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<br /> - gg� �,Q�090
<br /> tB. MMeNian�au�Provhlo��.
<br /> • �a) Bo�towM Ncl RN�aNd.Extenaion of tho tlme tar paym�nt nr modification of emortlzatipn al the eum�eeCUred by this
<br /> • Deed of T�ust�ranted by Lender to any successar In interest of Borrower shalf not cperate to release,In any menne�i,the Iinbillty
<br /> of the orl�ina►1 Borrowar and Borrower's euccessors in intefest.Lendar shall not ba required to commence procaedinas as�ttnst
<br /> suCh suCCessor or�etuse ta extend time 1or payment ar otherwiae modity amortization o1 the eums eecu�ed by thle Deed of Truat
<br /> by►��son ot any demnnds made by the oripinal Borrowe►and Borrowsra succeseors in interea4
<br /> (b) L�ndK'�Pow�n. Without aitectinp the Iiability of eny other pe�son Ilabte tor the payme�t o1 any obligation herein
<br /> � mentloned,and without aftecting the Uen o�charge of this Deed o1 Trust upon eny portion o}the Property not then or theretotare
<br /> released es aecuritv for the lutl amount of ali unpald oblipation9,Lender may,trom time to time and wlthqut notiee(i)�elease any
<br /> �a�earj so iia0ta,(ii)extan�the rnetur�ty�r a�ter any ot tha tarma ot any auch oblipa:ians,(1!!j ptaa!othsr Indul�r�nces,p:�}reia�a
<br /> . or reco�vey,or cauae to be releaaed or reconveyed at any time at Lender's optlon a�y parcel,portlon or all of the Property,
<br /> ; �v�take or release any other or additional security for any obligation herein mentloned,or(vl)make compo�itiona or other
<br /> arran�ements with debtors in relation the�eto.
<br /> � (c) Forb�a►anc�by L�ndK Nol a Walv��.A�y torbearance by Lender in exercisiny any right or remedy hereunde!, or
<br /> otherwiae atto�ded by applicabte law, shall not be a waiver of o�p�eclude the exerciae ot any such rigM or remedy.The
<br /> procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other Ilens or charges by Lender shall not be a walver of Lender's right to
<br /> aCCelerete the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> ; (d) SuccN�on and Auf�ns Bou�d;Joint aed S�v�nl LIaWIHy;Csptlom.The covenants and agraementa herein con-
<br /> : teined ahall bic�d,and the nghts hereunder shail Inure ta,tha respccliv3 succesaors and assigns of Lender and T�ustQ�.All
<br /> j covenant�and agreements ot Trustar sha�(�C►e Jolnt and several.The captions and headings of tha paragraphs of this Qee�oi
<br /> TrWt are tor canv�enience on(y and are nm1 io be used to interpret or define the provisions hereot.
<br /> • (e) Rpwst tor Notie�s.��re parhes hsreby reques!that a copy of any notice e�default hereunder anc!a ca�+y vt an�r notice
<br /> of sate hereunder be maited i�each party to this Deec°of Trust at the address s�?fQrth above i�the rtes�nr�r pre9crihed by
<br /> applicable law.Except for any other�otice�equ:►ed u�dar applicabte law to be g����;n ar.othe�man�er,a��t aotice provided
<br /> tor i�this Deed o1 Trust shall be give�by mail9ng such notice by certified mail8ddressed ta V:e ott�e►Rarties.at the address set
<br /> torth aaove.Any notice provided for in th�s Deed of Tre�st shall be eftective upen �r.�::iRg in the manner de5igna4ed�ece�n_If
<br /> Trustor is more than one pe�sQOr,notice sent to the aC�fess set torth ahove shaE4 b�notice to all such persQ*�a
<br /> , (f} Inap�cti0o.lender ma�cnake or cause to be made reasonable entries uR��n and inspectiona of the PcqpeKy,prov:cled
<br /> that Le�der 9hall give Truator�otice prior to any such inspection specitying reasonabte cause theretor related to Lende�'s
<br /> interest in the Property.
