. ''; Iasmmnen�Tn�swr will also pay on�r�ad any ammunt mcu*_��y BeneficiarY for.i*�nrr;� ����?. ,�-�°,rvi�3 crr ----- <br /> �,. <br /> otherwise pmiectinp the Property and Ea�eficiary's s�urity intc�..These exg�scs will Tc�r���t`r.�s����ate o1� ---- <br /> - payment until paid m fi�ll at the h�ghest mtemst rate in effect as pmvided in t3�tPm�ss of the S Bed B��;tw�or a� <br /> �•. Secur <br /> • to pa all casts aad expenses iacxirced by Beaeficiary in collecting, enfore�g or protecting P� <br /> cxir <br /> . .� �es under this Security Insavmea�Thts amount may incIude,bnt is aot limiteff to.auomeYs'fces. ca;ut costs.aa.� <br /> , . � oBtEr legal expenses. This Securihl �t shall remnin in effect unt7 released. Tn�stor agees to pay for an� <br /> � reeordauon casts of such release. <br /> � � 17. ENViItOM1�A1'['AL LAV1�S AND �AZARDOUS SUBS'1'ANCES. As used in this section, (1) Environn�n9u1 Law <br /> � � means, without lunitation,the Comptehensive Enviromneatal Response,Compensation and Liabiliry Act(CERCLA,42 <br /> � U.S.C. 9601 et sey.).and all other federal,state aztd local laws,tegulatioas.ordivances,oouri orders. attomey general <br /> ' opinions or iateip�uve letteis cuaaeraia�the pu�lic heaith.safery.welfare,environment or a�rardo�s substaace:and(2) <br /> Harardaus Substauee means any to�cIc. radioactivz ar �dous material, �waste. po pub�cll �he3lth,�t wh�has <br /> � ct�aara�eristics which render the substanoe dangemus or teatialt dangerous to the <br /> ,. environment.'!he term iacludes.aithout limitatian. any substances defined as "dazardous material." "touc substanas," <br /> • . "maz�ardous waste"or"hazardous substance"u¢der aay F�viranmental Law. <br /> � Tn�stor rep�,w�ts aud agrc�es that: <br /> p,Eaccept as pteviously disclosad and aslmowledgtd in writiag to Betteficiary, ao Qiazazdous Substance is or wUl be <br /> � � lacated.stored or releasod on or in the Prope�ty.'Rtis restpialon does notapply to smali quanYities of Ha�udous <br /> Subst�ces that aze generaUy c�e�o�nized to bespprapriate for the aormal use and maintwance of the Property � <br /> B.Bxcept as pievtously disclosed ana ackaowledgrd in writing to Beneficiary,Tcuswr aad every tenauL l�ave heen.are, <br />_ �y� and shall remain in full aomplianoe with amyapplicable Envimnmental Law. <br /> � �,Ttuscar shaU ir�diately aotify Beaeficiary if a release or threateaed release of a FIa7ardous Suhs+.a.cce oocurs on, <br /> ��� under or about the Praperty or there is a violation of any Envimnmental Lavs'wncerning the Property In sucb an <br /> . eveat,Ttustor shall take all uecessary re�dial aaion in aacordoace with any Envimnmental <br /> 4 D.Tzustot shall immediately aotify Beaeficiary in writing as sooa as Tnutor has reason to beUeve there is any geadiu� <br /> or[hmatened inves�igatian,claim. or prr�ceeding relating w the release or threate�zed release of any Hazazdous <br /> , . � Substaase or the violation of any Environmentsill-u�v. :°—..- <br /> ��zl . 18. COWE1kiNA7TON.Tnuior will give Bc�eficiary prompt notic�of any peading ar threateaed private or�puhl?c <br /> ;��� entities to pu�tase or taYe any or all of the Propeny througL condemnat�on.emment domaifl.or any oilier means.Tnr�trsa <br /> auth6rins Benefcsiary to intetvene in Trnstor's name in any of the above desctibed aetions or elaims.Trustar assipr�w <br /> ''°��.: - Beneficiary the pmceeds of any award or claim for dam�ges canaected with a oondelanation or other taking of all ot any _ <br /> ''�t� urt of the Property. Sur�t► praceeds shail he considered paymenu and will bc appliad as pmvide� in �his Security ui.=-�. <br /> °J'�� �; ��'ILis ass}gam�t of praee�ods is siblect to the teims of nny prior mnrtgage.deed of tnist,securitY aSre�nent or <br /> . � �� other lten dot�a�ea� �'':�. <br /> 19. INSIJRANCE.Tn�stor shFill keep Property ias�ared ugainst loss by fire.flood.ttteR a�o�her hmanls aa�risks reasonably � <br /> associatal with the Pcope:ty due to its type aad location. 'IT»s insvrsace shall be maintained in the rmoums aud fot the �h•:; <br /> �eri���fi�� �qu�. -�e innt�,►oe caarier pmviding the insuranoe shall be chosen by Trustor subject to , -- <br /> �. Benefrcisry's approv�l. vdhicb shnll aot be unreuonably withheld. (f Tnutor fails to maintain the covecage described <br /> above,Beae Rciar�m aY.a t B e a e fic�a�3►�s o piion.obtain ooverags to pm3ect BeBefeciary's rights in the Property ua�ordins .,-.� <br /> � to the cerms of this�ecairiry lnsava�u. � <br /> All insuraacepolicies and re�v�afs sha11 be acce tabie to Henefcceary and s�z11 iaslude u stan�nrd"mnrtgage cl�use"t�ad. � <br /> where applicable. "loss paqee clause."Trustor sRa11 irmr�iazety notify S�efic'�ary af caz�cellation or temnnatlom of the . <br /> al <br /> _ insuraace. Beaeficia�7► shail flave the right to hold the polic�es and renewals. If BeneRcia�y requires. Tmstor shall <br /> � im�n�i�elnnuoe toih�einsur a caisi�mmd Eenefic ary 8 efic'iary ma make pmlof�of os�'if nots.�Trusto�r�sbale1Blby <br /> . Tn�stor. <br /> ' f0�3D 3 of 41 � <br />-- - - —- , o...-...�--;s:=. .. . .. .a.a:�.-::��..anr.zs»n v:,::,�a-.._ ..:r.s. :— _ <br /> . . I � 1 . � S � <br /> . .. � <br /> i i _ --= <br />