� �
<br /> 89-10613�,
<br /> � If Lender re�qu�red mortgage insurance as a condition af rnaking thr laan sccurcd by this S�curily Inst�ument.
<br /> Harrower shall pay thr premiums requ�red ta mxintaia lhe insurAnce in effeat unti!such time as the reqairement for the
<br /> insunnce terminates in�tccordance with Botrower's and Lendet's written agreement or applicable law.
<br /> 8. IwecUoa. Lendsr or ita aEent ��y �ake reASOaable entries upan and insp�tians nf thc Property. l.cnder
<br /> shall�irc Borro�ver notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasanable cause for the inspectian.
<br /> 9. CoadeMnation. The procteds oP Any sward or cl�im for dunages.direct or consequential. io conncction with
<br /> sny condemnation or other tsking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance in litu of condemnation, are hereby
<br /> assisned and s�all be pud to Lender.
<br /> In the evea�t oi a total uking of the Property.the procecds ahall be applied to the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument,whether or not then due.with�ny eaces9 paid to Borrawer. ln the event of a partial taking of the Propetty.
<br /> unless Bonower and Lender atherwix asra in writing,the sums secured by this Security Inatrument shall be reduced by
<br /> the amount of the proeeods multiplied by the foltawing fraction: (a)the total amount of the sums secured immediately
<br /> before the taking,divided by(b)the fair muket value of the Property immediateiy before the taking.Any balu►cx shall be
<br /> p�id to Borrower.
<br /> lf the Property is abandoned by Borrower.or if,after notice by Lender to Bonower that the candemnor offers to
<br /> malce an award or settle a claim for damages,8orrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days atler the date the notia is
<br /> �iven,Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option.cither to restoration or repair of the Propertp ar
<br /> s�+4t,�cum,�secured b�t�ais Secuntc I�strument.whether ar not then due.
<br /> U�less Leades a�a�d Borrowrr otherwise agree in writing,any applica�ian of pracecds to principal shall not e�tend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paymeats referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chaage the amount of such payments.
<br /> 10. Borrowe�I`ot Releaud; Fo�bearaace By Leader Not a Wairer. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> modiflcatn�of amortization oP the sums secured by this Security lnstrument grant=d by Lender to any successor in
<br /> interest c�Borrower shall not operat�ta release the liability of the original Borrower or Horrower's successors in interest.
<br /> Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for
<br /> payment or otherwise modify amortizstion of the sums secured by this Security lnstrument by reason of any demand made
<br /> by ihe original Horrower or Bor�oaer's successors in interest.Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> shalD not be�waiver of or preclude tlae exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> i�. Succeu�n and A�i�ss Ba�nd;Joint and Seve�L3�bility;Co-sigaers. The covenant5 and agre�+itnis of;
<br /> this Socusity Instrumrnt shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to thc provisions
<br /> of puragnph 17.Borrower's covenanu and sgraments shall be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Security '
<br /> lnstrument but das not eaecute the Note:(a)is casigning this Security lnstrument only to mortgage,grant and convey ,
<br /> that Bonower's interat in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay � .
<br /> jh�gl;�n,q c�uw�i �� ie�rnrit�Tngtn�rq�rt• ar�,l{rl��Me that l.rn�l�r antl apy other Bortower msY agree to extlnd. t___-'
<br /> modify,forbar or make�ny accommodstions with regard to the terms of this Security Instrtiment ar the Noie w6thout : -
<br /> that Borrower's consent. ! �
<br /> IZ. Lo�n CLar�es. 1f the loan secured by this Security lnstrument is subject to a law which sets maaimum loan � ==
<br /> charges. and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be coltected in , _
<br /> connxtio�e with the loan excad the permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br /> necessary[o reduce the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any suins already collected from Borrower which exceeded '�
<br /> permitted limits will be nfunded to Horrower. Lender may choose to rnake this refund by reducing the principal owed i.
<br /> under the Note or by making a direct payment to Horrower.If a refund reduces principal,the redu�tion will be t�eatod as a
<br /> partial prepayment without any prepayrnent charge under the Note.
