- � --- - — �
<br /> 89�'°1osi3�
<br /> 9. Condemnatia�. t nc• c.�mcer.dti ot;�ny award ��r ,;i��m t�r dc�m�iges. A�reCt a�cons�'�uN��fr11 in connt�Ctwn with Any
<br /> � Condemnation ar pther taking of th�!'roperty,ot part ther0of,or fpr conveyanGe in iieu oi condemnati�n,�rt�tiereby assic�ned
<br /> and shail be paid to Le�der
<br /> In the event of a total tak�ng of tnv Propor:y,the praa�eds shpu be appi�ed to tne sums secured by Ihis peed at truet,w�th
<br /> the exCesS,i)any,paid to 8orroNror. In the evenf�f a partial laking ot the Proporty,unless 8ortower end Lende�otherwise
<br /> agree rn wnt�ng,there aha11 be applieq to the sams secureti by this Deed ot Trust s�ich prapart�on af the pcocesds as is equat ta
<br /> that p�oportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Oeed of Trust immt►diately p�io�tathe date o!faking dearo to the
<br /> lair ma�ket value oi the property�inmed�ately ps�or ta the date o1 takmg,with tho bAlance of It�e p�oCeEds paid to Borrower.
<br /> If the Properry�s abandoned by Ha�rowor,ar d,aRer notice by Lender to Barrower that the condemnor atters to make an
<br /> award or settle a claim tor damages,Bar�ower lails to respond to Lender w�ihm 30 days aRer the date suC��otice is mailed.
<br /> Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at Lender's optipn,e�ther tu restoretion or tepai►of th�P�operty ot tp
<br /> the sums secured by this Deed of Trusi.
<br /> Unleas Lender and Bo�rpwer athorw�se agree�n writ�ng,any such appl�c�t�on ot proceeds to principa►shall not extend ov
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly mstallments�ete�red to�n par�grapns t And 2 hereot or change th�amounl ot auCh
<br /> installments.
<br /> 10. 8onow�r Nol RN�as�d.Exten9ion of the timg for payment or mod�f icatio�01 amortization Ot th9 sums SeGured by thiS
<br /> Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor in interest ot 8arrower shall not ope►a!e to�elease,in any mannet.the
<br /> liabil�ry of the orig�nal Borrower and 8orrower's successors interest.Lender shall not be►equtred to Commenee proGeedinys
<br /> against such successor or refuse to extend tlme tor payment or otnenrv�se modiy amortization of the sums secured by thls
<br /> Oeed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the ar�g�nat Borrower and Borrower's successors in inte�e�t.
<br /> 11. Forbearanc�by Lander Not s Wslve�.Any forbearani.e by Lende� �n exo�Cis�ng any�ight o�remedy hereunder,o�
<br /> atherwise aHo�ded by applicable law,shall not be a waiver al or preclude tne exercise of any such nght or remedy. The
<br /> p�ocurement of insurance o1 the payment ot taxea or other liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's�ightto
<br /> accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secureti by this Deed ot Trust.
<br /> 12. R�m�dles Cumulative All remedies prov�ded�n this Oeed of Trust are disiinct and cumulatwe to any othe�right or
<br /> �emedy under this Oeed of Trust or aflorded by 1aw or equity, and may be exercised concurrently, independently or
<br /> successively.
<br /> 13. Succ�sson and Assi�n� Bound; Jolnt and Seva�a! LiablUiy; Caption�. Tlie covenants and agreements he�ein
<br /> contained sha�i bind.and the rights hereunder shail�nure to.tha respect�ve successorsand assigns oiLenderand Borrower,
<br /> sub�er.t to the provisions ot paragraph 17 hereol.Atl covc;r�anis a��d ag��:ortisnls oi Borrowar shall be joint and seve�al.The
<br /> captions and headings of the paragraphs of th�s Deed of Trust are tor a�rvemence onty and are not tp be used to interpret or
<br /> define the p�ovisions he►eof.
<br /> 1�. NoHe�.Except for aRy not�ce required under appUCable law to be g�ven in anothe�manner,(a)any notice to 8orrower
<br /> � provided tor in this Deed o}Trust shall be given by mau�ng such not�ce by certified mad addressed to 6orrowerat the Property . .
<br /> Address ar at such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein,and(b)any notiCe to
<br /> lender shaii be given by certi}ied mail,ceturn receipt�eauested,to Lender's address stated herein orto such otheraddressas '
<br /> Lender may designate by notice to Borsuwer as provided herein.Any notice p�ovided tor in this Deed of Trust shal:be deemed
<br /> to have been given to Borrower or l.enCer when given in the manner designated herein.
