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<br /> _ . _ ._ � _
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<br /> Truator understemds thut the document that Ttustor is about to exaGUta is a Deed o1 Trust end no!a mortgage and that the power
<br /> of ssls providad for in tha Deed o!Tru�!pro�ides eub3tentlally dlMerenf rlghta and obllgations to T►u�tor thsn a mortgage In the event
<br /> • of a d�fauft or br�ach o!ohiipatlon undar the Deed of Trust,lnoludinp,but not lim(ted to,the lendsr's rigMto have ths Propert�sofd
<br /> by ths T�wtee without�ny judiclal prx�edinp. Trustor represents and war�anta that this acknowledgemen!wae executed by
<br /> � Tru�tor betore ths ex�cutlon of the t)eed of Trust. �� c�, f�
<br /> Z
<br /> Hlileth L. Ro98 Trustor �
<br /> // 5c�� � �t�'1 C�.��
<br /> •—i ,lY4,•r"�2 1'
<br /> (Bernice L.M. Ros��usta� Wife
<br /> THIS DEEO OP TRUST. is made as ot the�day o1 �t�r ,1989 by and arnong
<br /> the T►ualor. K��� L. R'�s3 �nc7 �'�^n�.� L.M. Rosa. Husband & Wife
<br /> whose mailln9 add�oes is 581 EdSt 20th� GL'alid Islalid, NE 68801 �herein"Truator;'whethes one or morej,
<br /> the Trustee, William G. 8lackburn. a Menber of the NE State ear Assn. ,
<br /> whose ma�ling address Is P•O. Box 2280, Grand Islan�� NE 68802 (herein•'T�ustee").and ' �.�
<br /> the 8eneficfary, Five Poip.�s Han�C ,
<br /> whose mailiny addtes9 is P-O. Box 150�� Grand Island, NE 68802 (here�n"Len¢ier"�.
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIQERATtON,lnoluding Lender's extension ot credil identilied herein to Kenneth L. R0.98 e3iid �
<br /> BE�fC@ L.M. Ro98 (herein"Borrower",whether one or more)and the trust herein created,
<br /> the teceipt ot which is hareby acknowledged,Trustor hereby irrevocably grants, transiers, conveys and assigns to Trustee,iN j
<br /> TRUST,WITH POWHR OF SALE,for the benetit and security ot Lender,under and�ubject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set ' .
<br /> __ tn�,th�.�nn4 nrn�artv,rinae:rlhwc!aa fqltows: - - - � _
<br /> See Exhibit "A" attached
<br /> Together with all buildtn�s, improvements,flxtures, st�eeta, alieys,passageways,easementa,rlghts,prlvileges and appurte-
<br /> nances located thereo�o�in anywise pertalning thereto,and the rents,issues and profite,reveraiona and rema;nders the�eof,and�
<br /> such peraonal prope►ry that is attached to the Improvements so as to constitute a fixture,including,but not Iimited to,heatine Bnd
<br /> cooling equipment;and together wlth the homestead or marital interests,if any,which intereata are horehy released and walved;atl!
<br /> of which,includinp replacements and additions thereto,is hereby declared to be a part o1 the real estate secured by the Uenof thi�
<br /> j Deed of Trust end all of the foregoing being reterred to herein as the"Property".
<br /> � Thia peed of Truat shall secure(a)the payment of the principal sum and�nterest evidenced by a promissory note or credit
<br /> agreement dated �toE�et 3U� 1989 ,havieg a matunry date oi ��r 30, 1990 .
<br /> in the original principal emount of S 27��'� .and any and all moditications,extensions and renewals
<br /> thereof or thereto and any and eU future advances and reac�vances to Borrower (or any of them if more than one) hereunder � ��
<br /> pursuant to one or more promissory�otes or credit agreements(herein called"Note"):(b)the payment of other sums advanced by
<br /> Lender to proteci the sacurity of the Note:(c)the pertormance of all covenants a��d agreements of Trustor set forth herein;and(d)all _.
<br /> present and future indebtedness and obligations of Borrower(or any of them if more than one)to Lender whether direct,indirect, : _
<br /> absolute or contingent and whether arising by note,guaranty,overdraf!or otherwise.The Note,this Deed of Trust and anyand all `••=-
<br /> other docuente that secure the Note o►otherwise exocuted in connection therewith,inc�uding wiihout limitation guaranteas,securiry � =
<br /> agreemente and assignments of leases and rents,shall be referred to herein as the°Loan Instruments". -
<br /> Trustor covenants and agrees with Lender as Tollows:
<br /> t. Payn�nl ol Ind�bt�dtl*sa.All lndebtedness sec�red hereby sha11 be Daid when due.
