Z�`e�%a'.�� � . . �.-F�,.'"'-. _ �`^�r`.r�.'i:'x�n���.._,. ..__:._ .
<br /> __ °,� _ . . _ . -.- _.._ _..�'..-7--_. . .
<br /> . '�2 . . � .� . . . �
<br /> � - -r -� - . ,�. _ — . . . . . . p . . .. :�`i , . .. . . _ __- _ '..'..•'�'��zW'
<br /> --srr YY. -:. ��6 �i-`,r �—'_ —_--_ __...�-_. _...__._.. �___'_"
<br /> , � 1�.q'rfsnsfer of We Paroperty or a Ss.�efic3al IInteresa�°�ar�o�yer. If all or uny pzrt of the PropenY or any interest in it —:-
<br /> �...
<br /> }� is sold or transferreG(a��f a benefisial interest in BorroNer is sold or transferred�dmen�nefi�ll af uli ums p curc� by chis �
<br /> ;; Lender s prior wriuen consQnt, I.eader m�y. at iu option, require imsns�iate pay . --
<br /> � . . ^ ;. _.i Security Ir►StnimEnt.However,this option shall nat be eAercisa�4}�.�er if excrcise►s prohibited by federal law as of the date �
<br /> �1 of this Security Inssrument. � _
<br /> . . , .S If Ler_der exercisss this option.Leader shJl give�orr��ver nntice of arcelQration.'fhe n��ice Sf►all provide a periad��f nat _
<br /> � �.� less than 3�d�ys Trom th� date the nntice is deliv�d or m�iled ��ilhin �vhich Bnttotvcr must pay :il1 ,ums ssxurcd by this -
<br /> _ ; .�'<< Security Instrurnem• �t'Borro�ver i'ails to p�y thesc sums prinr to tne expir.�tian af this period•1.ender may invokc any rentedicti C
<br /> `r � . � permiued by this S�curiry instruinent withuut fuether rtnticr or demaixi on Barrower. � . �
<br /> 18, ��yr�t�er•s Rb�,i�t to Reinsta4e. if Bnrrower raseis certain condition... Born►wcr shaU have the ri�ht to have
<br /> � `. �� enfonement of thi+ Secunty Instcume�t discontinucd at any time prior ta the earlier of: Ia1 S days (or such nther periad as �
<br /> ' _ � appiicabic ia�v may �pztif c t�r af s tutdgment enfrcingthis�ecurity lns[�nim:�t�'iho�e�nd�anti arc thai Borroti�er(a1 pays =
<br /> ';�i�'.�e' SCCitr'tly 1ti5I[uI112Il1. ( ) rY J ..
<br /> Lender all sums whizh then tivould dz due urtder this 3rcuriry lnrirunw�t an�the Nflk a��f nn accelerstion l�¢d occurred:Ib1
<br /> � �'`"'"'�'�' cures an�• dc�'u'�it of anl� other cuv:na.nts or aSreements;!c)paY+��l enPenses u��°� in enfarcin�this S�curiry lnstniment.
<br /> � �[hat the lieu of this S�ty Instrument, Lendt�r'ssrigh s in th�dPt p=+tYuand Sorrower s obl gaiion t�o paYbthe uQms s ured by
<br /> . • this Sesurity Inswmec►t s h a l l co n t i n u e u n �����gf na acce etrati ntha occarr�rHo�ever,t hns ri g h t to reein s t a t e�s h a l l
<br /> • � abligations secuce�hereby shall remain fully e
<br /> �, not apply in the cass of acceleration under paragiaph 17,
<br /> � 19. 5ale of Note; Change af !'i.oaa Servir�e• T`+� Note or a partial interest in the Nute (tooetder with this S�curity
<br /> �.�� '� be sola one or mnre tim�without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may msult in a change in the entiry(�a�
<br /> _ .. . _ ��n��� Y p �. Instrtimenc.There also may lse one
<br /> as the'Loan Servicer)that collects�nonthl a °nts due urnic�r dle t�cxe snd this SecuritY
<br /> , or more changes of the Loan Ser�icer unretated t�� �f theh I4 abo e an�opp��pble law�The ouce will state the enamE ac►d
<br /> . • giv�n wri¢ien nodce of th$change in axordan� P �P
<br /> address of the new Loan 3ervic�r an�the address to whicfi paym:nts shoa�8�° made. The aotice wi�l also contain any other
<br /> .;;-, • informstiaa r�aquired bY�PPlicable l��t.