<br /> . 15. U�No►m ONd ot 7�us1;Goveminy Law;S�v�nb(Nty.The torm of c�eed ot trust combines uniform covenants tor ��=',;.�;:�
<br /> national use end non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdictiarr to constitute a uniform security lnstrument {';,�4�
<br /> GviiBi ii iy fc8{}iiv�i�}/.T,iiS vS&v v'a�:i;a:o�'ioii vo yvL'vTi::v Y Z�iv^���+.^.��::�j:+•:°.,:�:CY:C^!F:�:h?ch ih°pr��,w�ie Irn�fn�_!rZ ��-
<br /> the event that any provision or clause of this Deed oi Trust or the Note Conifict�with�ppHeable law,such conflict st�dlF not �,I�''_
<br /> aHect other prov�sions ot this Deed of Trustor the Note which can be given eftect without the conflicting provisions.and to this ..
<br />. end the provisions of the Oeed ot Trust a�d the Waie are declared to be severable. :;`�'
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be furr.is�:ed a conformed copy o!the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the time of __
<br /> execution or after recordation he�eof
<br /> 17. Tnnsf�r of tfis P�opeNy;Assumptlon.It all or any pa:E w!:��e propev:}eor an interest therem is sotd or tranststred by ;
<br /> Borrower wilhout Lender's prior wntten c���sent,exctuda�y(a�thecreation of a I+en or enGUn�brance subord�nate tothis Deed ��
<br /> of Trust,(b)the creation of s purChBSe maney securityiroteres:foFhousehold appliances.(c}a t�ansfer by devise desCenior by
<br /> operation of law upon the death of a jois�ttenant or(da the grant otany leaseho:ai inierest of three years or less�ot containing an
<br /> option to purchase,Lender may,at Lertear's opt►on,declare all the sums sec�:red by this Deed of Trust to be immediately due
<br /> a�d payabte.Lender shall have waived such opUo��to accelerate if,prior to the sale or transter,Lender and the person to
<br /> whom the Properry is to be sold or traRS(erred reach agreement in wnting that the credit of such person is satiafectory to
<br /> Lender and that the interest payable on the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shall be at such rate as Lender shali teQuesL If •
<br /> Lender has waived the opUon tp accelerate prov�ded in th�s pa►agraph 17,and �f Borrower's suCCessor in inte[est has � ,
<br /> exeCUted a wntten assumption agreement accepted in wnting by Lender Lender shall release 13orrower irom all Obi�Btions �
<br /> u�der this Deed of T►ust and the Note. • '
<br /> If Lender esxercises such option to accelsrate. Lende►sha11 ma�1 Bo�rower not�ce of accelera;con ro-� accarQanCe with • :�;;�+, .
<br /> paragraph 14 hereot.Such notice shall provide a period o1 not less than 30 days trom the date the notice is mailed wi:h'n which `�
<br /> Borrower rstay pay the sums declared due.If Borrower fa�ts to pay such sums prior ta thryexpiration of such period:Lender .
<br /> may,without turther notice or dema�^�C on Borrower.invoke any remed�es permitted b�p3�agraph 18 hereof.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.8arrowe�and Lender turther eovenaat and agree as tollows: �
<br /> 18. Acceleratlon;Remedle�. Except as prov�ded in paragraph 17 here�t,a�on Borrower's breach of any covenant or
<br /> agteement o1 Borrower in this Deed el Trust,including the covenants to pay w7�en due any sums secured by this Deed otT►us�
<br /> Lender pr�Qr to acceleration shall r�+?�.t rot�ce to Borroweras provided in paragraph 14!�e•eotspecitying:(1)the breaGh;(2)the
<br /> action reruired to cure such breach;(3)a date,not tess than 30 days from the date the noteCe is mailed to Borrower,bywhiCh
<br /> such breach must be cured;and(4)that failure to cure such breach on or before the date specified in the notiCe may result in
<br /> acceleration o1 the sums secured by this Deed ot Trustand sale of the Property.The notice shall further inform Borrower otthe
<br /> right ta reinstate after acceleratian and ihe right to bring a court action to assort the non-oxistenCe o4 a defautt or any other
<br /> defense o1 Borrower to acceleration and sale.H the breach is not cured on or before the date specit;ed in tAe notice,Lenderat
<br /> Le�dei s option may declare all of the sums secured by this Reed o(Tn�st to be immediately due and payable without further ,
<br /> demand and msy invoke the power ot sale and any other rsr+^�d�es permitted by appliCable law.lender shall be eMided to
<br /> cotlect a6i reasonable costs and ex�e�ses�ncurred�n purswr.g t;se remed�es Frov�ded in t�eparagraph 18.inc►uding,but not
<br /> Hm�ted to,reasonable attorney's fees.