<br /> 13. I.e�islatioa Alieetfng Lender'� RIg6b. lf enactment or eapiration of applicable laws has the efftct of
<br /> rendering any provision of the Note or this Security Instrument unenforceable according to its terms,L.ender,at its option,
<br /> may require immediate psyment in full of all snms secured by this Security lnstrument and may invoke any remedies
<br /> permitted by patagraph 19. If Lender eaercises this option.Leader shall take the steps specified in the second paragraph of
<br /> Ps*aB�Pb I7. .
<br /> !4. '.VoHces. Any notice ta Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by deli�ering it or by :�,
<br /> mailing it by first class mail unless applicable iaw requi�es use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the �
<br /> Property Address or arcy other address Borrower daignates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by
<br /> first class mail to Lender's address stated herein ot any other address Ltnder designates by notice ta Banower.Any notice
<br /> provided'for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed co have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided
<br /> in this paragraph.
<br /> IS. Gg�erninQ Lw;Se�erability. This Security I�strummt shall be governed by federa6 taw and th�!aw of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is locatal. ln t�te event that any provision or clause of this Sect�rity Instrument or the
<br /> Note conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Nose .
<br /> which can be givm e}fx!without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions af this Sece:rity Instrussea:t and the
<br /> Note are declued to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one wnformed copy of the Note and of this Security lassatument.
<br /> 17. Trantter of the Property or a Benefletal Interest in Borrower. If all or any part af t�e Property or any
<br /> interest in it is sold ar transferred(or if a beneficial interest in$orrower is sold or transferred and Bos�c*Rer is not a natural
<br /> penon)without Lender's prior written consent, L.ender may.at its option,require imr_�ediate payrnent i;�f�tl af all sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument. However, this opt�on shall not be eaercised by L.ender if exercise is prcth:bited by
<br /> federal law as of the date of this Security lnstrument.
<br /> lf Lender exercises this option,Lender shal!give 8arrower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period ,--�:_�,__ -
<br /> of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay aU cums secured by •
<br /> this Security Instrument.lf Borrower fails to pay thesc sums pnor to the exp�ration of this periad,I.onder may irrvoke any
<br /> remedies permittal by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> IS.Borrower'�Aigbt to Reieshte. If Borrowr.r meets certam conditions, Borrower sha1) have the right to have
<br /> enforc�mrnt of this Secunty lnstrument discontinued et any time pnar to the eatlttr of:fa)5 days(or such other period as
<br /> applicable law may specify for remstatement)bef�re sale of the Ptoperty putsuant to any power of sale conta�ned�n this
<br /> L Secunty Insttument;or (b)entry of a�udgment enforctng this Stcunty Instrument Those condwont are that Borrnwer �
<br /> (a) pays Lender all surns which then would be due under thic Secunty Intitrument and the N�te had no accderauon
<br /> oceurred; !b)cures any default of any othcr cnvenants ur s�greemcntti, (c1 pay�� all expense� �ncurted �n enforcong this �
<br /> Secunty Instrument,includ�ng,but nut hm�ted to, reasonable attorneys' fees. and Id) tnketi�uch acr�c�n a� 1 ender may r�
<br /> reasonsbly tequste .n a;suze that thc :irn o!'tMs Srcurosy lnstramen�. Len�rr's nghts in the Pr���r-iy and linrrower's ' �t
<br /> a61�g;�t�on t� pay thr �umti tiecutetl hy Ih�a Stcunt} imtrumen� tihaN cc+nunue unchanRed ['���n rem�tatrment h� ` ,.�
<br /> f3Atir�:ter,tbi�iewrily lmitutnent aneS t1�r��f�I�gbUonssecutci{hrtehy tiiiali rctnuin f�li� e(Te�t��c'�+:il ni'a.i�lrra,u�::ha.1 ,.,
<br /> �Krurred Nc�wc�er. th�5 ngh►t<,reu��tA1C��Iifil h��1.ippl!, uf tYir,a�e�,f a��eirr.�u�m:incirr�ar��ra�h� I � �,r i'
<br /> _�
<br />