<br /> Zfl. �zardo�s Su6stanoes.Barrmver sha11 not ca�c ar p:rmit the presence.use.d14j3053I, storage, ar celea�e oY an)
<br /> , , . .; i�dous Substances on or in t�z Prop°.at�. 8arrow�r shsll nat do. nor allow anyone else W do. unything affecting the
<br /> ; - '.`:'"' pro rty thai is in viotaiion of any Envimnm.ntal Law.T'�e pie':eding t�v�sentences shall ao�p1�ybe�e Prriat o norma!
<br /> �" sto ge on the Property of small quantities of Hsw:cdous Subsmnces th��are g�..tally recogni aFP�P
<br /> -- ,'..s::.c::.� '� residenrial uses and to maintenanx of th�Prop�rtY.
<br /> '�" ' ' Borrower shsll prompily gire Leader written ttotice of a�►5' �nvesti�tion.elaim.demand, lawsuit os otlter action by anY
<br /> '''�°.`�� ovemmental or regulatory agency or privats party involving tha Property and flny Hazardous Substance o�Envi amm�?u� ��
<br /> ,;� , � _ g ovemmrntal or regu atory t5+•
<br /> .r-=-�-� of which Boaower has actual kno*vder� If Borrower leams.or is notified by any g n��^!•��wPr shall promptly take
<br /> -: �,a _. :,;
<br />'"�•':^' :'`��� any removai or other remediation of�y Hazardous Substance affect►nS the Pr°pert}`
<br />�KQ,s,.%;.;�f all necessary remedial actions in accordance witt►Envimnmental Law.
<br /> -.��,;,;�,,-�;, h 20. •Hamrdous 5ubstances^ are those substances defined as*.n�ic ar hazardous substanoes bY
<br /> --.._,;�.,�.• As used in this paiagraP
<br /> .���;°�;;A•� Env��and herbici es.otaule solve ts b�n"---eriuts canuuning asb eos�or formalde�hydbe1earni 4�adi a�EIE��A°sed in
<br /> =_=J.,,�y ts lo�'ed that
<br /> -s;�W��;:'`�.� �paragraph 20, 'Enviratunen t a! L ac�" s n:�s f e d e r a l �fl'N:��n� laws of the jurisdicticn.ti�i��:e the Pcaperry '
<br />--:�;;°;:.., ralate to health,safety or environmemal prote�inn.
<br /> =r�������
<br /> NON-iJMIFORM COVIENANTS.Borrn'�.�:s'.u��.i 1.ender further covenant and asree as f��'-���s:
<br /> ' Sorrower's breach
<br /> '�``'.,»:�,�� 21.Accelerutton; Remedies.l.ender�.:1I 1t�ve noiice to Borrower prior to ucc�i��an f�'���
<br /> of any wvenaat or agrcement€a t�is ��zc:� I�stnament (but not prtar to aocei�:�an u;.+��arag,raPh 1'f unless
<br /> __---.�:���,� appAcable luw provides ott:er�s[-�).'s�'he aotice shaA specify: (a)the default;
<br /> ro)q�.sr�:�n re�Dfr�to cure the defanit;
<br /> _=�,:Y:��-°� (c)a date,aot less than 30 ds�ys frn�the date the aotice ts given to Burruwer,tsY�Wr���e defa°it must be cured'and
<br /> ..-_�,.,4.'�{,���f� (� that fatlure to cure the det"a�li cn or before the dute speci��notice s�a11 f�c��'�t�BO1TO�r f�e righ�°
<br /> -� .;,{dr`:,. secured by this Security Listrament and sa3e of t6e PropertY-
<br /> „�=;�:,��!' • � aQd in the aoYice,
<br /> ��,.s,��t� e�einstaie after acePleratloa and t�e right w bceng a court actlon to assert the nor�eYLs�teace of t�default ur any o3 er
<br /> _--=�=s� de8ense of Bosrower to asceler�..�nn a�td s:.i�� Yfc th en�n fuU of allususns secure�isv t3�is Securt��In�trument wIthaut
<br /> -�_'- - �,srZetr, at its option, mugr �4uire�:nmet�sa2e pa3'm
<br /> - �
<br />