�d . _ �. _ . _
<br /> . ,
<br /> .,���:° _--- �----------- --- ----.��.__ _ ...--- ----�- `"�
<br /> � �� � . 99� ���� �
<br /> � � � �� �-
<br /> ' ' ts iaslust'ing interest � �
<br /> Unless Ltnder and Bosrovrer otTietwi� agree in writing� all awards, PaYmeut� or judgut.a , :F:.
<br /> :; � ��I tasieon.for aay injury to or de�rease in the valus of t�e Propexty rcoeived by Boirower wi11 be used to restore tfce Fr�getry ar T.�
<br /> aP�lied to the gayiaent of sums secured by this Securiry Insuument, whether or not thea due. with aay excESS paid to °{�
<br /> � � Bflrrower. Unless Leasler aad Botrower otl�rwise agree in aritin�,anY aPPUc�tion of prooceds to paacipal�all noi ex�ad _
<br /> ° _ -� ` or postpone the dne date of the monthlY Paymenis nfermd w in Paragraphs 1 aad 2 or change the aaounts of the payments. .,,4
<br /> ayme s
<br /> � .. r Bairower a$r�s that ia tlie eveat an award.PaYment or jvdgment inclades oompensation for hoth iajiuy.or decra�e in tite •
<br /> � value of the Pmperty aad co�ensatifln for sny other injury or loss,the total amount of such 2ward.payment or judgaur►t
<br /> � � � 1 shall be deemed mmgensntion cvith resp�ct to the Progerty aad Borrower ItPreby consents to I eadsr's interv�ntion inta asiy
<br /> =�=_- P������=�OP�Y• dnrin the toan
<br /> ' �.� 7. Loan Agpti�3ion Yrneesc.Borronrer sh�ll bz in defaulc uader this SeQUity InstNmeat,if Sorrower, g ��-
<br /> � � � a p plica8on process,8ave materially fals�or ia�ate infom�atinn or ssatemsnts to Lender(or failed to pm►ride Leader with �,._
<br /> any maierial info�.tiaa direstiy bearinB on LEader's decision to e x t e a d c r e d i t to Bo r r mv e r), i n c o a n.e c t i o n w i t h t h s l o x n �,:.
<br /> evidenced by the Noie. �'�
<br /> 8. Proi�tIon oi bender's Rights in the Propeaty.If Bflrmrrer fails to gErfarm the wveaanrs aad ag�nts co�aiasd _.
<br /> • ; in this Sec�ity Insu�t,or thzre is a legal Prooced.m8 thu may significantly affe�t Leader's rights ia ths ProPertY(surh as �_.
<br /> t re
<br /> .•'�� a pmoeeding in b�3ctupicy,Pmbase.for wud�mnation,ferfciture or w enforee laws or rzgularions).then I.eadsr ma3►do and =
<br /> ' pay for whatever is necessaiy w pmtect th2 valus of ci�Piapecty aad L�adee's righu in the Propertgr. I,euder's aixions may _
<br />.:';;'�t: .; ins2ude payinS anY sums se�vred by a Hea whirh h� griority over tbis Seca�rity laguumeat, appea�in8 in court, Fa3+�8 ;:
<br /> �:
<br />`�:��;:k. ' _ ..�,; teason�ble attomeys'fees and entering an ths Progerty to makc iepairs or abare nuisaasc.s_Althau�h Lender maY take as�on ��_
<br />,;�'�y`�: under this Paia,�aph 8.Lender does a¢t Uave oo do so.The right of 1L¢ndsr w pmtect Lender's�b.ts in the Proptrty sha11 _-
<br /> .�?«<•�.-}- �-,,,,�,p�Y im�io�s,cr�t rEp°rts,a�praisals,aPinions of valu�or oth�r
<br />'-`s��. , `-':��' �IICIII�E tflC�i0 O�?fB�H 8I�i1r[fliii�'S N—
<br /> expett opinioas�a reports ualess grolul�it�tsy law.
<br /> +: �. ' Any ammmis disfiused by Leadsr aa�er this l?r�.�agh 8 shaU become additional debt of Bamuurer�by this _
<br /> . . .. � ge�iiyr lnatr.��t.Ualess Borowet and Lender agt�e��cs�er terms of payment,these amounts shall 6ear amt�tst fmm the _
<br /> date of disbu�rnznt at the Nate rate and shall be paya�I���inter�c�roon demaad of I.ender. _
<br /> ' 9. Ma�iF.�e Ia�raace. If Lender required mer��e insur..�e as a condition of matdr�t�.'e loan sec�ed by this
<br /> .;, �ty ,�+ent, Borrower shall pay the premiut� G��aired to�tain the iasvranse in effixx until such ame as the =
<br /> ; -... �; cequirea�t for the tastuance�rminates ia accordance a��i:.Borrower's and Ixnder's�catt�:n ageea�ent or applieable law. _
<br /> � . � • ,� 10. Iaspection.L$ader�y mage or cause m ise�::.reaso�ble c�ries upo�:r�.inspecsio�s of the Property.pmvided -
<br /> thaz Leader shall give Bormwar notice gara:r�aay su�i inspection specifyinS nascir;slti.���e a�for as re]aied to Lender's
<br /> � • inteiest in the Pruperty.