<br /> If the power of sale is invoked,Trustee shall record a not�ce of default in each cour!y in which the Proparty or some part
<br /> thereof is located and st;a�l mail cvpies o1 such notice in the manner prescribed by appl�Cable law to Borrower and tothe other
<br /> persons prescribed by appticabte law.After the fapse ot such time as may"be rEquired by applicabte law.Trustee shall give
<br /> public no5ce of sale to!he persons and in the manner prescribed by appliCable law.TrwSfee,without demand on Borrower. ,-- _-- -
<br /> shall sett�he Propertyat public auction to the highest bidder at thetime and place and under tha terms designated in tt�e notice .
<br /> 01 sale�n��e or more parcets and in such order as Trustee may determine.Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel 01
<br /> the PropeRy by public announcement at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale.Lender or Lender's design6e
<br /> may purchase the Property at any sate.
<br /> Upon receipt of paymont o!tho price b�d,Trustee shall deiiver to the purchaser Trustee's deed canveying the Property sold.
<br /> The recr`,�:s in the Trustee'sdeed shall be prima tacie evi�ence o1 the truth pf the statements made therein.Trustee shall apply
<br /> the proceeds of the sale in the tol►owing order�(a)to all reasonable costs and expenses ot the sele.�ncluding,but not hmited to, �
<br /> Trustee sf�es ot not mote than__ -v! __46 of theg ross sa�e pnce,reasonab�e attor�ey's foes and costs of titte Evidence: wf
<br /> L (bj to all sums secured by this Ot3e4 01 Trust,and{c)the excess.if any,to the person or persons legally entdled thereto i�
<br /> l�. �ow�t's RIQht to RNMtst�.Notwithstendin�Lender's accelerat�on ot the sums secured by th�s Qeed ot Trust. 1.
<br /> Borrowet Shall have th�right to have any proceedings begun by Lendar to enforce the Deed of Trust discontmued at any time �a
<br /> pnor to thp earller to oCCUr o1(i)the fiHh day befare the sale of the Property pursuant to the powEr of sale conteined irt the pAed t�•�'
<br /> 01 Trusf(ii)ent�y ot a judgment enlnrcmg th�s Oeed of Trust rf�(a)9orrower pays Len�3er ali sums whiCh would befhen due a���
<br /> undar thin Dead ol Trust,tho Note and notos secunng f ulu�e Advances �f any,had co a�celerat�on oCCUrdd(bt BOr►ower
<br /> cu►es ell btp�ches�}any other covYnants or�grpdments of BarowE�r conlamed�n this p�ed of Tn,st (C)HOrrower peys e�� �' f
<br /> fCASOnnbltse�..Z,ensesinctirrQdby[endeiFif!d7►uslAd�M��rcnnq!h�cnv�n�ntsan�i�greemf���ts:,t9!�fl{�yyC1(:Ul1�F]if1Q{�1f+�hi� .. -
<br /> (�esedUlir��gt:ind,nynfort:mqlt!nr�grtianh'Crugt�E;�S�Elfi�!!t1'W.Sii3(�rGV�ANd+n�,rj�,��r;�ph 'ci!�c�re,�f ,�.��udinc� butn��tl�rr��tttd
<br /> tp rO.IS����Ab�s�.�ttr,rnry�gtCCS.fth�i(dlHurr.�wnrt:IM.t.[::{�Cf�,i��1iDr•;i!,lernr�e•rn•,f�r��,��.r:r.�C,!y�F+t�•.�rtOAS�: ,rPth,i'f^�•IHI�c�f
<br /> t1uS�)Efi!d hf Tr•,�,1 i c.M�Hf S�nlefEfS��n Il�i•f'��,►iF�+ty�nd F3���r..•,wan-s r�tr��q.�t���r�q��..�y 11•,n,,!.� ti tif��ur+•d h�.t�.,•,I1:�P.��i�`.7 ruSf
<br /> <.ht�1�Ir.iN�lit�Uf�•i���f��(i8�ff°�� ���JI�^'�I/fllOil�n�/v1�1:ln��t ��lph�FSr.If'.W��i f/•i�.Ctt'ni�'it��.,c�•�i �:11... r�.,,��1�. • i� rY�if��-+f/���ti
<br /> •.h:�.�rlr.��:un�ri b,. t.,rr n:1'�r1 nH�•r.l A',�1• �.n.e.��lt•�.��.��t� tu��f .�����it��i �
<br />