+�''�� . . � . s�'.�'.•'� . .
<br /> -Y----�-�� � ——---- - -— -
<br /> , � • . �
<br /> � . _ —.._
<br /> _:.._.. � .
<br /> � ;: ' -�' --. . ---- -------•-
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<br /> ,. _ =_-. �- � ------_..-- ---.- . _ . ___ _ t .._ _ 99- ���z� .
<br /> . �. . . TOGETHER W1TH all the impmvs�.menu now or hereaRei ereaed on the ProPeny.and all easerneats,aPPurcenances,aad
<br /> � SAtures ntnv or hereaftet a part of the pr�pxrty. All cepl�czmPats and additions shall also tre covered by this Securiry �.
<br /> Insttumani.All of the foiegoing is ieferred to ia this S�urity Insnu�eat as the"Propercy.' �«a.
<br /> ,. BORROWE3�COVENANTS t6at Bamnwer is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to�rant ar.d ��_
<br /> , �� coaveq the Frog�rty an�tba�t the PraFertY is unencu�bered,eu�pt for encumbrances of rc;cord. BoTrower wanants aad�'vili �,,
<br /> p all ciaims aad demands,subject w any enrumbrnces of record. �r:,
<br /> � � defend generaliy the title to the Pra erty against :{,
<br /> • ` THIS SECURITY INST[t1J1ViFNT cambines�miform oovenaau for national cue and aon-uniform covenaats with limited �"
<br /> ° varistions by jmi`dIpion to coasiitute a uniform securiry insuumeni covering real pmperty. •
<br /> UNIFORM COVENAN'fS.Borrocvet and L�ader caveaaat and agcee as follows: �__
<br /> v
<br /> �- 1. Pgymeut of Ptinsig�a�and d�fer�ss: Y�'�paYmeut an� H.ate Chargcs. Borrov�er shall promPtlY Fa}+ whea due the .:::
<br /> �"�",--„'-�-. ,I P�jPal of aad i�aterest on the debt evideuczd hy the Note and auY P�S'm�t and lare charges due under the Note. �.�;;
<br /> • . �� �{ 2.�'aads for Taxes and Insu�a�rx.Subjeci w applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> • � " Lender on thx d�y montlily payments are dne under the Note,until the Note is paid in fiill,a svm('Fu�ds")for.(a)YeaT1Y tax�s ���-
<br /> t' � and r.ssess�eenis which may attaia priozity oveT tLis Secusity ,ment as a liea on ths Prop�rry;(b)YearlY leasehold payments �i__.
<br /> � ar gmund ienu on the Pmperty,if auy;(e)Year1Y ha2aTa oI pmperty insu�aace Premiums;(d)YeaziY flood insuraace Premiums. �_
<br /> . :.� � if anY'(e}Y Y �S an sum9 payable b Bormr�er to Leader,in a.�ac�dance c�. e=
<br /> earI murt e insuran�premiums.if aay;aad(� Y y
<br /> d►�grovisions of gatagraph 8,in lieu of the paytaent of mortgage insumnce preminms.These items are calle�"��Ite�.°
<br /> -- • - :: � I�endzr may,at anY ti�.colxt acd hold Funds ia aa aznount not to exc.eed ths snaximur�amo�mt a lea� £�r a fed�
<br /> re�ated mortgage loan may reqnire for Boma�ver's escm�v account uadez the federal Real Estate Settlem�nt I?��As�:t
<br /> . . � ., 1974 as amQn��from tim�to time,12 U.S.C.SQCtion 2b01 et seq.(`?,i:�PA").unless aanther law ttt�az apP�to the F�
<br /> �s a lesser��t. If so. Lende�may,at aay tmae,collect anfl ho2d:r:..�.ds in an amouat not to exceed the lesser am4.�1-
<br /> � ' g�er may estimate the�:�t of Funds due on the basis of cUrrent ciata atd�anable estimates of e�ra�''�s of futur
<br /> � � �,�� ��vw Items or otherwise�.P.�cordauce with agplicable law.
<br /> � ' . t ��� The Funds shall be heid in aa institution whose degosits aue �:�-�by a�deral a8e�.n'' �uads to pay t�: -
<br /> _:•---•=;� ��� (mcludimg Lender,if Leoder is such aa insawt�on)or ia any Federal Hc�-.u.3reaa Ba�Ic.L.ender�;ai:i EPP the escrow acco�-��
<br /> Escrow Items.�...ender may aot charge Botrower for holding aad applya�'::�.'•Fu�ds.aanuallY�:�
<br /> n
<br />. -. �� � verifying the Fscrow Ite�. �less Lender pays Borrower intcrass on the:�:�:s 4:?c�licable law peimits Len�,:,.to mak::�
<br /> � � a d�ge.Howevzr.Ixn:.�-r�y�Bo�wer to pay a oae-time�ha�ge for��:1�:pen¢���e�����'"�
<br /> . used by Iend�es in conc�aa with this loan, unless appilcable law provides a:3:zwise. Unless aa egrecment is m�: cr
<br /> - , - _ - apPlicable iaa zequires iaterzst tQ be paid,Lender sha11 not be required to PaY Bormwer any interest er eanaings on the F*.:rcjs.
