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<br /> granu and canveys to Trustee.in trust,w[th Fow2r of sale.the following describsd pragerty located in �,-:
<br /> Hal l Counry,State of D:ebraska:
<br /> � � (SEE E�wI�IT 'A' ATTACH�D) r�.
<br /> '���:.:
<br /> � '.f�.
<br /> i . .
<br /> 4 :.4.:----f-s'�- i '
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<br /> : being the s�me pivpextY commanlY knflrm as: 325 Arapahne Avenue. Grand Isl and . �� 68���Add�ss•?.
<br /> �:��
<br /> TUGE��R with all th�improvements no�v or hereaRer erected on the pmperty, and aU eases�ts.rl�+ts,aPP�� —
<br /> . �,- and renw.ali of wl�ich shall be deemed to ise aad ramam a part of the progerty covered by this��!I�'uu�nt• All of the -
<br /> $� foregoing, togeth2r with such property(or the 1�1d c�tate if this Security Instrument is aa��easehold)ate called the -
<br /> :--=-- �� "�P�Y•w �-
<br /> gunower covenants that Borrower�S iaw�iy s�ed of the estate hereby comr�yed aa�F�s the ri8ht to mortgage.
<br /> . grant and convey tlte Pragerty, and that n:: Propzrcy is uaencumb�red, excePt for eaaimB�rs� of tecord. Borrower --
<br /> sre
<br /> . . . ._ f� � vr�.�ts aad wvesiants thai Borrower w�l defend geaecally the titie to the Prcperty against all ciaii��ad demands,s�sbjece tu -
<br /> c�a�brances of record.Barrower further warrants,mFm�'�ts aad covenaab hen due the principal and'mtere�inde9tedaess
<br />' �„ Payment o!Pr�ndgal and In4erest.Bonaw��sall pmmP�Y PaY
<br /> .:�,"•.:� anc�all other charges evideaced by the Note. m Ixuder --
<br /> . . , '•• ;� Z. F'un�for Tages aad Ynsorance.If required by Lender.aad subject to applicable law,�a*wer sh211� -
<br /> �' ;� on the day montlilY P�Y�nts are due undra:�ir�Note.�the Note is paid in full,a sum('Fua�s �•:5r.(a)yearly taxes aad
<br /> (`•'�;���� ass�smeats which may attain nr.i!iri17► �I;leaseho2d a ts ar
<br /> o��+�Security,Insm�ment as a lien oa the Property;(b)5 1� Y�
<br /> ' /`t��° ' grd�md r�nts on the Properry.i�any.(c)S�IY h�°r P�PertY�ce PYemiums;(d)YeariY flmod insvr�e Premiums,
<br /> :s��:. � if an;,and(e?Y�IY��e i n s u r a n o e,y-�i u m s, i f an y. T h e s e i t e m s are csille�"Escrow I*_�.' Lead:r may, at any
<br /> r:;:. time,coliect anbl hol�Funds in an amawu:zn:to exc�ed the maximvm amount a lender for a fed�wu:?related mortgage loan
<br /> -. �. �' . mnY cequire for Borrower's escrow aecouu�ss:���tl�e federal Real Estate Sectlemeat Procedures Ar:�11974,as amended from
<br /> time w dme,12 U.S.C.Section 2C01 et se�.•i r;�S.�'A"1,unl�s another law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser amouns. If
<br /> ` " , . s:. l�nder may.at�Y time,collecc and hold Fe::::�.�m un xarn�Qot w exceed the lesses amount. Lend'er crrx;��timate the
<br /> '�'!-� ^ �r�t�.t Qf Fr:,,:'s due oa the�asis of c�urent data and�^»s�ab.�estimates of eapendinues of future Escmw E:��:�r othernise
<br /> `, . ��.;�-�applicable law. � • inamimr:nE�lity,or entity
<br /> ,-;;l ' q�r,;,cds shall be held in an institution whose de sits ar2 insuied by a federal agenc5,
<br /> � (iacluding Lender,if Iender is such an insututton)or in any Fe�eral Home Loan Bank. Leati.er a�ct;u ag�ly ttt:F�ds t�o�paw
<br /> ns
<br /> _;`�� r tho Escrow Items. d�ender may+aot charge Borrov�er for halding and applying t�r.��ar.ds, a�na�ly analY�B
<br /> y+i,i��{a:r,,.- ,
<br /> - . �� •,r• � aoa�unt,or vetify�ng the Escrow Items.unless Lender pays Borrower interest oa tiv:��t�v and a��licable law permits I�ender
<br /> ='>:=�:�'.;�:r�;.: Borrower to a a aae•dme charge for s^_4ndependent real estate tax
<br /> _��s,.�,� to muke such a charge. Hower•tr, Lender may require P Y
<br /> =�,���`� reporting senrice ased by Ixader ia conae�tion arIth this loaa,unless appHcable law pmvide�o•��vae. Unless an agreement
<br /> '-`;-;:°-�:•:;4'� is made or applicable taw rrquires inure�st to be paid,LEnder shall uot be tequired to pay Bo:row��ar3�inierest or eaming�Qn
<br /> ':'�=`.'�. ..� however,that inte�est shall be paid an the Funds. L�d�r s'�all giti��
<br /> .r,,.;�„ ..�-. I�JP.�11IIdS. BOIIOWCI BIIt�I.CIIdEt IDHy 8$I'CE Itl W[lUII$.
<br /> A, . .. . i
<br /> =° ''�;��• -• trr Boaower,without charge,an annual accounting of tine�unds,showing crediu and debits to the Fuads an�;crie�utpose or
<br /> =-'"x'�°-"�� which each debit to che Funds was made. The Funds�.�pledged as additional security fot aU swns secur�L�;:���ry
<br /> 'S?'��a1;;.`,�> :
<br /> ., ""��,�,_� In�ttumen�
<br /> _�'�!!�'='." If the Fuads held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by upplicab2e.zc�, Lender shall account to
<br /> -�;�;,,-�""-�" Sonower for the excess Fuads in accordance with tLe rz9wremenu of applicable 1nw. If t::.�:.nr:ouat of the Funds held by
<br /> _=?:�'4;.�,;1'�:': ' Lendel at any time is not s�ffisient t�pay tt�e Escrow Items when due,L�ender m-aj i so ao�Borcower in writi�g,aud+ in
<br /> =.:;,,``"`�,;°.. � sucb case Boarower shall pay to l.end� the amount necessar�► to make u t,r �.�.:icien Boaower shull make up the
<br /> deSciency tu�rnore than twelve ffion�:.1�payments,at Lender's sal�e di�cretion.
<br /> ��;'-�; ' • : fJt'�SRASKAOEEDOFTRUGT;.�:nOrig-:aI - Recor3 pQ,g9022495
<br /> ?';i;+' . " tfiJ03-2HE Ps�p z ot�
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