<br /> 11. Cond�nattoa.The prureeds c,�..y award or slaim for�ryM�,3es, direcc oi cc�s,�»ti:'�,,in conneation wlth any
<br /> candemnation or other taking of tb�e Propetty.or paat c:i�s.vz fer o:.s�vayaace ia�ef coL:..^-�.��on,are heaEby assigaed
<br /> ._�, . • and shall be paid w l�eader.subject to the terms of az►y�:r.�=nZ=,c�:.of m�st or cxi::se,curity agreement wi3s a lien wluch
<br /> .;_ :: '. has priority over this Se�urIty Insmimen� _
<br /> . . . � _ In ttj..:�ev�t of a total taking of the Property, the pmcee�•p�'.:�:1 be app;ied to the svas� secured by this Securit�
<br /> .,;••.� Insuument,c�Irt��e�or IIoi t6tu d�e,with any excess paid to Borm;�_ In th�evant of a parti�i taking of the Prapeny in .
<br /> � • .�Lich the fair m3rket value of the Pmgerty immediately befaYe the ta`�ng is equ4:rn or greater than the amount of tDe su�ms
<br /> ,,.I�� ~ ' ' secured by this Security Iasu�ent immrdistely befoR the taldng.unless Bomawer and Lender othernise agree in writing,the
<br /> -.�;.�.•: •.. �.�
<br /> '-=�:;��.. ..<r-, sums seciued by this Secur.C�-L�smim.�nt shall M reduced by the amouni of the praceeds mulaplied by ths followIng fracxion:
<br /> - r (a)the total amouas of the sums s�cure3li�s.�d3ztelY before the taIdng.divided by(b)the fair m.��:et valus of tht ProFerty
<br /> �'��,:s; •-�.
<br /> ,..�:__�,>::�� immcdiauly before the teldng. Any baLmi�shall be paid w Borro�ver. In the event of a gaiti:�i t:;�dng of the Ptopetty i�
<br /> _-",..ret° � which �he fair mazket value of ths PrakeYty immediately before the taking is less than the ;s�rnr�t of tDt svms sec�e3
<br /> "L��.9�Fr�'1_iLS��
<br /> �.�:ti�''" • immediatety before the taking, unless Borrower and F�-der ott�iwise agee ia�vriting or unless applicaf:le 13�� aiherwise
<br /> •��-��:-�.�"_�r pmvides.ths procads shall be applied to the sums se���by this Serurlry Zasnument whcther or not the sa�:s���dus.
<br /> ' - •' � '� If Us�i�ropeny is abandoned by Bosower.or if,after n�d�a�by Lender to Borrower that the cond��n:.z sff'�'tq�-
<br /> -,'�`� '1'' ' � maYe an awzN1 oT settle a claim for�^�es.Bonower fails to rr�crn�to Leader withia 30 days after the date the netice 3r�•
<br /> u�- f� givm,Lender is suthor�to collect and apply the procceds.at its option,either to restoration or repair of the Pmperty aas'
<br /> -::�'�;:�'`•:_.
<br /> -- :.�,. .•:., the sums sec+ued by this�a�a�:y Instrumenb whaher or not then due.
<br /> ,,��-°;�� Unless Lender an�:�orcower otheiwise agreE in writing,anY aPPlication�.t`p.ocesds to principal shall not extend or :_
<br /> -'-��;,"'' postpone tht dus date of the monttily paymenu refeired to ln Paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the aznuunt of such payments-
<br /> _..��,T: -�. _�.
<br /> -�-:�`:�-.�. � 12, gorrowu Nat Released;Fortstaraase By LEnder Noi a Waiver;Aacep3ance oY FnrtfIIi'.Phyataart•Extension of thc
<br /> �`:=;��'"'=� tL�ne for paymsnt or modification of amortization of the sums s�cured by Wis Security I�-�rm�'a-'ut giaated by Lender Ya
<br /> :,.?;j:'..�.�.. .
<br /> ,•;. :.�- Borrower or any suace�sor in intems�of Bonrower shall not operate to relcase, fa.sWy manne�.�e liability r_f th:orig3a31
<br /> i, 'r.
<br /> �___t .. t .:�':'t'.
<br /> `:�.
<br /> NEBAASKA OEED Of YitU�T i��a»Ortgfnal - Recozd 0089022495
<br /> _ .°i N[003-4NE vaq�s ot 7
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