<br /> • Bonower and I.end$r may z�ee in writing.however,that interest shat3 be paid on the Fnnds. L�der shall�fo ahich each
<br /> I.en
<br /> .F� � without cha�e, an annual �unting of the Fuads,shovuing crediu and debiu tQ the Fuads ar.d tDe P�P
<br /> .�� �4` `
<br /> �_t��.�'. • debit w the Faads aras mai.e.�e Fuads are ple�iged as addirional seruriry for all m.�secured by shis Seruritg ��-
<br /> _ - If ahe Fasd.4 held by I.�.°...der exc�d the amo�is permitted to be held b5+aPrI`t«�a:�law.Len�er s�aII�ara�t ta Boirawer
<br /> '� �� � ments of applicable law.If the�ount of tt��-^.�..r�s h+�:."�'I�nder at any
<br /> 1�� for the excess Funds in accordaare wit��-�1�
<br /> -• � timQ is sot sufFit�.nt to pay�e Esccow Tte�s when due.L�mder may so norify�orrower in writing�aad,in si:ch cass Borrowtr
<br /> `-"�x:"'-..;:�;,; ` s�ll Pay w Ie�er thE�:�nt necessatP to make up�.:deficiencY. Borcower.�:..1 inake up the de�icieac}r'�no inore than
<br /> ��,:��;�.,;,•y+ twelve manthly payments,�t Lsnder's sole discrerioa
<br /> :�R,x;�-.: ;-� UPon Payment in ful�of ail sums�ecured by this Sr,curity Insu�ment, Irender shall pmmptly refuad ir�orrower aay
<br /> � ' Fuads held by Lender.If,undzr parngaph 21,l.endsr shall a�qnire c7 sell the Pragerty,I.ender,prior to tiie ac.e,�aisifion or sale
<br /> - ',�- ''�'`� of the Pcoperty,sha11 aPPIY az►Y FuIIds held by Lender at the time of Rcquisition or sate as a credit against the sums serured by
<br /> -'��'�>.` _-.�' ' tbis 5ecuriry Instiument.
<br /> _..=""�`=''���y�,`�� s 3,pppiication of Fa�.�enta•Ualess applicable law provides otheiwise,all payments teceived by Lender uader patagra`gles
<br /> , {_._ L�j
<br /> ...'�.��i�,.� 1 and 2 shall be applied:�st.to aaY PT�PaY�t�8�due nnder the Note:seear.d,to amounu payable uader parag�ap
<br /> �°'��"`�'► third,to inie�si due.fourth.to Priacipal dtie;aad last,to any late chargss due under the Nois.
<br /> ����� q,Chx��;Iden9. �orrower sball paY all taxes,assessments.ctrarges,fines and impo�itieag ann'butable to the ProgertY
<br /> `":`�': .�i� which may r��.�:;a priority r:3r tl�s SECUrity Insuum,ens,and leauhoid payments o:gcour•d rents,3f aay.Borrower sLall pay
<br /> - -- _.�•-.
<br /> ==t�;.r�-° �utse obllgadoas in t�::�.umimr provided in paragapD a.or if not paid in that maaaer.Barrower shaU pay th-.-m on time d' y
<br /> ="'•���1 ca the person owed pa}r-.�m:.Bormwer shall PmmPt1Y fumis�w Lender all aotice.v oY amouats to be paid under tbis paragraPh.
<br /> -�;��;�q�'i df Borrowe�rma��these payments directlY.Borrower shall pmmptly fiunish to Leader reseipis evideacing tha payme�ts.
<br /> -=a°�'�1 Borrov��.e r�all PmmpilY dischnrge any lien abich has prioaity over this Security Inmoment unless BoTrower.(a)agas in
<br /> � _ :writing to t�.��ayment of the obligaiion secured by the lien in a manaer accePtable to Lxnder.(b)contests ia good faith the llen
<br /> �li��:�'`�`' 1;�� o: defends against er.`.arcement of ttce lien in, legal praceediags wluch in the Leuder's opinion operute to pnvent the
<br /> --_;,..:��,�:::�•
<br /> "��T •"- �s. enfo�emsnt ef the lien;r.e(c)secures from the holder of tne lien an agreement s;afsfactory to Lender subordinaung the iien to
<br /> `•;::7;ry.�'�::&► this SecuritY i�c.."t:ument. Ii Lender dstezmines that any part of the Property is suts�r�t to a liea whird�may attain prtorlry over
<br /> .,����-: �::�
<br /> •� � this Sesuri�y ti�ruument, Lender may give Borrower a aatice identifying the lien.Bartov�er afmlf.satisfy the lien or e one ot
<br /> ��,r��,�;
<br /> - •,,.�,.�.,e ; m�re of thc�x:ons set fort6 above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> -:,'�,�, .: Faan 3028
<br /> - �::i:a��'E''��S
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