<br /> 2. Tili�.Trustor is the owner ot the Property, has ihe right end autfiority to convey the Rroperty,and warrants thai the lien
<br /> created hereby is a ilrst and pripr lien o�the Property, except for iiens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor in writing and
<br /> delivered to Lender before execution ot this Deed oi Trust,and the execution and delivery of this Oeed of Trust does not violate any
<br /> . contract or other obligatlon to which Trustor is subject.
<br /> 3. T�xt�,Assttsm�nb.To pay betore delirquency aN taxes,special assessments and all other cha;ges against the Propertyr
<br /> nAw or hereatter Ievled.
<br /> 4. (nsurane�.To keep the Property insured against damage by fire,ha2aras included within the terrr►"extended coverage",and
<br /> such otAer hazarda as Lender may require,in amounts and with companies acceptable to Lender narr;ng Lender as an additional
<br /> nemed'eRSUre�,w�th loss payable to the Lender.In cese of lc5ss under suCh poliCies.the Lender is authorized to adjust,Collect and
<br /> comprm�s:se,a1!c(aima thereunder and shall have the optio�e ot applyir,g all or part oi the insurance p�eceeds(iti to a�y indebcedness
<br /> seCUred t�eroby end in such order as Lsnder may determine.(il)to the Trustor to bs used tor the repair os restorat�on ot the Property ���``!�
<br /> or(iii)}ar eny other p;�spose or object satisfactory to Lender without affectin�the I�en of this Oeed of Ts�st fo�the fuil amount secu(ed `
<br /> hereby before�uCh{rayment ever took ptace�.Any application pf proceer��s to indebtednesa shaff not extend ar postpone the due I
<br /> date ot any payments under the Note,o�cure any default thereunder or hereunder. ' ! �
<br /> 5. Escrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shaf!pay to l,ender,in such manner as Lender may Qes:gnate,su(}i�ient ' �
<br /> sums to enabte Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the frstiawing:(i)atl tazes,essessments and other chargss agasnst , .
<br /> !he f'roperty.(ii)the premiums on the property rn�uranca�eq�:�ed�rere�srtder,end(iii)the prerr:iur�s on any mortgage irtsurarce �
<br /> required by Lendet.
<br /> � 6. Ma(nt�rfanc�. R�pain snd Comptlanco viitb Lsws. �'rustor shall keep the i�roperty �n good condition and repair: shall
<br /> pro�nptty repelr, or replace gny �mprovement whiah may be damaged nr destroyed: Sl�all no1 Commit or perntit any wast�or
<br /> deJ9roiat�on of the P�operty,sheH not rpmOVe,demotish O►SubStantially a�ter eny ot the improvements on the Properry; shaf►not
<br /> cnmmit,suffer or permit any ect to bo d�ne in or upon the P►operty in v�olation ot a�7y Iaw,ordinance,or regutation,and shall pay and
<br /> prv+�i�,t�y d���ar�e et Trusior'g c;osi�nd expensv all uens,encs�mbrances and cnarges iev�ed, �mposed or assossed aga�nst tne
<br /> Properry or any parf thertso! �
<br /> 7 Ertfk1M1 DOln�M.lendo� �S hE�tUt�y oss�gngd F�U Lompeng�tiOn.�wqYds.dBm�gES F�nd othttr p�ympnts or rc�l�pl(horoin3itEtr �'
<br /> 'PrO�de�B")�r��Ofinr3Gti0n w�ih cUndCmnation tlr othor t7kinp of�t;o�'rUpo►ty pr p8rt there0f.or}Or Convey�nCm.n h0u ol c�ndornna•
<br /> ti�n lend�r flhal�be ont�llo�f nt�19 OGUOn tU CO���mE1nG9.3ppoar �n�ncJ proseCutf3 m it;O+t�n npmp�ny ;vChnn or procood�ng5 rind
<br /> ,�',hd111 if�BL bA ff��LdRF'd tn rnnkc��7�+y t:0�r+ptom��U Or�U1fit!ti1Q/i1 i�GdfUtE�GT�G�� Vl+lh g�at.li 18k�I��O�A3fntl�jf• Irt!h(9 OvCni i�ny poit��,n[,}
<br /> kllt 2{S��h.�vr,r:�.allsx'.�r.�': EN �
<br /> �✓ 'N$�b`Y- .rs•8i�0 d�cw.r.1IP+0 A At�,-!I L�..�yt A�Y,!.�:�w�.1.,w,�; eip.e:fa
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