<br /> (y) Raconwysne�.Upon payment af all sums secured by this Deed of Truat.Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> Praperty and shall surrender this Deed of Trust and all notes evidenci�g indebtedness secured by this Degd of Trustto Trustee.
<br /> Trustee ahall reconvey the PropeRy without warranry and without charge to the pe�son or persons Iegally enUtled thereto.
<br /> Truator shall pay all costs of recordation, if any. +
<br /> (h) PMSOnaI PropMy;S�cunty Ayrt�mmt. As addiNonal secunry tor the payment ot the Note.Trustor hereby grants �
<br /> �en�er unaer ine iveoraaica ilniiorRi�,vni»�a���ai���o a�s�srs;y:Zto:vb:i:i�::�3XtiitC�,���1�RtT.�!!�,8t!',�.0l.E'.°f�[�QI!$��[^r^i_°1C1;
<br /> used in connection with the real estate or improvements tocated thereon,and not otherwise declared or deemed to be a part ot
<br /> the real estate secured hereby.Thia instrument shall be construed as a Securiry Agreement under said Code,and the Lender
<br /> shall have all the rlghts and remedies o1 e secured party under said Code in addition to the rights and�emediea created under .
<br /> and accorded the Lender pursua�t to thls Deed of Trust;provided thet Lender's rights and remedies under this pafagraph 8hell�
<br /> be cumulative wlth,and in no way a limitation on,Lender's righta and�emedies under any other security agreement signed by
<br /> Borrower or Truator.
<br /> (i) Llstx�nd Encumbranc�s.Trustor hereby warranta and represente that there is no default under the provisiona of any
<br /> mort�ape,deed of trust,{ease or purchase contract describing all or any part of the Property,ar other contraC�inetrument or
<br /> agreement constituting e lien or encumbrance againat all or any part of the Property(collsctively,"Liens"),exfsting as of the
<br /> date o1 this Deed ot Trust,and that any and all ezisting Liens remai�unmodified except as diaClosed to Lender in Truator's
<br /> written diaCtosure ot liena and encumbrances provlded tor herein. Trustor shall timety pertorm al! ot Trustor's obligations,
<br /> � covenanta,rep►esentationa and warranties under any and all exis�t�rtg and future Liens.shall promptly forward to Lender copies
<br /> of alI notices ot detauH sent in connection with any and all exist�ng or future lisns,end shatt not without Lender's prior written
<br /> consent in any manner modify the provisions of or allow any future advances unCer any existing or tuture liens.
<br /> (j) ApplkaHon of P�ym�nb.Unless otherwise required by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,irtcluding without limitation
<br /> payments of princlpal and interest, insurance proceeds,condemnation proceeds and rents artd protits,strall be apptied by
<br /> Lender to the amounts due and owing from Trustor and Borrower in such orde�as Lender in its sole discretion deems desirable.
<br /> (k) g�vKabiNty. N any provision of this Deed o1 Trust conflicts with applicable law or is declared invatid or otherwise �'��
<br /> unentorceable,such conillct or invalidity shall not aftect the other p�ovisons ot thls Deed ot Trust or the Note which can be
<br /> given effect without the contUcting provision,and to thls end the provisions of this Deed o1 Trust and the NOte are declared to be �.
<br /> , severable. •
<br /> (I) TKms.The terms"Trustor"and"9orrower"shall include both singular and plural,and when the Trustor and Borrower. :
<br /> are the same person(s),those terms as used in this Deed of Trust shall be interchangeable. �
<br /> (m) Gov�min�Lsw.This Deed of Trust shall be governed by the laws of the State of Nebraska.
<br /> Trustor ha�executed thls Deed o!Trust as of the date written above. /�
<br /> '' /�1�-t7
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<br /> K eth L. Ross stor Husband
<br /> � ��� ��
<br /> (Bernice L�.Md Rosshrustor Wife
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